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Forest is the home of various living species. It is a precious resource which nature provides.
The species that live in the forests are interdependent. Forest life is driven by factors such as
climate, water, and sunlight. Variety of plants in most forests are available: herbs, shrubs,
and trees depending on the region's climate. By the method of photosynthesis plants
produce their own food and animals rely on plants and other animals for their food. Plants
also often rely on animals for processes such as pollination and seed dispersal. Many trees
are spread around large areas of the globe. Forests can be categorized as: tropical,
evergreen, partially evergreen, deciduous, and dry forests depending on the present climate
conditions and types of trees. Forests can include non-living elements such as lakes,
.wetlands, soil, rocks and so forth. A forest is known as an ecosystem building area

The importance of forest

Forests are important to civilization. Below are some points which illustrate the importance
of forests

They help us breath

Forests filter out oxygen from which we will breathe and consume the carbon dioxide from
which we exhale (or emit). A single mature, leafy tree is estimated to provide a day's supply
of oxygen for anywhere between two and ten people. Phytoplankton is more common in the
.ocean, supplying half of the Earth's oxygen but forests are still a critical source of fresh air

They're not just trees

Nearly half of the known species of Earth live in forests, including 80 per cent on land. This
diversity is especially abundant in tropical rainforests, but forests are teeming with life
across the planet: insects and worms work nutrients in the soil, bees and birds disperse
pollen and seeds, and keystone species such as wolves and big cats keep hungry herbivores
.under control

There is life in the forest of not just animals and trees, also people

Around 300 million people worldwide live in forests, including an estimated 60 million
indigenous people whose survival depends almost entirely on indigenous woodland. Many
millions more live along or near the forest fringes, but even a scattering of urban trees,
.among other benefits, will increase property values and reduce crime

Cool breeze

The trees also establish essential oasis of shade on the ground by developing a canopy to
hog sunlight. Urban trees help buildings remain cool, minimizing the need for electric fans or
air conditioners while large forests can tackle challenging tasks such as curbing the impact of
a city's "heat island" or controlling regional temperatures

They help earth breath

Trees also have a different way of beating the heat: they trap CO2 that causes global
warming. Plants still need some CO2 for photosynthesis, but now Earth's air is so filled with
extra pollution that forests are only breathing in to combat global warming. CO2 is
.preserved for centuries mostly in wood, leaves and soil


Large forests can influence patterns of regional weather and even establish their own
microclimates. For example, the Amazon rainforest creates atmospheric conditions that
facilitate not only daily rainfall there and in surrounding agriculture, but even as far away as
the North American Great Plains

They prevent floods

Tree roots are key allies in heavy rain, especially for low-lying areas such as plains on the
river. They help the ground withstand more of a flash flood, by slowing the surge, minimizing
.soil loss and damage to property

They refill water reservoirs

Soaking up surface water also preserves aquatic wetlands, in addition to flood control.
Modern storm water brings increasingly toxic chemicals, ranging from gasoline and lawn
fertilizers to pesticides and pig manure, which flow across watersheds and ultimately create
."dead" low-oxygen zones

Blocks the wind

Forests are like giant sponges, capturing water instead of making it roll over the surface, but
they cannot consume it all. Water that gets past its roots trickles down into aquifers,
replenishing sources of groundwater that are vital for worldwide drinking, sanitation and

Keeps dirt still

A root network of a forest stabilizes large quantities of soil, bracing the base of the entire
ecosystem against wind or water erosion. Deforestation not only disrupts all of this, but the
resulting soil erosion can cause new life-threatening problems such as landslides and dust

Clean up contaminated soil

Apart from keeping soil in place, forests can also use phytoremediation to clean up certain
contaminants. Trees can either sequester or degrade the toxins to make them less toxic. This
is a valuable ability, allowing trees to absorb sewage overflows, spills along the roadside or
.polluted runoff

