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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

R CVL2110: Solid Waste Management
Semeste I HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: CO1. Understanding the classification, sources and characteristics of municipal solid waste.
CO2. Understanding the aspects of solid waste management .
CO3. Learning the methods for evaluating the composition of municipal solid waste.
CO4. Analyzing and Designing the residential collection system for solid waste management
CO5. Evaluating the generation rate of solid waste.
CO6. Understand procession and separation of solid waste.
CO7. Learn various aspects and application of biological, thermal and chemical conversion
technologies for waste minimization.
CO8. Conceptual learning for landfills as an ultimate disposal of solid waste.


UNIT-I 04 hrs.
Solid waste sources and types – Nature and characteristics, Quantities and Qualities, impacts of
generation- Potential of disease, Nuisance and other problems.

UNIT-II 06 hrs.
Solid waste management- Functional Elements of solid waste management, planning, generation,
composition of municipal solid waste, proximate and ultimate analysis, measure of generation rate
quantities, methods of estimation of generation rates.

UNIT-III 08 hrs.
On-site handling and storage of solid waste, determination of energy content, volume reduction,
types and volume of containers, typical equipment and facilities for handling of solid waste.

UNIT-IV 08 hrs.
Collection of solid waste - services for residential, commercial and industrial units, equipments
and labour requirements, types of collection systems, analysis and design of collection systems,
analysis and design of collection operation, design of residential collection system, collection
routes, Transfer and transport-economic comparision of transport alternatives, need and types of
transfer stations.

UNIT-V 06 hrs.
Waste processing: Separation and Processing technologies : Unit Operations, Size reduction, Size
separation, Density Separation, Magnetic and Electric Field Separation, Densification.
UNIT-VI 06 hrs.
Thermal conversion technologies: Incineration, pyrolysis, Gasification and Energy recovery,
Environmental Control Systems
UNIT-VII 05 hrs.
Biological and chemical conversion technologies: Aerobic Composting, Chemical transformation
UNIT-VIII 09 hrs.
Disposal in landfills: Site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills,
Leachate and landfill gas management, Landfill closure and environmental monitoring, landfill
remediation, Elements of integrated waste management
Tchobanoglous G., Theissen H., and EIiassen R.(1991), “Solid Waste Engineering - Principles and Management
Issues”, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. George Techobanoglous et al, “Integrated Solid Waste Management”, McGraw, Hill Publication, 1993.
3. Pavoni J.L(1973)., “Handbook of Solid Waste Disposal”.
4. Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous (1985), “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill Co. 4th Edition
5. Mantell C.L., (1975), “Solid Waste Management”, John Wiley.
CPHEEO, Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
7. WHO Manual on Solid Waste Management.
8. Vesiland A.(2002), “Solid Waste Engineering”, Thompson Books.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

YEA I Core / Elective / Foundation CREDIT 4
R CVL2111: Environmental Chemistry
Semeste I HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding of Standard sampling and analytical techniques to assess contaminant levels for water
and wastewater.
Understand the fundamentals and principles of environmental chemistry for various environmental
Understand various treatment processes and mechanism of actions.
Skill development for professional practices pertaining to environmental engineering practices.
UNIT-I 07 hrs.
Basic concept from general chemistry, qualitative and quantitative chemistry. 16/4/20
UNIT-II 06 hrs.
Inorganic, Organic physical and Radio chemistry.17/4/20
UNIT-III 08 hrs.
Theory of measurement and significance of PH, acidity, alkalinity, total solids, hardness, chloride,
sulfates, fluoride.18/4/20
UNIT-IV 08 hrs.
Theory of measurement and significance of Oxygen demand, bio chemical oxygen demand,
chemical oxygen demand.19/4/20
UNIT-V 08 hrs.
Theory of measurement and significance of Nutrients, all forms of nitrogen, phosphours and its
compounds, trace elements.20/4/20
UNIT-VI 04 hrs.
Theory of measurement and significance of oil and grease, volatile acids.21/4/20
UNIT-VII 06 hrs.
Gas laws and their applications in air, water and waste water treatment systems.22/4/20
UNIT-VIII 05 hrs.
Chemistry of softening, coagulation, disinfection, other unit processes.23/4/20

