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Every day I received patients for treatment, because I am a village midwife.

but with the

outbreak of the coronavirus to breaking the chain of virus spreading of every patient who wants

to seeking treatment, I am asking whether those who have just returned home from out of town,

if from out of town, it is expected to quarantine themselves for 14 days, and communicate theirs

situation through WhatsApp. They are not allowing to leaving home.

in addition, I am making an important announcement for the people. They are washing hands

before and after treatment.

I have lived in CIleles 5

My sister has started a new job this week. But she hasn’t written any word yet.
This is the first time she has written a paper. Also Septi hasn’t finished her Science
project. After a week later She has already submitted her paper. My sister and I have
worked hard this month.

I am going to start my guitar lesson next week. Agus will come after he has
finished his work. It will be interesting if he joins.

I feel terrible. I think I’m gonna be sick. Also I will pass the examination, but my body

unhealty. Then my mother is gonna be here in ten minutes. She will be buying porridge and

medicine at the pharmacy. And my father will come after he has finished his work.
by Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. . - Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 3:14 PM
Number of replies: 43
In first box discussion, i said, please make a paragraph.. no sentence !

a paragraph must have minimal 5 sntences..

and then, please change the paragraph to another tenses..

Contoh yang saya berikan sebelumnya itu memang dalam bentuk kalimat, tapi yang saya
inginkan adalah paragraf ya 


In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by LIGAN RAFIANI ARSIDI . - Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 5:06 PM

*Simple Present*

The environment of around my house. There are so many changes here. In this week, there is a
disinfectant spraying, so many people sunbathes in front of there house, and wears mask
everyday. It is efect of corona virus.

In this week, especially the weather in house is not determinate, sometimes in the morning is so
hot and in the evening is raining. It makes my body not fit
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Re: task

by LIGAN RAFIANI ARSIDI . - Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 5:19 PM

*Present continuouse and S.Future*
The environment of around my house. There are so many changes here. In this week, there is a
disinfectant spraying, *so many people will sunbath in* front of there house, and wear mask
everyday. *It will be efect of corona virus*

In this week, especially the weather in house is not determinate, sometimes *in the morning will
be so hot and in the evening will be raining* . *It will not make* my body fit
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Re: task

by LIGAN RAFIANI ARSIDI . - Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 6:00 PM

Im so sorry, miss. There is Miscommunication
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by RAHAYUNINGSIH . - Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 6:36 PM

My activity last week was just being at home.
due to corona outbreaks that hit the whole world especially Indonesia all activities must be done
at home.

My activities in the boarding room are cooking, watching YouTube, playing games, washing,
and doing online college assignments.

I used to cook fried rice, fried tofu and also make soup. I only live alone with my sister. all of my
boarding neighbors have returned home due to the corona outbreak. my boarding week has been
very quiet.

last Saturday there was a commotion around my boarding house because of motorcycle theft, but
luckily the culprit was caught. the thief has been secured by the local RT.

tomorrow I will cook fried rice again for breakfast. I hope Corona will be destroyed soon. so that
activities in Indonesia will return to normal again. and I can gather together with my friends
there isn't much activity I can do since this corona outbreak took place.
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by MAHARANY YUSMILU . - Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 10:35 PM

I will try to answer...
I'm working at the Cileles Public Health Center right now. I am a midwife. I have been working
in Cileles health center now. I will work in Cileles Public Health Center now. I want to become a
professional midwife in Cileles Public Health Center now.
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by ISNAWATI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 6:10 AM

Hello miss i hope you are in good health I will answer your question. hopefully the answer is as

First example about Present Continuous Tense in the paragraph

Every day I received patients for treatment, because I am a village midwife. But with the
outbreak of the coronavirus to breaking the chain of virus spreading of every patient who wants
to seeking treatment, I am asking whether those who have just returned home from out of town,
if from out of town, it is expected to quarantine themselves for 14 days, and communicate theirs
situation through WhatsApp. They are not allowing to leaving home. In addition, I am making an
important announcement for the people. They are washing hands before and after treatment.
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In reply to ISNAWATI .
Re: task

by ISNAWATI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 6:37 AM

Second example Present Perfect Tense in the paragraph

My sister has started a new job this week. But she hasn’t written any word yet.
This is the first time she has written a paper. Also Septi hasn’t finished her Science project. After
a week later She has already submitted her paper. My sister and I have worked hard this month.
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In reply to ISNAWATI .
Re: task

by ISNAWATI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 7:11 AM

Third example Future Tense in the paragraph

I feel terrible. I think I’m gonna be sick. Also I will pass the examination, but my body unhealty.
Then my mother is gonna be here in ten minutes. She will be buying porridge and medicine at
the pharmacy. And my father will come after he has finished his work.
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by FERDITA LESTARI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 10:24 AM

