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Research Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Chougule Archana S., 2Thosar Chandrasekhar S.
MD (Ayu) , Shree Sai Baba Clinic, Degaon, 2MD (Scholar) , Shree Sai Baba Clinic,

Antioxidant is a property of the drug that slows down the oxidation of hydrocarbons,
oils, fats etc & thus it helps to check the deterioration. Antioxidants work by significantly slow-
ing down the oxidation by the substance called ‘Free Radicals’. Krishna tila (Sesamum indicum,
Linn) is one of the plant origin drugs which had been mentioned for its rasayana properties in
classical literature of Ayurveda. So study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of Krishna Tila
in the form of oil , in the experimental study on healthy human blood serum regarding Antioxi-
dant activity.
Key words: Krishna tila , Antioxidant activity

Oxygen water and food are of fundamental im- Ayurveda is one among secular bio-
portance of life. Among these deprivation of medical sciences. It is based on biophysical,
oxygen leads to sudden death. Oxygen is most biochemical, physiological and bio-
essential part of functions like metabolism, res- pharmacodynamic principles. So it is said as
piration, phagocytosis etc, but oxygen also plays ‘Rasa Rasayana chikitsa’. Rasayanas are the
critical role in cellular injury by toxic activated groups herbal and herbo-mineral prepara-
oxygen species which are called as “Free radi- tions explained in ayurvedic classics to pre-
cals”. Free radicals are molecules or fractions of vent the process of aging and to prevent the
molecule having unpaired electron in their outer diseases. These will help for the nourish-
most orbit .Free radicals produced continuously
ment of dhatus from rasa to shukra ultimate-
ly the ojas, which is responsible for physical
in cells during metabolism, respiration and de-
and psycho-intellectual performances. In
liberately during phagocytosis. These cytotoxic
this way rasayana promotes long span of
free radicals play an important role in immune
youthful life full of vigor and free from dis-
system dysfunction which is responsible for eases and adverse effects of ageing. There-
many disorders like arthritis, ulcerative colitis, fore it can be postulated that rasayana drugs
asthma, allergy, parasitic diseases, cancer and may possess Free radical scavenging proper-
cardiovascular disease. ty.
Anti-oxidants are molecules that are Hence to provide a scientific data
useful in preventing early oxidation of body and statistical validation a study on ‘Screen-
cells.. Antioxidants are the agents which ing of free radical scavenging activity effect
stimulates immunity of an individual either of ‘Tila’ was under taken.
in healthy or with immune deficiency. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:
Chougule Archana S & Thosar Chandrasekhar S.Antioxidant Activity Of “Krishna Tila”

To evaluate antioxidant activity of rally produced in the body through the nor-
Krishna tila beeja (Sesamum indicum , mal metabolism of amino acids and fats. In
Linn) through lipid per oxidation ( case of phagocytosis the bacteria to be
TBARS method). phagocytosed are first coated with antibody
REVIEW: (IgG) and compliment (C3), etc. This pro-
CONCEPT OF FREE RADICLE: 1,2 cess is called opsonisation. The phagocytic
Definition: A molecule or molecular frag- cell then binds to this opsonised bacteria and
ment containing unpaired electron in va- phagocyte is activated this leads to increased
lence shell and capable of existing inde- movement and endocytosis. Release of en-
pendently is called ‘free radical. The mole- zymes and increased oxygen consumption
cule of a compound is usually made up of (Respiratory burst) forms toxic substance
two parts which are known as radicals. For like O2ˉ, H2O2, HOCl, NO which will kill the
example, the radicals present in sodium bacteria. Subsequently endocytosed materi-
chloride molecule are sodium and chloride. als are digested.
These posses electric charge. So these are ANTI-OXIDANTS : 4
highly reactive. An antioxidant is a molecule capable
Types of free radicals: Free radicals may of slowing or preventing the oxidation of
be other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical
 Oxygen derived ( Reactive Oxygen reaction that transfers electrons from a sub-
Species, ROS ) stance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reac-
 Nitrogen derived (Reactive Nitrogen tions can produce free radicals, which start
species, RNS ) chain reactions that damage cells. Antioxi-
 Sulphur derived ( Thinly / Thiele dants terminate these chain reactions by re-
free radicals ) and others. moving free radical intermediates, and in-
Exogenous sources of ROS : Electromag- hibit other oxidation reactions by being oxi-
netic radiation, cosmic rays, cigarette smok- dized themselves. As a result, antioxidants
ing, car exhaust, UV light, Ozone, ionizing are often reducing agents.
radiation, certain drugs. Classification of Anti-oxidants:
Endogenous sources of ROS : Mitochon- 1. Antioxidants are classified into two broad
drial electron transport chain, Respiratory divisions, depending on whether they are
burst by phagocytosis, β oxidation of fat, soluble in water (hydrophilic) or in lipids
auto oxidation of amino acids, ischemia (hydrophobic).
reperfusion injury. 2. a) Endogenous anti-oxidants: 5 These are
Free radical mediation of cell injury: One im- the physiological enzymes which are in-
portant mechanism of cell damage is injury in- volved in cellular defense against uncon-
duced by free radicals, particularly by activated trolled oxidative process.
oxygen species. b) Exogenous anti-oxidants: Those which
1. Lipid peroxidation of membranes cannot be produced by human body, but
2. Mitochondrial damage may protect pro-oxidant forces when admin-
3. DNA damage istered. Such as Vitamin-E, Vitamin-C, β –
4. Protein damage Carotene, lycopene, Selenium, Manganese,
FREE RADICALS: 3 3. According to action: 6
Free radicals are produced continu- a) Preventive anti-oxidants
ously in the cells as accidental by products b) Chain breaking anti-oxidants
of metabolism, respiration and deliberately c) Pharmacological anti-oxidants:
during phagocytosis. Free radicals are natu- MEANING OF RASAYANA: 7 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

