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Hey everyone, I just thought I'd let any backers know that the official PDF for Scion

Origin is available to eligible backers. If

anyone has any questions about the game, I'll be happy to answer what I can as I read through the book.

Neo•Geo Fanboy
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Jul 13, 2018

• #2
I have no idea what this is as I live under a rock called VGO. So, what is Scion Origin? I'm assuming its not about boxy cars!

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Jul 13, 2018

• #3
Chikahiro said:
I have no idea what this is as I live under a rock called VGO. So, what is Scion Origin? I'm assuming its not about boxy cars!
Nope, though when I googled "scion forums' a car-focused group was the first hit. To answer your question, Scion is a game
about modern mythology. Players take on the role of the children of gods from various myths and cultures. I think there's
nine different pantheions in the game right now. I can't give too much detail on the system as it is the first game that uses
the Storypath system and I'm still learning it. From what I gather, it is a streamlined version of the old Storyteller system used
by Whitewolf's World of Darkness games.

Validated User

Jul 13, 2018

• #4
Chikahiro said:
I have no idea what this is as I live under a rock called VGO. So, what is Scion Origin? I'm assuming its not about boxy cars!
Back in 2007, White Wolf released a new game, called "Scion," about playing the modern children of the ancient gods. It was
broken into three core rulebooks, each covering a different level of power: Scion: Hero, Scion: Demigod, and Scion: God.
Your PC could gradually advance from being a Hero to claiming their own place among a pantheon, or you could just start
play at one of the higher tiers.

In 2011, when Rich Thomas left CCP/White Wolf to found Onyx Path Publishing, Scion was among the properties he brought
with him.

Scion: Origin is the new base-level tier for the game's 2nd Edition, covering the scions before their "awakening" by their
divine parents (the Visitation), and also includes new options for playing creatures of legend like Amazons, centaurs, and so
on. It's got intro fiction by Keiron Gillen, of "The Wicked + The Divine" fame. It's got all the base rules for the Storypath
System, so if you're playing one of the higher tiers, it's assumed you have the Origin book as well.

Registered User
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Jul 13, 2018

• #5
I'm skimming through my copy (I read the text-only preview already) and am just enjoying the art and such. Waiting for Hero
before I start running so will take the time to acquaint myself with the mechanics more closely.

Game Design Hobbyist
Validated User

Jul 13, 2018

• #6
I have to admit, this is easier to read than the text-only pdfs we already had. I'm going to enjoy diving into this over the next
few days.

Registered User
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Jul 13, 2018

• #7
For the love of Zeus give us some details already! Especially after the...uh...recent criticisms levelled at NuWW I'd love to give
Onyx some of my hard earned, but the original Scion kinda...broke...under my group's tender ministrations. Brilliant campaign,
but still. =P

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Jul 13, 2018

• #8
CarrotandStick said:
For the love of Zeus give us some details already! Especially after the...uh...recent criticisms levelled at NuWW I'd love to give
Onyx some of my hard earned, but the original Scion kinda...broke...under my group's tender ministrations. Brilliant campaign,
but still. =P
What would you like details about?

The mechanics are pretty much totally different.

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Jul 13, 2018

• #9
Scutarii said:
What would you like details about?

The mechanics are pretty much totally different.

...that? Exactly that? =P

Registered User
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Jul 13, 2018

• #10
Ok so. This is Scion: Origins, which is new this edition, not Hero. This covers the characters before they get visited by the gods
and gain most of the supoernatural powers. Instead they're like Mortals+, having some small supernatural powers/tricks.

The game mechanics at this level are the same as for higher power levels, it;s just that the PCs in this book are not going to
be as potent as you may remember from Scion: Hero. Hero comes out later this year.

Basic resolution is the same as before. d10s in pools, counting successes. Get presented with a challenge. Identify the
Attribute+Skill to roll, add any modifiers (of which there will be few, the game tries to keep the number of dice down), roll.

The big change in core resolution is that you need to get multiple successes to overcome the Difficulty of the task. And
negative circumstances (or enemy action) can increase this Difficulty through Complications. In your favour however
are Enhancements, special things from your powers or assistance from allies or equipment that get applied only if you roll at
least one success. Equal or exceed the Difficulty+Complicationsto succeed, Excess successes on the roll can be spent to do
additional stuff.

E.g.: A magical blast of lightning has shattered the roof and sent a massive bookcase falling on the professor you urgently
need to talk to! Your Jotun-blooded PC runs up and braces their feet, grabbing on and strains every muscle they have to try
and lift it off them! It's big and heavy so is Difficulty 2 and there's the small matter of that supernatural storm lashing
through the hole it tore into the building adding a Complication 1. You've got 6 dice from your Attributes+Skill but you're
also Jotun-Blooded giving you an Enhancement 1 on lifting and carrying tasks due to your giant heritage. You roll 1
successes on your 6 dice which is not enough (Difficulty+Complications = 3)! But you rolled at least one success so
your Enhancement 2 comes into play upping you to 3 successes giving you enough to lift that bookcase off the professor.

There are a few distinctions to draw. Complications don't stop you succeeding. You don't have to 'buy them off', they instead
become a 'Yes, but...' thing.

E.g.: Jumping a gap is Difficulty 1, but the same storm from before is going on, adding a Complication 1. You try to jump
across and get only 1 success. You spend your success to buy off the Difficulty but can't afford the Complication. So you
manage to jump the gap (paid off the difficulty) but crash into the roof on the opposite side make so much noise it alerts the
guard who didn't know you were there!

If you roll more successes than you need for the Difficulty you can spend them on Stunts. Special stuff that could be narrative
flair or you could
- Give an ally and Enhancement (I.e.: I made the jump and reach a hand out to help the next PC trying it!)
- Give an enemy a Complication (I complete the climb and kick the fire escape ladder, trying to smash it from the wall!)
- Or increase the Difficulty of something that targets you (After smashing them in the face with my fist I take the opportunity
to dodge behind the counter, putting something between them and me!)
Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
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