Affordance and Crisis

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Transformative Research Practice

Architectural Affordances and Crisis

Jenny Sabin
Cornell University

It is well known that buildings in that would engage the problem of architectural prototypes that actuate
the United States alone account for sustainability concerning building affordance in the context of crisis.2
nearly 40% of the total national energy energy and its associated impacts Here, the word “affordance” refers to
consumption. Currently, most contem- upon our built environment. In an James Gibson’s “Ecological Approach
porary sustainable approaches to the unprecedented occurrence, the to Visual Perception” and more spe-
problem offer technological solutions teams were to also include architects. cifically to the development of his
through sanctioned rating systems, Importantly, the program manager argument pertaining to “The Theory
such as Leadership in Energy and for EFRI SEED did not require of Affordances.” Here “affordance”
Environmental Design (LEED), a rating American Institute of Architects refers to how context may specify
system launched by the U.S. Green (AIA) licensure as a requisite for constraints and thus contribute to
Building Council for new construc- architects to submit. This opened emergent and transformative rela-
tion and existing building renovations. up opportunities for both licensed tional models for design through
LEED takes into account five key architects and architectural design- notions of feedback and ecology as
measurements when evaluating new ers engaged in practice and core opposed to symbolic or function-
construction projects and building design research to apply with their based solutions. Simply put, an
renovations: sustainable site develop- collaborative teams across academia, affordance gives rise to the possibil-
ment, water savings, energy efficiency, practice, and industry. While the ity of an action or series of actions,
materials selection, and indoor envi- topic of sustainability in buildings a relationship between environment
ronmental quality. Additional points may be viewed through the lens and organism. This article explores
may be obtained through innovation in of crisis, this article attempts—as four bodies of work that exhibit
design and regional priority. While these the NSF also intimated—to define architectural affordances that emerge
measures adequately address issues of transformative research models through dynamic exchanges between
resource consumption in buildings, they that address the subject through environment, technology, biology,
do not address the systemic ecology conceptual approaches that do not and form. The surveyed practices
of the built environment over the long merely offer solutions but afford are Philip Beesley Architect Inc. at
term. How might we rethink our con- new modes of design thinking and Waterloo Architecture, the Sabin
ceptual approach toward the problem of research across disciplines. This Design Lab at Cornell Architecture,
sustainability in architecture? Are there requires a radical departure from the BIOMS group at the University
design research models and methods traditional research and design of California, Berkeley, and the
that may counteract this emphasis upon models in architecture and sci- Institute for Computational Design
solutionism in favor of transforma- ence with a move toward hybrid, at University of Stuttgart.
tive practices that engage a dynamic transdisciplinary concepts and new Rachel Armstrong, who gener-
reciprocity between form and environ- models for collaboration. Although ates near living adaptive materials and
ment, placing emphasis upon behavior there have been tremendous inno- is a leading innovator in the realm of
over technology? More specifically, are vations in architecture, material sustainability states, “While conserva-
there affordances within the environ- sciences, and bio- and information tion of energy and frugal use of natural
ment that we may use as design drivers technologies, direct interactions and reserves may buy us time to develop
toward a transformative and sustainable collaborations between scientists new paradigms to underpin human
architecture? and architects are rare.1 All of this is development, they are not sustainable in
In 2010, the National Science regardless of the fact that science, the long term, as they continue to oper-
Foundation (NSF) within the engineering, and architecture all ate according to the laws of resource
Emerging Frontiers for Research share the need to comprehend key consumption.”3 To this end, sustainable
Innovation (EFRI) Science in Energy social, environmental, and techno- building practices should not simply
and Environmental Design (SEED) logical issues. Four interdisciplinary be technical endeavors. They should
umbrella solicited proposals for research practices are surveyed include the transformation of existing
transdisciplinary research teams with emphasis upon innovation and built fabric into sustainable models

JAE 69:1   63
Figure 1. Epiphyte
Chamber is envisioned
as an archipelago
of interconnected
halo-like masses
that mimic human
sensations through
subtle, coordinated
movements. Across
each floating island,
densely interwoven
structures and
delicate canopies
made of thousands of
lightweight, digitally
fabricated components
are drawn together in
nearly synchronized
breathing and whispers.
Audiences walk into
highly sensual, intimate
sculptural spaces
that support small
clusters of activity
interlinking into larger
gathering areas. This
experimental new work
explores intersections
between media art,
interactive distributed
mechatronics, and
synthetic biology.