Dirt air safe

We are heralding houseplants for air purification, but don't forget the forests. You will clean
up even larger-scale air emissions, and not just CO2. Trees consume a wide variety of
airborne contaminants including carbon monoxide, dioxide of sulfur and dioxide of nitrogen.
In the US alone, it is estimated that urban trees save 850 lives a year and $6.8 billion in
.direct health care costs only by eliminating toxins from the environment

They muffle emissions caused by noise

Sound fades in forests making trees a common barrier to natural noise. The muffling effect is
primarily due to rustling leaves — and other white forest noise, such as bird songs — so only
a few well-placed trees can reduce background sound by 5 to 10 decibels, or around 50 per
cent when human ears perceive it


Not only do trees grow fruits, nuts, seeds and sap, but they also allow for a cornucopia on
the forest floor, from edible mushrooms, berries and beetles to larger games such as deer,
.turkeys, rabbits and fish

They help us create things

Where will mankind be without resin and timber? We've been using these sustainable
resources for a long time to do everything from paper and furniture to homes and clothing,
but we do have a history of getting carried away, contributing to overuse and deforestation.
But it is becoming easier to find responsibly obtained thanks to the growth of tree farming
.and sustainable forestry tree products


According to the United Nations, more than 1.6 billion people rely on forests to some degree
for their livelihoods and 10 million are working directly in forest management or
conservation. Forests contribute about 1% of the world's gross domestic product through
the production of timber and non-timber products, the latter alone supporting up to 80% of
.the population in many developing countries

Brings out majesty

Natural beauty can be the most evident and yet the least measurable advantage provided by
a forest. Nevertheless, the abstract mix of shade, greenery, movement and tranquility can
bring tangible benefits for people, including inspiring us to value and conserve old-growth
.forests for centuries to come

The importance of trees

Trees are necessary. They give us oxygen, store carbon, sustain the soil and give life to the
wildlife of the world as the largest plants on the earth. They do send us the tooling and
.shelter materials

Not only are trees essential for life, but as the longest living species on earth, they give us a
link between the past, present and future.

It’s critical that woodlands, rainforests and trees in urban settings, such as parks, are
preserved and sustainably managed across the world.

Trees support safety

Trees canopies serve as a physical barrier, collecting dust and removing airborne
contaminants. Each year each single tree loses up to 1.7 kilograms. These also provide
shelter and reduce noise from solar radiation.

Research shows that your blood pressure decreases, your heart rate increases and your
stress levels go down within minutes of being surrounded by trees and green space.

Trees benefit the atmosphere as they grow, Trees absorb carbon dioxide, and the carbon
they store in their wood helps slow the pace of global warming.

They minimize wind speeds and cool the air as they remove moisture from their leaves and
reflect heat upwards. It is calculated that trees can lower a city's temperature by 7 degrees.

Trees also help stop flooding and erosion of the soil, storing thousands of liters of storm
water as I mentioned above.

Trees support biodiversity Hosting large microhabitats in Trees. When they're young, they
offer incredible communities of birds, insects, lichen and fungi housing and food. When
ancient, their trunks also provide the hollow cover needed by species such as bats, wood
boring beetles, tawny owls and woodpeckers.

Trees build communities Trees enhance a place's distinctive character, and promote local
pride. Urban woods can be used as an educational resource and for events such as walking
and bird-watching to bring communities together. For children to play in and explore their
sense of adventure, trees are invaluable too.

Trees develop the economy People are drawn to live, work and invest in a green climate.
Data indicates that, when properties are close to mature trees, average house prices are 5-
18 per cent higher. When there are parks and trees nearby, businesses benefit from a
cleaner, happier workforce.

Trees secure the future finally, the number of people with homes in towns will outstrip
those living on the plains for the first time in history. Parks and trees are to become an even
more important aspect of urban life. They should a value for the future, and support them.

The world's most prominent trees

1. Sisters Olive Trees of Noah

Noah's Sisters Olive Trees is a 16-variety olive grove near Bcheale, Lebanon. It is estimated
the trees are around 5,000 years old. According to local folklore, one of the trees in this
grove supported the olive branch that the dove carried to Noah to mark the end of the
flood. Now, the trees grow olives.

