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Curs : 2019/2020

8058 - Màster Universitari en Filosofia Política

31439 - El Nacionalisme Avui

Informació del Pla Docent

Curs acadèmic:
Centre acadèmic:
805 - Programa Oficial de Postgrau en Política i Societat
8058 - Màster Universitari en Filosofia Política
31439 - El Nacionalisme Avui
Idiomes de docència:
Teoria: Grup 1: Anglès
Klaus-Jürgen Nagel
Periode d'Impartició:
Segon trimestre
Anar a la consulta d'Horaris

Nationalism, today (Klaus-Jürgen Nagel)
"Nationalism seems to me the strongest force in the world today."
(Isaiah Berlin 1980)
The aim of the course is to present and discuss classical theoretical explanations and current approaches on ´nation´ and ´nationalism´, as well as on ´self-determination´
and ´secession´.

Competències associades
CB6 - Acquiring knowledge that allows to develop and apply ideas, especially for the design and application of research.
CB9- Communicate in a clear and unambiguous way their conclusions and knowledge and reasons supporting them
CG1- Using theoretical concepts and approaches related to nations and nationalism.
CG 2- Ability to maintain an argumentation about topics related to nations and nationalisms.
CG 4- Capacity to search, manage, analyze, interpret, produce and apply information related to concrete topics concerning nations and nationalism

Resultats de l'aprenentatge
During this course, the student will learn about
-the different elements of defining a “nation” and the difficulties to translate the topic
-the etymology of the term and its different meanings from its origins until today
-the different traditions to think the nation from the French revolution until today
-the contrasting definitions of Sieyès, Herder and Renan
-the development of thinking the nation during the 19th and 20th centuries (in particular Mazzini, John St. Mill, Marx/Engels, Barrès and Maurras, fascist and national
socialist thinking, communist thinkers, nationalism and anti-colonialism)
-the Hayes and Kohn typologies (ethnic and civic nationalism)
-approaches to the concept of the Nation based on ethnicity (socio-biology, ethno-nationalism, ethnic boundaries and markers, “ethnie” as strategic choice; ethno-
mythological approach – A.D. Smith)
-the differences between primordialists and modernists
-the functionalist and instrumentalist approaches (Deutsch, Rokkan, Gellner), including Marxist and non-marxist thinking on “internal colonialism” (Hechter, Nairn),
“inventing” the Nation (Hobsbawm), nationalism as an instrument to fight for state power (Breuilly) and conceptualising the Nation as an imagined community (Anderson)
-the philosophical and political bases of the concept of self-determination and current normative theories on secession (primary right and remedial right or just cause
-some of the problems of current liberal thought on the nation (Tamir, Miller).