that inspire both positive sociocultural BIOMS research group at UC Berkeley ability to alter its form in response
change and innovation in design, sci- states, “The reinvention of conceptual to changing conditions, particularly
ence, and technology. Professor and frameworks and processes of technolo- at multiple scales. Popular examples
architect Michael Hensel, at a recent gies becomes transformative when it include Galleria Hall West (Seoul, South
symposium hosted by the Department situates itself beyond the introduction Korea), Institut Du Monde Arabe, Aegis
of Architecture at Cornell University of new productions. Trans-disciplinary Hyposurface, POLA Ginza Building
titled “Sustaining Sustainability,” research in building technology can Façade, and SmartWrap. Most of these
underscored this notion.4 The sym- craft new habits of thought; it reorients examples, however, rely heavily upon
posium featured lectures by a diverse innovation.”5 Clearly, the design and the use of mechanically driven units
group of researchers and practitioners production of new energy-efficient that communicate through a mainframe
spanning multiple disciplines from technologies is crucial to successfully and are nested within a building façade
biology to architecture who share a meet goals such as the Net-Zero Energy system. Additionally, there are now
common concern for what Hensel has Commercial Building Initiative (CBI) many research groups and experimental
labeled “sustainability fatigue.” This put forward by the US Department of practices engaged in the exploration
symposium was not centered upon Energy, which aims to achieve zero- and implementation of existing respon-
exhausted issues including energy, energy commercial buildings by 2025, sive materials such as shape memory
optimization, and performance, which but as Gutierrez points out, these polymers, shape memory alloys or
tend to dominate most conferences technological imperatives are largely thermochromic resin, to name but a
on sustainability in architecture today, based upon resource consumption. few examples. In the context of the
but was instead focused on rethinking The discipline of architecture needs to work of Manuel Kretzer or Martina
the entire conceptual foundation for move away from reactionary responses Decker of Material Dynamics Lab at
the project, one that fundamentally to the problem of sustainability and the New Jersey Institute of Technology,
examines our relationship with nature toward new habits of thought that for example, prototypes investigate
and nature’s relationship with humans. question, actuate, and redefine relation- the architectural potential of build-
Important to this shift is a move away ships between environment and form. ing materials that not only change but
from purely technical solutions to Transdisciplinary models afford such a also respond and adapt to environ-
environmental sustainability toward an dynamic reciprocity. How do we situate mental stimuli. Decker’s speculative
understanding that our built and natural these new conceptual frameworks? Homeostatic Façade System incorpo-
environments are equally becoming the Responsive architecture, a term rates dielectric elastomers for dynamic
contexts for thriving hybrid ecosystems. first coined by Nicholas Negroponte, shading in double skin façade systems.
As Maria-Paz Gutierrez, director of the is a type of architecture that has the A building’s envelope must consider a

64 Transformative Research Practice

Figure 2. Epiphyte
Chamber, an
environment erected
for the inauguration
of the Museum of
Contemporary and
Modern Art, Seoul,
2014, demonstrates
key organizations
employed for Hylozoic
Architecture group
including lightweight
resilient scaffolds,
distributed interactive
controls, and
integrated protocell
chemical metabolism.
Photograph: Philip
Beesley. © PBAI.