Major Oak

Standing in the heart of Nottinghamshire's Sherwood Forest, England, the Big Oak is thought
to be the tree under which Robin Hood once took shelter. The age of this English Oak is
believed to be between the ages of 800-1000. Major Oak weighs an estimated 23 tons and
has a girth of 33 feet and branches which reaches up to 92 feet. Large Oak was named "Tree
of the Year for England" in 2014.

General Sherman

The giant sequoia is to be found in Sequoia National Park in California. General Sherman is
the largest tree in the entire world, weighing 52.500 cubic feet. The tree was named after
General William Tecumseh Sherman of the Civil War, and is believed to be about 2,000 years


Desertification, also called desertification, is the process of rising the biological fertility of
drylands (arid and semiarid lands) through natural or human causes. Climate change,
deforestation, overgrazing, poverty, political instability, unsustainable irrigation practices or
combinations of these factors can result in decreases in productivity. The definition does not
apply to the physical expansion of existing deserts but to the specific processes that affect all
.dryland ecosystems, including deserts as well as grasslands and scrublands
The global desertification extend A little less than half of Earth's ice-free land surface —
about 52 million square kilometers (about 20 million square miles)—is drylands, and these
drylands comprise some of the world's poorest nations. The UN Environment Program
(UNEP) states that desertification has affected 36 million square kilometers (14 million
.square kilometers) of land and is a significant worldwide concern

Desertification Causes Overgrazing

Animal grazing is an immense issue for many areas that are starting to become desert
biomes. When so many animals in some areas are overgrazing, it makes it impossible for the
.plants to grow back, which affects the ecosystem and causes it to lose its former green glory

Deforestation: When people try to move into an environment, or need trees to make houses
and do other tasks, then they contribute to desertification issues. The rest of the biome can't
.survive without the plants (especially the trees) around

Farming Practices: Some farmers do not know how to efficiently exploit the land. They will
effectively strip the land of everything it possesses before moving on to another story. By
stripping the soil of its nutrients, desertification is becoming more and more a reality for the
.region used for agriculture

Urbanization, and other land building forms. Development, as described above, can cause
people to walk through and destroy the plant life. It can also cause soil problems due to
chemicals and other things which can damage the soil. When areas become more urbanized,
.plants have fewer opportunities to develop and thus cause desertification

Shift in climate: Climate change plays a significant role in desertification. When the days get
warmer and drought cycles get more frequent, desertification becomes even more
inevitable. If climate change is slowed down, large areas of land will become desert; as time
.goes by, some of these areas might also become uninhabitable

Stripping Capital Ground. When a land area has natural resources such as coal, oil, or
minerals, people can come in and mine or carry it out. It normally strips nutrient soil, which
in turn destroys plant life, which in turn begins the process of becoming a biome of the
.desert as time goes on

Natural Disasters: There are several instances where natural disasters affect the land,
including drought. There's not much people can do in those situations except work to try to
.help rehabilitate the land after it has already been destroyed by accident

Desertification consequences Farming is almost impossible. When a region is a desert then

without special technology it is almost impossible to grow significant crops there. To try to
do so will cost a lot of money, so many farmers will have to sell their land to leave the desert

Hunger: Without farms in these areas, the food provided by those farms will become much
scarcer and the people living in those local areas will be much more likely to try to cope with
.hunger problems. Animals would even go hungry, triggering even greater food scarcity

Flooding: Flooding is a lot more apparent without the plant life in an environment. Not all
deserts are dry; those that are wet may experience a great deal of flooding because there is
nothing to stop the water from collecting and going all over the place. Flooding may also
.have a detrimental effect on the availability of water which we will explore next
Low water quality: When a region transforms into a desert, the water quality will get even
worse than it would otherwise have been. It is because plant life plays a huge role in keeping
the water clean and clear; it gets much harder for you to be able to do that without its

Overpopulation: Animals and humans may migrate to other places where they can
potentially survive as places start to become abandoned. This causes crowding and
overpopulation, which would end up continuing the desertification process that has begun
.this whole thing even in the long term