1. C.N.Sawyer,P.L.Macarty, ’Environmental chemistry’
2. AWWA, APHA, WPCF, ‘Standard Methods for Examination of water and waste water’
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

YEA I Core / Elective / Foundation CREDIT 4
R CVL 2112: Environmental Microbiology and Bio Chemistry
Semeste I HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: CO1 Understand significance and application of microbiology in environmental engineering

CO2 Knowledge of identification of microorganisms and their characteristics
CO3 Recognize microorganisms in water and wastewater system, their role in environment and
control nuisance causing organisms
CO4 To develop, operate and maintain engineering systems with the application of microbial systems
CO5 Understand pathways of microbial degradation in environment
UNIT-I 04 hrs.
Historical development of Microbiology, significance of microbiology in environmental
UNIT-II 02 hrs.
Isolation and identification of microorganism culture media, staining
UNIT-III 08 hrs.
Higher Protist – Algae, Protozoa and Fungi - definition, identification, classification, observation,
metabolism, significance

UNIT-IV 08 hrs.
Lower Protist – Bacteria - definition, identification, cytology, classification, anatomy, physiology,
enzyme and metabolism, Sources of energy, growth and death. Effect of environmental
conditions, bacterial growth in terms of numbers and mass, growth curve, interpretation of curve,
substrate limited growth, Monod's expression, substrate utilization and cell growth, Viruses

UNIT-V 04 hrs.
Pathogenicity: Diseases, Immunity, Disinfection

UNIT-VI 10 hrs.
Microbiology of water, Distribution of microorganisms, indicator organisms, coliforms - fecal
coliforms, E.coli, Streptococcus fecalis, differentiation of coliforms, significance, MPN index,
Microbiology of milk, air, soil

UNIT-VII 10 hrs.
Microbiology of sewage, Microbiological aspects of waste treatment processes and biological
treatment processes such as activated sludge process, trickling filter, anaerobic processes

UNIT-VIII 06 hrs.
Biochemistry: Co-metabolism and biodegradation of organics such as carbohydrates, proteins and
lipids in aerobic and anaerobic conditions
1. Environmental pollution Control Microbiology -R.E.McKinney
2. Fundamental Principles of Microbiology - A.J.Sale,
3. Environmental Microbiology - Maier R M, Pepper I L and Gerba C P.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd Edition, American Public Health Association,
Washington. D.C. 2005.
5. Environmental Microbiology by L. Gaudy and M. Gaudy
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