number of important design param- body.6 As he goes on to state, “In turn, it absence of people and in turn engage
eters, including degrees of transparency, suggests a craft of designing with mate- in their type of learning or feedback
overall aesthetics, and performance rials conceived as filters that can expand (Figures 1 and 2). Additionally, this
against external conditions such as sun- our influence and expand the influence immersive environment is populated
light levels, ventilation, and solar heat of the world on us, in an oscillating with what Beesley calls “Protocell
gain. In contrast to existing examples register: catching, harvesting, pulling fields,” glass flasks that add a stuttering
of adaptive architecture, perhaps we and pushing.” Beesley describes these and turbulent atmosphere through the
can entertain and embed the role of the constructions as “a synthetic new kind aid of chemical reactions that affect,
human in response to changing condi- of soil.” These affordances, which are expand, amplify, and quiet the adaptive
tions within the built environment. not features of organisms or the com- and responsive nature of what Sanford
Perhaps the closest example to this municative landscape that we entertain, Kwinter may call a “hyper communica-
scenario is the work of Philip Beesley, actuate change through emergent tive landscape.”8 Importantly, Beesley
whose sculptures and installations forms. These architectural affordances states, “These do not achieve high,
such as Hylozoic Ground incorporate are actors and they are also acted upon. efficient functions. Instead they offer a
layers of chain responses and ampli- Beesley’s thermodynamic environments sketch of possibility.”9 Are there models
fied effects that are the result of highly are in a perpetual state of formation in nature that exhibit similar reciprocity
personal interactions. Feedback loops and communication. In this sense, the that we may mine?
between these networked mesh systems new soil is both emergent and fully In the Sabin Design Lab at Cornell
respond, adapt, and amplify user input, enmeshed in their environments, and Architecture, we ask, How might archi-
giving rise to emergent conditions both of these attributes may be charac- tecture respond to issues of ecology
that are the result of reciprocal loops terized as affordances. They are emplaced and sustainability whereby buildings
between environment, code, and com- architectures that do not merely behave more like organisms in their
munication. In recent projects, Beesley conserve energy but rather exchange built environments? We are interested
is examining thermodynamics to as he it.7 His most recent work, titled in probing the human body for design
states, “seek a tangible exchange for Epiphyte Chamber, which was erected models that give rise to new ways of
the reality of an expanded physiology.” for the inauguration of the Museum thinking about issues of adaptation,
Beesley’s interest in a design process of Contemporary and Modern Art in change, and performance in architec-
and form language rooted in what he Seoul, builds upon the periodic and ture. Our expertise and interests focus
calls dissipative structures and diffusion gives aperiodic textile meshworks impreg- upon the study of natural and artificial
rise to adaptive architectures that are nated with interactive mechanisms that ecology and design, especially in the
rooted in and generated by the human respond and adapt to the presence or realm of nonlinear biological systems

Sabin JAE 69:1   65

structural levels. In parallel, our work
offers up novel possibilities that ques-
tion and redefine architecture within
the greater scope of ecological design
and digital fabrication.
Since the official public launch
in the fall of 2010 of our NSF EFRI
SEED project, titled Energy Minimization
via Multi-Scalar Architectures: From Cell
Contractility to Sensing Materials to Adaptive
Building Skins, Jenny E. Sabin (co-prin-
cipal investigator) along with Andrew
Lucia (senior personnel) have led a team
of architects, graduate architecture
students, and researchers in the inves-
tigation of biologically informed design
through the visualization of complex
data sets, digital fabrication, and the
production of experimental material
systems for prototype speculations of
adaptive building skins, designated
eSkin, at the macro-building scale
(Figure 3). The full team, led by Dr. Shu
Yang (principal investigator), is actively
engaged in rigorous scientific research
at the core of ecological building mate-
rials and design. The work presented
here is one subset of ongoing transdis-
ciplinary research spanning across the
fields of cell biology, materials science,
electrical and systems engineering, and
architecture. The eSkin project starts
with these fundamental questions and
applies them toward the design and
Figure 3. eSkin inputs: cell-matrix interface and lab investigate the intersections engineering of responsive materials
and architectural speculation as adaptive wall
assembly. © Sabin Design Lab, Cornell University; of architecture and science and apply and sensors.12 Biology presents useful
Kaori Ihida-Stansbury, University of Pennsylvania insights and theories from biology and conceptual models for architects to
(above). mathematics to the design, fabrication, consider, where form is in constant
Figure 4. ColorFolds, a recent prototype by Sabin and production of material structures.11 adaptation with environmental events.
Design Lab, integrates eSkin material features Seminal references for the work include Here, geometry and matter operate
with Kirigami principles and follows the concept
of “Interact Locally, Fold Globally,” necessary for matrix biology, materials science, and together as active elastic ground—a
deployable and scalable adaptive architectures. mathematics through the filter of datascape—that steers and specifies
Using mathematical modeling, architectural crafts-based media, including textiles form, function, and structure in con-
elements, design computation, and controlled
elastic response, ColorFolds showcases new and ceramics. Together, our collabora- text. Through direct references to the
techniques, algorithms, and processes for the tive work attempts an analogous deep flexibility and sensitivity of the human
assembly of open, deployable structural elements organicity of interrelated parts, mate- body, we are interested in developing
and architectural surface assemblies. © Sabin
Design Lab, Cornell University (below). rial components, and building ecology. adaptive materials and architecture
Generative design techniques emerge where code, pattern, environmental
and materials that use minimum energy with references to natural systems, cues, geometry, and matter operate
with maximum effect.10 Importantly, not as mimicry but as transdisciplinary together as a conceptual design space.
our practice and research offer another translation of flexibility, adaptation, The goal of the eSkin project is
model for architectural affordance, one growth, and complexity into realms of to explore materiality from nano- to
that is invested in developing an alter- architectural manifestation. The mate- macroscales based upon an understand-
native material practice in architecture rial world that this type of research ing of nonlinear, dynamic human cell
through the generative fabrication of interrogates reveals examples of non- behaviors on geometrically defined sub-
the nonlinearities of material and form linear fabrication and self-assembly at strates. To achieve this, human smooth
across disciplines. Together, the studio the surface, and at deeper cultural and muscle cells are plated on polymer