1. The Nation
1.1. The origins of the term and its history up to the French revolution
1.2. Classical thought on the Nation
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen/Requejo, Ferran: Nations and nationalism, in: Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought, ed. Paul Barry Clarke/Joe Foweraker, London/New York 2001, p.
Stalin, Josep, Marxism and the National Question (1913), excerpt
Renan, Ernest, ¿Qu’est-ce qu’une Nation? (1882) excerpt.
Sieyès, Emmanuel: ¿Qu’est-ce que le tiers état? (1789) excerpt.
2. First academic interpretations
Kohn, Hans: Western and Eastern Nationalism, in: Hutchinson, John/Smith, Anthony D. (eds.): Nationalism, Oxford/New York 1994, p. 162-165.
Canovan, Margaret: What is a Nation?, in: id., Nationhood and Political Theory, Cheltenham/Brookfield 1996, p. 50-67.
3. Current theories to explain Nation and Nationalism
3.1. “The ethnic phenomenon”, or primordialist and other ethnicist approaches
Smith, Anthony D.: The “myth of the modern nation” and the myths of nations, Ethnic and Racial Studies 11, 1988, 1, p. 1-15 (...folktales); 16 (But even...)-26.
Anthony D. Smith’s opening statement, Nations and Nationalism 2, 1996, 3, p. 358-365.
3.2. Modernist approaches
3.2.1. Functionalists
Deutsch, Karl W.: Tides among Nations, New York/London 1979, excerpt.
Deutsch, Karl W.: Nationalism and social communication, in: Hutchinson, John(Smith, Anthony D. (eds.): Nationalism, Oxford / New York 1994, p. 26-29.
Gellner, Ernest: Nationalism, 1997. Excerpts.
Gellner, Ernest: Nations and Nationalism, 1983. Excerpts.
3.2.2. Instrumentalists
Avineri, Shlomo: Marxism and Nationalism, in: Reinharz, Jehuda/Mosse, George L. (eds.): The Impact of western nationalisms, London et al. 1992, p. 284 (Of all the
historical...)-299 ( the Austro:Marxist tradition), 300 (Socialism has thus been burdened..)-301 (footnote 33).
Hobsbawm, Eric J.: Nation, State, Ethnicity, Religion: Transformations of Identity, in: Os nacionalismos en Europa. Pasado e presente, Santiago de Compostela 1994, p. 33-
Breuilly, John: Nationalism and the State SECOND EDITION Manchester 1993, excerpts.
3.2.3. The Nation: an Imagined Community?
Anderson, Benedict: Imagined Communities, 1991. Excerpts.
4. Nationalism and the Liberal State Today.
Miller, David: The nation-state: a modest defence, in: Brown, Chris (ed.): Political restructuring in Europe, London/New York 1994, p. 137-162.
5. National Self-Determination and Secession Today.
Beran, Harry: A democratic theory of political self-determination for a new world order, in: Lehning, P. )ed.). Theories of secession, 1998, p. 32-59.
Buchanan, Allen: The Morality of Secession, in: Kymlicka, Will (ed.): The rights of minority cultures, Oxford 1995, p. 350-374.
6. Thinking the Nation today
Billig, Michael, Banal nationalism, in: Spencer, Philip/Wollman, Howard (eds.): Nations and nationalism. A reader, Edinburgh: UP 2005, p.
Canovan, Margaret: Nationhood and Political Theory, Cheltenham/Brookfield 1996. Excerpts.
Ignatieff, Michael: Bloopd and belonging. Journeys into the new nationalism, New York (Introduction)
Spencer, Philip/Wollman, Howard: Good and bad nationalisms, in: Spencer, Philip/Wollman, Howard (eds.): Nations and nationalism. A reader, Edinburgh: UP 2005, p. 197-

Students have to assist to at least 80% of all sessions. This is obligatory, and students not complying will not be assessed.
-Participation in the classroom (lectures, seminaries and tutorial lessons). The preparation of the sessions with the help of the obligatory readings is essential (20%). In
case the preparation is generally insufficient, short summaries of the articles will be required for each session and assessed, too.
-Short presentation (10 minutes) of an author or school to the audience. A written or PPT presentation has to be delivered for obtaining a mark (20%).
-A 15-20-page analysis of a particular topic. The topic has to be different from the presentation, and will be decided individually (60%).
Warning: Papers written for other courses will not be accepted. Remember also: The Department of Social and Political Sciences will not tolerate plagiarism, copy or active
or passive collaboration in this type of dishonest behaviour in papers written by our students. The sanction for plagiarism will be the immediate fail in the course.
Additionally, the University will initiate proceedings against the student that could lead to his/her expulsion of the Master. We will consider plagiarism using someone's
words without referencing the source or including the information in quotation marks or a block quote; using someone's ideas without referencing the source or copying
papers written by other students.