R CVL2113: Theory of Water and Wastewater Engineering-I
Semeste I HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding the water sources, impurities, and water treatment schemes.
Understanding various types of water treatment processes and operations.
Learning the design of various water treatment units.
Acquiring knowledge of advanced/non-conventional methods of water treatment.
Understanding distribution of water, corrosion of water supply lines, rural water supply system and
water supply system for buildings.
UNIT-I 02 hrs.
Water quality criteria for different impurities in water, sources of water, schemes of water
treatment based on the sources.16/4/20
UNIT-II 18 hrs.
Water treatment processes: theory, principles, and design of treatment units for Coagulation,
flocculation, sedimentation and filtration.17/4/20
Coagulation: properties of colloids, sources of colloidal particles, double layer theory,
mechanisms of coagulation, turbidity-alkalinity relationships, optimum dose, types of coagulants,
Hardy-Schulz rule, rapid mixing, concept of velocity gradient, devices for rapid mixing, design of
rapid mix unit.18/4/20
Flocculation: models of flocculation, tapered flocculation, power requirement, design of
Sedimentation: types of settling, analysis of type-I and II settling, settling velocity, various types
of sedimentation tanks, inlet and outlet arrangements, etc.20/4/20
Filtration: granular media filtration, types of filters, properties of media, methods of
(surface or depth filtration), head loss and negative head, theory of backwashing, calculation of
head loss, examples on design of filters, head loss, backwashing etc.22/4/20
UNIT-III 05 hrs.
Disinfection: Processes, chemical and non chemical methods, chlorine and its derivatives,
chlorination chemistry, free and combined chlorine, breakpoint chlorination, kinetics of
UNIT-IV 17 hrs.
Water Softening –Chemical precipitation, Stabilization, Split treatment, Ion exchange
Desalination- Ion-exchange- types of resins, exchange capacity, regeneration, system operation
Membrane processes- Micro, ultra and nano filtration Reverse osmosis- types of membrane,
module configurations, membrane fouling, concentration polarization, pretreatment, process
parameters design calculations 25/26/27/28/4/20
Electrodialysis- principle, process parameters, design calculation
Adsorption processes29/4/20
UNIT-V 02 hrs.
Distribution of water, calculation of pressures, design of water distribution project.30/4/20
UNIT-VI 02 hrs.
Corrosion and corrosion control31/4/20
UNIT-VII 02 hrs.
Rural water supply.1/5/20
UNIT-VIII 04 hrs.
Water supply to buildings and housing complex- house connections, storage tanks- underground,
overhead, types of supply system in buildings, water supply pipe design- principle, fixture units,
1. Water Supply Engg. by Santoshkumar Garg
2. Water Works Engineering- Planning, Design and Operation by Syed R. Qasim, Edward M. Motley, Guang Zhu
3. Environmental Engineering by Peavy, Rowe and Tehobanoglous
4. Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf and Eddy
5. CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment by Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

Semester I CVL21XX:Solid and Hazardous Waste Management HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding the classification, sources and characteristics of municipal solid waste.
Understanding the aspects of solid waste management.
Learning the methods for evaluating the composition of municipal solid waste.
Analyzing and Designing the residential collection system for solid waste management
Evaluating the generation rate of solid waste.
Understand procession and separation of solid waste.
Learn various aspects and application of biological, thermal and chemical conversion technologies for
waste minimization.
Conceptual learning for landfills as an ultimate disposal of solid waste.
Learn all aspect of hazardous waste management.
UNIT-I 04 hrs.
Solid waste sources and types – Nature and characteristics, Quantities and Qualities, impacts of
generation- Potential of disease, Nuisance and other problems.
UNIT-II 05 hrs.
Solid waste management- Functional Elements of solid waste management, planning, generation,
composition of municipal solid waste, proximate and ultimate analysis, measure of generation rate
quantities, methods of estimation of generation rates.
UNIT-III 06 hrs.
On-site handling and storage of solid waste, determination of energy content, volume reduction,
types and volume of containers, typical equipment and facilities for handling of solid waste.
UNIT-IV 06 hrs.
Collection of solid waste - services for residential, commercial and industrial units, equipments
and labour requirements, types of collection systems, analysis and design of collection systems,
analysis and design of collection operation, design of residential collection system, collection
routes, Transfer and transport-economic comparision of transport alternatives, need and types of
transfer stations.
UNIT-V 05 hrs.
Introduction to hazardous waste, Definition, sources, Characterization and composition, TCLP
test, Storage and transportation of hazardous waste , Labeling of hazardous waste, Hazardous
waste management regulations.
UNIT-VI 04 hrs.
Waste processing: Separation and Processing technologies : Unit Operations, Size reduction, Size
separation, Density Separation, Magnetic and Electric Field Separation, Densification.
UNIT-VII 04 hrs.
Thermal conversion technologies: Incineration, pyrolysis, Gasification and Energy recovery,
Environmental Control Systems
UNIT-VIII 03 hrs.
Biological and chemical conversion technologies: Aerobic Composting, Chemical transformation
UNIT-IX 06 hrs.
Disposal in landfills: Site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills,
Leachate and landfill gas management, Landfill closure and environmental monitoring, landfill
remediation, Elements of integrated waste management
UNIT-X 07 hrs.
Physical, Chemical and biological treatments of hazardous waste, E-waste, sources, collection,
treatment and reuse management, handling of nuclear waste, nuclear waste management.
Solidification and stabilization of hazardous wastes.
UNIT-XI 02 hrs.
Treatment and disposal of biomedical wastes.
Tchobanoglous G., Theissen H., and EIiassen R.(1991), “Solid Waste Engineering - Principles and Management
Issues”, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. George Techobanoglous et al, “Integrated Solid Waste Management”, McGraw, Hill Publication, 1993.
3. Charles A. Wentz; “Hazardous Waste Management”, McGraw Hill Publication, 1995.
4. PavoniJ.L(1973)., “Handbook of Solid Waste Disposal”.
5. Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous (1985), “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill Co. 4th Edition
6. Mantell C.L., (1975), “Solid Waste Management”, John Wiley.
CPHEEO, Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
8. WHO Manual on Solid Waste Management.
9. Vesiland A.(2002), “Solid Waste Engineering”, Thompson Books.
10. Hazardous waste (management and handling) rules, 2001.
11. Biomedical (Handling and Management) Rules.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

