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Student Name: Escuin, Angelo (ABM-209)
 For each area, answer each of the requirements by giving your insights or supplying the necessary
information, as needed. Make use of any language that would help you to answer
the question more effectively (e.g., English, Taglish).
 IMPORTANT: Honesty is a key factor in this task. Make sure answers are expressed as truthfully as possible. Even
a hint of dishonesty on your part will be evident (trust me, hence please do not test me) during the final discussion,
and will significantly impact your final grade.
 Use short bond paper for this final submission, presenting your answers in any format you prefer. Feel free
to reach out by replying to the email sent if you have questions. Good luck!

I. Foundations of My Ethical Behavior: Who I Am and Who I Look Up To (25%)

1. Give one quality/trait of any one (1) close family member or friend that makes you admire or look up to them the
a. Do you believe you possess this same trait that they have? Explain why/why not.
b. Can this quality/trait be of help to you once you become a businessperson? Explain how or how not.
2. What do you think is the biggest flaw in your personality? This is something that can potentially affect,
impair or even destroy your relationships with people. Remember that it takes humility and truthfulness to
effectively answer this question. Show this sense of honesty in your answer.
a. Explain how this quality/trait may get in the way of you being a good businessperson. b. Give specific ways
on how you can address this flaw in your personality.
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II. Social Responsibility: A Case of Bad Taste (25%)

1. Find a social media post that significantly affected the reputation of a food business in a negative way.
Then, find a news article that featured this social media post. Include screenshots of both the social media post
and the news article as part of the final submission.
2. Based solely on the social media post:
a. What do you think is the key problem faced by the business?
b. Judging from the information in the social media post, what do you think is the root cause of the key problem
faced by the business?
c. If you were one of the key persons involved to solve the problem, would you solve the problem the way they
did? If not, would you have resolved it differently? How?
3. Now, based solely on the news article:
a. What do you think is the key problem faced by the business?
b. Judging from the information in the news article, what do you think is the root cause of the key problem
faced by the business?
c. If you were one of the key persons involved to solve the problem, would you solve the problem the way they
did? If not, would you have resolved it differently? How?
4. Compare your answers in (b) and (c). Were your answers the same? If not, how did your judgment differ in
answering (b) vs answering (c)?
5. In the situation you provided, what do you think should be the responsibility of:
a. Customers of the food business?
b. Personnel of the food business (people “on the ground”, directly interacting with customers)?
c. Management of the food business (people leading/directing operations of the business)?
d. Persons narrating events through social media?
e. Persons narrating events through formal media outlets?
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III. Business Beyond Profit: My Comp any’s CSR (25%)

1. Access the corporate website of the company you want to be a part of, and look for a section
describing the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

2. From the company’s initiatives, select one (1), and include a screenshot of this as part of the submission. Then, in
your own words, answer the following questions:

a. What is the initiative’s objective?

b. What specific community or sector of society or part of the nation/world is affected by the initiative?

c. As of today, was there any description (in the website) of the impact of the initiative to the sector of
society/the world where it is directed?

3. Look for a news article that mentions the initiative of the company that you chose, and include this as part of the
final submission. Then, based on the news article, assess: has the objective of the initiative been achieved?
Explain why or why not.

4. Do you think the initiative is the reason why the company existed in the first place? Or is the activity just
secondary to the existence of the business? Explain why/why not.
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IV. My Code of Purpose (25%)

Based on your answers in the above sections, formulate a simple code of ethics/ code of right conduct for yourself.
This will supposedly be your moral compass, something you can refer to in case you encounter situations in life that
will force you to make hard choices.

Fill in the statements on the following section briefly, based on the answers in this paper, and how you see life
outside of this paper.

Use the set of statements below in English or Tagalog, based on the language you prefer. Note that you are not totally

restricted to the statements below; thus you can make use of

your own, as long as it gives a clear view of your own Code of Purpose.

Make use of a separate sheet of bond paper for this section.

From this day forward, I pledge:

as a sibling, to ;

as a son, to ;

as a learner, to ;

as a future professional, to ;

as a person, to .

From this day forward, I pledge to think for the good, act for the good, aim for being good…all the days
of my life.

Mula sa araw na ito, mangangako ako: bilang

isang kapatid, na ; bilang isang

anak, na ; bilang isang mag-aaral,

na ;

bilang isang propesyonal, na ;

bilang isang tao, na ;

Mula sa araw na ito, mangangako akong mananaig ang kabutihan sa aking isip, sa aking kilos,
sa aking pagkatao…habang ako’y nabubuhay.
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<Please move to the next page for the Applied Economics requirement>
 For each area, answer each of the requirements by giving your insights or supplying the necessary
information, as needed. Make use of any language that would help you to answer the question more effectively (e.g.,
English, Taglish).
 IMPORTANT: Honesty is a key factor in this task. Make sure answers are expressed as truthfully as possible. Even
a hint of dishonesty on your part will be evident (trust me, hence please do not test me) during the final discussion,
and will significantly impact your final grade.
 Use short bond paper for this final submission, presenting your answers in any format you prefer. Feel free
to reach out by replying to the email sent if you have questions. Good luck!

