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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 138 Issue 6 Friday, April 17, 2020 90 cents plus tax

Spanish Flu Outbreak of

1918 Affected Minnedosa
Birthday Parade

T he current COVID-19
worldwide pandem-
ic is being compared by
many to what the world
experienced just over 100
years ago during the Span-
ish Influenza outbreak of
1918. Although there are
no precise figures avail-
able, the Spanish Flu is be-
lieved to have infected an
estimated 500 million peo-
ple and killed at least 50
million people worldwide.
This form of influenza, an
H1N1 strain, took the lives
of approximately 55,000
Canadians. Many of its
victims were young, under
the age of five or between
the ages of 20 and 40, and
were considered to be oth-
erwise healthy individuals.
Individuals over the age of Photo by Darryl Holyk
65 were also at risk.
The lower level of the Minnedosa Court House
The Spanish flu hit
many areas hard, includ- was fitted as an auxiliary hospital during the
ing our local area. Looking Spanish Flu outbreak in late 1918.
Photos by Nancy Miller
back through old editions
diers died and by October enforce this rule.
of our historic Tribune, we One of the decorated parade entries that surprised Jaden Trotz (inset) on
12th, several cases of the As the local Lady Min-
find that Minnedosa was
flu were reported in the to Hospital was filled to
his birthday last week. In addition to a number of decorated vehicles, the
not safe from this outbreak. birthday parade also included the Minnedosa Fire Department fleet.
province. capacity with patients, the
Numerous health related
The first mention of Provincial Government of- By NANCY MILLER birthday, Teena put a post Minnedosa that we have
precautions and practices,
the Spanish Flu in the lo- fered the lower part of the on Facebook asking peo- never even met, for par-
similar to what we have in

cal area was found in the Minnedosa Court House n April 8th, Jaden ple to drive by their home ticipating in the parade to
place today for COVID-19,
October 24th, 1918 edition to be fitted as an auxiliary Trotz celebrated his in parade style to help her make my son’s birthday
affected our area and nu-
of The Minnedosa Tribune. hospital. “Several patients 14th birthday very differ- make Jaden’s birthday spe- one very memorable birth-
merous local deaths were
Under the Local News col- are accommodated there ently than previous birth- cial. day,” expressed Teena.
reported as a result of the
umn, four influenza deaths for treatment and there is days. On his birthday, last “We’re all going through
Spanish Flu.
were reported - two in an efficient staff of nurses,” Jaden’s mom, Teena, Wednesday, at 1 p.m., ap- tough times right now and
According to informa-
Minnedosa, one north of reported The Tribune. That saw a video online of a proximately 15 vehicles the look on his face when
tion from the Manitoba
town and one from Rapid same edition also carried boy celebrating his birth- including the local fire the parade started is some-
Historical Society, the
City. the following report: “The day social distancing style. trucks drove past Jaden’s thing I will never forget”.
Spanish Flu is believed to
The following week’s CPR officials here are do- The boys parents asked the home and greeted him This past Wednesday,
have arrived in Manitoba
edition, October 31st, re- ing everything possible to town to help wish her son a with many honks, happy April 15th, saw another
on September 30th, 1918,
ported two more local prevent the spread of in- Happy Birthday by parad- birthday shout-outs, bal- parade roll through town.
when a train carrying re-
deaths from the flu and fluenza. The station build- ing past their home in their loons and banners. A few Local RCMP, EMS and
turning World War One
stated that Minnedosa ing, branch line coaches, vehicles. Teena thought, spectators also came out to firefighters drove through
soldiers arrived in Win-
Health Officials had or- cabooses and bunk houses “what a wonderful idea.” watch the special birthday town with lights and sirens
nipeg. Aboard that train
dered all residents to wear are all regularly fumigated Jaden had a birthday com- parade. going as a special thank
were three soldiers who
a mask while in places of at intervals.” ing up and was unable to “I personally want to you to our essential work-
had the virus. Manitoba’s
business or going inside celebrate with his extend- thank my friends, fam- ers. Watch next week’s
first Spanish Flu civilian
any other public place. Lo- Continued ed family and friends as ily, Minnedosa Firefight- Tribune for full coverage.
death came on October
cal police were directed to on Page 5 usual. A week before his ers and the residents of
3rd, when two of the sol-
2 Friday, April 17, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Prairie Mountain Reports First COVID-19 Death

By NANCY MILLER All health regions in any COVID-19 health care ness of COVID-19 by en-
Manitoba have been af- related issues.” Will this hancing screening practic-

O ver the Easter long

weekend Dr. Brent
Roussin, Chief Provincial
fected by COVID-19 and
the numbers of confirmed
or probable positive cases
clinical trial determine if
Hydroxychloroquine can
help prevent people from
es for all staff and residents
for fever and respiratory
issues, restricting visitors
Public Health Officer of identified as of Wednes- contracting this disease or into the facilities unless it
Manitoba, stated the num- day, April 15th were: 186 in better yet treat this virus is for end of life reasons,
bers of COVID-19 cases in Winnipeg, 27 in Southern, that has turned our worlds enhanced cleaning and
the province were hold- 18 in Interlake-Eastern, upside down? We will have sanitizing in all facilities,
ing steady with no new 12 in Prairie Mountain to wait and see. cancelling all group activi-
confirmed cases on Easter and three in Northern. In regards to our ties and communal dining
Sunday, April 12th. “Mani- As of Wednesday, the front-line workers, the and by offering more edu-
toba efforts in staying total number of confirmed Manitoba Premier, Brian cation in regards to hand
home and practicing so- cases in Canada sat at over Pallister announced April hygiene, personal protec-
cial distancing are having 28,000. There have been 14th, that all healthcare tive equipment, and other
a positive impact that is 1.000 COVID-19 related and essential staff will re- COVID-19 issues that may
needed to help flatten the deaths across the country. ceive compensation for a arise.”
curve of Covid-19,” stated Meanwhile worldwide, the full 14-day period if they It was announced on
Roussin. He thanked all total number of confirmed have been exposed to CO- April 14th, by Prime Min-
Manitobans for their on- cases is sitting at over two VID-19 and are required ister, Justin Trudeau, that
going assistance, knowing million with over 130,000 to self-isolate. Also, if a $72.6 million will be allo-
it has been very difficult to of those cases resulting in worker starts to develop cated towards our north-
keep distance from family death and over 500,000 Manitoba’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Brent symptoms of COVID-19 ern provinces, territories,
and friends during this cri- having recovered. Roussin, provides daily COVID-19 updates. while at home in self isola- and Nunavut to aid in the
sis and especially during The Manitoba gov- tion, the individual will be delivery of grocery sup-
the holiday weekends. ernment has extended also stated this is not the more community based.” compensated by sick leave plies and medical supplies
Unfortunately, on the public health order time to lift any of these re- A new, five million benefits pursuant to their due to the recent shortages
Wednesday, April 15th, which was set to expire strictions and Manitobans dollar COVID-19 research collective agreement. This they have been experienc-
another COVID-19 related April 14th, to now expire should continue doing ex- fund, through Research subsidy with be retroactive ing.
death was reported by the on April 28th. That means actly what they are doing, Manitoba, was announced to March 1st. “This change Dr. Roussin is remind-
province. The latest victim all non-essential services staying home, washing on April 8th by Health, Se- will give workers piece of ing all Manitobans to con-
was a woman in her 60s and businesses will re- hands, and maintaining niors, and Active Living mind knowing they can tinue to be aware of false
from the Prairie Moun- main closed, gatherings social distancing. Minister, Cameron Fri- take the necessary time to information being spread
tain Health Region. This is of 10 people or more will As of April 14th, the esen. “This fund will help protect themselves, their about any COVID-19 re-
the first COVID-19 related remain prohibited, restau- Brandon COVID-19 test- support clinical trials, one patients, coworkers, and lated issues and to please
death in our local region. rants and bars will remain ing site relocated to a new being the clinical trial to the surrounding commu- rely on the Manitoba Gov-
As of Wednesday, the closed for dine in but may drive thru location in the see if the drug Hydroxy- nity,” Pallister stated. ernment website www.
province reported a total of still offer take out services, Brandon Town Centre. This chloroquine, brand name Our personal care, or the
246 cases. Of those cases, taxis and public transit location will be open seven Plaquenil, which is used homes continue to be a Government of Canada
nine were in hospital with may remain running with days a week. Prairie Moun- for treating Rheumatology high priority to the Mani- website
108 reported recoveries extra precaution, ensuring tain Health approved this issues can be safely used as toba government as the en/public-health to ensure
and 132 active cases. Two social distancing and sani- move stating that “most a treatment for COVID-19,” elderly have a much higher you have the most recent
previous cases which had tation, and all preplanned provincial testing stations stated Friesen. “It will also risk of developing this virus and accurate information.
been considered probable trips, within Canada or are not located in an acute provide support for lo- if they are exposed to it. Dr.
positive have since been outside Canada, be can- care facility and feel the cal researchers to develop Roussin stated, “they have
ruled as negative. celled. The government downtown location will be solutions associated with improved their prepared-

