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Submitted by: Jan Roald B. Triumfante

1. Problem: It is estimated that between the hours of noon and 7:00 P.M. the
speed of a highway traffic flowing past the intersection of EDSA and Ortigas
Avenue is approximately
S = t3 – 9t2 + 15t + 45 kph

Where “t” is the number of hours past noon

Required: at what time between noon and 7:00 P.M. is the traffic moving the

Given: S = t3 – 9t2 + 15t + 45 kph

Formula: d/dx (un) = nun-1

Solution: S = t3 - 9t2 + 15t + 45

Apply the formula d/dx (un)= nun-1

dS/dt = 3t2 – 18t + 15 = 0

divide the whole equation by 3

t2 – 6t + 5 = 0

(t - 1)(t - 5) = 0

t = 5hrs

t = 1hr

when t = 1

S = (1)3 – 9(1)2 + 15 (1) + 45

S = 52 kph

When t = 5

S = (5)3 – 9(5) + 15 (5) + 45

S= 20 kph

Therefore the traffic moves fastest is at 1:00 P.M.

2. Problem: The peak hour factor for a traffic during rush hour is equal to 0.60
with a highest 5min volume of 250 vehicles the space mean speed of the traffic
is 90 kph
Required: Compute the flow of traffic in vehicles/hour
Given: PHF = 0.60; traffic volume = 250 vehicles; time = 5 min
Formula: PHF = flow of traffic/traffic (60/5)
Solution: PHF = flow of traffic/traffic (60/5)
0.60 = flow of traffic/250 (60/5)
q = 1800 vehicles/hour
3. Problem: At 2:00 P.M. an airplane takes off at 340 mph on an aircraft carrier.
The aircraft carrier moves due south at 25 kph in the same direction as the
plane. At 4:05 P.M. the communication range in miles between the plane and
the carrier was lost.
Required: Determine the communication range in miles between the plane and
the carrier
Given: time = after 2:00 P.M.; at 4:05 P.M., t = 2hrs and 5min = 2+5/60
Solution: x = 340t – 25t = 315t
x = 315(2+5/60) = 656.25 miles
4. Problem: A car was travelling at a speed of 50 mph. The driver saw a road
block 80m ahead and stepped on the brake causing the car to decelerate
uniformly at 10 m/s2.
Required: Find the distance from the roadblock to the point where the car
stopped. Assume perception reaction time -2sec.
Formula: S1 = vot1
v2 = vo2 + 2aS2
Given: d = 80m; vo = 50 mi/hr = 22.36 m/s; S1 = 22.36(2) = 44.72m
Solution: v2 = vo2 + 2aS2
0 = 22.362 + 2(-10)S2
S2 = 25m
d = 80 – S1 – S2 = 80 – 44.72 – 25 = 10.28 m
5. Problem: It is estimated that between the hours of noon and 7:00 P.M. the
speed of a highway traffic flowing past the intersection of EDSA and Ortigas
Avenue is approximately
S = t3 – 9t2 + 15t + 45 kph

Where “t” is the number of hours past noon

Required: At what time between noon and 7:00 P.M. is the traffic moving the

Given: S = t3 – 9t2 + 15t + 45 kph

Formula: d/dx (un) = nun-1

Solution: S = t3 - 9t2 + 15t + 45

Apply the formula d/dx (un)= nun-1

dS/dt = 3t2 – 18t + 15 = 0

divide the whole equation by 3

t2 – 6t + 5 = 0

(t - 1)(t - 5) = 0

t = 5hrs

t = 1hr

when t = 1

S = (1)3 – 9(1)2 + 15 (1) + 45

S = 52 kph

When t = 5

S = (5)3 – 9(5) + 15 (5) + 45

S= 20 kph

Therefore the traffic moves slowest is at 5:00 P.M.

6. Problem: It is estimated that between the hours of noon and 7:00 P.M. the
speed of a highway traffic flowing past the intersection of EDSA and Ortigas
Avenue is approximately
S = t3 – 9t2 + 15t + 45 kph

Where “t” is the number of hours past noon

Required: What is the slowest speed it is moving at this time?

Given: S = t3 – 9t2 + 15t + 45 kph

Formula: d/dx (un) = nun-1

Solution: S = t3 - 9t2 + 15t + 45

Apply the formula d/dx (un)= nun-1

dS/dt = 3t2 – 18t + 15 = 0

divide the whole equation by 3

t2 – 6t + 5 = 0

(t - 1)(t - 5) = 0

t = 5hrs

t = 1hr

when t = 1

S = (1)3 – 9(1)2 + 15 (1) + 45

S = 52 kph

When t = 5

S = (5)3 – 9(5) + 15 (5) + 45

S= 20 kph

7. Problem: The peak hour factor for a traffic during rush hour is equal to 0.60
with a highest 5min volume of 250 vehicles the space mean speed of the traffic
is 90 kph
Required: Compute the density of traffic in vehicles/km
Given: PHF = 0.60; traffic volume = 250 vehicles; time = 5 min; us = 90
Formula: q = usK
Solution: q = usK
1800 = 90K
K= 20 vehicles/hour
8. Problem: The peak hour factor for a traffic during rush hour is equal to 0.60
with a highest 5min volume of 250 vehicles the space mean speed of the traffic
is 90 kph
Required: Compute the density of traffic in vehicles/km
Given: PHF = 0.60; traffic volume = 250 vehicles; time = 5 min; us = 90
Formula: spacing = 1000/K
Solution: spacing = 1000/20
Spacing = 50m center to center
9. Problem: The peak hour factor for a traffic during rush hour is equal to 0.60
with a highest 10min volume of 500 vehicles the space mean speed of the traffic
is 100 kph
Required: Compute the flow of traffic in vehicles/hour
Given: PHF = 0.60; traffic volume = 500 vehicles; time = 10 min
Formula: PHF = flow of traffic/traffic(60/10)
Solution: PHF = flow of traffic/traffic(60/10)
0.60 = flow of traffic/500(60/10)
q = 1800 vehicles/hr
10.Problem: The peak hour factor for a traffic during rush hour is equal to 0.60
with a highest 10min volume of 500 vehicles the space mean speed of the traffic
is 100 kph
Required: Compute the flow of traffic in vehicles/hour

Given: PHF = 0.60; traffic volume = 500 vehicles; time = 10 min; us = 100

Formula: q = usK

Solution: q = usK

1800 = 100K

K = 18 vehicles/hour

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