Chougule Archana S & Thosar Chandrasekhar S.Antioxidant Activity Of “Krishna Tila”

The word Rasayana is composed of RAKTA DHATU IN AYURVEDA: 9

two words Ras + Ayan. The means by which Rakta is originated from rasa dhatu. Rakta is
one gets the excellence of Rasa (The nour- formed by raktagni through the prasadamsha of
ishing fluid which is produced immediately rasa dhatu.
after digestion) is known as Rasayana. SERUM: 10
In blood, the serum is the component that is
Rasayana is a specialized type of neither a blood cell (serum does not contain white or
treatment influencing the fundamental as- red blood cells) nor a clotting factor; it is the blood
pect of body viz. Dhatus, Agni and Srotansi plasma with the fibrinogens removed. Serum in-
cludes all proteins not used in blood clotting (coagu-
and ojus etc. Rasayana Chikitsa boosts the
lation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens,
ojus and immune system. The adjective hormones, and any exogenous substances (e.g.,
Ojaswiis used to describe those people who drugs and microorganisms).The study of serum is
keep good health in all seasons and all stag- serology and may also include proteomics. Serum is
es of life. It is like obtaining a high rank in a used in numerous diagnostic tests, as well as in
physical or mental fitness. Ojus gives a blood typing
bright look, sharp memory, high perfor- VITAMIN C (standard drug) : 11,12 Vitamin C,
mance and every expected pleasure. also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vita-
RASAYANA & ANTIOXIDANTS:8 min which is essential for normal functioning of the
Rasayana is one of the eight branch- body.
es of Ayurveda. The world Rasayana made CCL4 (Inducing drug ) 13
by worlds Rasa + Ayana. The world Rasa
Synonyms: IUPAC Name -Tetra chloro-
has multiple meanings. It means shrangaara,
visha, veerya, guna, raga, drava etc. Ayana methane
means the pathway. So literally Rasayana -1, 1, 1, 1-Tetrachloromethane
means the pathway to to get best quality of EXPERIMENTAL STUDY: 14
dhatus. It helps to maintain the intactness of ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY:
body components also cures and prevents Aim: To evaluate the antioxidant effect of
the diseases. Krishna Tila (Sesamum indicum, Linn)
Generally action of rasayana can be ex- PARAMETERS TAKEN FOR ASSES-
plained in three levels. MENT:
1. Poshak stara: Some of the rasayana act LIPID PEROXIDATION ( TBARS
as Rasa vardhaka. They mix with poshak METHOD) :
rasa and does the nourishment of dhatus. Ex- METHOD IN GENERAL:
Shatavari, Dugdha, Ghrita etc.  To take healthy human blood sample
2. Agni stara: Some rasayana act on jatha- & separation of serum
ragni and other agni’s.They activate agni  Addition of drugs to serum & to ac-
and increase metabolism and help dhatu’s cess the parameters
for nourishment. Ex- Pippali rasayana. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR LIPID
3. Srotas stara: Some rasayana act on srotas PEROXIDATION:
cleanses channels and help for the circula- The lipid peroxidation of the test
tion of rasa. Thus helps for the nourishment sample is assessed by its absorption which
of dhatus.Ex- Guggulu. react with the Thiobarbituric acid & thus
In modern view rasayana dravyas produces the result. The protein in the serum
work as anti-oxidants.. Achara rasayana act undergoes lipid peroxidation.
as antioxidants, reduces the stress and thus 1. Drug : Krishna Tila Taila
prevent the release of free radicles IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

