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Mini ster for Health & Family Welfare ,

/ ,1 r--)>\C1 Med ical Edu cation , Ayurveda and
Science & Tech nolo gy,
\ -L -,,\ () \ Hirna chal Prad esh

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. s,y D.O.No.SPS/HM/ Const.12+ 3

.'~t( S/ / ,,~~ __b i:- cl,0' k.s v'" c l<,p1Y'i1' '): Dated:
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take this opportun. _
1 .
\ the pro mot io f h tty to wnte you for providing funds for
·adesll d n °C.., eallb care activities in the State of
Pl un er SR pol' Himachal
/l....,/ . the Pra des h a . icy. The following health institutions in
. 1-1,~ re reqmred to be promoted/equipped :-
1i.A )»-"\-- I. <;:on struction of additional accommodation and
·x h'< .'\ \ of a CT Scanning machine at Civil Hospita
l Bhawama
~' :,,,' \,\'' Dis t. Kangra. - - ~ - - - -- '

' J~ '\
' j \\ '&.
\.. ' \ \ _. __
2. Provicfing of two Dia gnostic Vans for Civ
il Hospital,
. (,l . (-,,-
\ l
Pal amp ur, Bhawama, Thural and PHC Sullah
and Dheera
Dis t. Kan gra and other equipments. '

It is imp orta nt to mention here that the

Civil Hospital
Bha war na cate rs about hundered gram pan
chayats of the interior
are a of the dist rict and people have to cov
er a long way for CT
Sca nni ng etc.

It is, ther efo re requested that a sum of Rs. l O (ten

) crore may
ple ase be pro vid ed for promotion/execution
of the above activities
(i.e . Rs.5 (fiv e) crore for the construction
of additional building
for CH Bha war na and remaining Rs.5 (fiv
e) crore for installation
of CT Sca n mac hin e at Bhawarna and pu_rchase of
two diagnostic
van s an d med ical . equ ipm ents in the above mentioned
o th e I . . ,,
.nos . l
p1ta s. Tl1c:· «~. ·1111·J'lfilH . Vve!fare Society
r .. i • _ •
Palampur~ Dist.
_Kan gra , HP wi 11be purchasing and operative agency for two
Dia gno stic Vans.

Contd .... 2/-

IN SINGH PARMAR Minister for Hea lth & Family Welfare,
Medica l Education, Ayurveda and
Science & Technology,
Himachal Pradesh

.. 2 ..

It would be a big 1. 1- ff'

. e te or the people of this interior area and
th ey will remember y t· . . .
. . ou or this kmd and benevolent act done m
the direction of public healtl1 care area.

With regards,
Yours sin,cerely,

,·-·b~·,~ ~ l. ____

(Vipin Si~gh Pannar)

Shri K.Sreekant,
Chairman-cum-Mariaging Director,
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.,
Saudamini Plot-2, Sector-29, Near IFFC0 Chowk,
GlJRGAON, Haryana-122001 (INDIA).

. Shlmla-171002. , r.: r.:

sec retariat , Fax : 0 177-2627.)0 ,)
nrcrs lia, H_-~'.., -; -;,Fi2 3086 _(R )~ ;,,

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