Comparison of Regulatory Requirements in Canada and US

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Comparison of regulatory requirements in Canada and US

Regulatory Authority
Canada US
Health Canada (HC) is the competent The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is
authority responsible for clinical trial the regulatory authority that regulates
approvals, oversight, and inspections in clinical investigations of medical products in
Canada. HC grants permission for clinical the United States (US). This profile is
trials to be conducted in the country, and specifically focused on the FDA’s role in
regulates the sale and importation of drugs reviewing and authorizing investigational
for use in clinical trials. new drug applications (INDs) to conduct
clinical trials using investigational drug or
HC is one (1) of five (5) federal agencies biological products in humans. Regulatory
within Canada’s “Health Portfolio” overseen requirements relating to compliance with
by the Minister of Health. HC assesses federally funded or sponsored human
clinical trial protocols to evaluate participant subjects research protections, known as the
protection and safety; reviews drug quality; Common Rule, as well as other Department
assures institutional ethics committee of Health & Human Services (HHS)
review; verifies principal investigator regulations, are also examined.
qualifications; and monitors and reviews
adverse drug reactions. HC’s Health The FDA, which is an agency within HHS,
Products and Food Branch (HPFB) is the started undergoing a reorganization on
national authority that regulates, evaluates, March 31, 2019. One of the purposes of the
and monitors therapeutic and diagnostic reorganization is to elevate the role of the
product safety, efficacy, and quality, and centers, officers, and field forces. Several
reviews the information submitted in the centers are responsible for pharmaceutical
clinical trial application. and biological product regulation, including
the Center for Drug Evaluation and
HPFB’s activities are carried out by eight (8) Research (CDER) and the Center for
Directorates and two (2) Offices, including Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).
the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD) Additionally, the Office of Good Clinical
and the Biologics and Genetic Therapies Practice (OGCP) plays a pivotal role in the
Directorate (BGTD). The TPD and the FDA’s oversight of good clinical practice
BGTD, respectively, regulate and human subject protection issues
pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices, stemming from clinical research.
and biological drugs and
radiopharmaceuticals for human use. In
addition, the TPD’s Office of Clinical Trials Implementation of the Revised Common
(OCT) and the BGTD’s Office of Regulatory Rule
Affairs (ORA), among others, are directly
involved with the clinical trial review and On January 19, 2017, HHS and 15 other
approval process for pharmaceutical, federal departments and agencies issued a
biological, and radiopharmaceutical drugs. revised Common Rule, which delineates
basic ethical principles surrounding
federally funded or sponsored human
subjects research. Institutions engaged in
this research and ethics committees (ECs)
reviewing this research were originally
required to comply with the revised
Common Rule starting in January 2018,
except for the new provisions on
multicenter clinical studies, also known as
cooperative research studies, which
institutions are required to comply with by
January 20, 2020. However, the
implementation date was delayed to
January 21, 2019, with the provisions on
multicenter clinical studies still taking effect
January 20, 2020.

Studies Initiated Before January 21, 2019

Per the revised Common Rule, the

Common Rule requirements apply to
research that, prior to January 21, 2019,
was either approved by an EC, had EC
review waived, or was determined to be
exempt from the Common Rule.

Institutions conducting research that was

approved prior to January 21, 2019, may
choose to transition to the revised Common
Rule requirements. The institution or EC
must document and date the institution's
determination to transition a study on the
date the determination to transition was
made. The research must comply with the
revised Common Rule beginning on that

Studies Initiated On or After January 21,


The revised Common Rule applies to all

research initially approved by an EC on or
after January 21, 2019, or to research that
had EC review waived or that was
determined to be exempt on or after that