Present continuous tense in the paragraph

7 days ago my neighbor held a wedding reception, because the situation was pandemic covid 19
the event had to be dissolved by the police. those who were eating were forced to disperse and go
home. I who was watching television was shocked by this, but everyone understood and the
reception was dissolved.
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task
by FERDITA LESTARI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 10:31 AM
Present perpect tense in the paragraph

today i am off from work after the night shift ,, i really want to watch korean drama "hotel de
luna" i have watched this movie 4 times and will watch it again.
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by FERDITA LESTARI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 12:23 PM

Future tense in the paragraph

social distancing due to corona virus makes the situation different. like this morning ... when
going to the puskesmas, it looks like the streets are deserted, people seem invisible outside the
house. I will buy staples after work and return home. hopefully this civid 19 will end soon.
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Re: task

by Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 1:59 PM

I think this is still beyond what I want..
DIsini saya mau melihat, seberapa jauh pemahaman kalian tentang penggunaan tenses..
di pertemuan ini kita membahas 3 tenses, present cont, present perfect, and present future, right ?
nah, buatlah sebuah paragraf yang menggambarkan situasi di lingkungan kalian di minggu lalu..
misalnya ingin menggunakan present perfect, maka setelah itu change atau rubah paragraf yang
sama ke bentuk tenses lainnya..
Jangan hiraukan arti yang akan berbeda.. saya hanya ingin melihat perubahan tenses nya saja..
karna, di dalam english tenses itu penting.. apalagi toefl..
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 2:00 PM

apalagi saat toefl
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by FERDITA LESTARI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 4:23 PM

Oke...thank you miss
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Re: task

by FERDITA LESTARI . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 4:31 PM

I Will corect..
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .

Re: task

by GITA DHARMAWANTI . - Saturday, 11 April 2020, 7:50 PM

Present Continuous Tense in the paragraf

one week ago I was watching television, my husband told me about the athlete's guesthouse, the
husband happened to be getting an assignment there. He said there were many patients who were
being treated for covid 19.
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Re: task

by GITA DHARMAWANTI . - Saturday, 11 April 2020, 7:56 PM

Present Perfect Tense in the paragraf

I have worked 24 hours in service at the health center in a covid pandemic situation 19. This
situation scared me. but this has become one of my obligations as a health worker.
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Re: task

by GITA DHARMAWANTI . - Saturday, 11 April 2020, 8:00 PM

Future Tense in the paragraf

my plan for the Eid holiday will be to spend time in Jogja with my family. there my plans and
my family will visit some famous places. but the plan was undone.
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Re: task

by GITA DHARMAWANTI . - Saturday, 11 April 2020, 8:03 PM

please correct the paragraph that I made miss
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In reply to Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, SST., M.Keb. .
Re: task

by ATIKAH . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 3:17 PM

good afternoon miss
please allow me to correct my answer, as follows

paragraf Present Continious Tense

today, Linda is visiting her grandmother. She is usually visiting her grandmother, because her
grandmother is loving cooking and can make the delicious food for Linda. So, her grandmother
is her teacher in cooking. today, Linda’s Grandmother Cooking Chiken Soup. It is one of Linda's
favorite foods. And than Linda is trying to make another food, and Linda is choosing to make
fried tofu. It is a simple meal to make by grandmother is enjoying their time to cook together.

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In reply to ATIKAH .
Re: task

by ATIKAH . - Thursday, 9 April 2020, 3:37 PM

Paragraph present perfect

Linda has visited her grandmother. She has usually visited her grandmother, because her
grandmother has loved cooked and can maked the delicious food for Linda. So, her
grandmother is her teacher in cooked. Linda’s Grandmother Cooked Chiken Soup. It is one
of Linda's favorite foods. And than Linda has tryed to make another food, and Linda has
choosed to make fried tofu. It is a simple meal to make by grandmother has enjoyed their
time to cook together
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