I. Application of the Laws of Supply and Demand: Food Items (25%)

1. Pick one food item you want to offer for sale in the restaurant you want to put up. Be as specific as possible, as
this will be the basis for the succeeding steps in this section.
2. Ask ten (10) people what available brand of the food item in the market they prefer. Note that these should be
brands; homemade versions of the food item are not allowed, for purposes of this activity. Take note of the
current purchase price of each brand of the food item they tell you, and summarize this in a table similar to the
one below:
You may change the multiples as you consider fit to give a more realistic answer to this section (use e.g., P20-
P40-P60 or P50-P100-P150, instead of P5-P10-P15).

3. Based on the information above, answer the following questions:

a. State at least two (2) trends in orders of the item purchased that you observe as the prices change. The more
trends you observe, the better.
b. What do you think drives these trends, if there are any, in items ordered?
c. Have there been instances that any among the people you asked shifted preference in brands as prices
changed? Discuss.
d. What do you think influences the decisions made by the people you asked as to how many orders of the food
item are they willing to purchase?
4. Based on the information you obtained in the previous numbers:
a. At what price do you think should your version of the food item be priced?
b. Discuss the thought process you used to set the price of the food item.
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II. Economic Issues Facing the Filipino: The Household Budget (25%)
1. For the past three months (November 2017, December 2017, and January 2018), take note of the monthly budget
intended to be spent by your family, as well as the amount of all items spent by your household each month.
Note that these are expenses that are shared by the household, and not personal expenses of the individuals in
your household.

Summarize these using the list that follows. A special instruction is also given within the list in case only
estimates (and not actual amounts) can be provided.

2. Emphasizing again on the point of honesty being critical in this activity , answer the following questions
based on the information you gathered:

a. Does your household perform an activity that is at least similar to this one in budgeting expenses? Discuss
why or why not.

b. After filling in the information, did you arrive at a positive net budget? Or a negative net budget? Explain
your answer, based on the outcome.

c. Examine trends in at least two (2) budget items within these three months. Note that the more trends you
discuss, the better the quality of your submission. What influenced the trends on these budget items, if any?

d. Based on the budget items you selected in (c), do you think the movements in these items are justified?
Explain why.

3. From your analysis in #2, do you think there is a need to (a) increase the household budget; (b) decrease
household expenses; (c) both; or (d) neither? Support your answer.

4. Are the words savings and investments part of any discussion in your household on a daily basis? Discuss why or
why not.

5. Assess, as a member of the household, whether you have the capability to influence your
household’s budgeting process.

a. If yes, state how.

b. If no, do you think there is a need for you to do this? Explain why or why not.
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III. Industry & Environmental Analysis: A Business’ New Product/Service (25%)

1. Find out the latest offering by a business you patronize. This can be any product or any service that would draw
the interest of customers wishing to visit the business. It can be found in the store through promotional materials,
websites or social media pages. Include any evidence of the new product/ service in your submission.

2. Based on your own assessment of the new product/service, answer the following questions:

a. Is the latest product/service an entirely new one? Or is this an improvement to the

business’ existing products/services? Explain.

b. What prompted the business to introduce this latest product/service?

c. Think of at least one (1) disadvantage or drawback that the business may face in introducing this
product/service, if any, and discuss.

d. In your opinion, how do you think will this product/service draw interest in its current or prospective
customers? Will it affect patronage of the business positively or negatively? Discuss your answer.
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IV. Socio-Economic Impact Study: My Restaurant as a Driver for Development (25%)

Businesses are said to influence development of a nation’s economy and society. Even the restaurant you will
[hopefully] set up within the next 5-10 years is no exception. In one way or another, your business will impact the
way its different stakeholders exist – customers, suppliers, investors, households, the government, and the

Based on the results of the above activities, assess: how do you think will your restaurant:

1. Change the way people enjoy food? Does it have specific strengths that separate it from its competitors?

2. Affect its potential suppliers? Do you see opportunities that your business opens for suppliers?

3. Impact its potential investors? Do you see specific benefits that the company can give to investors, which allow
them to maintain their financial confidence in the company?

4. Affect individual households? Are there any opportunities that the company makes available for any
member of a family or household?

5. Affect the government? Will it impact any activities or initiatives being done by the local or even the national

6. Impact the community, as a whole? Does it have an effect on the environment or members of the locality in
which it operates?

Try to be specific and visual in citing instances or examples for your answers, but keep them as concise as possible.

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