66 Transformative Research Practice

Figure 6. AeSkin interactive prototype. ITO treated
glass cells with voltage controlled nanoparticle
solution within, housed on a custom-built PCB
substrate, and controlled locally via ambient
sensing nodes. Component material prototype
with local sensing nodes affecting component
cells, harnessing user interaction as an active
input and resultant transformation of the material
substrate. © Sabin Design Lab, Cornell University;
Shu Yang Group, University of Pennsylvania; Jan
Van der Spiegel & Nader Engheta, University of

flows are synergistically optimized

through a material programmed with
self-regulation, the enclosure becomes,
as in nature, a multifunctional skin.”14
Through an array of pores and aper-
Figure 5. Rendering of eSkin material prototype building skins at the architectural scale tures, the breathing membrane manages
demonstrating user interaction as an active input (Figures 4–7). multiple functions through zero energy
with resultant speculative transformation of the
material substrate (top). Schematic diagram In parallel, the work of the BIOMS input.
of circuit design interfacing with nano-colloidal group, directed by Maria-Paz Gutierrez In this sense, the material itself
particle solutions through voltage control. at UC Berkeley, takes direct inspiration actuates and responds to multiple con-
Individual sensing nodes interact with the material
substrates locally through voltage control via the from nature’s skins. Gutierrez is also textual inputs while optimizing for ideal
sensing of changes in ambient light, ultimately a recipient of and principal investiga- conditions. The BIOMS group specu-
affecting the appearance of the prototype tor on one of the NSF EFRI SEED lates that their breathing membrane,
components. © Sabin Design Lab, Cornell
University. grants from 2010. As Gutierrez states, which is digitally fabricated through the
“Self-active matter is the new passive integration of polymerization with 3-D
substrates at a microscale. Sensors and architecture.”13 Taking advantage of the printing extrusion, could be integrated
imagers are then being designed and textile as an important architectural with new construction such as in small
engineered to capture material and element, the BIOMS multifunctional deployable emergency housing or in
environmental transformations based membrane features an integrative public spaces in tropical zones such as
on manipulations made by the cells, sensor and actuator system that is not markets and schools (Figures 8 and
such as changes in color, transparency, only designed to answer to many func- 9). Finally, Gutierrez and her BIOMS
polarity, and pattern. Through the tions through what Gutierrez calls the group articulate the importance of their
eSkin project, insights as to how cells “synergistic optimization of heat, light research focus in the context of crisis.
can modify their immediate extracel- and humidity transfer” but is also a Rather than focus upon single solu-
lular microenvironment are being closed loop system. Importantly, this tions for conditions of crisis, as in the
investigated and applied to the design system does not require energy input case of emergency relief housing, they
and engineering of highly aesthetic through mechanical actuators, sensors, are more concerned with how their
passive materials, sensors, and imagers and a mainframe. As the BIOMS group research methodology and approach
that will be integrated into responsive reports, “If the energy and material “contributes to a paradigm shift in our

