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We Keep

Your Business
In Business
Our passion to innovation and our commitment OUR STORY
Since our establishment we set out to create
to excellence are key elements of our culture. We’ve
technology to transform the way organizations
established OBRELA SECURITY INDUSTRIES in the Global perceive and buy cyber security. Today, we provide
Cyber Security Market driven by those exact principles and with the most advanced, comprehensive real
our mission to Keep our client’s Business in Business. time cyber risk management and early
warning services…
We will strive to create new services and value,
and look forward to working with you as your OUR CULTURE
trusted cybersecurity partner We produce highly sophisticated and innovative
- George Patsis, CEO cyber security technology. We have a remarkable
talent to create from ground zero. And a
radical, disruptive market mindset - to offer
information security as a service. And our
culture is very simple - We seek Excellence.
Our Culture focus is helping us achieve excellence.
We keep improving our culture as we grow. We get
better as we thrive for excellence. We help each
other to be Great.

the company
Cyber Risk Management
As a Service
We manage cyber exposure, risks and compliance.
We identify, predict and prevent cyber threats,
In real time. As a service, Personalized. On Demand.


Full Stack Visibility 24/7/365 Actionable Advice Holistic Approach

A full portfolio of professional and managed Replace disparate governance and compliance An “Umbrella” of turnkey risk and threat management
services, including vulnerability assessments, functions with an integrated set of services that services that help our clients Extend their security
application and infrastructure penetration testing services, include the technology and resources required to operations with industry-leading expertise, threat
source code reviews, which can assure an excellent sustain the underlying processes. intelligence and technology that significantly improve
proactive Cyber Security level. the mean time to detect and respond to cyberattacks.

EXPOSURE MANAGEMENT services and flexible delivery models to support and sophisticated risk management technology we collect and
Continuous assurance and improvement complement the strengths within an organization. analyze structured and unstructured security related data,
Managed Compliance. As a tactical discipline, Managed generating valuable intelligence giving our clients a unique
Managed Testing. A set of services providing a unified
Compliance ensures that appropriate actions are being taken advantage in predictability, preparation and response..
portfolio of Cyber Security Assurance Services to modern
to execute Information Security Governance objectives, based Employing either a Fully managed, a Co-Managed,
organizations including Vulnerability Assessment, InDepth
on stated risk tolerance. The service is provided by senior a Hybrid or full SAAS model we support all enterprise
Services, Penetration Testing and Application Testing.
and accredited information security advisors. A compliance needs for flexibility, leveraging existing client
Remediation Management . Optimized through our capabilities and maximizing the return on investment.
plan is developed and monitored, enabling organizations
SWORDFISH Vulnerability Management Console which Our Services are tailored to the client needs adjusting
to quantify and use compliance risk as a key metric
greatly enhances client experience managing the the risk tolerance, reporting needs, notification
when making and enforcing security policy, regulatory
complete vulnerability lifecycle from detection to requirements, console and visualization, classification
and industry requirements.
remediation with streamlined and automated workflows and access management preferences.
and ticketed tracking, reporting and analytics.
THREAT MANAGEMENT Threat Prevention. Our Services enable our clients to
Visibility, intelligence, readiness respond quickly and confidently prevent cyber security
Managed Detection and Response. Our MDR services incidents including systems compromise, virus infection
Governance, risk, compliance, operations
serve as the core for a multi-layered, defense-in-depth and denial of service attacks assisting to minimize downtime
Managed Program. This suite of services aims to support and lost revenue. With no set-up and ownership costs and
architecture analyzing and centrally managing security
the organization towards the establishment, orchestration technology risks, typically associated with any an in-house
related data independently of the underlying technology
and automation of a Security Governance Framework and technology deployment, our clients leverage scalable cyber
and data collection mechanism.
ensuring compliance with standards, laws and regulations. threat prevention technology, on-demand and completely
Combining exposure and threat intelligence for targeted
Obrela Security Industries offers a wide spectrum of as a Service.
threat defense with leading edge security analytics and

A full technology stack for threat Our cybersecurity-as-a-service Our “Umbrella”of comprehensive
assessment, detection and response model relieves our clients from integrated risk and threat management
with integrated risk management technology risks, and removes services allows our clients to manage
that can enhance visibility across the barriers to entry that involve their risks and significantly improve
the enterprise and enable to lengthy on-boarding and the mean time to detect and respond
manage risks in real time. upfront investments. to cyberattacks.

the obrela factor

Orchestration and Automation. SWORDFISH Technology from external and internal sources and feed algorithms with
enables organizations to consolidate information, real time data. Leveraging SWORDFISH organizations can now
orchestrate, automate and simplify security activities across adopt dynamic security models that can identify and prevent
the Enterprise in order to reduce overheads, improve client foreseen cyber security threats as well as provide the ground
operational security and rationalize security investments. for effective response and containment. Risks can be
With embedded content and a vast number of applications measured, controlled, avoided or accepted. In real time.
and connectors SWORDFISH enables organizations to
dynamically manage their security framework, enforce Centralization. SWORDFISH functions as the Single Security
The current approach to cybersecurity Gateway for Operational Security. One through which everyone
management, operational and technology security controls,
-adding more and more layers- is not sustainable. and everything can be managed, measured and monitored.
assess compliance with regulations, policies and standards,
Corporations are overwhelmed with the plethora Organizations can leverage SWORDFISH platform to design,
and analyze information risks in real time - all under a
of seemingly endless technologies and vendors implement, enforce and monitor operational security through
single interface carefully designed for ease of use, easily
required to protect their enterprise and now a unified horizontal organizational workflow comprising
customizable to fulfill different organization views and roles.
accept that consolidation is a legitimate and vertical and horizontal security processes that are activated,
welcome alternative. sustained, or interrupted based on information provided
Visibility. Automating procedures and integrating workflows
unveils a unique potential for enterprise security, in terms from people, processes and technology.
Designed as a platform to address different
of recording and monitoring previously invisible fragments
disciplines, security and organizational models, Governance and Compliance. The enterprise governance
of the security workflow; By controlling and monitoring not
SWORDFISH does not aim to replace or compete and compliance management capability of the Swordfish
only technology related aspects but also (human factor)
with any existing product or technology; but Technology smoothly connects all major elements of
procedures, SWORDFISH integrates people, process and
rather it aims to integrate and centralize Information Security Management – from framework
technology and delivers 3D (three dimension) security
under a new holistic approach. establishment and maintenance, to continuous monitoring
as the substance of next generation Cyber Security.
and reviewing – and delivers a robust platform specifically
Real Time Risk Management. By using SWORDFISH designed for Information Security Governance and
organizations can now integrate real time intelligence Information Security Compliance.
start today

Tel: +44 (0) 203 397 8723
24th Floor, One Canada Sq.
Canary Wharf, E14 5AB
London, UK

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