HHS’ Office for Human Research

Protections (OHRP) guides the agency’s
efforts to safeguard the rights, welfare, and
well-being of human research subjects for
studies conducted or supported by HHS.
OHRP also provides oversight to all federal
agencies engaged in human subjects
research under the Common Rule and the
revised Common Rule.
Scope of assessment
Canada US
Health Canada (HC) reviews, evaluates, The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has
and approves applications for drug clinical authority over clinical investigations for drug
trials using authorized therapeutic products. and biological products regulated by the
HC also approves the sale or importation of agency. The scope of the FDA’s
drugs for use in clinical trials. assessment for investigational new drug
A “therapeutic product” is defined as a drug applications (INDs) includes all clinical trials
or device, or any combination of drugs and (Phases I-IV). Institutional ethics committee
devices, but does not include natural health (EC) review of the proposed clinical
products; “therapeutic product investigation may be conducted in parallel
authorization” refers to a license that is with the FDA review of the IND. However,
approved for the import, sale, EC approval must be obtained prior to the
advertisement, manufacture, preparation, sponsor being permitted to initiate the
preservation, packaging, labeling, storage, clinical trial. Note: Institutional ECs are
or testing of a therapeutic product. HC’s referred to as institutional review boards
scope of assessment includes clinical trials (IRBs) in the US).
(Phases I - III) using:
Sponsors are required to submit an IND to
 Drugs not authorized for sale in the FDA to obtain an agency exemption to
Canada in development and in ship investigational drug(s) across state
comparative bioavailability studies, lines to conduct clinical trial(s). An IND
and specifically exempts an investigational drug
 Marketed drugs where the proposed or biologic from FDA premarketing approval
use of the drug for one of the following requirements that would otherwise be
is different: indication(s) and clinical applicable. “’IND’ is synonymous with
use; target patient populations(s); ‘Notice of Claimed Investigational
route(s) of administration; or dosage Exemption for a New Drug.’"
The FDA categorizes INDs as either
In addition, institutional ethics committee commercial or non-commercial (research)
(EC) review for each clinical trial site may and classifies them into the following types:
occur in parallel with HC’s clinical trial
 Investigator INDs - Submitted by
application (CTA) review and approval. HC,
physicians who both initiate and
however, will not authorize the sponsor to
conduct the investigation, and who are
begin the clinical trial until he/she submits
directly responsible for administering
an institutional EC approval (provided in the
or dispensing the investigational drug.
required Clinical Trial Site Information form)
for each participating trial site.  Emergency Use INDs - Enable the
FDA to authorize experimental drugs
in an emergency situation where
Clinical Trial Review Process normal IND submission timelines
cannot be met. Also used for patients
Prior to initiating the trial, the sponsor must who do not meet the criteria of an
file a CTA to the appropriate Health existing study protocol, or if an
Products and Food Branch (HPFB) approved study protocol does not
Directorate. CTAs involving pharmaceutical exist.
drugs should be sent to the Therapeutic
 Treatment INDs - Submitted for
Products Directorate (TPD), and CTAs
involving biologics and/or experimental drugs showing potential
radiopharmaceuticals should be sent to the to address serious or immediately life-
Biologics and Genetic Therapies threatening conditions while the final
Directorate (BGTD). clinical work is completed and the
Upon receipt of a CTA, the HPFB FDA review takes place.
Directorate screens the application package
for completeness. If deficiencies are found, Non-commercial products refer to products
the Directorate sends the sponsor a not intended to be distributed commercially
Request for Clarification or a Screening and include the above listed IND types.
Rejection Letter. If the Directorate finds the
In general, human research studies must
application complete, an acknowledgement
be conducted under an IND if all of the
letter is issued to indicate the 30-day
following research conditions apply:
default review period commenced on the
date of receipt.  A drug is involved
A clinical trial is authorized and the sponsor
is allowed to sell or import a drug for use in  A clinical investigation is being
a clinical trial if a CTA has been filed with conducted
HC and has not received an objection
 The clinical investigation is not
within 30 days. During the review period,
otherwise exempt
the Directorate may request additional
information from the sponsor, who has two Whether an IND is required to conduct an
(2) calendar days to provide such investigation of a marketed drug primarily
information. depends on the intent of the investigation
and the degree of risk associated with the
use of the drug in the investigation.

Regulatory Fees
Canada US
There are no fees to submit a clinical trial The Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
application in Canada. does not levy a fee to review investigational
new drug (IND) submissions.
However, the FDA has the authority to
assess and collect user fees from
companies that produce certain human
drug and biological products as part of the
New Drug Application (NDA). The NDA is
the vehicle through which drug sponsors
formally propose that the FDA approve a
new pharmaceutical for sale and marketing
in the United States (US). The data
gathered during the animal studies and
human clinical trials of an IND become part
of the NDA.

