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Comparison and Contrast Essay on ″Of Mice and Men″

The book, Of Mice and Men, is one that conjures thought in the reader. In spite of the fact that the book is
elegantly composed, the film does not approach those same models. In the wake of perusing the book, at
that point viewing the film, I saw some significant contrasts and contrasts. Differences were common
mainly within the plot of the story.

The primary outstanding variety was at the outset. The book began off with George and Lennie strolling
on a soil street almost a marsh while the motion picture began off with George on a prepare with a
flashback. This shows how the film contrasts by beginning off in an alternate time allotment than the
book. Another valid example of a little however, perceptible plot change was when Lennie slaughters the
puppy. The book expresses that Lennie is perched on the ground of the stable crying with the puppy lying
before him. Despite what might be expected, the motion picture indicates Lennie staying strong with the
puppy in his grasp pacing forward and backward while stressed yet not crying. Henceforth, the film gives
an alternate picture to the watcher than Steinbeck gives for the pursuer.

At the start of chapter 2, Steinbeck described the bunk house and in the movie it looks just as he
describes. "The bunk house was a long rectangular building. Inside, the walls were white-washed and the
floor unpainted. In three walls there were small, square windows, and in the forth a solid door with a
wooden latch. Against the wall were eight bunks, five of them made up with blackest and the other three
showing their burlap ticking. Over each bunk there was a nailed an apple box with opening forward so
that it made two shelves for the personal belongings of the occupant of the bunk" The intriguing thing
about the movie is the characters were dependably in the correct setting when an occasion happened
desire as depicted in the book. In the film when Lennie converses with Crooks the setting Is in Crooks
room in the novel it is simply the same "Criminals settled all the more serenely on his bunk" set down,"
he welcomed "set down on the nail barrel". In the film when George murders Hurler's better half it
happens In the outbuilding while all the others are playing horseshoes outside in the novel It Is the same
"He pawed up the feed until the point that It halfway secured her.” From outside the barn came a cry of
men and the double clang of shoes on metal." Not only are the characters in the right setting at the right
time they are also well portrayed. In the movie version, Of Mice and Men the characters are as I Imagined
them in my head. Leonie was a character that was well-portrayed. This Is the physical description of
Lennie " A huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walk
heavily dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his side, but
hung loosely". Lennie was also slow in ten nana; teeny menthol Tanat In ten story. Lend looked and acted
the way I pictured him. Other characters were also portrayed very well, George, Lend’s only friend is
described as being "small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part
of him was defined: small, small hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.” In the movie, this physical
description fits him well. All character descriptions fit the characters in the movie. The movie had many
differences while still giving the same message that the book was portrayed to have.

One of the significant contrasts was that Candy never came into the room when Lennie and Crooks were
conversing with each other. This was major since Crooks never discovered that the arrangement was valid
about the little house. In the book, after he heard Candy discuss it he needed to get in on the arrangement.
Additionally the motion picture it never indicated Leonie have his dreams of his Aunt Carla and the
rabbits when he was holding up by the lake. The last significant distinction was that George never
wavered to shoot Leonie in the motion picture and in the book, it was hard for him.

After George shot Leonie, Slim came to comfort George and take him out for a drink. The characters in
the novel and the motion picture had numerous distinctions. In the book, George was appeared to detest
Curler with an enthusiasm. In the movie, George didn't appear to like Curler excessively yet he
unquestionably didn't despise him like in the book. In the film Curler's significant other emulated to be
pulled in to Leonie and making the most of his essence since he was decent. In the book she conversed
with him simply because she was diverted by Lien's ineptitude. Leonie was clarified as a mammoth in the
book and, "his shoulders could fill the entryway”.

In the movie, he was more grounded and greater than the others were however not to the outrageous sum
that the book depicted him to be. Each other thing about Leonie was to a great degree as the book let it
know. * George and Leonie are indicated sneaking into a prepare around evening time to escape from
Weed. This was not specified in the book. “The transport is appeared to set out toward Tyler Ranch
which rankles George as the transport driver told him and Leonie to get off the transport prior on in the
motion picture.” In the motion picture, Slim advises George to carry a donkey with a sore foot to the
horse shelter.

Toward the finish of the novel we comprehend what that George has Carlson's weapon and afterward
we comprehend what will happen. Toward the finish of the film, we do not know George has the
weapon and we can't see that he is holding the firearm to the back of Lennie's head. It is a brilliant story
of friendship, loneliness, and agony. This was a brilliant film since it was sensational however, it never
went too far and ended up sappy and exaggerated. This film is extraordinary on the grounds that the
makers acknowledged how imperative the first content was in making this film.


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