Chougule Archana S & Thosar Chandrasekhar S.Antioxidant Activity Of “Krishna Tila”

2. Healthy human blood sample with the  20 % Trichloroacetic acid: 20 gms of

separation of serum TCA was dissolved in 100 ml of distilled
3. Equipments & glasswares water and kept in a bottle.
CHEMICALS & REAGENTS:  0.05 N sulphuric acid: 1.23 ml of conc.
 20% Trichloro acetic acid (TCA ) H2SO4 was diluted with 250 ml of dis-
 0.05N sulphuric acid tilled water & kept in bottle.
 2 molar sodium sulphate  2M sodium sulphate : 28.4 gms of unhy-
 Thibarbituric acid reagen drous sodium sulphate was dissolved in
 N- Butyl alcohol 90 ml of distilled water by heating &
METHODS: stirring. Then volume was made up to
LIPID PEROXIDATION (TBARS): 100 ml with distilled water.
Principle:  Thiobarbituric acid reagent: 0.67 gms
The proteins in serum are precipitat- (670 mg) of TBA was dissolved in 2M
ed by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and the sodium sulphate solution by heating &
mixture is heated with thiobarbituric acid in the volume was made upto 100 ml, kept
2 M. sodium sulphate, in a boiling water in brown coloured bottle.
bath for 30 mins. The resulting chromogen 2) Preparation of Serum:
The blood from the healthy person is
Con- CCl4 Vit- C Test Test Test taken & is been kept in centrifugation
trol Treat- Treat- Dru Dru Dru chamber for the separation of the serum.
Group ed ed g g g This is used for the assessment.
1% 2% 5% 3) Method of preparation of Test Sample:
0.647 1.134 0.455 1.02 0.77 0.60 The fixed oil from the sesamum
5 5 8 seeds is been extracted through the soxhlet
0.583 1.108 0.467 1.04 1.06 0.82 apparatus & the solvent used is petroleum
4 4 1 ether. Hence the oil obtained is taken as the
0.756 1.211 0.666 0.87 0.58 1.00 test sample.
8 3 0 4) Method of Observation of absorption :
0.654 1.121 0.487 0.67 0.77 0.66  1 ml of T.B.A. reagent was added to
3 8 6 each dilutions (Test tube).
0.596 1.243 0.608 1.00 1.01 0.79  Kept in boiling water bath for 30 min for
6 9 4 coupling of lipid peroxide with TBA-
is extracted with n-Butyl alcohol and ab-
 Pink color starts appearing in this stage.
sorbance of organic phase is determined at
 Then cooled in cold water
530 nm wavelength. The values are ex-
 Resulting chromogen extracted with 4
pressed in term of absorption of each sample
ml of n-Butyl alcohol by vigorous shak-
which is calculated by the Beer- Lamberts
 Then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10
Method of assessing Lipid peroxidation:
mins for the separation of organic phase
1. Preparation of Chemical Reagents
 Absorbance is Measured at 530 nm
2. Separation of serum from blood
3. preparation of Test Sample
 The individual samples absorption are
4. observance of color change in different
calculated with Beer- Lamberts law for-
5. Estimation of serum lipid peroxide
This formula is applied to calculate the mo-
1) Method of Preparation of Chemical
lar concentrations of each sample separately.
Reagents: IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015
Chougule Archana S & Thosar Chandrasekhar S.Antioxidant Activity Of “Krishna Tila”