Scope of Review
Canada US
The primary scope of information assessed The primary scope of information assessed
by institutional ethics committees (ECs) by the ethics committee (EC) (referred to as
(called Research Ethics Boards (REBs) in an institutional review board (IRB) in the
Canada) relates to maintaining and United States (US)) relates to maintaining
protecting the dignity and rights of human and protecting the dignity and rights of
research participants and ensuring their research participants and ensuring their
safety throughout their participation in a safety throughout their participation in a
clinical trial. ECs must also pay special clinical trial. The EC must also pay special
attention to reviewing informed consent and attention to reviewing informed consent and
to protecting the welfare of certain classes to protecting the welfare of certain classes
of participants deemed vulnerable. of participants deemed to be vulnerable.
(See Informed Consent topic, and The EC is also responsible for ensuring a
the subtopics of Vulnerable competent review of the research protocol,
Populations; Children/Minors; evaluating the possible risks and expected
Pregnant Women, Fetuses & benefits to participants, and verifying the
Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally adequacy of confidentiality safeguards.
Impaired for additional information about
these populations.) Note that Health Role in Clinical Trial Approval
Canada (HC)-implemented International Process
Council for Harmonisation (ICH) guidance
takes precedence over other HC guidance The Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
when they are not consistent. must review an investigational new drug
ECs are required to have procedures in application (IND) and an EC must review
place to receive and respond to reports of and approve the proposed study prior to a
new information, including, but not limited sponsor initiating a clinical trial. The
to, safety data, unanticipated issues, and institutional EC review of the clinical
newly discovered risks. investigation may be conducted in parallel
ECs must ensure an independent, timely, with the FDA review of the IND. However,
and competent review of all ethical aspects EC approval must be obtained prior to the
of the clinical trial protocol. They must act in sponsor being permitted to initiate the
the interests of the potential research clinical trial.
participants and the communities involved
by evaluating the possible risks and In the event of multicenter clinical studies,
expected benefits to participants, and they also known as cooperative research
must verify the adequacy of confidentiality studies, which must comply with the revised
and privacy safeguards. Common Rule, it is required that by
January 20, 2020, all federally-funded or
sponsored institutions that are located in
Role in Clinical Trial Approval the US and engaged in multicenter
Process research to use a single EC to review that
Health Canada (HC) must approve a clinical study for the portion of the study conducted
trial application (CTA) and an institutional in the US, known as the IRB policy. This
EC(s) must give ethical clearance prior to a policy will streamline the EC review process
sponsor initiating a clinical trial. In addition, and eliminate duplicative reviews. The
institutional EC review for each clinical trial exceptions to this requirement are: when
site may occur in parallel with HC’s CTA multicenter review is required by law
review and approval. Once HC completes (including tribal law); or for research where
its review, the department issues a No any federal department or agency
Objection Letter (NOL) if the CTA is supporting or conducting the research
approved. HC, however, will not authorize determines that the use of a single EC is
the sponsor to begin the clinical trial until not appropriate.
he/she submits an institutional EC approval
(provided in the required Clinical Trial Site Designed to complement the revised
Information form) for each participating trial Common Rule, the National Institutes of
site. In addition, the EC must review and Health (NIH) issued a final policy requiring
approve any protocol amendments prior to all institute-funded multicenter clinical trials
those changes being implemented. conducted in the US to be overseen by a
The researcher must submit an annual single EC, unless prohibited by any federal,
report to enable the EC to evaluate the tribal, or state law, regulation, or policy.
continued ethical acceptability of the
research. In the event that an EC Although the regulations do not specify an
terminates or suspends any prior approval expiration for EC approval, any clinical
or favorable opinion, it must document its investigation must not be initiated unless
views in writing, clearly identifying the trial, the reviewed and approved study remains
the documents reviewed, and the date for subject to continuing review at intervals
the termination or suspension. appropriate to the degree of risk, but not
less than once a year. Per the Common
Rule, the EC must conduct reviews at
intervals appropriate to the degree of risk,
but not less than once per year.


Submission Process
Canada US
Canada requires the sponsor to obtain The United States (US) requires the
clinical trial authorization from Health sponsor to submit an investigational new
Canada (HC) prior to initiating the trial The drug application (IND) for the Food & Drug
sponsor must file a clinical trial application Administration's (FDA) review and
(CTA) to the appropriate Directorate within authorization to obtain an exemption to ship
HC’s Health Products and Food Branch investigational drug or biological products
(HPFB)—the Therapeutic Products across state lines and to administer these
Directorate or the Biologics and Genetic investigational products in humans.
Therapies Directorate. Whether an IND is required to conduct an
investigation of a drug to be marketed (this
In addition, the sponsor may submit a CTA includes biological products) primarily
for clinical trial authorization to the HC in depends on the intent of the investigation,
parallel with its submission to an and, the degree of risk associated with the
institutional ethics committee (EC) (known use of the drug in the investigation.
as a Research Ethics Board (REB) in
Canada) for a favorable ethical opinion. HC, In addition, institutional ethics committee
however, will not authorize the sponsor to (EC) (institutional review board (IRB) in the
begin the clinical trial until he/she submits US) review of the clinical investigation may
an institutional EC approval (provided in the be conducted in parallel with the FDA
required Clinical Trial Site Information form) review of the IND. However, EC approval
for each participating trial site. must be obtained prior to the sponsor being
permitted to initiate the clinical trial.