Don’t Let Social Distancing

Get the Best of Your Well Being
By NANCY MILLER digital therapy program from Morneau Shepell, which
is available to all Manitobans experiencing low to mid

S ocial distancing may be starting to feel like isolation

to you, if so please hear us when we say, “you are not
alone.” Being away from family and friends is never easy
symptoms of anxiety due to the pandemic. For more in-
formation regarding this online service, visit the website
and if you are not careful, it can play havoc on your men- Help Next Door MB is a network of helpers coming
tal health. together as a community. If you are a volunteer ready
The truth is, we are all overwhelmed with this pan- to provide your support or someone who needs a help-
demic, COVID-19, and the unfortunate part about being ing hand through these difficult times, this platform can
20043dd0 overwhelmed is what comes along with it, loneliness, connect you. Visit the website at for
uncertainty, anger, and even paranoia of the unknown. more information.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said last week that this Ask for help from your health care providers, spiri-
will be the new normal until a vaccination is developed. tual care providers and advisors, or professional counsel-
He also stated he is expecting COVID-19 to peak in the lors.
summer months. I don’t know about you but the thought Eleanor Snitka, Mood Disorders Association of Man-
of social distancing for the next four months makes me itoba, set up chat lines on Facebook for people to stay
very emotional. connected. Snitka says “It is a place people can express
Here are just a few resources that are available to their emotions, help eachother, and add posts of encour-
you, if you find yourself in a difficult place either physi- agement and hope.”
cally or emotionally: If someone you know reaches out, the best advice
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 is there for our one can offer is to just listen and be empathetic to their
younger generation that require or want help during this individual emotions. Everyone is fighting a battle no one
trying time and is Canada’s only national helpline for in- knows about, so be kind.
dividuals between the ages of five and 20. Simple gestures like, decorating your windows can
Mental Health Virtual Care Program is a new also let your neighbours know you are thinking of them.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 17, 2020 3

Tourism Gala Postponed But Nominations Are Open

By NANCY MILLER their local community attracting visitors outside their re- and who enhances visitor experiences.
gion and positively promotes southwestern Manitoba.

D o you happen to know someone that stands out

within the community? Someone who is an active
volunteer, organization or event that has promoted and
Event of the Year Award (over $5,000) - is a tribute
given to a festival or event that created an impact with
Indigenous Tourism Award – is a tribute given to an
Indigenous product, service, or experience that demon-
strates cultural authenticity and sensitivity to the ecologi-
increased Minnedosa tourism? Or possibly, a business or their local community attracting visitors outside their re- cal, cultural and economic integrity of their community.
service provider who gives the utmost in excellence by al- gion and positively promotes southwestern Manitoba.
ways going above and beyond for their customers? In past years, Minnedosa has been home to a few
Much like many events, the 17th Annual Tribute to Volunteer of the Year Award – is a tribute given to a very exceptional individuals and organizations. In recent
Tourism Award Gala has been postponed due to the CO- person who gives an outstanding effort in local tourism year’s Maddy Grant and Rayna Topham won the tourism
VID-19 pandemic. The original date of June 3rd has been activity. award in the Aspiring Youth category. Chantelle Parrott
pushed to a later, undetermined date, but do not worry, and the Valley Life campaign was awarded the Market-
you can still get your nominations in to Tourism West- Marketing Excellence Award – is a tribute given to a ing Excellence Award, and Dirty Lake Outfitters won the
man for any of the eight categories and there is no dead- business, organization, event, or attraction that efficient- award for Service Excellence, just to name a few.
line for submissions at this time. ly uses different media sources to campaign for south- To submit a nomination, you will need to down-
The eight nomination categories are as follows, western Manitoba. load or print the nomination form, for which category,
at www.tourism All required information
Aspiring Youth Award – is a tribute given to an in- Partnership Award – is a tribute given to local busi- on that form needs to be filled out and emailed back to
dividual under the age 29 for their motivation as a volun- nesses or organizations that partnered together to pro- If you have any questions or
teer, employee, and/or entrepreneur. mote Tourism in a particular area. concerns, please feel free to call them toll free at 1-888-
303-2232 or check their website at www.tourismwest-
Event of the Year Award (under $5,000) - is a tribute Service Excellence Award – is a tribute given to a
given to a festival or event that created an impact within business or organization that delivers excellent service

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $25 minimum order)
APRIL 10TH - APRIL 16TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