Sabin JAE 69:1   67

Figure 7. Yang’s group at University of Pennsylvania explores biomimetic Figure 8. Multifunctional Building Membrane: Self-Active Cells, Not Blocks,
concepts such as structural color, exhibited here. Credits: By Jie Li, M. P. Gutierrez (BIOMS director/lead) with L. P. Lee (BioPoets director), UC
Guanquan Liang, Xuelian Zhu, and Shu Yang, “Exploiting Nano-roughness on Berkeley; BIOMS team (Charles Irby, Katia Sobolski, Pablo Hernandez, David
Holographically Patterned Three Dimensional Photonic Crystals,” Advanced Campbell, Peter Suen); B. Kim (BioPoets team). © BIOMS UC Berkeley.
Functional Materials 22, no. 14 (2012): 2980–86. Image was rendered by
Felice Macera. © Shu Yang Group University of Pennsylvania.

explicit exploration of natural systems tensegrity structures and geodesic

for novel structures in the context of (structures composed of spheres, tri-
computational matter. angles, and hexagons) domes—have
Recently, the ICD and the led to radical new insights into how
Institute of Building Structures and living systems, including eukaryotic
Structural Design (ITKE) of the cells, tissues, and whole organisms,
University of Stuttgart have constructed are assembled and function, as well
another bionic research pavilion, one of as to a new understanding of how the
several in a series of research pavilions microecology of cells influences the
Figure 9. In contrast to many existing adaptive (Figure 10). Designed, fabricated, and genome. Similarly, models borrowed
building assemblies and prototypes that require constructed over one and a half years from biology, particularly regarding
communication from a mainframe and electricity,
the BIOMS breathing membrane operates on by students and researchers within self-organization and the emergence of
zero-energy input to self-regulate and optimize a multidisciplinary team of biolo- complex, nonlinear global systems from
for heat, light and humidity. © BIOMS UC gists, paleontologists, architects, and simple local rules of organization, have
engineers, the focus of this project is led to the discovery of new forms and
upon the biomimetic investigation of structural organizations in architectural
understanding of how to approach natural fiber composite shells and the design.16
resources (human and physical) in crisis development of cutting-edge robotic In the case of the new ICD/ITKE
and the transformations this entails fabrication methods for fiber-rein- pavilion, the investigation of natural
from the design concept to the produc- forced polymer structures (Figure 11). lightweight structures was conducted by
tion framework from the nano or micro Architects and structural engineers have an interdisciplinary team of architects
to the building scale.”15 historically looked to nature to design and engineers from Stuttgart University
While Gutierrez and the BIOMS and build better shell and spatial struc- and biologists from Tubingen University
group focus upon the multifunctional tures. Cable nets have been inspired by within the Module: Bionics of Animal
capacity of self-actuated 3-D printed the high strength-to-weight ratio of the Constructions led by Professor Oliver
material membranes, the work of spider web; pneumatic structures by Betz (biology) and Professor James
Achim Menges and his students at the soap bubbles; vaults by shells and eggs H. Nebelsick (geosciences). With an
Institute for Computational Design composed of hard and curved materials; interest in exploring material efficient
(ICD) at the University of Stuttgart and geodesics by radiolarian. Models lightweight constructions, the elytron,
operates at a larger scale through the borrowed from architects—such as a protective shell for beetles’ wings and

68 Transformative Research Practice

Figure 10. The
Institute for
Design (ICD) at the
University of Stuttgart
operates at a larger
scale through the
explicit exploration
of natural systems
for novel structures
in the context of
computational matter.
Recently, the ICD
and the Institute of
Building Structures
and Structural
Design (ITKE) of the
University of Stuttgart
have constructed
another bionic
research pavilion, one
of several in a series of
research pavilions. ©
ICD/ITKE University of

Figure 11. Integration of multiple process

parameters into a component-based construction
system. © ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (below).

Figure 12. The robotic fabrication process

involved two interacting six-axis robots to
produce doubly curved glass and carbon fiber
reinforced polymers through a winding process. ©
ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (left).