Submission Content
Canada US
Health Canada (HC) Requirements FDA Investigational New Drug
Application (IND) Requirements
The clinical trial application (CTA) should be
organized into three (3) modules in  Cover sheet (Form FDA 1571)
Common Technical Document (CTD) (including, but not limited to: sponsor
format: contact information, investigational
product (IP) name, application date,
 Module 1 - Administrative and
clinical information about the proposed phase(s) of clinical investigation to be
trial conducted, and commitment that the
ethics committee (EC) will conduct
 Module 2 - Quality (Chemistry and initial and continuing review and
Manufacturing) summaries about the approval of each study proposed in
drug product(s) to be used in the the investigation)
proposed trial  Table of contents
 Module 3 - Additional supporting
quality information  Introductory statement and general
investigational plan
The CTA should contain the following
information and documents:  Investigator’s brochure (IB)
 Protocol
 Protocols
 Summary of potential risks/benefits
 Chemistry, manufacturing, and
 Clinical trial attestation, including control data
contact information, for each
institutional ethics committee (EC) that  Pharmacology and toxicology data
approved the protocol, if known at the
time of submitting the application
 Previous human experience with the
 Contact information of any investigational drug
institutional EC that previously refused
to approve the protocol, its reasons,  Additional information
and refusal date
 Relevant information (e.g., foreign
 Investigator’s Brochure (IB) language materials and number of
 Informed consent form (ICF) copies - see Submission Process
subtopic for details)
 Information about use of a human-
sourced excipient Ethics Committee Requirements
 Chemistry and manufacturing
information Each EC has its own application form and
clearance requirements, which can differ
 Proposed date for trial significantly regarding the number of copies
commencement at each site, if known to be supplied and application format
requirements. However, the requirements
listed below comply with the applicable
Institutional EC Requirements regulatory requirements and are basically
consistent across all US ECs.
Each institutional EC has its own The EC should obtain the following
application form and clearance documents and must ensure the listed
requirements, which can differ significantly requirements are met prior to approving the
regarding the number of copies to be study:
supplied and application format  Clinical protocol
requirements. However, the following  Informed consent forms (ICFs) and
requirements comply with the ICH Good participant information, including
Clinical Practice Guidelines and are whether informed consent was
basically consistent across all Canadian appropriately sought and documented,
ECs: or waived
 Participant recruitment procedures
 Clinical protocol
 IB
 ICFs and participant information  Safety information
 Participant payments and
 Participant recruitment procedures compensation
 Investigator(s) current Curriculum
 IB Vitaes (CVs)
 Safety information  Additional required EC
 Participant payments and  Risks to participants are minimized
compensation and are reasonable in relation to
 Investigator(s) current curriculum anticipated benefits
vitaes (CVs)  Participant selection is equitable
 Adequate provisions to protect
 Additional required institutional EC participant privacy and maintain
documentation confidentiality of data are made,
where appropriate; the Department of
Clinical trial researchers are required to
Health & Human Services (HHS) will
include a plan for monitoring safety,
issue guidance to assist ECs in
efficacy/effectiveness (where feasible), and
assessing what provisions are
validity in their proposal for EC review.
adequate to protect participant privacy
and maintain the confidentiality of data
Clinical Protocol
Per the revised Common Rule, which took
The clinical protocol should include the effect January 21, 2019, where limited EC
following elements: review applies, the EC does not need to
make the determinations outlined above.
 General information Rather, limited EC review includes
determinations that broad consent will
 Background information
be/was obtained properly, that adequate
 Trial objectives and purpose protections are in place for safeguarding
the privacy and confidentiality of
 Trial design participants, and (for secondary studies)
 Participation selection/withdrawal that individual research results will not be
returned to participants.
 Participant treatment
 Efficacy assessment
 Safety assessment
 Statistics
 Direct access to source
 Quality control/quality assurance
 Ethical considerations
 Data handling and record keeping
 Financing and insurance
 Supplements

Timeline of Review
Canada US
The review and approval of a clinical trial nstitutional ethics committee (EC)
application (CTA) by Health Canada (HC) (institutional review board (IRB) in the
and an institutional ethics committee (EC) United States) review of clinical
may be conducted in parallel. HC, however, investigation may be conducted in parallel
will not authorize the sponsor to begin the with the Food & Drug Administration’s
clinical trial until he/she submits an (FDA) review of the investigational new
institutional EC approval (provided in the drug application (IND). However, EC
required Clinical Trial Site Information form) approval must be obtained prior to the
for each participating trial site. sponsor being permitted to initiate the
clinical trial.
HC Approval
FDA IND Review and
An authorized clinical trial is one that has Authorization
been filed with HC and has not received an
objection within 30 days. All CTAs are The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and
subject to the 30-day default period from Research (CDER) and the Center for
the date of receipt of the completed Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
application at the appropriate Directorate review teams will evaluate all initial INDs for
within HC’s Health Products and Food drugs and therapeutic biological products
Branch (HPFB). While the Directorates can respectively. Within 30 calendar days of
establish shorter administrative targets of receipt of the original IND, the CDER/CBER
seven (7) days for the review of team will contact the sponsor when a
bioequivalence trials, the 30-day default clinical hold is being imposed. A clinical
system remains the regulatory requirement. hold is an order the FDA issues to delay or
Applications to conduct Phase I clinical suspend a clinical investigation. If the team
trials using somatic cell therapies, determines there may be grounds for
xenografts, gene therapies, prophylactic imposing a clinical hold, an attempt will be
vaccines, or reproductive and genetic made to discuss and resolve any issues
technologies are not included in the seven- with the sponsor prior to issuing the clinical
day target system. hold order. An IND automatically goes into
During the review period, the Directorate effect in 30 days, unless the FDA notifies
may request additional information from the the sponsor that the IND is subject to a
sponsor, who has two (2) calendar days to clinical hold, or, the FDA has notified the
provide such information. If HC authorizes sponsor earlier that the trial may begin.
the CTA, then it issues a No Objection
Letter (NOL). If HC rejects the CTA, it Once the FDA receives the IND application,
sends a Not Satisfactory Notice (NSN). The an IND number will be assigned and the
sponsor may resubmit the information and application will be forwarded to the
material at a future time, and it will be appropriate reviewing division. A letter will
processed as a new CTA. be sent to the sponsor/sponsor-investigator
providing notification of the assigned IND
Ethics Committee Approval number, date of receipt of the original
application, address where future
The EC review and approval process submissions to the IND application should
timeline varies by institution. Canada’s be sent, and the name and telephone
research institutions recommend a number of the FDA person to whom
proportionate approach to ethics review— questions about the application should be
the lower the level of risk, the lower the directed. Clinical studies shall not be
level of scrutiny (delegated review); the initiated until 30 days after the date of
higher the level of risk, the higher the level receipt of the IND application by the FDA
of scrutiny (full board review). In either unless earlier notification is received from
case, the institutional EC should make its the FDA that studies may begin.
decisions in an efficient and timely manner.
EC Approval
Each EC maintains its own procedures
and processes for review.
Consequently, there is no stated
regulatory requirement for a standard
timeline of review and approval of the
clinical trial. However, the EC should
review a proposed clinical trial within
a reasonable time.