D’Italiano Bread/Buns assorted.........328-675g ...... $2.79 Snackpack Pudding or Juicygels assorted........................... 4x99g ..............$1.59
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Cereal ..................................................440g ..............$3.69 Orville Redenbacher’sPopcorn ..............................................492g ..............$4.19
Froot Loops/Corn Pops/Rice Krispies cereal 320-440g ...... $3.69 PC Triple Chocolate Brownie Mix or Scone Mix .................535g ..............$2.99
Kraft Peanut Butter assorted.....................................................1kg ..............$4.99 NN Cocoa CP ...........................................................................454g ..............$4.99
Nature Valley Bars assorted ............................................ 130-230g ..............$2.49 PC Decadent Chocolate Chips assorted ........................ 226-300g ..............$2.79
BC Froot By The Foot/Gushers assorted........................ 128-226g ..............$2.49 Spam Luncheon Meat ............................................................340g ..............$3.79
Heinz Beans assorted ........................................................... 398ml ..............$1.35
Campbell RW Soup assorted ............... 284ml ...... $0.89 Puritan Stew assorted..............................................................700g ..............$2.59
Quaker Instant Oatmeal assorted .................................. 232-344g ..............$3.29 Easy Off Oven Cleaner assorted .................................400g-475ml ..............$5.79
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish assorted .............................. 180-200g ..............$2.69 Pledge Natural Beauty Lemon ................................................275g ..............$5.79
Pringles assorted .....................................156g ...... $2.49 PC XMeaty Dog Food assorted ..............................................7.2kg ............$18.99
Catelli Whole Wheat Macaroni/Spaghetti .............................375g ..............$2.29 NN Cream Cheese Brick .........................................................250g ..............$3.00
Bounce Fabric Softner assorted ....................................... 70-80ea ..............$5.00 Becel Margarine tub soft .........................................................454g ..............$3.29
PC Pancake Mix Buttermilk Complete ..................................905g ..............$2.69 Simply Orange Juice assorted ............................................... 1.54lt ..............$4.00
Nabob Traditional Coffee Fine Grind CP ..............................930g ............$17.99 PC Bar Marble/Old LF ............................................................400g ..............$5.99
PC Pop ............................................ 12x355ml ...... $4.00 PC Shreds triple Cheddar .......................................................320g ..............$5.99
Oasis Juice assorted .............................................................. 960ml ..............$1.59 PC BBY Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough .................................468g ..............$2.49
Fruite Drinks or Tetley Iced Tea assorted 2lt ...... $1.99 Fruitopia Strawberry Passion or Minute Maid Punch ........ 1.75lt ..............$2.79
Dare Ultimate Cream Cookies or Wagon Wheels ........ 290-300g ..............$2.99 Source Yogurt STR/FLD/RASP/PCH .....................................100g ..............$6.49
PC Dry Peanuts assorted .......................700g ...... $4.79


NN Wieners ............................................................................450g ............. $2.89
FM Brownies Two Bite ............................................................300g ............. $3.49 PC Pub Chicken Nuggets or Strips .........................................700g ............. $5.99
Lean Cuisine or Stouffers Dinners assorted ................. 212-246g ............. $2.59 NN Crispy Southern Chicken ..................................................1kg ........... $14.99
Ristorante or Casa Di Mama Pizza assorted ................. 325-365g ............. $3.99 Top Sirloin Beef Roast or Steak ........................ $6.99/lb
FM F/Style Ice Cream assorted ...................... 4lt ...... $6.99 Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breast Frozen ............................4kg ......$26.99/ea
NN Fries assorted ......................................................................1kg ............. $1.89 Porkshoulder Blade Steak ........................................................................ $2.79/lb

Roasting Chicken Frozen ......................................................................... $3.29/lb

GH Orange,Red,Yellow Sweet Peppers XL ............................................. $2.99/lb OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK •
Strawberries, Blackberries ................................... $2.99
PC Mini Gems Potatoes assorted ..........................................680g ............. $2.99 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
Iceberg Lettuce .............................................................................................. $2.29
FM Mini Carrots ........................................................................ 2lb ............. $3.29 ALL PRICES ARE PLUS GST, PST & OTHER LEVIES WHERE APPLICABLE
Grape Pint Tomatoes ..................................................................................... $2.99 *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES
4 Friday, April 17, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Around Enforcing COVID-19 Public Health Orders

Fines of $486 for individuals and $2,542 for businesses

T he Manitoba government and the City of Winni-

peg are working in collaboration for an ‘Opera-
cility or premises.
Effective immediately, fine amounts for breach-
ing these emergency orders will be set at $486 for indi-
viduals and $2,542 for businesses.
By Darryl Holyk tion Safe Apart’ pandemic public health enforcement Manitoba will be implementing a multi-tiered
strategy, including new pre-set fines for individuals or enforcement approach to enforcing orders, which
business owners who disregard public health orders, will include public education, written warning or ul-
Another temporary change… to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Premier Bri- timately, enforcement actions such as ticketing or ar-
You may have noticed a new name appearing on sto- an Pallister and Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman an- rest if necessary, the premier said.
ries in last week’s Tribune. Our reporter, Karen, has tak- nounced last Thursday, April 9th. “I want to thank all those who are doing their part
en a temporary leave of absence and in the few months “Everyone has a role to play in reducing the spread by staying home, practising physical distancing and
that she is off the job, Nancy Miller has stepped up to fill of COVID-19, and the majority of Manitobans are ad- respecting the measures put in place by the Manitoba
in. Nancy can be reached for story ideas by calling the hering to good social distancing practices and chang- government,” said Bowman.  “While most in our com-
Tribune office (204-867-3816) or emailing reporter@ ing how they operate at home, in their community and munity are doing their part, there are some who are within their business,” said Pallister.  “Unfortunately, not getting the message.”
there is still a need to have additional measures in Measures involving public health officers working
place to address situations where people are ignoring in conjunction with local police services, First Nation
Unemployment soars… the advice of our health experts.  These changes will police services and the RCMP are also in place for mu-
The latest numbers from Statistics Canada show the give enforcement officers more tools to help curb the nicipalities outside of Winnipeg.  Plans are underway
number of people unemployed in Canada has increased. spread of the virus.” to expand these and adopt measures similar to those
This is certainly not a surprise during this pandemic. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the prov- announced for Winnipeg.  These include engaging
The numbers show that there are more than one million ince declared a state of emergency on March 20th, municipal bylaw officers, community and First Nation
workers currently unemployed in our country and here which included orders under The Public Health Act to safety officers, community volunteer groups such as
in Manitoba, more than 23,000 people have lost their job help reduce the spread of the virus including: restric- Citizens on Patrol, and Manitoba Conservation offi-
in the past month. Premier Brian Pallister stated that he tions on public gatherings to 10 or fewer people,  re- cers who will work with respective police services.
expects these numbers to get worse, during his address quire the closure of non-essential businesses, and en- Outside of Winnipeg, reports of non-compliance
to the public on Easter Monday. forcement of social distancing measures by businesses can be made to the Manitoba Government Inquiry
and services that remain open including ensuring a (MGI) inquiry line at 204-945-3744 or by email at
two-metre distance is kept between people in the fa-
The unknown…
We are all wondering it and so many people are ask-
ing, when will this COVID-19 Pandemic get under con-
trol so that we can get back to our normal ways of life.
Sadly, at this time, no one can give an answer. We are all
living in unknown, unchartered territory and there is no
way of knowing or even predicting when this pandemic
Focus on Your Self-Care
will come to an end. For now, we continue to live in a By KIM BURGESS stillness, silence, journaling, prayer or meditation, art,
changed world and can only hope that before too ter- Satori Counselling music, or simply a warm cup of tea. Through awareness
ribly long, we can go back to normal. Hang in there be and setting the intention, we develop our own individual
wise, exercise patience and remember, we are all in this
together. We will get through it! N ow more than ever we are hearing the phrase “self-
care”, now more than ever this notion of self-care has
become essential to our day to day wellbeing. So, what
emotional intelligence which will answer the question –
what is my self-care practice?
In the days and weeks to come, take time to create a
exactly is self-care? Those who study how our brains, space in your day to explore how best to honour thyself
On hold… bodies and central nervous systems function would say with a nurturing self-care exercise.
Usually, this is the time of the year that we are busy that the first step to self-care would be to know thyself. To
putting together and selling ads for our local tourism be present and aware enough to notice how you are feel-
guide, The Minnedosa Beachcomber. While some pre- ing at any given moment throughout the day. Next would Letters to the Editor
pandemic work was done on our Beachcomber, its pub- be to know healthy practices that are effective for you to The Minnedosa Tribune welcomes Letters to the
lication is currently on hold. As we do not, at this time, maintain or restore your nervous system to a regulated Editor. All letters must include the writers full name,
know what our upcoming tourist season might look like, state of being. And then, applying the practice as you al- address, and telephone number. Only the writer’s
we are waiting it out like everyone else. While we do not low for the restoration to occur. name will be published; address and phone number
expect our 2020 edition of the Beachcomber to come out For many, life may have been busy for so long they are required for confirmation. Anonymous letters will
for the May long weekend, as has been tradition, we do have lost touch with how it actually feels to be emotion- not be published. Letters that are deemed libelous,
hope to be able to publish our annual local tourism guide ally balanced. For others, current conditions may have in bad taste, or describe an incident involving other
at some point later in the year. When and whether or not pulled you away from safe and predictable routines, re- people, will not be published.
that will actually happen will depend on what happens sulting in unease or uncertainty. The Minnedosa Tribune reserves the right to
with COVID-19. Ideal self-care practices are those that are read- edit letters based on taste, legality, clarity, and
ily assessable, cost little to nothing, and are not reliant length. Letters to the Editor can be submitted in
upon outside people or circumstances. Fitting these cri- person, sent by mail to Box 930, Minnedosa, MB
TRIBUNE DEADLINE teria would be activities such as reading, taking photos R0J 1E0, by fax (204) 867-5171, or by email to
of nature, scheduling a nap, any movement of the body,
Tuesday at 12 Noon
Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
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All contents copyright 2020
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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 17, 2020 5

