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AVINERK , Slow Marxism Qud Mabouabiuc, eu Jeliucla REWHARES ¢ George L. MOSSE, The Impact of Wesker Nokouckigus , Loudon et all. AAVZ (OF he strc! phenomena discus by Mer, hs eaten of ‘tions aston movementsand thecregeace a erat, stale thdlenstsasfcery It nso protien henge {esis movement, wih a erable "ack hol wher» confon ation wih oe ofthe most potent social and poll fares of te neeenh nd iwenicth entries should Rave been Marx acer dicissed national in any system way, and what wehave area number of disjointed satemeats Sel wth he es sometimes on every general eve, somtimes in respon topic oral evens on wich he bad commented i enspape ies Avie: Maris ana tenon as ha tered fee willshow tate are featoralisn in Mara on pre tnd on ps [es PSMA the pos-1848 the Tor the ‘premodern paradigm” (pram 1) ‘0 be found in The Camas Monet, wher the unveealaeg ower afte capi market sketched by Martin memorable snd Pity Langage, Tis niveraicing tnt necording to Mary, dost vay witheveyhing that i parr, belreponal or stionel The ‘ital mode of reduc sto Marthe st to have hen emanate oped nd compe. To ie ret ie ons aA tones a ee eta echrchatertcoms i aateecen ey ‘om ernest ios wie pois cmnmed a see ‘stint ra he go le paw tec wees anh ea meer a cng ane td seating. we ‘Sonn fe ‘Aad further atl ite td eine tcp ily and ‘ing sun pment of pean ce acces {Sie wat mat sity mean ed eco Stier oe Hence Marc famous dict tht “th workingmen ive. 0 county sis postulate ta ate fare the sopomy of he lett will mae tse difetenes Steen the nations) vase fries" [Nati diterens thus are likened i thi paadiem to othe pr- made wis, tike lea eusions aod dre the ate al ds to ‘lsappear before the univirsaiing omy ofthe bourne ad be even more perely integrated ina workers By the role evolton. "was thisaspet of paradigm 1 Mar'sthoughts om nationale EB, 26 he Impact of Western Nationals hich cae to carci the coumopolian and inteatontse {evings ofthe soit movement Ye Manx hime sot changed iver wihoet eer iting ht eho dosh cxperiece of he revolutions of(b489 during wich nanan ‘peared a e major force forthe it time on 2s masse sa, cession proving tobe much stonger than cas ters, Was flowed ery closely by Mare as ear of te Neue Mies Zein, and bs jouaatic writing of hs pti abounds With ‘many Isights ino the emerges of sd cates betwen asus tational movements — in Gemany and ay, in Poland nd ‘Botera, in Hungary and Croatia Oboes) sch a power fore eviey charging od ersving th ap of Eaope, rater orders ind state stuctres, cul no long ested under he pre-modem paradigm as mee append of premodern sonome Fmatins, abou tobe swept te ain ot hsory Opt tiesling oes of mari apa, UU Mk loge of: 169, in inept the levopments kang overs the nication of Carmen ad ay tras parecigm Il the explanation of fasion aa modiPe Sperctral expres ofthe bourne frig market {nd tetoral consoldaon. Tn ths paradigm, far fom berg at ‘ote and rome or omens reb afte petndurl ‘Se ttionalsn (ous Ee Hobsbawan's nt prs) abuling ‘Moot of pian ‘Acordig (othe partion cpt sees large economic ents it canoe fnction and deep propery when Gray a franple i vided ito thityseven Sas tiistats nd Cy. Sates, cach with iow laws, casts arrangement poi ‘hates and cree. The uncstion of Gena ado aly sno one jst dias te roa, jerang orcas and inainary Testo fore or Reman lor. te i te dice comomi itr he burg and eaten ile re ohingothe an superstratral site oegimaton fo es ‘ssonomi ites The Zatheren the mainly north German stoms union which preceded te poi unfleton of Germany ‘ude Bismarck isthe ode forthe emergence of modern nation States. National is no longer premodern for Marat te Sniome ofthe proces of spt Sevslopment sn nde Because of th Mar ow spportd fr insrumentalst but pt Jmmanet reson, th nifeton of Germany td aly. whale! vine: Merxim ana vatonalon a halped develop capitalism was of sous, imately hastening ie demise. Furthermore, only in lage, used ates could the proletariat develop an adequate cass eonicones and 00! be $eewacked no secondary efor: Mares support for Pasi i the 1H70-1 Franco Pras War, fr example, wat Srgued interme of ‘heinsrumentlty of this war toward Germany's unison ad os !nimportan step inthe development of nguealastio, eps ‘nd the ensuing steagteang ofthe working cls. At or could {raging sca view, overlooking the Inmet case ofthe id ot vay si wa i ter iin the radia oven itsenphasis on eel consideration ad oppsiton to the Kind of ‘pine epitomize by Bismarck, Yet Marx never wavered fom ts iinmalktapochcxheving ney er pecs paradigm tat Marx oppored the varios national veers in (Central nd Ester Europe of those people who red a sesde rom the Ausre-Hongarian Empire or acheve autonomy hin it — Imsily the Cathe snd the Croan. They, and eter Slavonic troupe, by tying to ‘Balance’ the Hatsbure Empite were ‘Teaco’ inthe sense hat shoud they sued, ndustiization ad economieceveopment in Centr an Extra Esrope would be flowed dowa, and hence the eventual victory ofthe preletanat woul {ehampered Cae Cronians and Ser shold wots pexparte Ste but te integrated into the one, larger market of Gerttny ‘Aus. Silay, Mare eguel on another deasion, Denmark ‘ould lately be abeorbed by Germany — and Mesico bythe tmore develope, aed pti, Unie States, What hates capa: Is development progres what hinders isso and shouldbe opposed! Les developed areas and populations oul be Intepated into the more developed ons, and ths the Cah, who ado bourgeois, wouideventaly beetle to develop an nda ‘esi only in comecon wi the German Austrian. Nowber in Mars wring ister any metion ofa gh to selfdeterinaton of suport for natal Heaton ek Ts appears a 6 SURipAORWard eR, whch, whe wholly lnseumental and devoid of any evbtatve tssanen etna ism, consistent with Mares general vew abou the slaons of "developed onpm-seane? sole” et crou(aceasy pone psc. Clin the theo recat afgumeet 7 larger economic ents end the stiorton of lessdeveloped repions within the larger, more ‘Shes esau pag ptdaues case soa oepaeatis we mone i ue sopray pu aan sma py 0 08 eto yo es ao or tng ua urdoons a esas “nipedosnop acuos perm womuon, ‘sae ogn ee get 25a onsen puta ta Lanyon oo ws0y aKNy {OF “OWE HEE ApoE SpE, SLL TUaAGOOE of Yo SBI i 0 suondnnn po aon a0) ltwodcs wre ase i 80 ur aegep © de ans of sad tng "ony sateen sop scan iy stsa sce pe ay oT men ae ouput Pony Ss use 2a seo ofan 5 88 anouy ousog gu sinus pue sear Or Sete ump unin ‘iduore seouay Suos tae sq spessp tend See wry on J ody oy ve Seana no eos ‘rena ptenoaiypasouporny neu poy oesoe anyone pee aren say aeuENDY po unege sey unease main foobar ae me 84 10 op ip gw er el sans se fo ay et

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