Trial Initiation
Canada US
A clinical trial can only commence after the A clinical trial can only commence following
sponsor receives authorization from both the Food & Drug Administration (FDA)’s
Health Canada (HC) and an institutional review of the investigational new drug
ethics committee (EC) (known as Research application (IND) within 30 calendar days of
Ethics Board (REB) in Canada). No waiting receiving the IND and ethics approval from
period is required following the applicant’s an institutional ethics committee (EC)
receipt of these approvals. (known as institutional review board (IRB) in
the United States (US)). No waiting period
The sponsor is required to retain the REB is required following the 30 day review
Attestation and Qualified Investigator period unless the FDA imposes a clinical
Undertaking (QIU) forms for each trial site, hold on the IND.
while submitting the Clinical Trial Site Once an IND has been submitted and has
Information (CTSI) form in electronic format been authorized following the 30 day review
to the appropriate HC Directorate for each period, the sponsor is permitted to import
trial site. an investigational product (IP).

In addition, if a sponsor (Canadian or Clinical Trial Agreement

foreign) wants to import a drug into Canada
to conduct a clinical trial, he/she must All investigators must possess appropriate
include a copy of HC’s clinical trial qualifications, training, and experience.
authorization (i.e., the No Objection Letter) Prior to the trial’s commencement, the
with the drug shipment. If the sponsor plans sponsor must obtain from the
to import investigational drugs directly to investigator(s) a signed Statement of
each trial site, then the sponsor must also Investigator form. This form serves as the
authorize the importer (i.e., the clinical trial investigator’s agreement to provide certain
site) when submitting the clinical trial information to the sponsor and to assure
application. that he/she will comply with the FDA’s
clinical investigation regulations.
Clinical Trial Agreement
EC Confirmation of Review and
Prior to initiating the trial, the sponsor must
sign an agreement between all involved EC review of the clinical investigation must
parties, including ECs, Qualified be obtained prior to the sponsor being
Investigators (QIs), contract research permitted to initiate the trial.
organizations, and others, to ensure full
compliance with the regulatory
Clinical Trials Registry

Clinical trial sites and sponsors may use the Either the sponsor or the principal
standard model Clinical Trial Agreement investigator (PI) designated by the sponsor
(mCTA) in negotiating phase II and phase is required to register with the
III clinical trial agreements. The mCTA is a databank. The sponsor/PI
direct response to recommendations from must register 21 days after the first patient
the field for a standard clinical trial template is enrolled in a trial.
agreement that can help to streamline the
negotiating process and expedite clinical Data and Safety Monitoring Board
trial start up times. (DSMB)

Data and Safety Monitoring Boards

Institutional EC Confirmation of (DSMBs), (also known as a Data Monitoring
Review and Approval Committees (DMCs)), are not required by
FDA regulations, except in the case of
The sponsor must obtain institutional EC research conducted in emergency settings
approval for each participating site prior to in which fulfilling the informed consent
initiating a clinical trial. requirement is unfeasible. In this case, the
FDA requires the establishment of an
Qualified Investigators (QIs) independent data monitoring committee to
exercise oversight of the clinical
Prior to initiating a clinical trial, the sponsor investigation.
must ensure that a QIU form (or similar For all human subjects research funded
documentation) has been completed and is and/or sponsored by the Department of
kept on file by the sponsor. The form Health & Human Services (HHS), the
certifies that the QI will conduct the clinical institutional EC shall ensure that, when
trial in accordance with good clinical appropriate, the research plan makes
practices and will immediately inform trial adequate provisions for monitoring the data
participants and the institutional EC of trial collected during the study to ensure
discontinuance and the reason for this participant safety and privacy. Moreover, all
discontinuance. If there is a change in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded
QI at a site, a new CTSI Form must be clinical trials require a Data and Safety
submitted to HC, and a new QIU form must Monitoring Plan and monitoring should be
be maintained by the sponsor. commensurate with risk. DSMBs are also
required for multi-site clinical trials including
Data and Safety Monitoring Board interventions that involve potential
(DSMB) participant risk.

While not required, it is recommend that a

Data and Safety Monitoring Board (known
as an Independent Data-Monitoring
Committee in Canada) be established to
assess the progress of a clinical trial,
including the safety data and the critical
efficacy endpoints at intervals, and to
recommend to the sponsor whether to
continue, modify, or stop a trial. Note that
Health Canada (HC)-implemented
International Council for Harmonisation
(ICH) guidance takes precedence over
other HC guidance when they are not

To determine whether a DSMB is needed,

researchers and ECs should consider the

 The magnitude of foreseeable

research-attributable harms to
 Whether the circumstances of the
participants make them vulnerable in
the context of research.
 The feasibility of interim data
 The complexity of the study.
 Conflicts of interest.

