Bleeding and Damage Control Surgery: Review

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OPINION Bleeding and damage control surgery
Roseny R. Rodrigues a, Maria José C. Carmona b,
and Jose Otavio C.A. Junior c

Purpose of review
Bleeding is still a major cause of death in trauma patients. Damage control surgery is a strategy that aims
to control bleeding and avoid secondary contamination of the cavity. This article checks the principles and
indications of damage control surgery, bleeding management, and the role of the anesthesiologist in
trauma context. The efficient treatment of severe trauma and exsanguinated patients includes a surgical
approach to the patient performed as quickly as possible. Volemic resuscitation, hemostatic transfusion,
prevention and/or treatment of coagulopathy, hypothermia, and acidosis are strategies that reduce
bleeding, as well as permissive hypotension.
Recent findings
Specialized literature shows us that the adoption of all of these principles along with reduced surgical time
has led to a broader concept called damage control resuscitation.
Damage control resuscitation is a treatment strategy in which the recovery of physiological variables is
initially prioritized over anatomical variables and can be required in severe trauma patients.
bleeding, damage control resuscitation, damage control surgery

INTRODUCTION conditions have improved, usually 36–48 h after

Trauma is the leading cause of death in individuals the initial trauma. Definitive surgical reprogram-
up to 40 years of age. Hemorrhagic shock is respon- ming is performed under conditions optimized for
sible for 30–40% of deaths from trauma, and it is the patient. At this stage, a search is also conducted
believed to be the most common cause of poten- for unobserved injuries that were not detected or

tially preventable deaths. The cause of death of repaired during the first surgical approach [4,5,6 ]
approximately 50% of patients, who die within (Table 1).
the first 24 h after trauma, is bleeding [1]. The rapid The efficient treatment of severe trauma and
control of bleeding remains one of the most import- exsanguinated patients includes a surgical approach
ant measures in the management of hemorrhagic to the patient performed as quickly as possible.
shock. Damage control surgery (DCS) is a strategy Volemic resuscitation, hemostatic transfusion, pre-
that aims to control bleeding and avoid secondary vention and/or treatment of coagulopathy, hypo-
contamination of the cavity. According to the liter- thermia, and acidosis are strategies that reduce
ature, an estimated 10% of severe multiple trauma bleeding, as well permissive hypotension. The adop-
patients can benefit from DCS [2–4]. tion of all of these principles, along with reduced
Damage control surgery is divided into three
temporal phases: phase I – involves reduced surgical
time and is aimed at the rapid control of hemor- Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department, Hospital das Clı́nicas,
Central Institute, Hospital das Clı́nicas – São Paulo University and
rhaging and cavity contamination control; phase II c
Hospital das Clı́nicas, São Paulo, Brazil
or resuscitative – the main objective of this phase, is
Correspondence to: Roseny R. Rodrigues, MD, PhD, Anesthesia and
the re-establishment of physiological functions, Intensive Care Department, Hospital das Clı́nicas – São Paulo University,
including temperature control, prevention and Avenida Dr Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 255, São Paulo-SP, 05403-000,
treatment of hypothermia, and acidosis beyond Brazil. Tel: +55 11 2661 6335;
the hemostatic therapy; This phase can take e-mail:
between 24 and 48 h after trauma. Phase III or Curr Opin Anesthesiol 2016, 29:229–233
definitive surgery occurs after the physiological DOI:10.1097/ACO.0000000000000288

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Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Trauma and transfusion

Table 2. Damage control surgery indications

Related to the patient Related to the trauma
 DCR can be required in severe trauma victims.
Acidosis (pH < 7.3) High kinetic energy trauma
 Hypothermia, coagulopathy, and acidosis should be
aggressively treated. Hypothermia Abdominal trauma with vascular injury
Coagulopathy Abdominal trauma with visceral injury
 Strategies such as permissive hypotension can be used
Hemodynamic instability Penetrating trauma(s) in the torso
to decrease the loss of blood.