5) Estimation of serum lipid per day 0.5ml of reaction mixture from the ho-
oxidation: mogenate which is kept for incubation is
Procedure: Aliquots of 4ml of ho- taken in a test tube and added with 4ml of
mogenate were taken in 2 different 25ml 10% Trichloroacetic acid( TCA). Contents
conical flasks. All the test tubes are added centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min. 2ml of
with 6ml of potassium sulphate buffer ( pH, clear supernatant is taken in a graduated
7.4 ) , 8mlof 0.15ml potassium chloride. In tube. 2 ml of 0.67% Thiobarbituric acid
test group three different conical flasks add- (TBA) is added and heated in boiling water
ed three concentrations of drug like 1%, 2% bath for 15 min. Then tubes are cooled, pH
& 5% . In control group distilled water is is adjusted to 12-12.5.Colour which is de-
added, in standard group vit-c is addd, in veloped stabilized. Absorbance is measured
inducing group ccl4 is added & in test group at 540 nm in an UV spectrometer & calcu-
test sample is added. Totally 6 test tubes are lated by using Beer- Lamberts Law.
incubated at 37⁰c in incubator. Control group treated with: Distilled water
Lipid peroxidation is assessed on 1 st day( Induced group treated with : CCl4
after 45 min), 2 nd day and 4 th day.On each Standard drug treated with : Vit- C
Test group treated with : Krishna tila taila
The molar concentrations of the samples are : Table no 10 LIPID
1. CONTROL GROUP: Table no 11
Control group LPO in µM
A 0.647
B 0.583
C 0.756
D 0.654
E 0.596
2. INDUCED GROUP : Table no 12

CCl4 treated LPO in µM

A 1.134
B 1.108
C 1.211
D 1.121
E 1.243
3. STANDARD GROUP: Table no 1

Vit-C treated LPO in µM

A 0.455
B 0.467 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015
Chougule Archana S & Thosar Chandrasekhar S.Antioxidant Activity Of “Krishna Tila”

C 0.666
D 0.487
E 0.608
4. 1% CONCENTRATION : Table no 14

1% concentration treated LPO in µM

A 1.000
B 1.044
C 0.878
D 0.673
E 1.006

2% concentration treated LPO in µM

A 0.775
B 1.064
C 0.583
D 0.788
E 1.019
5. 2% CONCENTRATION: Table no 15
6. 5% CONCENTRATION : Table no 16
5% concentration treated LPO in µM
A 0.608
B 0.821
C 1.000
D 0.666
E 0.794


Normal Control
CCl4 Treated
mM/mg Protein

1.0 Vitamin-C
** Test drug 1%
Test drug 2%
*** Test drug 5%


DISCUSSION ON FREE RADICALS: Free radicals are molecules or frac-

tions of molecule having unpaired electron in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

Chougule Archana S & Thosar Chandrasekhar S.Antioxidant Activity Of “Krishna Tila”

their outer most orbit .Free radicals produced mately enhances the production of adrenal
continuously in cells during metabolism, res- corticotrophic hormone (ACTH) resulting
piration and deliberately during phagocytosis. into increased secretion of glucocorticoids
These cytotoxic free radicals play an im- which have an overall suppressive effect on
portant role in immune system dysfunction the immune system. Stress also acts on the
which is responsible for many disorders like same axis and brings about changes in the
arthritis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, allergy, immune status of the body. These Rasayana
parasitic diseases, cancer and cardiovascular drugs probably reduce stress levels by af-
disease. fecting antioxidant levels. So these Ra-
DISCUSSION ON ANTIOXIDANT PROP- sayana drugs act as potent antioxidants.
Anti-oxidants are molecules that are 1. Madhura, tikta, kashaya –rasa, madhura-
useful in preventing early oxidation of body vipaka , guru, snigdha- gunas, these
cells. Oxidation of body cells can lead to qualities in Krishna tila acts as rasayana.
generation of free radicals that are solely 2. Presence of flavonides & tannins in
responsible for aging as well as degenerative Krishna tila beeja dominates antioxidant
process happening in the body these anti- property.
oxidants are involved in inhibiting the pro- 3. Study has shown significant antioxidant
duction of free radicals there by making the activity on molar concentrations of 2%
person feel younger and healthier both men- & 5%.
tally and physically. Antioxidants are the 4. Easily available Krishna tila can be
agents which stimulates immunity of an in- used safely as substitute over modern an-
dividual either in healthy or with immune tioxidant
deficiency. These produce effect either by drugs.
cellular or humoral or by both.
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Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None Declared IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

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