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Experiment No 04

Ladder Diagram development for different types of Logic Gates

Aim: To create the ladder diagram of logic gates and implement it using Picosoft Software.

Objectives: The objectives of this lab work are to:

1. Create a ladder diagram of all basic logic gates
2. Implement that ladder diagram using software.
3. Observe the logic of each gate by doing the simulation in the software

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a device which is used to provide control for an
automated process by continuously monitoring Input devices and programme provided to control

Advantages of PLC
a. Consistency in manufacturing can be easily achieved.
b. Complete control of the manufacturing process can be achieved.
c. Accuracy and quality can be improved.
d. Productivity can be improved.
e. Makes it easy to work in difficult or hazardous environment
Basic Elements of PLC
1. The Input section

This section consists of limit switches, photoelectric sensors, push buttons etc. These
incoming hardware devices provides input signal to the PLC. These devices are also called as
field input devices. The term “field input " is used because this device provides incoming
signals that are tangible items that you physically connect to PLC.

2. Input Module
This section is majorly divided into 2 parts:
 First, the physical screw terminals, where incoming signal (i.e. input), from the field
input devices (e.g. limit switch) are connected to the PLC.
 The second portion of them input section is the PLC's internal conversion electronics.
This section converts and isolates the high-voltage input level from field input
devices. High-voltage signals from field input devices are converted to +5 volts direct
current (VDC) for a valid ON input signal, and a 0 VDC for a valid OFF input signal.
Incoming signal conversion and isolation is necessary because microprocessor
components operate on +5 VDC, whereas an input signal may be of 24 VDC, 120
volts alternating current (VAC), or 220 VDC. If 120 VAC signal is inputted, for
example, into 5 VDC, circuit will quickly destroy your PLC.

3. Controller
The controller is also known as central processing unit (CPU), or simply as the processor.
Central processing unit controls or supervises the entire process. The central processing unit
solves the user program and apparently updates the status of the outputs.

4. Programmer
The programmer is a device used by the programmer or operator to enter or edit program
instructions or data. The programmer can be handheld unit, a personal computer, or an
industrial computer programming terminal.

5. Output Module
The ON or OFF status of the inputs are read and the information is used to solve the user
ladder program and the updated signals is sent to the output section. The output section is
simply a series of switches, one for each output point, that are controlled by CPU and are
used to turn output field devices ON or OFF.

6. Output devices
The devices that are controlled by the PLC's output section screw terminals are the field
hardware devices.

Logic Gates
Logic gates process signals which represent true or false. Normally, the positive supply voltage
+5V represent true and 0V represents false. Other terms which are used for the true and false
states are shown in the table. It is best to be familiar with them all. Gates are identified by their
function: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR and EX-NOR. Capital letters are normally
used to make it clear that the term refers to a logic gate.

The above said logic gates can be classified into following categories:

1. Basic Logic Gates

a. AND Gate
b. OR Gate
c. NOT Gate
2. Universal Gates
a. NAND Gate
b. NOR Gate
3. Combinational Gates
X-OR Gate
X-NOR Gate

AND Gate:
The AND gate is an electronic circuit that gives a true output (1) only if all its inputs are true. A dot
(·) is used to show the AND operation i.e. A·B. Note that the dot is sometimes omitted i.e. AB

The logic for a two-input AND gate is simulated in PICOSOFT as shown.

OR Gate:
The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a true output (1) if one or more of its inputs are true.
A plus (+) is used to show the OR operation.

The logic for a two-input OR gate is simulated in PICOSOFT as shown.

NOT Gate:
The NOT gate is an electronic circuit that produces an inverted version of the input at its output.
It is also known as an inverter. If the input variable is A, the inverted output is known as NOT A.
This is also shown as A', or Ā with a bar over the top

The logic for a NOT gate is simulated in PICOSOFT as shown.

NAND Gate:
This is a NOT-AND gate which is equal to an AND gate followed by a NOT gate. The outputs of all
NAND gates are true if any of the inputs are false. The symbol is an AND gate with a small circle on
the output. The small circle represents inversion.

The logic for a two-input NAND gate is simulated in PICOSOFT as shown.

NOR Gate:
This is a NOT-OR gate which is equal to an OR gate followed by a NOT gate. The outputs of all
NOR gates are false if any of the inputs are true.The symbol is an OR gate with a small circle on
the output. The small circle represents inversion.

The logic for a two-input NOR gate is simulated in PICOSOFT as shown.

EX-OR Gate:

The 'Exclusive-OR' gate is a circuit which will give a true output if either, but not both, of its two
inputs are true. An encircled plus sign ( ) is used to show the EOR operation.

The logic for a two-input EX-OR gate is simulated in PICOSOFT as shown.


After developing and simulating the ladder diagram of each logic gate, it can be concluded that:

1. Every logic gate has their unique logic as per the specific truth table.

2. The logic of each gate can be implemented in ladder diagram as per requirement.
Picosoft Ladder Programs

NOT Gate

AND Gate

OR Gate
NOR Gate (Inverted OR)

NAND Gate (Inverted OR)

EX-OR Gate

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