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7 – 12 years

Ramadan Activity Book

For Kids

13 fun activities including puzzles, secret codes, word search,

crossword, maze, drawing, colouring and craft.

All about

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Is it Ramadan yet?
Colour the picture using the following code. If you see the crescent
moon then it’s Ramadan.
= blue
= yellow

Is there a crescent moon? Yes No

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It’s Ramadan so let’s pray Tarawih
How many difference can you see in the second picture?

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The Quran was revealed in Ramadan. Let’s try to read
it as much as we can.
Find your way to the Quran.

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Before you fast each day, it’s sunnah to wake up for
suhoor and eat something.
Draw something you’d like to eat on the plate. Don’t forget to drink
as well.

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It’s almost time to pray Fajr. Stop eating now. Clean
up, say your dua and make wudu for Fajr.
What is the word in Arabic that means it’s time to stop eating? To
solve the puzzle, change the numbers to letters using the code key.
Write the letter above the numbers to read what the word is.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

n o p q r s t u v w x y z
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
20 8 5 23 15 18 4 9 19 9 13 19 1 11

Educational Resources

You’re fasting from Fajr until sunset. Fasting is not
only to stop eating and drinking. It’s also trying to be
Find the words that describe the good characteristics that you must
try to have.

Educational Resources

What do these words mean?
Use a dictionary and write the meanings of these words. Give an
example of each.
1. charitable
2. courageous
3. fair
4. gentle
5. grateful

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6. helpful
7. kind
8. modest
9. patient
10. trustworthy
11. truthful
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Pick one good character and practice it today.

Today I’d like to be:


Some things I could do:

1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________

I choose to do number: _____________

This was what happened:


I felt:


Educational Resources

You’ve made it! The sun has set. Time to break your
What is the word in Arabic that means it’s time to break your fast?
The word is written in symbols. Use the code key to find out what
each symbol means. Write the letter above the symbol and you can
read what it says.

Educational Resources

Only ten more days of Ramadan left. It’s time for
itikaf. Let’s stay in the masjid.
Colour in the masjid.

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Search for Laylat-ul Qadr in the last ten nights of
Ramadan. Stay up all night to pray, read Quran and
make dua.
Draw the things that you’d like to ask of Allah.

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Ramadan has ended. It’s time to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr.
Colour the Eid decoration. Cut along the dashed lines. Fold along the
dotted line and stand it on a table or shelf to decorate.

Eid Mubarak

Educational Resources

Ramadan Crossword
How well do you know about Ramadan? Answer these questions.

3. The special prayer in Ramadan. ______________________________________________________________
5. The day of celebration after Ramadan. ________________________________________________________
7. The crescent moon in Arabic. ________________________________________________________________
9. Fasting in Arabic. __________________________________________________________________________
10. The 9th month of the hijri calendar. __________________________________________________________
1. This was revealed in Ramadan. _______________________________________________________________
2. The Night of Power. _______________________________________________________________________
4. The meal before fasting. ____________________________________________________________________
6. Staying in the masjid for the last 10 days. ______________________________________________________
8. The time for breaking fast. __________________________________________________________________

Educational Resources

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Helping you on your teaching journey,

Jameela Ho

Educational Resources

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