Spanish Flu Took Its Toll

Continued from Page 1

We also know that

Health Officer, assizes for
the local judicial district
had been further post- Ye O l d
public schools were closed poned until March 1919.
for a period as a result of The exact number
the Spanish Flu outbreak, of Minnedosa and sur-
but were unable to track rounding area residents
down exactly what date who became sick or died
local schools were closed. as a result of the Spanish
The November 14th edi- Flu is not known, but we
tion of The Tribune men- do know through various
tioned that if there were sources that there were
1920 – The Minnedosa Power Company resumed
no further local cases of more than the few cases
control of its powerhouse after the lease with the Town
the epidemic reported that and deaths reported with-
schools would re-open in the pages of The Tribune
Monday, however, the fol- at the time.
lowing week’s paper stated Some year’s ago, one 1940 - Warlike maneuvers were held in Minnedosa
that this did not happen local senior shared with during the weekend when a rolling terrain under an
as the health officer felt This ad from local druggist, R.T. Butchart, me that she had lost her open sky served as the classroom for 77 officers of Mil-
that “Minnedosa was not appeared in the October 24th, 1918 edition 20-year-old brother to itary District No. 10 of Winnipeg.
sufficiently free from the of The Tribune advertising products to the flu in October 1918.
epidemic of flu”. By the prevent influenza, including the old As they resided on a farm 1950 – On April 21st, the new Minnedosa and District
December 12th edition of cure-all, Cod Liver Oil. southeast of town, she re- Hospital opened. In attendance were Manitoba Pre-
The Tribune, it appears lo- called her brother’s body mier, Douglas Campbell and Minister of Health and
cal schools had re-opened were reported in the No- cube around their neck. It being covered with a blan- Welfare, Ivan Schultz. The ribbon was cut by Dr. Jarod
as there was a mention of vember 7th edition. The was believed by some that ket and kept in the cold Andrew who opened his practice here in March 1895.
local boys walking home victims ages were 20, 25, 32 the strong odour of cam- basement of their home
from school through the and 41. An ad on the front phor would ward off the until a proper burial could 1960 – After lassoing a 200 pound Manitoba cinna-
rail yard. page of that edition, from virus. Some other early be held. She remembered mon bear near Kelwood, Hector and Galvin Burton
According to another the Manitoba Government home remedies included that as a young girl, she kept the bear in a steel granary on the farm of Norman
Tribune report, it appears Telephone, appealed to lo- gargling salt water, eating and her siblings were often Burton near Franklin. After three months here, the
the community of Newdale cal telephone subscribers oranges and of course, the asked to go down into the bear was, last Friday, coaxed into a shipping crate to
was determined to keep to restrict their calls as the old cure-all, Cod Liver Oil. basement to get potatoes be sent to the Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg.
the flu out, if at all possible. telephone service, working The November 21st or preserves during this
Stores in that village were with a reduced staff had edition of The Tribune time as their grief-stricken 1970 – Fred Bayes has been elected chairman of the
only open for a few hours become burdened with reported the death of a mother was unable to go Artificial Ice committee for the Minnedosa rink. Plans
each day and businesses thousands of “non-essen- 27-year-old man, original- down there and face her are underway for the installation of a color and pipe,
were only allowing en- tial” calls. On page three, ly from Iowa who had been sons’ lifeless body. Many the first step of this process which is expected to be
try to two or three people the Local News column in Minnedosa acting as a other local families most completed this year at a cost of $12,000.
at a time. Travellers and reported that many young relieving agent at the local likely had similar tragic ex-
strangers were not allowed ladies in Minnedosa had CPR station. A week later, periences during the Span-
1980 – A memorial bronze plaque has been stolen
to enter Newdale by car or discarded their regular di- the death of a 15-year-old ish Flu epidemic just over a
from the site of the old Wallace School, about four
train. amond pendant and were son of a local resident was century ago.
miles south of Rapid City. Police are investigating this
Four more local deaths now wearing a camphor reported along with three By the end of 1919,
theft of the 15x24 inch plaque which was valued at
flu related deaths north of it was reported that one-
$136 when placed in 1964.
Minnedosa in the Scan- third of the world’s popula-
dinavia and Mountain tion, including one-in-six
Roads districts. These vic- Canadians, had contracted 1990 – Minnedosa Co-op Service Station is selling
the Spanish Flu during the neon, “Just Say No” caps for $3.99 with a minimum 25
tims were aged 18, 20 and
outbreak and that more litres of gas and will donate one dollar form each cap
22. That same edition car-
than 1,200 Manitobans, sale to the local TADD (Teens Against Drinking and
ried a note of appreciation
had lost their lives to the Driving).
from Minnedosa Mayor,
W.G. Brown, thanking lo- illness. 100 years later, the
cal nurses, volunteers and world is again being affect- 2000 - At its Annual General Meeting, the Heritage
all who had assisted dur- ed by another major illness Co-op board announced that plans are underway to
ing the flu epidemic. There outbreak, but hopefully, consutrct a new three million dollar food store on the
was also a news item stat- COVID-19, will not come existing parking lot, east of the current Main Street
ing that, at the recommen- close to the death toll of store.The new store is hoped to be open by the end of
dation of the Provincial the Spanish Flu. the year.

