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0 Initiation
1.1 Feasibility Study
Operational feasibility
Controlling a pandemic such as COVID-19 requires the support of human resources of health,
army, and the political sector. The activities of controlling the pandemic should make maximum
use of available resources, including people, time and flow of forms. Consider government’s
consent. Basic human needs should be provided by making minimal interactions.
Economic feasibility
Should take concrete measures to strengthen the detection and management at tourist arrival and
departure points. As foreign income is low should seek alternatives to overcome the lack of
income. Salaries should be given to all government workers who are working to control the
pandemic. Future income methods should be considered.
Legal feasibility
Legal regulations are an essential part in controlling the pandemic. Laws should be established to
prevent unnecessary public gatherings. These laws should be made under regulations of World’s
Health Organization. Necessary actions should be taken against the individuals who break the
Technical feasibility
A large part of determining resources is technical feasibility. Seek whether the internal technical
capability is sufficient to support the project requirements. Especially special machines to check
temperature, ventilator machines and other technical aspects should be fulfilled to treat patients,
to identify diseased persons and prevent the pandemic.

1.2 Scope
The scope of the project is to know about the COVID-19 virus and the disease it causes and to
control it by taking necessary actions to prevent it from spreading. How we have planned to
overcome COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The actions we have taken so far in response to the
pandemic will be discussed. What our next plan will be, depending on the cause the current
COVID-19 outbreak takes. The role the public can take part in supporting this plan, now and in
the future will be discussed.

1.3 Deliverables
 Work breakdown chart created at the start of the project
 The project scope statement
 A design presentation made for stakeholders to help them understand the project’s
 A Gantt chart created at the beginning of the project to define its timeline and milestones.
1.4 Stakeholders
 Workers in the Health sector
 Army forces
 Government
 General public

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