YEA I Core / Elective / Foundation CREDIT 4
R CVL 2211: Air Pollution Control
Semeste I HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding of air pollutants, pollution sources and effects

Understanding monitoring techniques of air pollution and legal aspects
Understanding dispersion of pollutants and application for concentration prediction model
Design of control strategies and equipments for abatement of air pollution
UNIT-I 04 hrs.
Air pollution. Definitions, characteristics and perspective, classification of pollutants. Sources of
air pollution. Past air pollution episodes
UNIT-II 08 hrs.
Meteorology and natural purification processes and diffusion, diffusion theories, plume rise,
Concentration estimates by dispersion modeling – point, line and area sources, Numerical

UNIT-III 08 hrs.
Automobile pollution- sources of emissions, factors influencing pollutant concentrations, remedial
and control measures, photochemistry, photochemical reactions, oxidants, photochemical smog

UNIT-IV 08 hrs.
Effects of air pollutants on man, vegetation and non living materials. Global effects- Ozone layer
depletion, Green house effect, acid rains
UNIT-V 04 hrs.
Air quality monitoring- Ambient air sampling and analysis- Objectives, site selection criteria,
sampling train components, sampling procedures for particulates and gaseous pollutants.

UNIT-VI 04 hrs.
Stack sampling and analysis. Principles and objectives of source sampling, site selection criteria,
sampling trains, isokinetic sampling, plume evaluation of smoke stack emissions.

UNIT-VII 08 hrs.
Engineered systems for air pollution control. Control devices for particulate contaminants- gravity
settling chambers, cyclone separators, fabric filters, electrostatic precipitators, wet scrubbers &

UNIT-VIII 08 hrs.
Control of gaseous contaminants-Principles- absorption, adsorption, condensation, combustion,
control of specific gaseous pollutants- SO2, NOx

1. Air Pollution its Origin and Control- Kenneth Wark, Gecil F Warner, Wayne T Devis
2. Air pollution by H.C.Perkins
3. Air pollution control engineering- Noel D Nevers
4. Environmental Engg. by Peavy, Rowe and Tehobanoglous
5. Air pollution : M.N. Rao & H.V.N. Rao
6. CPCB manual for Ambient air quality monitoring and Stack monitoring
7. Environmental Pollution Control Engineering- C.S.Rao
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