Poverty: All of the problems we have addressed above (related to the question of .
desertification) will lead to poverty if it is not held under control. Without food and water, it
is more difficult for people to survive, so it takes a great deal of time to try to find the things
.they need


Policy Shifts on Desertification Approaches Related to How People Would Plant. In countries
where policy reform can actually be imposed on those in the country, policy changes related
to how much people can farm and how often they can farm on some areas may be placed in
.place to help mitigate the issues often associated with farming and desertification

Changes in legislation on certain forms of land use. If people use land to gain natural
resources, or grow it for people to live on, then the policies that control them should be
ones that will help the land flourish, rather than encouraging them to further damage the
.land. The policy changes may be sweeping, or depending on the form of land use involved

Training: Training is an extremely valuable resource in developing countries which needs to

be used to help people understand the best way to use the land they are farming on.
.Through educating them on sustainable practices it would save more land from being desert

Advances in Technology. In certain situations, it's hard to try to stop desertification. There
needs to be research and developments in technology in those situations that push the
boundaries of what we know at present. Advances could help us find more ways to prevent
.epidemics from occurring

Moving Rehabilitation Efforts Together. There are some ways we can go back and
rehabilitate the land we've already been driving into desertification; it just takes some time
and resources to spend. In bringing these together we will avoid the problem from being
.much more severe in already affected areas

Sustainable activities intended to avoid desertification. There are plenty of ecological

practices which can be applied to actions which can cause desertification. By applying these
.to what we can do with land we will make sure we don't turn the whole planet into a desert

Desertification is a big issue that needs to be tackled immediately, because if we take the
time to do it now, in the future we will avoid other problems. Through taking the hard look
.at desertification we have the resources we need to efficiently get through the processes

Among other factors, the prospect of employment and wealth draws people into towns. Half
of the world's population now lives in cities, with two-thirds of the world's inhabitants
predicted to live in urban areas by 2050. Yet two of the world's most important issues still
.come together in cities today: poverty and environmental degradation

Bad air and water quality, insufficient water supply, waste management problems and high
energy usage are compounded by the rising population density and urban environment
demands. Strong urban planning will be important for addressing these and other problems
.as urban areas expand around the world


Intensive urban development will contribute to greater deprivation, with local governments
.being unable to provide all residents with services

Concentrated use of energy leads to increased air emissions with major public health

.Automotive exhaust is producing high levels of lead in urban air

.Large amounts of uncollected waste pose many hazards to the environment

Urban growth will increase the risk of such environmental hazards as flash flooding Pollution
.and physical obstacles to root growth facilitate the loss of tree cover in urban areas

The toxic chemicals, cars, and the lack of habitat and food supplies hinder animal


.Tackle poverty by promoting economic growth and job creation

.Local groups participate in municipal government

.Reduce air pollution by the development of energy usage and alternative transport systems

Establish public-private partnerships to provide services such as waste management and


Plant trees and integrate green spaces in community care as a central factor of urban


As a result, Climate change, biodiversity loss and other modifications to the ecosystem
present serious threats to human health which need to be addressed. Global warming and
clearing of forests will lead to increased risk of diseases. What is happening now worldwide
.is a great example, the crisis were going through because of the covid 19 virus

Deforestation, habitat changes as well as reducing green spaces in cities reduce many of the
essential ecological services forests provide and also decrease opportunities for positive
mental and physical health effects by visits to the woods. Land food and medicinal plants are
.at risk from deforestation, over-harvesting, and destruction of the environment

The use of forests to enhance human health conditions and reduce forest-related health
threats demands much greater efforts both in science and in putting information into action.
Promoting both study and information transfer on the health effects of forests in practice
requires close cooperation between different sectors, particularly between health care
professionals and environmentalists. The effect on human health of forests and green areas
should not be dealt with in isolation, but should be combined with other important and
fundamental benefits of forests to humanity. And in this way can one completely
.understand and leverage the health-promoting benefits of green areas

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