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The Minnedosa Golf and Curling Complex Board received a Mountain Road and Neepawa)
grant of $5,000 to replace the overhead lighting on the Other Manitoba
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Online subscriptions $35 at POSTAL CODE:
6 Friday, April 17, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Planting Seeds While House Bound Learning From Home

leggy due to warm tem- directions on each seed
peratures and lack of light. package. Some seeds need
It is important to be able to be covered while oth-
to supply seedlings with ers require light to germi-
strong direct sunlight. nate and are therefore just
A south window sill is pressed firmly into the soil.
ideal, although while cool I always label each row
weather persists, it is best with a stake that has the
to take the plant trays off plant name and seeding
the window sill at night so date printed in permanent
as not to chill the plants. marker.
It is so easy to get carried Enclosing the planted
away when sowing seeds tray inside a plastic bag will
– the words “oh, just a few ensure that the soil does
more” seem to reverberate not dry out but don’t put
in our minds as we plant. the covered tray in direct
Your indoor space will sun as this would cause
soon fill up so plant only the temperature inside the
what you need and maybe plastic bag to get too high.
a couple of extra seeds in Check the tray a couple of
case the germination rate time a day and when you
isn’t 100%. see the first sign of seed-
I use a soilless mix, lings emerging from the
but before I use it I heat it soil, remove the plastic bag
in the oven for a couple of and put the tray in bright
Photo submitted hours at 250 degrees to kill light.
Whether you are a frequent gardener any pathogens. You can Keep the soil mod-
or have never planted one before, this is a plant your seeds in rows in erately moist and watch
great time to try planting some seeds. a container – I plant about in amazement as the tiny Photo by Darryl Holyk
five rows in one of those seedlings emerge from the
peat packs that are meant soil and grow quickly into By NANCY MILLER
By ALBERT PARSONS have seed displays in their to hold a dozen bedding small plants. If the seed-
stores. It is time to start plants. This technique lings lean toward the light
K elvin Goertzen, Manitoba’s Education Minister, has
announced that there will be an online resource
E arly April – and we were planting. Even if you have saves space and the seed- turn the tray each day so
both snow bound and never tried growing your lings start off tiny so until both sides of the plants available starting April 9th, for families whose children
house bound. Thankfully, own plants, this might be they are transplanted, they get adequate light. Next are learning from home due to schools being closed as a
we gardeners can pass the the ideal time to give this will be fine in such close time I will discuss how result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
time caring for our plants fun activity a try. quarters. Any container to transplant the seed- “This web portal, My Learning From Home, is a com-
and planning our up- Planting seeds indoors will do; it is best if it has lings and grow them into prehensive resource that will be updated regularly and
coming summer gardens. is a tricky business but we drainage holes. A tin can, healthy plants. If you have will be used to support, not replace, the impressive, qual-
Luckily seed catalogues gardeners have developed a Styrofoam takeout food any questions, give me a ity work that our teachers are doing remotely,” Goertzen
have allowed us to procure our own special tech- container, or a milk carton call. We gardeners must stated.
seeds without going out niques to ensure success. cut down to size are some stay connected during this My Learning From Home will provide supplemental
of the house – although a One of them is to not plant possibilities. stressful time. learning for students from Kindergarten through Grade
couple of local business- too early. Seedlings grown Have the soil moist but 12, by using home computers or tablets anytime of the
es that are still open also indoors soon become not sodden and read the day. Goertzen is also asking parents, caregivers, and stu-
dents to be curious and seek out learning resources to
help with homeschooling practices.

A Different Easter Weekend

The My Learning From Home website can be found
at, learning/index.html
Meanwhile, the province is also asking that Manito-
bans continue with social distancing and to also contin-
ue following the three Ps, Protect yourself, Protect your
Easter Long weekend loved ones and Protect your community.
looked very different
for local families and
friends this year.
Instead of the regular
family gatherings,
meals and community
Easter hunts, many
people took part in live
video chats, leaving
food and Easter treats
on the doorsteps
of loved ones,
decorating their
windows for people
passing buy, and The Minnedosa Rotary Club recently donated
attending online $1,000 to the Minnedosa and Area Food Bank.
church services. Rest Pictured are Minnedosa Food Bank team members
assured, the Easter and some of the items that were able
bunny was spotted out to be purchased with the funds.
and about and was The Minnedosa Rotary Club appreciates the
practicing social support the a Food Bank provides to members
distancing in each of our community.
Photo by Nancy Miller
home it visited.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 17, 2020 7

Newdale News IN MEMORIAM

In Loving Memory of
SUBMITTED daughter in March. Our Edith Kerr will be celebrat- DEBORAH JANETof
In Loving Memory
many congratulations are ing 93 years young! These SIDE (COOPER)