Semester II CVL2212: Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding the water sources and characteristics for industrial supply.
Understanding the types, concentration and significance of impurities in water for industrial uses.
Learning the methods of treatment of water for various industrial uses.
Understanding sources and characteristics of industrial waste streams.
Developing treatment strategies for the treatment of industrial wastewaters.
Recycling, reuse, and recovery in industrial waste streams.
UNIT-I 06 hrs.
Industrial water supplies sources, water characteristics and sample collection methods for
different types of impurities
UNIT-II 07 hrs.
Water impurities, and treatment methods for removal or reduction of Dissolved mineral matter,
Dissolved gases, turbidity, colour and organic matter, Taste and odours, Micro organisms.
UNIT-III 06 hrs.
Treatment of Boiler feed waters, cooling waters including Zeolite Softeners, scale formation in
boilers and its significance.
UNIT-IV 07 hrs.
Aeration and Dearation process, types of aerators, importance and methods of aeration and
UNIT-V 07 hrs.
Industrial waste -classification and characterization waste from specific industries and
significance of various constituents.
UNIT-VI 07 hrs.
Theory and preplanning: Design of physical, chemical and Biological processes of waste and
treatment, resource recovery.
UNIT-VII 06 hrs.
Resource recovery from various industries, reuse ultimate disposal of waste in streams, on-land
and underground, effect of disposal on receiving bodies.
UNIT-VIII 06 hrs.
Planning for industrial pollution control, predesign consideration, economic consideration for
waste treatment, pollution control etc.
1. Liquid waste of Industry, Theories, Practices and Treatment, Nelson I. Nemerow. Wesley Publishing Co.
2. Industrial Water Pollution Control, W. Eckenfelder Jr., McGraw-Hill Science
3. Industrial Waste Water Control, Charles Fred Gurnham, Academic Press.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

YEAR I Core / Elective / Foundation CREDIT 4
Semester II CVL2213: Pollution Monitoring and Legislation (Air & Water) HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding of Standard sampling and analytical techniques to assess contaminant levels for a
variety of media, including water, air, and living systems.
Understand the fundamentals of environmental law and administrative process .
Understand various conventions and treaties at International level for environment protection.
Skill development for professional practices pertaining to Environmental Management System and
Enviro-legal procedures.
UNIT-I 07 hrs.
Importance of monitoring, Need for continuous monitoring, Monitoring of Water & Wastewater
treatment plants, Monitoring of waste disposal sites
UNIT-II 07 hrs.
Methodologies of monitoring: Physical-Chemical monitoring, Bio monitoring
UNIT-III 06 hrs.
Water quality monitoring: Purpose, effective monitoring data collection for important parameters

UNIT-IV 04 hrs.
Air pollution monitoring: Ambient Air quality monitoring, stack monitoring objectives, site
selection criteria, sampling train components, monitoring of criteria pollutants
UNIT-V 08 hrs.
Historical developments and Constitutional provisions for environmental legislation
UNIT-VI 13 hrs.
National Acts & Rules for Environmental Protection: Water Act-1974, Water Cess Rules-1977,
Air Act-1981, Environment Protection Act-1986, Various Rules framed under Environment
Protection Act-1986, Hazardous Waste Rules-1989, EIA Notifications and their Amendments
UNIT-VII 03 hrs.
US EPA, International & National efforts for Environment Protection
UNIT-VIII 04 hrs.
Environmental Audit, Environmental Clearance, Environmental Impact Assessment, ISO 14000-
International Environmental Standards
P. K. Goel and K. P. Sharma, “Environmental guidelines and standards in India”, Technoscience Publications, Jaipur.
2. Paras Diwan & Peeyushi Diwan, “Environment Administration law and judicial aptitude”, Deep and Deep publishers
3. Gurdip Singh, “Environmental law in India”, Macmillan India, New Delhi. (2005)
4. Kailash Thakur, “Environmental protection law and policy in India”, Deep and Deep publishers. (1997)
5. Dhameja Suresh K., “Environmental Engineering And Management”, S.K.Kataria & Sons, Delhi, India (2002)
6. Relevant MoEF Notifications and CPCB / GPCB Acts & Rules

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

Semester II CVL2214:Waste Recycling and Management HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding the aspects of reuse.

