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Beirut Arab University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering

PHYS002: Physics for Everyday Life

“Shoe Hot Box”

Submitted to: Dr. Khalil Baderddine

Prepared by: Dima Al Kibbi (201500560) – Samer Issa (201701230)

Date: October 8, 2018

 Aim:

 The objective of this experiment is to be able to determine the factors that

affect the temperature of each shoe box.

 Theory:

 The wrapped shoe hot box is a solar thermal energy project designed to test
the greenhouse principle. Our experiment is to test two brown shoe boxes,
but one of the boxes is wrapped with plastic foil. The other shoe box is kept
unwrapped. In this experiment we will see which shoe box is able to conduct
heat more than the other one. The both brown shoes boxes must be affected
by certain important factors concerning solar heat gain the Greenhouse
Effect, the importance of color and the importance of insulation.

 Hypothesis: The wrapped with plastic foil brown shoe box will absorb more

 Apparatus:

 Plastic Foil
 Notebook and pencil
 Scissors
 Two Shoe Boxes
 Two Thermometers
 Procedure:

1) Find two shoes boxes of the same size.

2) Cut off the flaps of both shoe boxes
3) Cut off the right amount of plastic foil to be able to wrap one of the shoe
boxes completely in plastic foil.
4) Make a small hole in both boxes.
5) Place the two thermometers in each of the two boxes.
6) Leave the boxes outside in the same place exposed to sunlight for around 25
7) Record each 5 minutes the temperature shown on the thermometer for each
8) Repeat the above step 5 times.
9) Draw a bar graph to show the temperature difference in the two boxes.

 Results:

Time Temperature (°C)

1st Shoe Box 2nd Shoes Box Wrapped With Plastic Foil
At Start 24 28
At 5 min 26 29
At 10 min 27 30
At 15 min 28 32
At 20 min 30 34
At 25 min 33 37

 Conclusion:
 The aim of this experiment was to determine the factors the affecting
temperature of each shoe box

 The hot box is a solar thermal energy project that shows how plastic
wrap is a good insulator that becomes heat conductor. In this
experiment the hypothesis we stated was correct. The wrapped with
plastic foil brown shoe box absorbed more heat.

 Therefore, Heat moves through substances in a process called

conduction. Not all materials are alike in their ability to conduct heat.
Insulator materials are poor conductors that prevent the escape of heat
and saves energy.

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