Bibliografia i recursos d'informació

Handbooks, readers
BEINER, R. (ed.): Theorizing nationalism, Albany 1999
BILLIG, M.: Banal nationalism, London 1995
CANOVAN, M.: Nationhood and political theory, Cheltenham/¬Brookfield 1996.
CONVERSI, D. (ed.): Ethnonationalism in the contemporary world, London/New York 2002
DAHBOUR, O./ISHAY, M. R. (eds.): The nationalism reader, Atlantic Highlands 1995
HUTCHINSON, J./SMITH, A.D. (eds.): Ethnicity, Oxford/New York 1996.
HUTCHINSON, J./SMITH, A.D. (eds.): Nationalism, Oxford/¬New York 1994
McCRONE, D. The Sociology of Nationalism, London/New York 1998
MOTYL, A.J. (ed.): Encyclopedia of nationalism, 2 vols., San Diego 2001.
REQUEJO, F. (ed.): Democracia y pluralismo nacional, Barcelona 2002
SENTMARTÍ, R. (ed.): Clàssics del nacionalisme, Barcelona 2001
SPENCER, P./WOLLMAN, H. (eds.): Nations and nationalism. A reader, Edinburgh: UP 2005
TA¬MIR, Y.: Liberal Nationalism, Princeton 1993
WOOLF, S. (ed.): Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to Present, London/New York 1996
Academic organizations for the study of nationalism
Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN)
Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
Research centers
Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, UK
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University, USA
Centre d’études ethniques des universités montréalaises, Université de Montréal, Québec (CEETUM)
The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism, U. Helsinki (CEREN)
Degree programs
Nationalism Studies, The Graduate School of Social and Political Sciences, The Univ. of Edinburgh
Masters Degree Programme in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, Birkbeck College, Univ. Of London
Nationalism Studies Program, Central Euroepean University, Budapest, Hungary
The Boston School of Nationalism Studies, Boston Univ., USA
Additional bibliography (see also the list of basic titles and the course readings)
Ethnic and Racial Studies
National Identities
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Nationalities Papers
Nations and Nationalism
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Other books and articles
ACHANKENG, Fonkem (ed.): Nationalism and Intra-State Conflicts in the Postcolonial World, Lexington Books 2015.
ANDERSON, Benedict: Imagined communities, London 1983 (2)1991. Hay traducción castellana de la primera edición.
ARMSTRONG, John A.: Nations before Nationalism, Chapel Hill 1982.
AVINERI, Shlomo: Marxism and nationalism, in: REINHARZ, Jehuda/-MOSSE, George L. (ed.): The Impact of Western National¬isms, Essays dedicated to Walter Z. Laqueur
on the occasion of his 70th birthday, London u.a. 1992, p. 283-303.
BALAKRISHNAN, Gopal (ed.): Mapping the nation, London/New York 1996.
BARTH, Frederik (ed.): Ethnic groups and boundaries. The social organization of culture difference, Bergen/Oslo/¬London 1969.
BENNER, Erica: Really existing nationalisms. A post-communist view from Marx and Engels, Oxfod 1995
BERAMENDI, Justo G./MAIZ, Ramón/NUÑEZ, Xosé M. (eds.): National¬ism in Europe. Past and present. Actas do Congreso Internacional Os Nacionalismos en Europa.
Pasado e Presente, 2 vols., Santiago de Compostela 1994.
BILLIG, Michael: Banal nationalism, London/Thousand Oakes 1995. Hi ha traducció catalana 2006.
BREUILLY, John: Nationalism and the state, Manchester 1982, 21993. Hay traducción castellana de la primera edición.
BROWN, David: Contemporary nationalism. Civic, ethnocultural & multicultural politics, London/New York 2000.
BUCHANAN, Allen/MACEDO, Stephen (eds.): Secession and self-determination, New York 2003.