abdomen, proved to be an appropri- production of nonstandard unique then redeployed through the mechani-
ate bionic model for the generation of elements, the robotic fabrication pro- cal properties of the natural fiber
innovative fiber composite construction cess involved two interacting six-axis composite.
methods through biological structural robots to produce doubly curved glass While nonlinear concepts are
principles. and carbon fiber reinforced polymers widely applied in analysis and generative
Through analysis of SEM scans of through a winding process (Figure 12). design, they have not yet convincingly
the elytra beetle, a biomimetic model Through this simple process, which translated into the material realm of
of the trabeculae, a matrix of column- basically entails winding layers of fabrication and construction, until
like doubly curved support elements fibers and strategically impregnating recently. The ICD/ITKE Research
that is highly differentiated through the the hollow cores with resin, thirty-six Pavilion 2013–14—Stuttgart 2014
shell structure, was extracted, synthe- unique components were generated showcases possible design routes and
sized, and redeployed through the aid for the lightweight pavilion (Figure 13). techniques that no longer privilege
of robotic fabrication. With an interest Overall, these lightweight structures column, beam, and arch through a
in working with this highly differenti- rely upon the geometric morphology broadened definition of architectural
ated morphology as a model for a novel of a double-layered system inspired tectonics successfully made with
composite shell structure through the and informed by the elytron beetle and advancements in computational design.

Sabin JAE 69:1   69

of the featured projects, the disciplinary
hurdles that are encountered through
the production of projects across scales,
culminate in what is perhaps the most
potent deliverable: a new model for
transdisciplinary collaboration and the
formation of new habits of thought. In
all four cited design research practices,
we are presented with architectural
affordances that operate in coun-
terdistinction to the solutionism of
sanctioned and typical sustainable
approaches to architecture where
models based on behavior are favored
over the purely technological. In the
case of Beesley’s work, architectural
affordances operate, affect, and interact
as environments, entities, and beings.
Beesley’s thermodynamic environments
are in a perpetual state of “catching,
harvesting, pulling, and pushing.” In
this sense, his architectural interfaces
are both emergent and fully enmeshed
in their environments, exhibiting a
dynamic reciprocity between context
and form. All of these attributes may
be characterized as affordances and
can also be seen in the work of Sabin
Design Lab and BIOMS. In the case
of eSkin or the work of BIOMS, pro-
grammable matter and self-actuating
material systems operate as dynamic
thresholds, interfaces that adapt, learn,
and change in response to environmen-
tal cues with minimal to zero energy
input. Here, geometry and matter are
explored across multiple length scales
and disciplines, where issues of sustain-
ability are not merely about metrics and
technology, but about new paradigms
Figure 13. Thirty-six unique components were practice of design research by multidis- for adaptive and ecological architectural
generated for the lightweight pavilion. © ICD/ITKE
University of Stuttgart. ciplinary teams composed of architects, matter through transdisciplinary collab-
engineers, scientists, and fabricators oration and design. And finally, in the
How might these advancements impact active in academia, practice, and indus- work of the ICD, nonstandard tectonic
material practice in architecture, engi- try. A primary thrust of the works is the elements emerge through the rigor-
neering, and construction at economic, evolution of digital complexity in the ous investigation of the behaviors of
technological, and cultural levels? built world in the context of the human. natural models and their corresponding
Importantly, the ICD/ITKE is equally In parallel, this approach aims to make translation into novel material systems
committed to the communication, advances in material research and fab- where geometry, materiality, pattern,
documentation, and public dissemina- rication to affect pragmatic change in structure, and form are inextricably
tion of their advances in tooling and the economical and ecological produc- linked. Resisting postrationalization
fabrication to advance the design and tion of complex built form and adaptive of complex form, here architectural
production of nonlinear systems via architecture. affordances reveal themselves as evolv-
complex geometries. While the exploration of biologi- ing flows of force through geometry and
Central to all of the work pre- cal and nano- to microscaled material matter that are computed, designed,
sented here is the integration of fields properties and effects at the human and fabricated through robotic inter-
and industries outside of our own in the scale form the starting points for many faces that dance, collaborate, wind,