Understanding the characteristics of pollutants.
Learning the treatment and recovery methods for various pollutants.
Understanding reuse and recovery methods for municipal and industrial wastewaters.
Understanding aspect of energy recovery/revenue generation from waste.
Understanding aspects of solid waste recycling.
UNIT-I 02 hrs.
General aspects of reuse in reducing pollution problems.16/4/20
UNIT-II 12 hrs.
Recovery and disposal; characteristics of pollutants. Material recovery from liquid wastes,
Pneumatic separation, solvent extraction, physical, chemical and thermal and biological treatment
methods for reuse and recovery.17/4/20
UNIT-III 04 hrs.
Treatment and recovery processes for gaseous pollutants.18/4/20
UNIT-IV 08 hrs.
Advance methods for waste treatment for reuse of sewage effluent for various purposes. Water
use, water management, Waste Water Sources & Characteristics, Waste Water Treatment
Practices for various industries19/4/20
UNIT-V 04 hrs.
Recovery and Reuse of solid wastes from industries and household refuse. Recycling of paper,
plastic, water treatment sludge residue, metal, yard waste, organic fraction, tyre and more.20/4/20
UNIT-VI 08 hrs.
Reuse of sewage from tall buildings and reuse of effluent upto potable standards. Reuse of
sewage for toilet flushing. Health effects and socio-economic studies for reuse of wastewater.
Reuse of sewage for irrigation/agricultural purpose. Concept of sodium absorption ratio,
agricultural reuse standards.21/4/20
UNIT-VII 08 hrs.
Organization and procedures for waste treatment. Industrial wastewater reuse. Cooling tower
make-up water.22/4/20
UNIT-VIII 06 hrs.
Technical economics for waste treatment. Energy extraction from solid, liquid and gaseous
1. Resource Recovery and Recyling, Allan Barton, John Wiley & sons.
2. Industrial Water Use and Treatment Practices, J. B , Carmichael, Kenneth Strzepek
3. Water Renovation and Reuse, Hillel I. Shuval, Academic Press.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty Technology and Engineering YEAR
Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020

M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engineering: Regular Program

Semester II CVL2215: Theory of Water and Wastewater Engineering-II HOURS 52

OBJECTIVES: Understanding the generation and characteristics of domestic wastewater, building drainage.
Understanding hydraulics of sewers, sewer appurtenances.
Understanding microbiology of wastewater treatment and biological growth kinetics.
Understanding methods of disposal of sewage and its implications on receiving bodies.
Learning principles and design of sewage treatment units.
UNIT-I 02 hrs.
Composition, properties and analysis of domestic wastewater.16/4/20
UNIT-II 06 hrs.
Collections of sewage, Hydraulics of sewers, self cleansing and limiting velocities, hydraulic
design of sewers, construction and maintenance of sewers, sewer appurtenances and pumping of
UNIT-III 12 hrs.
Microbiology of wastewater treatment, Growth and inhibition of bacteria, microbial growth
kinetics, biological processes based on electron donors and acceptors, Monod’s growth model,
modeling of activated sludge process,18/4/20
Reaction and reactors: Plug flow and completely stirred reactors, mass balance on PFR and
CSTR, examples on reactor mass balance.19/4/20
UNIT-IV 06 hrs.
Pollution of natural waters, stream pollution, DO sag curve, Streeter-Phelps equation, examples
on Streeter-Phelps equation, Emission and receiving body standards, gas transfer, ocean
UNIT-V 04 hrs.
Unit operation: Screens, comminutors, grit chambers, and sedimentation and chemical
UNIT-VI 16 hrs.
Unit processes -Trickling filter, Biotower, activated sludge process (standard type and
modification), aeration, Rotating biological contactors, stabilization ponds, oxidation ditches,
Treatment and disposal of sludge, anaerobic sludge digestion, dewatering and drying.22/4/20
UNIT-VII 04 hrs.
Advanced wastewater treatment, unit operation and processes, selection, physical unit
chemical unit processes, biological unit process, biological nutrient removal, ANAMMOX.23/4/20
UNIT-VIII 02 hrs.
Building drainage24/4/20

1. Waste water treatment, disposal and reuse by Metcalf and Eddy
2. Text book of Sanitary Engg. Bt S. R. Kshizcagars
3. Environmental Engineering by Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous

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