W e’d like to offer our

to John Lawrence who
being sent to grandparents
Albert and Holly Shurvell
and great grandmother
ladies are all former resi-
dents of town.
We’re pleased to hear
December 24th, 1954 -
December 24th,2010
April 18th, 1954 -
April 18th, 2010
completed the 2019-2020 Lil Farrend at Harrison that little Remi Pederson,
Hockey Season, playing in House. This pandemic is son of Darren and Colbi
Germany for the Pfaffen- definitely curtailing hugs of Medicine Hat, was able
hofen EC team. John’s and snuggles! to come home from the
hockey career has taken Everyone was glad to hospital last week, weigh-
him from the Yellowhead hear that Holly Shurvell ing about six pounds, up
Chiefs to the WJHL Hit- was sent home to Newdale from two pounds! Great
men and the University of when the corona-virus be- grandma Shirley Pederson
Saskatchewan, where they came more dangerous in is happy to be receiving
made it to the U Sports This photo, from the Newdale 2000 history book, Winnipeg Health Sciences pictures now.
National Tournament four shows the bank building as it originally Centre, for her to be going Harrison House is pro- Those we love don’t go away
times. John earned his Ag- appeared when built in 1906. for daily treatments. Much viding take-out meals for ThoseThey walkdon’t
we love beside
go away
ricultural Business Degree safer in Newdale Holly, seniors in Newdale, thanks us everyday.
They walk beside
at U of S and enjoyed his Morning recently about a “clad with a brick veneer” keep improving! to Meals Co-ordinator Lori Unseen, unheard
us everyday.
time in the “hops” grow- We’d like to send out Larsen. Please call a friend but always near.
large abandoned building at a later date. Some- Unseen, unheard
loved, still missed
ing area of Bavaria. His on Newdale’s Main Street. thing a lot of us who lived birthday wishes for April, today to help them pass always near.
and forever
parents Doug and Diane, He described the old brick here were never aware of. even though these folks these long days of isola- Still loved, missed
sister Judy and family, can bank building that now sits Thanks Gordon for the en- may be celebrating without tion! and forever dear.
Love Mom, Audrey, Brenda,
be very proud. empty. The most interest- lightening info. family parties. For April Take care, self isolate
Mom,and families.
Audrey, Brenda,
Gordon Goldsbor- ing fact he provided was Congratulations 17th we send out wishes to and talk on the phone a lot!
David and families.
ough, who pens the “Aban- that it was not built out of to Miles and Nathalie Hilda Davies of Minnedosa Hopefully there’s sunshine
doned Manitoba” books, bricks! The early original Shurvell of Sandy Lake, and to Ann Marks of Win- at the end of this very long
had a clip on CBC Weekend wooden bank building was on the birth of their new nipeg. Then on April 25th, “tunnel”!

Seeking 2020 CPCS Annual Fundraising Campaign
Information As we all navigate this Covid-19 Pandemic our annual door to door campaign is on hold.
We may not be coming to your door but our need for your support doesn’t stop.
Y ellowhead RCMP are
asking for the public’s
assistance in an arson case
from before Christmas.
On December 17th,
2019, at approximately 1:30
p.m., Yellowhead RCMP
responded to a house fire
on Rolling River First Na-
An unknown suspect
attended a residence, set
fire to the porch area of the
home, and fled. A female
and small child were inside
the home were fortunately
able to escape safely and
call 911. The local fire de-
partment attended and ex-
tinguished the fire before
it spread to the rest of the
The suspect was seen
driving away in an older,
two-door pick-up truck,
cream/white in colour,
with a dent in the front pas- How you can still donate…
senger side bumper, and
a set of fuzzy dice hanging ONLINE
from the rear view mirror.
Investigators believe
someone within the com-
munity has important in-
formation related to this
arson  that could help in
318 Saskatchewan Ave E
locating the suspect.  If you
recognize the description
Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0K8
of this vehicle or have any
information about this in-
cident please call Yellow-
head RCMP at 204-848-
Thank you! Central Plains Cancer Services Board of Directors & Staff
8 Friday, April 17, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune


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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 17, 2020 9



John was born August Reverend Donald Ray Beatrice Jean Wetteland
29th, 1922 on the family home- Husband, of Nanaimo, BC passed (Hodges) was born December 27,
stead farm 17-17-17 Hilltop, away on March 28, 2020 at the age 1928 and passed away April 10,
Erickson, Manitoba to Hjalmar of 83 years. 2020. She is survived by her chil-
and Elin (Ullberg). The young- Known to all as Ray, dren, Rod, Chris and Maureen,
est brother of Harry and sisters he was born on November 12, her grandchildren, Meghan
Mildred, Hillma and Alice. He 1936 in Oakville, Ontario. The (Brian) and Mike (Veronica),
remained very proud of his only child of Don and Mary and her great-grandson Mason.
Swedish Heritage throughout his Husband, his childhood and Mom’s faith was a very
Life. teenaged years were spent in the private part of her life and it pro-
On his return from serv- towns of Kapuskasing and Terrace vided comfort and hope during
ing overseas in World War II he took Bay, Ontario. In high school he ex- her final days. She will be reunited
over the farm and on March 18th, 1954 celled in math, running, and piano with our father Melvin, our sister
married Eidlyn (Ehlin). They continued and was the valedictorian of his class. Charlene, along with her parents, Charles
farming there until 1965 when they and their young family After high school, Ray headed to Winnipeg where he completed and Florence, and stepdad Eddy.
moved to Armstrong B.C. He worked in sawmills in Falkland 1st year University at United College then on to University of Mom loved to garden and especially looked forward to
and Armstrong before retiring to Vernon in 1986. Manitoba for 2 years in Pharmacy studies. During this time, planting and seeding in the spring. In her honour we hope you
John is survived by his Wife Eidlyn “Lyn”, Sons Kerry, Kevin in the fall of 1956, Ray met Lois McKay who was a nursing stu- will consider planting a row of flowers or a tomato plant or two.
(Kristen), Daughter Karyn (Jack) Pifiefer, seven grandchildren, dent at Victoria General Hospital. They became engaged in Because of these uncertain times we have decided to gath-
five great-grandchildren and sisters-in-law Eileen and Eireene June 1957, and after some long discussions about their future, er during the late summer to tell stories and celebrate her life.
as well as several nieces and nephews. Ray headed off to Teachers College in North Bay Ontario. On White’s Funeral Home, Minnedosa, Manitoba in care of ar-
He was predeceased by all his siblings and Granddaughter December 24th, 1959 Ray and Lois were married in Winnipeg rangements.
Kelsey Korberg. and headed off on the train to North Bay where Ray finished up

John passed away peacefully March 14th, 2020 in Vernon,

A Memorial Service will follow at a later date.

Teachers College.
Ray took on several teaching positions in Northern Ontario
over several years but in the end took his teaching skills to a ca-
Easy Italian Sausage
“Tack sa mycket pappa”