Clinical Trials Registry

While not a mandatory requirement,

HC strongly encourages sponsors to
register their clinical trials on one (1)
of two (2) publicly accessible
registries accepting international
clinical trial information and
recognized by the World Health
Organization, and
the Current Controlled Trials
International Standard Randomised
Controlled Trials Number (ISRCTN)
Registry. However, clinical trials must
be registered before recruitment of
the first trial participant in a publicly
accessible registry that is acceptable
to the WHO or the International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(ICMJE). In addition, following
registration, researchers are
responsible for ensuring that the
registry is updated in a timely manner
with: new information; safety and,
where feasible, efficacy reports;
reasons for stopping a trial early; and
the location of findings.

Safety Reporting
Canada US
The following definitions provide a basis for The following definitions provide a basis for
a common understanding of Canada’s a common understanding of safety
safety reporting requirements: reporting requirements in the United States
 Adverse Event (AE) – Any adverse
occurrence in the health of a clinical  Adverse Event (AE) - Any untoward
trial subject who is administered a medical occurrence associated with
drug that may or may not be caused the use of a drug in humans, whether
by the administration of the drug, and or not considered drug related
includes an adverse drug reaction.
 Adverse Reaction (AR) - Any AE
 Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) – Any
caused by a drug. ARs are a subset of
noxious and unintended response to a
all suspected adverse reactions where
drug that is caused by the there is reason to conclude that the
administration of any dose of the drug. drug caused the event
 Serious Adverse Drug Reaction
 Serious Adverse Event/Serious
(SADR) or Serious Adverse Event
Suspected Adverse Reaction
(SAE) – Any untoward medical
(SAE/SSAR) - An AE/SSAR that
occurrence that at any dose: results in
results in death, is life-threatening,
death, is life threatening, requires
requires inpatient hospitalization or
hospitalization or prolongation of
prolongation of existing
existing hospitalization, results in
hospitalization, causes persistent or
persistent or significant disability or
significant disability/incapacity, results
incapacity, or causes a congenital
in a congenital anomaly/birth defect,
anomaly/birth defect.
or, leads to a substantial disruption of
 Serious, Unexpected ADR – A
the participant’s ability to conduct
serious ADR that is not identified in
normal life functions
nature, severity or frequency in the
risk information set out in the  Suspected Adverse Reaction (SAR)
investigator’s brochure or on the label - Any AE where there is a reasonable
of the drug. possibility that the drug caused the AE

Researchers are required to promptly report  Unexpected AE/Unexpected SAR -

new information revealed during the An AE or SAR that is not listed in the
conduct of the trial that might affect the investigator’s brochure (IB), or is not
welfare or consent of participants to the listed at the specificity or severity that
ethics committee (EC), to a publicly has been observed; or, if an IB is not
accessible registry, and to other appropriate required or available, is not consistent
regulatory or advisory bodies. In addition, with the risk information described in
when new information is relevant to the general investigational plan or
participants’ welfare, researchers must elsewhere in the application
promptly inform all participants to whom the  Life-threatening Adverse Event/Life-
information applies (including former threatening Suspected Adverse
participants). Researchers must work with Reaction - An AE/SAR is considered
their ECs to determine which participants “life-threatening” if its occurrence
must be informed, and how the information places the participant at immediate
should be conveyed. risk of death. It does not include an
AE/SAR that, had it occurred in a
Reporting Requirements for
more severe form, might have caused
Sponsor Responsibilities
Reporting Requirements for
The sponsor is required to expedite reports AEs/ARs
of ADRs to Health Canada (HC) that meet Investigator Responsibilities
these three (3) criteria: serious,
unexpected, and having a suspected causal The investigator must comply with the
relationship. ADR reports that are expected following reporting requirements:
or unexpected, but not serious, should not
be reported to HC, but rather monitored and  SAEs, whether or not considered
tracked by the sponsor. drug related, must be reported
immediately to the sponsor
During a clinical trial, the sponsor is
required to inform HC of any serious,  Study endpoints that are SAEs must
unexpected ADR that has occurred inside be reported in accordance with the
or outside Canada. An ADR report must be protocol unless there is evidence
filed in the following specified timelines: suggesting a causal relationship
between the drug and the event. In
 When neither fatal nor life- that case, the investigator must
threatening, within 15 days after immediately report the event to the
becoming aware of the information sponsor
 When fatal or life-threatening,
 Non-serious AEs must be recorded
immediately when possible and, in any
and reported to the sponsor according
event, within seven (7) days after
to the protocol specified timetable
becoming aware of the information
 Within eight (8) days after having  Report promptly to the institutional
informed HC of the ADR, submit a ethics committee (EC) (institutional
report that includes an assessment of review boards (IRBs) in the US) all
the importance and implication of any unanticipated problems involving risk
findings to human participants or others where
AEs should be considered
Qualified Investigator (QI) unanticipated problems
Sponsor Responsibilities
When evaluating whether an AE is serious
and unexpected, the Qualified Investigator’s The sponsor must report any SAR/AR that
(QI) and sponsor’s determination of is both serious and unexpected. An AE
causality is important. Only serious and must only be reported as a SAR if there is
unexpected ADRs found to have a evidence to suggest a causal relationship
reasonable suspected causal relationship to between the drug and the AE.
the drug should be reported by the sponsor
to HC. The sponsor is required to notify the Food &
Drug Administration (FDA) and all
participating investigators in a written safety
report of potential serious risks, from clinical
trials or any other source, as soon as
possible, but no later than 15 calendar days
after he/she determines the information
qualifies for reporting. Additionally, the
sponsor must notify the FDA of any
unexpected fatal or life-threatening SAR as
soon as possible, but no later than seven
(7) calendar days following his/her receipt
of the information. The sponsor is required
to submit a follow-up safety report to
provide additional information obtained
pertaining to a previously submitted safety
report. This report should be submitted
without delay, as soon as the information is
available, but no later than 15 calendar
days after the sponsor initially receives the