 Hemostatic therapy may also contribute to a better

outcome for these patients.
Part of the anesthesiologist’s role is to identify
risk factors inherent to each patient, as well as to
institute early actions to address, in a timely man-
surgical time, has led to a broader concept called ner, the conditions that may worsen the hemody-
damage control resuscitation (DCR), described by namic and clinical status of the patient. Strategies
Rotondo and collaborators in 1993. for the prevention and treatment of hypothermia,
DCR is a treatment strategy in which the recov- metabolic acidosis, and coagulopathy are discussed
ery of physiological variables is initially prioritized below, along with other measures to reduce bleed-
over anatomical variables. The objective of this ing (Table 3).
article is to review the principles and indications
of DCR, bleeding management, and the role of the
anesthesiologist in this context. Hypothermia
Although hypothermia reduces metabolic demands
and oxygen consumption, it is known to affect the
DAMAGE CONTROL RESUSCITATION coagulation cascade by reducing the activity of
Rapid identification of severely traumatized patients enzymes that are involved in platelet function
with metabolic and hemodynamic disturbances is and to promote endothelial and fibrinolytic system
the cornerstone of indication for damage control. changes; a decrease of 18C in body temperature
The most acceptable indications for damage control reduces the activity of coagulation proteases
are the association of a patient’s severe clinical between 4 and 10%, which can result in bleeding
condition with the presence of several specific types [5,9]. In addition, a 15% decrease in the thrombox-
of trauma mechanisms. The most relevant clinical ane B2 production rate occurs, which also leads to a
conditions, include the presence of hypothermia reduction in platelet aggregation [9].
(T < 358C) or coagulopathy (evidenced by microvas- Coagulation cascade enzymatic reactions are
cular bleeding), the need for multiple transfusions strongly inhibited by decreasing temperature; a
(defined as the need for transfusion of more than temperature of 348C is the critical point [5]. Tem-
10 U of packed red blood cells), and the presence of peratures lower than 358C lead to a reduction in the
metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.3), especially if there is metabolic rate of coagulation factors [5,9]. It is
associated hyperlactatemia. The trauma mechan- recommended that the temperature of all critical
isms most closely associated with the need for dam- patients should be monitored using an esophageal
age control include those involving high kinetic and/or rectal thermometer for maintenance of body
energy; among the most common trauma mechan- temperature at values close to normothermia
isms include large abdominal traumas with vascular (36–378C). The effects of hypothermia on coagul-
lesions and/or the presence of visceral lesions, and opathy may be reduced by early infusion of heated
multiple penetrating traumas to the torso with
exsanguination [4,7,8] (Table 2).

Table 3. Damage control resuscitation

Table 1. Damage control surgery Damage control surgery

Indications Phases Prevention and treatment of hypothermia

Rapid control of bleeding Reduced surgical time Prevention and correction of acidosis

Control and prevention of cavity Resuscitation phase Prevention and treatment of coagulopathy
contamination Hemostatic transfusion
—————————————— Definitive surgical correction Permissive hypotension

230 Volume 29  Number 2  April 2016

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Bleeding and damage control surgery dos Reis Rodrigues et al.

fluids, the use of warming devices, such as heated more deaths occurred in the group of patients with
blankets and mattresses, and operating room coagulopathy on admission than in the other
temperature control. groups [13].
The hypothesis postulates that a state of shock
and tissue hypoperfusion leads to an increase in
Acidosis thrombomodulin expression in the endothelium,
Metabolic acidosis resulting from anaerobic which in turn forms a complex with thrombin,
metabolism secondary to tissue hypoperfusion is causing protein C activation and subsequent hyper-
one of the major triggers of trauma coagulopathy, fibrinolysis [12–14].
and may therefore worsen existing bleeding. Lactic Recognition of the pathophysiology of trauma
acidosis leads to decreases in coagulation factors, coagulopathy has opened discussions and possibil-
optimal enzyme activity, and platelet activity. ities of new approaches to bleeding, such as the use
Factor VII function is reduced by approximately of antifibrinolytics. Antifibrinolytics are used as
90% when the blood pH is reduced from 7.4 to 7.0. fibrinolysis inhibitors. They interfere with plasmin
Acidosis should be corrected at the expense of formation, blocking the binding site of enzymes or
volemic replacement, guided by goals and effec- plasminogen, and prevent plasmin conversion and
tive transfusion therapy to avoid cell dysoxia the consequent disruption of clot formation and
resulting from anemia and hypoflow situations fibrin degradation products. In severe multiple
[10–12]. trauma patients (Injury Severity Score > 15), the
The perioperative replacement of goal-directed Clinical Randomization of an Antifibrinolytic in
fluid, involving the administration of fluids and Significant Hemorrhage-2 and Millitary Application
inotropics to optimize hemodynamic goals, is a of Tranexamic Acid in Trauma Emergency studies
technique that has been known for some time validated the use of tranexamic acid in patients with
and has been proven beneficial in reducing compli- active bleeding in the early hours of trauma and
cations and the length of the hospital stay, especi- noted a reduction in mortality related to bleeding
ally after elective surgery [13]. The excessive use of [15,16].
fluids in an attempt to correct metabolic acidosis
can lead to dilutional coagulopathy and worsening
of bleeding. Permissive hypotension
Permissive hypotension is a strategy that has been
increasingly used to reduce bleeding in patients
Coagulopathy with traumatic hemorrhage, especially in vascular
Coagulopathy is recognized as an integral com- and penetrating trauma. Systemic blood pressure
ponent of the ‘lethal trauma triad’. Its appearance reduction is the pathophysiological rationale for
is directly associated with systemic inflammation bleeding reduction. A study of an experimental
and is in most cases caused by multiple factors. uncontrolled shock model in rats used different
Coagulopathy may be the result of a vicious cycle levels of mean arterial pressure to achieve volemic
of dilution, consumption of coagulation factors, resuscitation (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 100 mmHg).
hypothermia, acidosis [14], the presence of previous Animals undergoing resuscitation with blood press-
diseases, and previous use of medications, especially ures of approximately 80–100 mmHg exhibited
antiplatelets and anticoagulants. more bleeding, mortality, and organ dysfunction
The concept of trauma-induced coagulopathy than those subjected to permissive hypotension
has introduced a new paradigm in the last decade, (50 and 60 mmHg). Animals resuscitated with an
and it has become accepted that coagulopathy is a average pressure of 40 mmHg showed less bleeding
primary trauma event. This concept of primary and but at the expense of increased organ dysfunction
early coagulopathy is supported by trials, which and mortality. The tolerance time for permissive
have reported a change in traditional coagulation hypotension in this study was 90 min, after which
tests at hospital admission in approximately increased mortality occurred [17].
10–34% of trauma patients. Coagulopathy has also Caution must be exercised in the selection of
been shown to be a mortality predictor [12]. In 2003, patients, as the presence of associated head trauma
a retrospective study of 1088 trauma patients who is a contraindication for the application of this
had undergone coagulation analysis prior to the bleeding reduction strategy. In these patients, lower
administration of large amounts of fluids found that pressure levels can cause a reduction in cerebral
approximately 25% of trauma patients arrived at the perfusion pressure, and hence, contribute to the
emergency department with clinically significant introduction or deterioration of secondary brain
coagulopathy. The study showed that four times injury.