reer in the church. He graduated from Winnipeg Bible College
and then entered the ministry with the Evangelical Covenant
Church, pastoring churches in Ontario, Minnesota, Manitoba
and Gnocchi Soup
and British Columbia. He was ordained into the ministry in By CHEF DEZ Italian Sausage and
It is with broken hearts 1975 after completing studies at North Park Seminary in Chi- Gnocchi Soup
that we announce the passing of
our dear Karen; wife, mother,
grandmother, sister, aunt and
cago, Illinois. In continual pursuit of further education, while
in the Ministry in Southern British Columbia, Ray completed
a master’s degree in Education Administration from Gonzaga
O ne of the best things
about Italian cui-
sine can be its simplicity,  
Makes approximately
13 cups
friend. University in Spokane, Washington. No matter where they were
and one of the best things 500g raw mild Italian saus-
Karen (Dolly, Toot- living, Lois was always able to put her nursing skills to use.
sie, Krystal) Ann Jawa (nee Kelowna, British Columbia became home for Ray and Lois
about staying at home is age, casings removed and
Krushelnisky) passed away on in 1987. After leaving the ministry, he worked for several years making soup. One of the discarded
April 5th after a long, courage- as a security guard for the Capri Mall where he enjoyed the so- commonly asked ques- 1 tbsp olive oil
ous battle fighting an illness that cial atmosphere of the work. He enjoyed skiing, bowling, bad- tions directed to me is for 6 garlic cloves, minced
slowly robbed her of everything. minton, walking, hiking, bicycle riding, church involvement easy, fast, and delicious 1/2 cup finely chopped
She was surrounded by her loved and listening to music. He had a dry sense of humor and was soup recipes. This is the onion
ones as she took her last breath often known to not give a direct answer or comment when en- one I recommend all the 1.5 tsp salt
and was finally freed from a body that no gaged in conversation or asked a question. He and Lois moved time. 1/2 tsp pepper
longer worked for her. to Nanaimo in 2014. He remained active for as long as his
This soup is hearty 1 – 796 ml can of diced
Karen was a loving wife of 43 years to Nick. She was an body and mind allowed him to. Alzheimer’s disease eventually
adoring mother to Nicole (Lance Tremaine) and Patrick (Dana robbed him of these things he loved the most. Since the sum-
and because it is loaded tomatoes
Yaremchuk). She was also a proud grandma to Benjamin mer of 2018, he was a resident of Nanaimo Seniors’ Village. with Italian sausage, gnoc- 1,800 ml chicken broth
(Tremaine) and Lincoln (Jawa). Karen was a cherished baby He is survived by Lois, his wife of 60 years, his children Les- chi pasta, tomatoes, garlic, 1 tsp sugar
sister to Mavis, Wayne, Pat, Alice and Larry. Karen was pre- lie (Paul Esau), Ron, and Randy (Susanne Clampett), 7 grand- and incredible cheese it is 1 – 500g package of potato
deceased by her parents Pete and Rose Krushelnisky. children and 4 great-grandchildren. everything you would ex- gnocchi pasta
We will always remember Karen for her love of artistic A memorial service will be planned for a later date. pect from an Italian soup... 1 packed cup fresh baby
craft. Karen was so talented at anything she put her mind to, but also very quick and spinach leaves
from oil painting to paper tole, cake decorating, ceramics and
of course, floral design.
HEALTH A GOT easy to prepare. If you have 1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh
We have fond memories of a house always filled with
music and frequent living room dance parties. Other nights HIP/KNEE
never heard of “gnocchi”
pasta before, don’t despair
Generous amounts of
were spent watching Bob Ross/ Bill Alexander or admiring her
latest floral creation.
Replacement? V ATTENTION? – vacuum sealed packages
of the small dumpling-like
shaved Pecorino Romano
Karen loved being around people and helping them when-
Other medical
conditions causing
E Book this
pasta shapes can be found
at almost all major grocery
Add the sausage meat,
ever she could. Weekend bonfires and lakeside fishing always
brought a smile to her face. Most days you could find her in her or DRESSING? stores down the pasta aisle. olive oil, garlic, onion, salt
space for
garden or flower beds with her beloved dog Sydney by her side. The Disability Tax Don’t underestimate and pepper to a large pot.
As we move forward please remember to live every day to the Credit allows for your next ad the choice of the Pecorino Turn the heat to medium
$2,500 yearly tax
fullest, and when in doubt remember Karen’s motto…. Why
credit and $20,000 Romano cheese as the fin- and cook for approximate-
Lump sum refund. Call ishing garnish for this soup ly five to seven minutes
A celebration of life will be held at a future date.
If friends so desire, donations may be made to the Sandy Take advantage of 204-867-3816 as it adds incredible fla- until the sausage is cooked
this offer. vour and compliments and through, while breaking up
Lake Care Home, in the hope that WiFi might soon be installed.
At this time of social distancing, it is our family’s request, to Apply NOW; quickest
refund Nationwide!
E for more
balances all the other fla- the sausage meat with a
support enhanced communication between residents and
their loved ones. Expert Help:
! vours in this soup beauti-
fully. Large shavings of
spoon as it cooks.
Add the can of toma-
Messages of condolence may be shared with the family at this cheese are easily pre- toes, chicken broth, and Rae’s Funeral Service of Shoal Lake and Erick-

Business Cards
pared with a simple vege- sugar. Increase the heat to
son is in care of arrangements. (204) 759-2160
table peeler – shave it dir- medium high to bring to a
ectly onto the individually boil. Once boiling, add the
We print business cards bowled soup portions just gnocchi and continue to
FEED AND SEED in all styles and quantities. Colour Cards prior to serving – this looks cook for three minutes.
Stop in today prices starting at much more rustic and Remove the pot from
FORAGE SEED FOR SALE: Organic and conventional:
or call us 250 500 1000 gourmet than simply grat- the heat. Stir in the spinach
Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Smooth Brome, Meadow
Brome, Crested Wheatgrass, Timothy, etc. Free Delivery! Birch for details. $45.00 $70.00 $110.00 ing it, but either way is fine. and basil and portion out
If you can’t find Pecorino immediately; garnished
Rose Acres Ltd. 306-921-9942. The Minnedosa Tribune Romano, a chunk of Parmi- with generous amounts of
Minnedosa, MB ● 204-867-3816
giano Reggiano will suffice. shaved Pecorino Romano
10 Friday, April 17, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune


Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657

Independently Owned Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
and Operated Broker Realtor

If you are thinking of
selling, Call today for a FREE BIR CH
BIRCH Parish Backhoe
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MINNEDOSA Market Evaluation! MINNEDOSA George Allard, FCGA* GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
Gateway Street
Well built, well maintained, well located first time
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1 1/2 storey home large entrance mudroom, eat in
kitchen. 2 bedrooms upstairs with master bedroom Onanole, MB
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
on a 75’ x110’ lot, 1 block from lake and numerous and bath on main floor. Basement has rec room, 204-848-7413 Commercial ●All types of excavation●
maintained walking paths! 768 sq ft with a large eat
in kitchen, spacious living room, 3 piece bath and
2nd bath, cold room, storage room, laundry room.
Newer eavestroughing, an oversized insulated Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
Residential Certified in waste
2 bedrooms on main floor, finished basement and single car garage. Plenty of overhead storage 9-515 4th Ave. 867-0400 water management
second bath. Outside you will find a 288 sq ft single car space and a gem of a workshop in back. Shoal Lake, MB
garage, vegetable garden and mature manicured lawn. MLS#202004298 $139,000 0r Call: Ian
MLS#202002314 $164,000 204-759-2680
867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie Dauphin Office -
15 1st Ave. S.W.