The sponsor must also report the following:

 Any findings from epidemiological

studies, pooled analyses of multiple
studies, or clinical studies (other than
those reported in the safety report),
whether or not conducted under an
IND, and whether or not conducted by
the sponsor, that suggest a significant
risk in humans exposed to the drug
 Any findings from animal or in vitro
testing, whether or not conducted by
the sponsor, that suggest a significant
risk in humans exposed to the drug
 Any clinically important increase in
the rate of an SSAR over that listed in
the protocol or IB
In each safety report, the sponsor must
identify all safety reports previously
submitted to the FDA concerning a similar
SAR, and must analyze the significance of
the SAR in light of previous, similar reports,
or any other relevant information.

The responsible party, either the sponsor or

the principal investigator (PI) designated by
the sponsor, must submit three (3) tables of
AE/ adverse drug reaction (ADR)
information when providing study results to The tables should consist
of the following summarized data:

 All SAEs/serious adverse drug

reactions (SADRs)
 Other AEs/ADRs that exceed a
frequency of five (5) percent in any
arm of the trial
 All-cause mortalities
This information must be submitted no later
than one (1) year after the primary
completion date of the clinical trial.
Submission of trial results may be delayed
as long as two (2) years if the sponsor or PI
submits a certification
to that either: 1) the FDA
has not yet approved, licensed, or cleared
for marketing the investigational product
(IP) being studied; or 2) the manufacturer is
the sponsor and has sought or will seek
approval within one (1) year.

Form Completion and Delivery


The sponsor must submit each safety

report in a narrative format, on FDA Form
3500A, or in an electronic format that the
FDA can process, review and archive, and
be accompanied by Form 1571 (cover

The submission must be identified as


 “IND safety report” for 15-day

 “7-day IND safety report” for
unexpected fatal or life-threatening
suspected adverse reaction reports
 “Follow-up IND safety report” for
follow-up information
The report must also be submitted to the
appropriate review division (Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (CDER)/Center
for Biologics Evaluation and Research
(CBER)). Additionally, the FDA will accept
foreign SARs on a CIOMS Form I instead of
FDA Form 3500A.