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Trauma and transfusion

There is universal agreement in the medical actual needs. For this purpose, the use of viscoe-
literature that patients who are actively bleeding lastic tests such as the rotational thromboelastom-
should have their losses initially restored with fluids etry and thromboelastography systems are needed
to replace the extracellular space [18]. This approach to guide coagulation transfusion therapy [25,26].
should, however, be conducted according to Massive transfusions are used to treat uncon-
criteria. Because of the increase in the blood pres- trolled hemorrhages. Early and definitive control of
sure, the hemorrhage can be worsened by the rup- hemorrhages is extremely important for satisfactory
ture of newly formed clots. Transfusion of blood patient outcomes. According to the literature, mas-
components should be considered in cases of sig- sive blood transfusions are indicated in less than
nificant losses, especially when the goal is to achieve 10% of patients, even in major trauma centers [27].
an optimized oxygen supply to the tissue and also, Studies in the medical literature that compare
to correct the incipient coagulopathy. the effect of different hemoglobin triggers on the
Prospective and randomized clinical trials that decision to transfuse patients with acute traumatic
definitively evaluate the possible benefits of per- brain injury are lacking. It is assumed that liberal
missive hypotension are lacking. Most studies are transfusion strategies (hemoglobin of approxi-
experimental and are subject to limitations associ- mately 9–10 g/dl) should be used to prevent secon-
ated with this type of research. dary injury and additional ischemic cerebral insults
because the traumatized brain cannot compensate
for the decrease in oxygen supply associated with
Transfusion anemia [28,29 ].

Patients with blunt or penetrating trauma and mas-

sive hemorrhage require quick and complex resus-
citation to prevent and correct dilutional and CONCLUSION
consumption coagulopathy [19]. There are no stud- Severe multiple trauma patients with active bleed-
ies in the medical literature offering guidance as to ing may be candidates for DCR. Early identification
precisely how much and when to start transfusing of these patients is critical to reduce the surgical
patients suffering from acute bleeding. time; adopt measures to prevent and treat coagul-
Based on studies, particularly retrospective stud- opathy, hypothermia, and metabolic acidosis; and
ies, various scoring systems have been proposed for produce a consequent reduction in bleeding. The
predicting the effect of transfusion in this category use of strategies such as permissive hypotension and
of patients [20]. In clinical practice, the different adequate hemostatic therapy may also contribute to
degrees of hemorrhagic shock are still the most often a better outcome for these patients.
used guides. Attention, however, should be given to
the indiscriminate use of other hemocomponents. Acknowledgements
A retrospective analysis of studies with civilian
All trauma patients that teach us every day; General
trauma patients reported that a high ratio of fresh
Trauma Team from Hospital das Clı´nicas – São Paulo
frozen plasma : red blood cells (FFP : RBC) (>1 : 1)
significantly reduces intraoperative coagulopathy
and mortality at 24 h and 30 days [21]. However,
Financial support and sponsorship
the optimum FFP : RBC ratio is still under discus-
sion [22,23]. There is no doubt that coagulopathy None.
should be corrected early, as it is directly associ-
ated with increased mortality in trauma patients. Conflicts of interest
More recently, Davenport and collaborators [22] Eventual lectures do CSL Behring; TEM Innovations is
found no improvement in coagulation status sponsor of trials.
when patients were transfused with a ratio of
1 : 1 compared with ratios of 1 : 2 or 3 : 4. Simmons
and collaborators [24] reported in their study, REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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