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What's Driving the Rise in Teen

Examining the contributing factors that have
led to the increase.

By Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, Contributor April 22, 2019, at 6:00


Teen Depression Is On the Rise

ADOLESCENT DEPRESSION is on the rise. The National

Institute of Mental Health reports that about 3.2 million 12- to
17-year-olds have had at least one major depressive episode
within the past 12 months. Teen who are depressed often
struggle with anxiety and substance abuse as well, which is
why early detection of the mood disorder can be tricky.

Symptoms of adolescent depression frequently differ from

symptoms in adults. For example, youth may experience
more irritability and moodiness, sleep at odd times of the
day and isolate themselves from adults, particularly family
members, but still long to be with peers. Adults, however,
may experience insomnia, intense bouts of sadness and
isolate themselves from both friends and family.

In addition to varying with age, symptoms also differ by

gender. According to a study published in the Journal of
Family Medicine and Primary Care, girls report feelings of
sadness, guilt, worthlessness, punishment, tiredness and
low energy, whereas boys report more irritability, depression
and suicidal thoughts. With all of this symptomatic variation
and conflicting information, it’s easy to miss the warning
signs and chalk up adolescent depression to “typical” teen

Consequently, many depressed kids don’t get the help they

need. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
estimates that only 20 percent of youth suffering from a
mental health disorder, like depression, receive treatment
for their condition. This means 80 percent, or about 12
million youth, are undertreated or not treated at all, and
that’s a major concern, especially as adolescent depression
is on the rise.

A study published this month in the Journal of Abnormal

Psychology finds that over the past decade the number of
youth with mental health disorders has more than doubled.
This particular study examined data from the National
Survey on Drug Use and Health, which has collected data on
drug and alcohol use and mental health issues in America
since 1971. Survey responses from more than 200,000 youth
ages 12 to 17 between 2005 to 2017 and approximately
400,000 adults between 2008 to 2017 were reviewed, and
what researchers discovered was alarming. For youth, major
depression increased 52 percent from 2005 to 2017 – from
8.7 percent to13.2 percent, and it rose 63 percent in young
adults ages 18 to 25 from 2009 (8.1 percent) to 2017 (13.2

The numbers highlight the mental health issues facing young

people across the nation, and lead to the burning question:
What has contributed to the increase in adolescent
depression? Over the past decade, researchers have
desperately sought to determine this. Unfortunately, there
isn’t a conclusive answer, but there are about five common
themes that have emerged from the data:

1. A modern-day diagnosis.

As an article in Johns Hopkins Health Review explains,

adolescent depression is a relatively new diagnosis. Until
the 1980s, mental health professionals were reluctant to
diagnose youth with a mood disorder in part because the
adolescent brain is still developing and they thought it
would not be appropriate to diagnose someone so young
with depression. Also, professionals believed that teen
moodiness was perfectly normal during what is often
referred to as the turbulent years.

2. Hyper-connected and overstimulated.

There’s no doubt about it, today’s teens are hyper-connected.

Electronic devices are so intertwined with youth’s lives that
the real world and virtual world coincide. With over 95
percent of teens having access to a smartphone and 45
percent online "almost constantly," according to a Pew
Research Center study, more and more teens are turning to the
internet for social support and social comparison.

The recent research published in the Journal of Abnormal

Psychology explained that the spike in depression, distress
and suicidal tendencies may be connected to the social
media trends among young people. For example, it’s not
uncommon for youth to measure their self-worth based on
the likes and comments they get from others, which is of
course an inaccurate measure of one’s personal value. It’s
no surprise that social media has been linked with negative
psychological outcomes for youth.

3. Uncertain times.

Each generation is influenced and shaped by the history of

the time. Today’s youth have grown up in the grim shadows
of post-9-11. Unfortunately, this generation knows all too
well the fear of terrorism. Whether it be a lone shooter or
mass terrorist attack, our nation’s youth have come to know
and live with violence in their lives. From concerts to malls
and restaurants to schools, today’s youth understand the
stark reality that they live in a time where their sense of
security can instantly be stripped away by heinous and
cowardly attacks of others.
4. Not enough sleep.

Sleep disturbance, described as insomnia or hypersomnia, is

one of the primary symptoms of major depressive disorder.
Teens are notoriously sleep-deprived, only getting about
seven hours of the National Sleep Foundation’s recommended
8.5 to 9.25 hours. Time and time again, studies have
indicated that youth aren’t getting enough sleep, and that
can lead to a depressed mood, moodiness and irritability.

During the teen years, youth are undergoing dramatic

maturational and physiological changes. Thus, the role of
sleep in mental and physical health is extremely important.
Good sleep has been associated with better physical,
cognitive and psychological well-being. Consequently, poor
sleep is related to health problems, and cognitive and
psychological impairment.

5. Lack of community.

We live in stressful times. Our modern lifestyles highlight our

hectic day-to-day routines, and that spills over into the lives
of our children. With the go-go mentality, our community has
dwindled, and as a result, our face-to-face connections have

Our lives are becoming more structured and organized.

Before we became a technologically reliant and fast-paced
society, our kids engaged in more unstructured play, ate
less processed foods and exercised on a daily basis, but
those times are fading. Today’s kids report that they feel
rushed to do things and pressured to be successful.

Youth depression is a concern plaguing our nation, so much

so that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has
recommended that primary caregivers screen adolescents
ages 12 to 18 for major depressive disorder. Unfortunately,
this doesn’t always happen. Not only should medical
personnel help with identifying teen depression, but the
responsibility should fall on all of us. We need to create
healthy and trusting relationships with our youth, and in the
process revive our community.

Suffering from a mental illness can be a frightening

experience, especially if you have to suffer in silence.
Fortunately, there are a variety of effective depression
treatments available today. If you believe that your child or
a loved one is struggling with depression, please seek
professional help. Depression is treatable, and the earlier
it’s treated the more effective the treatment is.

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