CANOVAN, Margaret: Nationhood and political theory, Cheltenham/-Brookfield 1996.
CONNOR, Walker: The national question in marxist-leninist theory and strategy, Princeton 1984.
CONNOR, Walker: Ethnonationalism. The quest for under¬standing, Princeton 1994.
COPPIETIERS, Bruno/HUYSSEUNE, Michel (eds.): Secession, history and the social sciences, Brussels 2002.
COUTURE, Jocelyne/NIELSEN, Kai/SEYMOUR, Michel (eds.): Rethinking nationalism, (=CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY Supplementary Vol. 22), Calgary 1998.
DALLMAYR, Fred/¬ROSALES, José M. (eds.): Beyond nationalism? Sovereignty and citizenship, Lanham et al. 2001.
DELANNOI, Gil/TAGUIEFF, Pierre-André (eds.): Théories du nationa¬lisme, Paris 1991. Hay traducción castellana.
DEUTSCH, Karl W.: Nationalism and social communication, Cambridge MA 1953, (2)1966.
FLORA, Peter et al. (eds.): State formation, nation-building, and mass politics in Europe, Oxford 1999.
GELLNER, Ernest: Nations and nationalism, Ithaca/London 1983. Hay traducción castellana.
GELLNER, Ernest: Encounters with nationalism, Oxford 1994. Hay traducción castellana.
GLAZER, Nathan/MOYNIHAN, Daniel P. (eds.): Ethnicity. Theory and experience, Cambridge MA/London 1975.
GREENFELD, Liah: Five roads to modernity, Cambridge, Mass. 1992.
GUIBERNAU, Montserrat: Nationalisms. The nation-state and nationalism in the twentieth century, Cambridge 1996. Hay traducción castellana. Hi ha traducció catalana.
GUIBERNAU, Montserrat (ed.): Nacionalisme. Debats i dilemes per a un nou mil.leni, Barcelona 2000.
GUIBERNAU, Montserrat/REX, John (eds.): The ethnicity reader, Cambridge 1997.
HALL, John A. (ed.): The state of the nation. Ernest Gellner and the theory of nationalism, Cambridge 1998.
HAYES, Carlton Joseph Huntley: Essays on Nationalism (1926)
HAYES, Carlton Joseph Huntley: The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism (1931)
HAYES, Carlton Joseph Huntley: Nationalism. A religion (1960).
HECHTER, Michael: Internal colonialism. The Celtic fringe in British national development, 1536-1966, London 1975.
HECHTER, Michael: Containing nationalism, Oxford 2000.
HOBSBAWM, Eric J.: Nations and nationalism since 1870, London 1990. Hay traducción castellana.
HOBSBAWM, Eric/RANGER, Terence (eds.): The invention of tradi¬tion, Cambridge et al. 1983. Hi ha traducció catalana.
HROCH, Miroslav: Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe. A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller European
Nations, Cambridge 1985, New York 2000.
HUTCHINSON, John: Modern nationalism, London 1994.
IGNATIEFF, Michael: Blood and belonging, New York 1994.
KEATING, Michael/McGARRY, John (eds.): Minority nationalism and the changing international order, Oxford 2001.
KEATING, Michael: Nations against the state, London 1996.
KEDOURIE, Elie: Nationalism, London 1960, Hay traducción castellana.
KOHN, Hans: The idea of nationalism, New York 1945. Hay traducción castellana.
KYMLICKA, Will: States, nations and cultures, Assen 1997.
KYMLICKA, Will: Politics in the Vernacular. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Oxford 2001.
LLOBERA, Josep R.: The God of modernity. The development of nationalism in Western Europe, Oxford/Providence 1994. Hay traducción castellana.
McKIM, Robert/¬McMAHAN, Jeff (eds.): The morality of national¬ism, New York/¬Oxford 1997.
MILLER, David: On nationality, New Cork 1995. =Sobre la nacionalidad, Barcelona 1997.
MOORE, Margaret: The ethics of nationalism, Oxford 2001.
MOORE, Margaret (ed.): National Self-Determination and Secession, Oxford 1998.
