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Name : Mohamad Rayhan Saleh

Class : 7 D


1. An adjective is a word that describes explain an object

2. Use this adjectives to match and fill in the blanks based on the things below!

Pretty Strong Frightening Circle

Wood Thin Happy Crowded

Friendly Brown Shady Beautiful Orange

Wild Small Wide Big

a. Beautiful a. Strong a. Wood a. Crowded
b. Pretty
c. Friendly b. Frightening b. Circle b. Shady
d. Happy c. Wild c. Brown c. Wide
e. Small d. Big d. Thin d. Orange

3. Translate these words into English!

a. Lucu = Funny f. Sedih = Sad
b. Manis = Sweet g. Mudah = Easy
c. Panas = Hot h. Mahal = Expensive
d. Indah = Beatiful i. Dekat = Close
e. Baik= Well j. Tinggi = High

4. Translate these sentences in Bahasa/Indonesian!

a. What does your father do? /Apa Pekerjaan Ayahmu
b. My Father is a doctor. He helps look after people health./ Ayahku adalah seorang
Dokter.Ia Membantu Kesehatan Orang
c. My Mother is a housewife. She takes a good care of the children and our house./
Ibuku adalah Ibu Rumah Tangga. Dia merawat anak-anak dan rumah kami
dengan baik.

5. Describes/write down your favorite animal in one short paragraph or minimal in 5

I really like rabbits, Rabbit have two pairs of legs, he has long ears, one of his favorit
foods is carrot. He is very cute and adorable.


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