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All quotes directly from Brian e-mails who, by his own admission below, has "rectified or assisted in rectification of
dozens and dozens of natals":

"The MAIN problem here is your use of the first trade date. I have maintained for years that this date is NOT the
correct natal chart for most companies. You need to rectify the correct natal. I will give you a quick example. The
company 'Microsoft' was incorporated YEARS before it publicly traded. To use the first trade date as the 'natal'
would VOID the companies existance before the first trade. This is insane. It is saying exactly 'Microsoft did not
exist until it was traded'...does that make LOGICAL sense? Microsofts stock price is vibrating off its TRUE natal.
Microsoft is NOT vibrating off its stock price...i.e. the stock price is not causing 'events' to occur within Microsoft.
Astrologers that are telling you to use the first trade date have not properly investigated HOW to use the correct

"The correct natal will give you your turns. It will give you the 'cause' of the turns. It is absolutely tradable and
consistantly profitable."

"On Bonnies site notice that her Wheat natal is different than Ganns. I have tested Bonnies
[ ] and it works consistantly. On
others...even Ganns, be VERY careful. Before you assume any natal to be correct you must test it. The data will
ALWAYS tell you the EXACT natal. The PROOF is in the puddin. That is the science. Many 'financial astrologers'
use the first trade date off of companies. They make an assumption that it 'must' be the correct natal. In science
we assume nothing. Say you go to your Doctor with a broken leg. You communicate to your Doctor that your leg
is broken. This is the correct way. Your Doctor just does not come in the room and 'assume' you have a otitus
media of the left ear and go to work on it. That would be insane."

" need an intimate understanding of how a specific stock vibrates. This will take some time to learn but pays
very very well. Involved in this is the natal of the stock."

"People generally believe that the natal is 1) First trading day 2) incorporation day. 3) Inc. date set for noon. So
we have 3 possibilies that the 'Gann public' is aware of. Which one is correct? If one was to caste the wrong chart
it would be equivalent to trying to figure me out while looking at LB's chart (it will not work).

"What TAC did went far beyond anything I have ever seen in a book written on the subject. They went and got all
this data THEN let the stock tell them which one was correct! They let the vibrations of the stocks price tell them
the exact natal.

"John, please dont take it as I am criticising you as that is not at all my goal. There is a mistake that many are
making in this field. That mistake is that they 'assume' they have the correct natal. Then, after running all these
tests they give up as 'it didnt work'. This is the equivalent of me giving an astrologer 3 different birthdays and
times. The 'astrologer' picks one and tries to tell me about me. The premise is faulty because the astrologer
'guessed' at which one was correct. That is not scientific.

"So. I would like to recommend a 'next step' to you. Get a very long stream of data for the stock or commodity you
are interested in. When I worked with a few individuals to rectify At&T they had about 100 years of daily data. This
was sweet. Made the whole thing a big cake walk. Yes, 60-70 years will suffice but the more the better."

"I just wanted to expand on one point here. As I am sure you personally know by now it is 'critical' to let the data
tell you which date is correct. I see even owners of other sites saying things like 'you have to use first trade' or this
or that. This is where so many that make the attempt go wrong. The goal is to eventually get to the point where
you can time the market, with the correct natal. Certain planetary hits to the natal will also have more of any
impact then other planetary hits so once you believe you have the correct natal (or at least a set of operable
points) you want to go through the planets one by one. You want to do this by hand to get a 'feel' of how different
(transiting) planets produce turns or the lack there of. Some astro gurus have publicly stated that Commodities
can not have natals. Being since you were at the seminar you know this to be incorrect as mathematical proof
was shown. Saying something 'does not have a natal' is saying it 'has no origin'."

about:blank 16-Apr-20
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"The CORRECT natal is a very powerful trading tool."

"From before this group was founded I have been saying the following because of the argument between first
trade/ incorporation that astrologers propound:

"'A natal chart must be proved out; DO NOT ASSUME ANY NATAL'

"By that I mean the price action MUST be found to vibrate to the proposed natal.

"Furthermore I have rectified or assisted in rectification of dozens and dozens of natals. In all that NOT ONE has
vibrated to a first trade date. I then realized this was illegal in the US and I will
tell you why. In the US BEFORE, BEFORE a stock can be publicly traded the underlying company MUST have
transacted business. A natal is a beginning afirst trade is NOT a beginning OF THE
UNDERLYING company."

"Johndro developed the Vertex point or at least everything points back to him. There is a distinct connection
between Jhondro [sic] and Gann. It is this Vertex point that enables natals to be CONSISTANTLY and accurately
rectified. Individuals who are unaware of this generally only reach the level where they notice when certain points
get hit by planets there are turns, therefore something from the natal must be at that point. that is it, their wisdom
ends there so they go back to the first trade and they cast a chart in hopes something is there, many time of
course it is not so they finagle the time. TRUTH is you have to go digging for the history of the MEETINGS. No
need to worry the market gurus ask the PR people at the Xchanges for more information. They usually get sent
away with worthless info. Now this is where the REAL researcher steps up, he/she goes beyond the PR front and
digs and digs until she/he finds the truth."

And, as I noted earlier today:

My obligatory link on natals is: (which

eventually leads to TAC's/Jim's work on natals as well as Bonnie Lee Hill's wheat natal post in WITS). See also
Brian: .

Finally, see also Brian's "From Natals to Profits" ("Millions upon Millions have been made consistently using this
method over the years!"):

best, romeman

about:blank 16-Apr-20

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