Phone: 204-638-3005
Fax: 204-638-5817
Erin Woodcock *Denotes Professional Corporation

ewoodcock@gillandschmall.comÊ www.gillandschmall.comÊ
MÊ GijsbersÊ
Chartered Professional DEMOLITION BILL HOPKINS
Accountant Inc. 204-867-0260
CallÊ toÊ bookÊ aÊ showingÊ Ê MinnedosaÊ
Ê 213Ê Ê 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê
VirtualÊ toursÊ areÊ availableÊ asÊ wellÊ Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ
Please be advised that in order to comply with
government social distancing Ê Minnedosa - 867-3853
MLSÊ #202007415Ê recommendations due to COVID-19 and for R eady Mix Conc rete
the safety of buyers, sellers and agents, extra MLSÊ #202005329Ê Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
144Ê 1stÊ StÊ NW,Ê MinnedosaÊ safety precautions are being taken at this time 434 Wheatland Dr, Carberry, MBÊ
$189,900Ê to minimize risk.Ê
Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
All at Competitive
Monday - Friday
ThisÊ charmingÊ 3Ê bedroom,Ê 1Ê bathÊ homeÊ withÊ
many upgrades is a must see! The main floor
This bright & spacious 5 bedroom, 2 bath Ê
bi-level is ready for it s new family! The main
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
boasts a beautiful kitchen with lots of storage & floor houses a 4 pc bath, three bedrooms, a • Specializing in water & sewer 204-867-0260
solid wood cabinets and nice sized living room kitchen with lots of storage and a spacious Ê installation & repair
and dining area. Upstairs is the large master
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. • All types of
living and dining room area. On the lower level
with walk-in closet, two more bedrooms & a 4pc Suite A • Basements, Demolition
you will find two more bedrooms, a 4pc bath • Snow removal
bath . Outside, enjoy the large, fenced back yard and a large rec room. There is a large double
110 Main Street South • Gravel, Topsoil
which is perfect for entertaining! Ê detached garage and a nice sized, low Ê • Sales of septic tanks
Ê maintenance landscaped yard.Ê Minnedosa
Kirk 867-0180
204 867-5550 ● Roofing ● Decks
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing
● Renovations ● Repairs

204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544
Enterprises Ltd.
Air Conditioning,

1-204-867-2558 Heating & Electrical

Toll Free 844.877.7767 30 Years

Ex perience!! M&M
#7 � 515 4th Avenue AUTO BODY Bus : 867-3950
Fa x: 867-2340
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB All Auto Body Repairs
Ph: 867-2083
5 Main St. North
Liz Burton Painting Jon Kowal
Book 867-0145

Book Specializing in
Spot Book This Farm
for This Spot Spot Solar
for New Builds
WE DO IT ALL! only for
Call us today for your
only only
Social Tickets, Raffle Tickets, $13.88 $8.29 $11.07 electrical needs
Business Cards, Receipt Books,
per per 204-281-3394
Posters, Colour Copying and more per
week! week! week!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 17, 2020 11


Custom WAHOSKI St. Alphonsus

Fertilizer MECHANICAL LTD. Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
Call today to book your Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
spring floating needs! HEATING  
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
GAS FITTING ● Yard Clean Up
Darvin - 204-868-5869
Glen Burgess Robert - 204-867-7113 AIR CONDITIONING SEPTIC Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
Electrician 204-867-3121

204-868-5211 204-476-5185
Septic Service People Helping People
- Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
Potable water Heating
Book this spot (48-4) HILLSIDE delivery.
Phone (204) 857-6100
Fax (204) 857-8389
Ventilation/Air quality
Air Conditioning
GRAIN Plumbing & Heating Book your portable
$5.52/week toilets.
HAULING Erle Jury & Family
Kitchen Equipment
Call 204-867 3816 Ty Burton Commercial Gas Fitter

204-868-5358 867-2416 Commercial & Residential

Brian Horner Cell: 867-7558
service specialist

Grain & Fertilizer Cleaning Services

Kent Brown

Sewage Service - Commercial LEONA’S

Plumbing & Heating Studio Of Image
Home: 867-3272
• Construction • JIM BEAUMONT
MAIN OFFICE Cell: 210-0818 Family Hair Care
5” AND 6” continuous 476-2483 •Eminence Facials
eavestrough Owner/OperatorÊÊÊ & Product
Siding Roofing 204-867-7182 PLUMBING & HEATING Cell: 476-6591 • Pedicures & LCN Nails
Soffit Fascia Russ Huyghe • Spray Tanning
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam 204-868-6376 Dennis: 476-2766 • Piercing
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation INSURANCE CONSTRUCTION • Eyelash Extensions
Cody Huyghe 23 Hour Service
Fire Retardent Coating
204-867-3738 204-210-0502 204-867-2287
Drivers Licenses, Autopac 204-868-6886 Book Ê
General Insurance We nowÊ offer Ventures Inc.
Cheri McTavish – Broker
867-3946 Plumbing & Heating UNDER NEW
Spot Call us today for your carpet
Gas Fitting
& upholstery cleaning needs.
LEGAL ph: 867-2084 for (204)476-0002
cell: 867-0346
Minnedosa Alexander only Garbage Bin Rentals
Credit Union SELF-HELP THE

Main Line
Jackson $13.88 LEAN
Roll Off Bins
Brad Ross Law Office A.D.A.M. per
Terry McLenehan B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S Anxiety Disorders
204-867-6363 Minnedosa, MB
Susan Glasgow Association
Debbie Strelczik
867-3981 of Manitoba ● 204-848-0097
Small EnginE REpaiR &
Chris Ridgen
Support Group SELF-HELP ● 204-848-0400 YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
204-867-6359 Meetings are held at • Mowing & Trimming
Burgess Law
Donna Dowsett
204-867-6361 Office
Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of
the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Drug Problem? •

Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Kim Butler
204-867-6352 For more info call: • Handyman Services
Nicole Loewen 51 Main Street S Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550
Anonymous can help • Alum & Stainless Welding
Meetings every
Alayna McTavish
Minnedosa • Reasonable Rates
204-867-6354 Apparel & Promotions
Trisha Paterson
ALCOHOLICS Tuesday & 204-867-2378 204-720-5934
204-867-6362 minnedosa@
Joanne Clarke ANONYMOUS Saturday at 7 p.m.
204-867-6364 If you like to drink and can
at Calvary Temple,
Gaylene Johnson That's your business
204-867-6357 SIMS & COMPA N Y If you want to stop and can't 221 Hamilton Street,
Kathryn Yanchycki
L a w O ffi c e That's our business. Neepawa, MB Potable Water Delivery
Fax Minnedosa and area
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. P.O. Box 36
E-mail 7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h
or 867-3966 Health Inspected Alanon - 210-0433
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717
Alateen - 867-5121 No Job is too small!!! 867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
12 Friday, April 17, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Minnedosa Services to Seniors Presents… Weekly Trivia! If your

SUBMITTED 1. What year was the first school in Betha- 4. What year was a curling rink first built in reads
ny built? Bethany?

W elcome to our new weekly trivia! Each

week we will post questions about
Minnedosa and our surrounding area to get
2. What year was the Legion Auxiliary
formed in Minnedosa (with Legion #138)?
5. The first Minnedosa Museum (Minnedo-
sa and District Co-operative Museum) was
It’s time to
people chatting and their brains working. You opened in 1963, according to the Valley Views renew your
may have to call a friend and grab some old his- 3. 4-H has always been a large part of life history book this was said to be a “long time subscription
tory books to answer these. for many kids and families in the area. What dream” of who?
Next week we will post the answers and year was the Minnedosa Beef and Calf Club Call 867-3816
new questions. Good Luck! first formed?


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