NAGEL, Klaus-Jürgen/REQUEJO Ferran: Nations and National¬ism, in: CLARKE, Paul Barry/FOWERAKER, Joe (eds.): Encyclope¬dia of Democra¬tic Thought, London/New
York 2001, pp. 453-458.
NAIRN, Tom: Faces of nationalism: Janus revisited, London 1997.
NAIRN, Tom: The break-up of Britain. Crisis and neo-nationalism, London 1977. (2)1981. Hay traducción castellana de la primera edición (Los nuevos nacionalismos en
NAIRN, Tom: Faces of Nationalism: Janus Revisited, London 1997, (2)2005.
NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, Xosé M.: Movimientos nacionalistas en Europa. Siglo XX, Madrid 1998.
O’LEARY, Brendan (ed.): Symposium on David Miller’s On nationality, Nations and Nationalism 2, 1996, 3, p. 407-451.
ÖZKIRIMLI, Umut: Theories of nationalism. A critical introduc¬tion, Houndmills/¬London 2000.
PECORA, Vincent P. (ed.): Nations and identities. Classic readings, Malden (Mass.)/¬Oxford 2001.
PERIWAL, Sukumar (ed.): Notions of national¬ism, Budapest et al. 1995.
RAZ, Joseph/MARGALIT, Avishai : National Self-Determination, Thje Journal of Philosophy 87, 1990, 9, p. 439-461.
RENAN, Ernest: Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?, Paris 1882. Hay traducción castellana.
REQUEJO, Ferran/NAGEL, Klaus-Jürgen (eds.): Politics of religion and nationalism. Federalism, consociationalism and secession, Routledge 2015.
RESNICK, Philip: Civic and ethnic nationalism: lessons from the Canadian case, in: BEINER, Ronald/NORMAN, Wayne (eds.): Canadian political philosophy. Contemporary
reflections, Oxford 2000, p. 282-297.
ROKKAN, Stein/URWIN, Drek et al.: Centre-periphery structures in Europe, Frankfurt am Main/New York 1987.
ROKKAN, Stein/URWIN, Derek W. (eds.): The politics of territorial identity. Studies in European regionalism, London et al. 1982.
ROKKAN, Stein/URWIN, Derek W.: Economy, territory, identity. Politics of West European Peripheries, London et al. 1983.
SMITH, Anthony D.: Theories of Nationalism, London 1971. Hay traducción castellana.
SMITH, Anthony D.: Nations and nationalism in a global era, Cambridge 1995.
SMITH, Anthony D.: The nation: invented, imagined, reconstructed? Millenium: Journal of International Studies 20, 1991, 3, p. 353-368.
SMITH, Anthony D.: Nationalism and modernism. A critical survey of recent theories of nations and nationalism, London/New York 1998.
SMITH, Anthony D.: The ethnic origins of nations, Oxford 1986.
SMITH, Anthony D.: Myths and memories of the Nation, Oxford 1999.
SMITH, Anthony D.: National identity, Reno 1993.
SMITH, Anthony D.: The Nation in history, University of New England, 2000.
SMITH, Anthony D.: The ethnic revival, Cambridge et al. 1981.
STALIN, Joseph: Marxism and the Nacional Question, in: The Essential Stalin: Major theoretical writings 1905-1052, ed. Bruce FRANKLIN, Croom Helm 1073. Hay versión
SZPORLUK, Roman: Communism and nationalism. Karl Marx versus Friedrich List, New York/Oxford 1988.
TILLY, Charles: States and Nationalism in Europe 1492-1992, Theory and Society 23, 1994, p. 131-146.
VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre L.: The ethnic phenomenon, New York et al. 1981.
VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre L.: Multicultural democracy: can it work?, Nations and Nationalism 8, 2002, 4, pp. 433-449.
VERMEULEN, Hans/GOVERS, Cora (eds.): The anthropology of ethnicity. Beyond 'Ethnic Groups and Boundaries', Amsterdam 1994.
WEBER, Max: The Nation, in: From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, ed. H.H. GERTH I C. WRIGHT MILLS, London (7)1970. Hay traducción castellana.

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