Reporting Process
Canada US
Investigators and sponsors share The investigator and the sponsor share
responsibility for submitting interim and responsibility for submitting progress
annual reports on the status of a clinical reports on the status of a clinical trial and
trial. The investigator is required to provide for submitting final study reports upon the
annual progress reports to the institutional trial’s completion.
ethics committee (EC) and submit interim
progress reports to the EC and Health Interim/Progress Reports
Canada (HC) if there are any significant
changes affecting the trial or risk to The investigator should promptly provide
participants. The sponsor is required to written reports to the sponsor and the
submit annual reports (in the form of an institutional ethics committee (EC) on any
updated Investigator’s Brochure (IB)) to HC. changes significantly affecting the conduct
Note that HC-implemented International of the trial, and/or increasing the risk to
Council for Harmonisation (ICH) guidance participants.
takes precedence over other HC guidance The investigator must furnish all reports to
when they are not consistent. the sponsor. In addition, the investigator
should submit written summaries of the trial
Interim Progress Reports status to the institutional EC (institutional
review board (IRB) in the United States
The investigator should promptly provide (US)) annually, or more frequently, if
written reports to the sponsor and the requested by the EC.
institutional ethics committee (EC) on any
changes significantly affecting the conduct Annual Report
of the trial, and/or increasing the risk to
participants. The sponsor must submit a brief annual
Investigators must report new information progress report to the Food & Drug
that may affect the welfare or consent of Administration (FDA) on the investigation
participants to the institutional EC, Health within 60 days of the anniversary date that
Canada (HC), and other appropriate the investigational new drug (IND) went into
regulatory or advisory entities. When new effect. The report must contain the following
information is relevant to participants’ information for each study:
welfare, researchers must promptly inform  Title, purpose, description of patient
all participants to whom the information population, and current status
applies (including former participants).  Summary of the participants
Researchers should work with their ECs to screened (e.g., failed screenings,
determine which participants must be participants enrolled, withdrawn, or
informed, and how the information should lost to follow-up, and other challenges)
be conveyed. New information may  Summary information - including
comprise a range of issues, including, but information obtained during the
not limited to: previous year’s clinical and nonclinical
 Changes to the research design investigations
 Evidence of any new risks  Description of the general
 Unanticipated issues that have investigational plan for the coming
possible health or safety year
consequences for participants  Updated investigator’s brochure, if
 New information that decisively revised
proves the benefits of one intervention  Description of any significant Phase
over another 1 protocol modifications not previously
 New research findings, including reported in a protocol amendment
relevant non-trial findings  Brief summary of significant foreign
 Unanticipated problems marketing developments with the drug
 Closure of trials at other sites for  A log of any outstanding business
reasons that may be relevant to the for which the sponsor requests a
welfare or consent of participants in reply, comment, or meeting
the ongoing trial Trial updates must be submitted
to according to the
following guidelines:
Annual Report  Not less than once every 12 months
for updated general trial registration
The sponsor must submit annually an information
updated Investigator’s Brochure (IB), which  Not later than 30 calendar days for
serves as the annual report, including all any changes in overall recruitment
safety information and global status, to HC. status
Revisions that are more frequent may be  Not later than 30 calendar days after
appropriate depending on the stage of the trial reaches its actual primary
development and the generation of relevant completion date, the date the final
new information. The annual updated IB participant was examined or received
should be submitted electronically as a an intervention for the purposes of
CTA-Notification, and include a statement final collection data for the primary
confirming that the protocol and/or informed outcome
consent form do not require changes as a
result of the updated IB. In all cases, the Final Report
updated IB should be accompanied by a list
of changes that clearly describe the An investigator must provide the
sections that have changed, including a sponsor with an adequate report
rationale for each change. shortly after completion of the
investigator’s participation in the
The investigator should submit written investigation. There is no specific
summaries of the trial status to the timeframe stipulated for when the
institutional EC annually, or more report should be completed.
frequently, if requested. Upon the trial’s completion, the
investigator should inform the
Final Report institution and the
investigator/institution should provide
Upon completion of the trial, the the EC with a summary of the trial’s
investigator is required to submit a outcome, and supply the FDA with any
final report to the institutional EC additional report(s) required of the
summarizing the trial’s outcome. investigator/institution.
HC encourages sponsors to submit a The sponsor or the principal
notification to HC indicating that the investigator (PI) designated by the
trial is complete. sponsor must submit results for
applicable investigational product
clinical trials to no
later than one (1) year following the
study’s completion date. (See the full
subtopic content in the single-country
view for exceptions to this timeframe
and the types of data to be reported).

Trial Authorization
Canada US
The sponsor submits a clinical trial The sponsor is responsible for submitting
application (CTA) or amendment to a an investigational new drug application
previously approved clinical trial application (IND) for the Food & Drug Administration's
(CTA-A) to Health Canada (HC) to obtain (FDA) review to obtain an exemption to ship
authorization to conduct a clinical trial. In investigational drug or biological products
addition, the sponsor may submit a CTA for across state lines and to administer these
clinical trial authorization to HC in parallel investigational products in humans.
with its submission to an institutional ethics Institutional ethics committee (EC)
committee (EC) (known as Research Ethics (institutional review board (IRB) in the US)
Board (REB) in Canada) for a favorable review of the clinical investigation may be
ethical opinion. HC, however, will not conducted concurrently with the FDA review
authorize the sponsor to begin the clinical of the IND. However, EC approval must be
trial until he/she submits an institutional EC obtained prior to the sponsor being
approval (provided in the required Clinical permitted to initiate the clinical trial.
Trial Site Information form) for each To complete the IND application package,
participating trial site. the sponsor must provide the following
To complete the CTA, the sponsor must information in paper format or electronically:
submit a clinical trial application  Cover sheet (Form FDA 1571)
electronically. The CTA package includes, (including, but not limited to: sponsor
but is not limited to: contact information, investigational
 Protocol product (IP) name, application date,
 Summary of potential risks/benefits phase(s) of clinical investigation to be
 Clinical trial attestation (including conducted, and commitment that the
contact information for the institutional EC will conduct an initial and
EC that approved the protocol, if continuing review and approval of
known at the time of application) each study proposed in the
 Contact information of any investigation)
institutional EC that previously refused  Protocols
to approve the protocol, its reason(s),  Chemistry, manufacturing, and
and refusal date control data
 Investigator’s brochure  Pharmacology and toxicology data
 Informed consent form  Previous human experience with the
 Information about use of a human- investigational drug
sourced excipient
 Chemistry and manufacturing
 Proposed date for trial
commencement at each site, if known
If HC authorizes the CTA, then it issues a
No Objection Letter (NOL). If HC rejects the
CTA, it sends a Not Satisfactory Notice
(NSN). HC will issue a NSN if it identifies
significant deficiencies, or, if a timely
response to information requested has not
been provided. The sponsor may resubmit
the information and material at a future
time, and it will be processed as a new

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