70 Transformative Research Practice

B. Kim (BioPoets team), Multifunctional Building
and weave. The scalar constraints span Notes Membrane: Self-Active Cells, Not Blocks, in prep (team
materials science, cell biology, textile 1 Jenny Sabin, “PolyMorph and Branching project).
Morphogenesis,” in Post Sustainability: New
engineering, fashion, electrical and 14 Ibid.
Directions in Ecological Design, ed. Mitchell Joachim
systems engineering, and architecture, and Mike Silver (New York: Metropolis Books,
15 Ibid.
16 J. Sabin and P. L. Jones, “Nonlinear Systems
which in turn challenge the differences forthcoming). Biology and Design: Surface Design,” in
between fundamental and applied 2 I use the word “affordance” as it refers to James Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the
research. Through the collaborative Gibson’s Ecological Approach to Visual Perception Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture
and more specifically to his piece, “The Theory
production of these applications, we of Affordances.” Here “affordance” refers to
(ACADIA), ed. A. Kudless (Association for
Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 2008),
encounter key differences between how context may specify constraints and thus 54–65.
the conceptualization and material- contribute to emergent and transformative
ization of the projects whose success relational models for design through notions of
feedback and ecology as opposed to symbolic or
demands that science, engineering, function-based solutions. Simply put, an affor-
and design meet. The creative naviga- dance gives rise to the possibility of an action or
tion of this ambiguous line between series of actions, a relationship between environ-
science and architecture in turn offers ment and organism. See James J. Gibson, The
up a unique model for collaboration Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlbaum, 1986). See also Andrew Lucia, Jenny
across disciplines that defines a new Sabin, and P. L. Jones, “Memory, Difference,
future for architecture and the role and Information: Generative Architectures
of the architect where authorship is Latent to Material and Perceptual Plasticity”
horizontal, giving way to interiorities, (Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference
on Information Visualization, London, July
elastic networks, fabrics, and topologi- 2011). Finally, see Simone Ferracina, “Exaptive
cal meanders that are pliable, plastic, Architectures,” in Unconventional Computing:
ecological, and open—where geometry Design Methods for Adaptive Architecture, ed. Rachel
and matter are steered and specified Armstrong and Simone Ferracina (Cambridge,
by the flexibility and sensitivity of the Ontario: ACADIA and Riverside, 2013), 62–65.
3 Rachel Armstrong, “Lawless Sustainability,”
human body. Perhaps the most impor- Architecture Norway 1381, December 5, 2012,
tant deliverable in the aforementioned
examples to date are these new models cities-sustainability/armstrong/.
for collaboration across disciplines 4 J. Sabin, “Reaching a Sustainable Symbiosis,”
Architectural Review 1381 (March 2012): 88–89.
where architectural affordances form a 5 Maria-Paz Gutierrez, “Reorienting Innovation:
bridge and a point of departure toward Transdisciplinary Research and Building
transformative models that may in par- Technology,” Architectural Research Quarterly
allel provide potent contributions to an 18, no. 1 (March 2014): 69–82, doi:10.1017/
era in crisis. S1359135514000372.
6 Philip Beesley, “Diffusive Prototyping” (paper
presented at Alive International Symposium
Author Biography on Adaptive Architecture, Computer Aided
Jenny Sabin’s work is at the forefront Architectural Design, ETH Zurich, March 2013).
of a new direction for twenty-first 7 See Beesley’s description of emplacement
and architecture in his lecture on “Diffusive
century architectural practice—one Prototyping” (note 6).
that investigates the intersections of 8 Sanford Kwinter, “Creods” (paper presented at
architecture and science, and applies Acadia 2008: Silicon + Skin, Biological Processes
insights and theories from biology and Computation, Minneapolis, October 2012).
and mathematics to the design of 9 Beesley, “Diffusive Prototyping” (note 6).
10 Marie-Ange Brayer and Frederic Migayrou,
material structures. Sabin is the Naturalizing Architecture (Orleans, France: FRAC
Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger Centre, 2013), 28–29, 142–45. This was published
Assistant Professor in the area of on occasion of the 9th ArchiLab.
Design and Emerging Technologies 11 J. Sabin and F. Kolatan, Meander: Variegating
Architecture, 1st ed. (Exton, PA: Bentley Institute
in the Department of Architecture at Press, 2010).
Cornell University. She is principal 12 Jenny Sabin, Andrew Lucia, Giffen Ott, and
of Jenny Sabin Studio, an experi- Simin Wang, “Prototyping Interactive Nonlinear
mental architectural design studio Nano-to-Micro Scaled Material Properties and
based in Philadelphia and Director Effects at the Human Scale” (Paper presented at
Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design
of the Sabin Design Lab at Cornell (SimAUD), April 13–16, 2014).
AAP, a hybrid research and design 13 M. P. Gutierrez (BIOMS director/lead), with
unit with specialization in computa- L. P. Lee (BioPoets director), UC Berkeley
tional design, data visualization and BIOMS team (Charles Irby, Katia Sobolski, Pablo
Hernandez, David Campbell, Peter Suen), and
digital fabrication.

Sabin JAE 69:1   71

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