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Learning activity 4


A. Oral presentations

1. These are a few suggestions for you to become a good presenter:

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

 Introduce the subject and the structure of the presentation at the


 Speak clearly and more slowly than you would in a conversation.

 Explain, rephrase and clarify new or difficult words.

 Recap and summarize each part of the presentation at the end.

2. In addition, here you can find some language that can be used during an oral
Sentences part of a spoken presentation

I would like to talk about education in

Introduction of the subject
This presentation will explore the
Introduction of the structure of the
different levels of education that exist in
As it has become clear with the
examples, communication technologies
Clear spoken language.
are much more commonly used in
education nowadays.

Let me put that another way. Rephrase difficult terms or words.

In other words, learning English as a

second language has become crucial for
students in Colombia since it is the main Explanation of important facts.
language for international trade and

Therefore, to summarize, the main

Summary of the main aspects of the
features of the Colombian educational
organization are as follows.

Recap of important points of the

Let me recap the main points so far.
3. Here are a few tips to make notes for an oral presentation:

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

 Make a card for each part of the presentation and number the cards in the
appropriate order.

 Give each card a title. For example: “Introduction”.

 Write notes using bullet points or numbers / letters to help you keep
organized and to remind you of the main points of the presentation. Don’t
write complete sentences or paragraphs.

 Write key phrases at the bottom of the card to summarize that section of
the presentation, or key words or phrases to help you transition to the next

 Practice your presentation at home and time yourself to make sure the
length is appropriate for the time allowed for your talk.

4. Your oral presentations can include:

a. Line graphs: these present specific trends in data, often on a time line.

b. Bar charts: Illustrate comparison in trends or patterns.

c. Pie charts: compare percentages of a whole piece of data.

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

B. Singposting

'Signpost language' are words and phrases that presenters use to express to
the listener what has just happened, and what is going to happen next in an oral

Here are a few examples:

Section of presentation Language

The subject / topic of my talk is...
Introducing the topic
I'm going to talk about...
I’m going to divide this talk into four parts.
There are a number of points I'd like to make.
Overview (outline of
Basically / Briefly, I have three things to say.
Then / Next...
Finally / Lastly...
That's all I have to say about... 
Finishing a section
We've looked at...
Moving on to…
Let’s turn now to…
Starting a new section
Now I'd like to discuss... 
Now let's look at...
Where does that lead us? 
Analyzing a point and Let's consider this in more detail... 
giving recommendations Why is this important?
The significance of this is...
Giving examples For example... 
A good example of this is...
To illustrate this point...
To summarize...
Right, let's sum up, shall we?
Let's summarize what we've looked at... 
Summarizing and
So, If I can just sum up the main points... 
Finally, let me remind you of some of the topics
we've covered...
To conclude...
Simply put...
Paraphrasing and
In other words...
To put it another way....
I’m happy to answer any queries / questions.
Invitation to discuss / Does anyone have any questions or comments?
ask questions Please feel free to ask questions.
Any questions?

C. Composite words

Some words are composed of identifiable parts: a stem (base form or root) plus
a prefix and/or a suffix. Then, by adding the suffix and prefixes we end up with a
completely new type of word which has a whole new meaning.

Note: Recognizing each of the parts that compose words can help you
understand their meanings.

Prefixes Suffixes
Located at the beginning. Located at the end.

nano ante-
-ly ic -

For example: For example:

Nano- is related to things that are very -Ness to form nouns from adjectives,
small, i.e. Nanotechnology. i.e. Sadness.
1. Vocabulary about leadership and responsibility

Here is a summary about the vocabulary about this topic:

Word Meaning
A person who manages or controls other people,
Leader (noun)
esp. because of his or her ability or position.
Work done or help provided, especially for the
Service (noun)
public or for a person or an organization.
The process of making choices, especially,
Decision-making (noun)
important choices.
Someone whose job is to control or organize
Manager (noun)
someone or something, especially, a business.
The quality or ability that makes a person a
Leadership (noun)
leader, or the position of being a leader:
The way in which things are connected or work
Relationships (noun)
The duty or use that someone or something
Role (noun)
usually has or is expected to have.
Objective (noun) Something that you aim to do or achieve.
Having the skills or knowledge to do something
Competent (adjective)
well enough to meet a basic standard.
Consistent (adjective) Always happening or behaving in a similar way.
Responsible (adjective) Having the duty of taking care of something.
Able to carefully control the way that you work,
Disciplined (adjective)
live, or behave, especially to achieve a goal.
To cause people to do or believe something by
Persuasive (adjective)
explaining why they should do.
To be the person who makes decisions that other
Lead (verb)
people choose to follow or obey.
To have confidence in something, or to believe in
Trust (verb)
To help someone to feel confident and able to do
Encourage (verb) something, or to give advice to someone to do
To fill someone with confidence and desire to do
Inspire (verb)
Communicate (verb) To give messages or information to others
through speech, writing, body movements, or
Enforce (verb) To cause a law or rule to be obeyed.
To express disapproval of someone or
Criticize (verb)


A. The following paragraph is an introduction to an oral presentation. Add a phrase

from the box into the gaps to complete the introduction.

Then, I’ll discuss I’m going to divide my presentation

Finally Firstly, I will I would like to talk

for example

Hello everyone. 1. ____________________________ the importance

of crediting sources. 2. ____________________________ into three
parts. 3. ____________________________ briefly explain why it is
important to give credit about other people’s intellectual property.
Secondly, I will talk about the different types of intellectual property that
can be recognized. 4. ____________________________ the different
types of referencing conventions, 5.
____________________________: APA style. 6.
____________________________ I will present you a few examples
of good and bad references.

B. Classify the following words and phrases into the correct section of an oral

a. I’m going to talk fast food.

b. Please feel free to ask any questions about the different types of fast food.

c. Basically, I have three things to say. Firstly, I’m going to start by telling you
about the origins of fast food. Then, I’m going to explain the different types of
fast food there exist. And, finally, I’m going tell you about the pros and cons
of fast food.

d. Now, moving on to the different types of fast food.

e. That's all I have to say about the pros and cons of fast food.

f. Translated into real terms, fast food is not your worst enemy if you learn
about the different types of fast food you can consume.

g. Fast food is not that bad. Good examples of this are fruits, they are quick to
get and they are full of nutrients that are good for your health.

h. To conclude, bad food is not as bad as you might think.

i. I'd like now to recap that there are good types of fast food as well as bad

Section of presentation Language

Introducing the topic

Overview (outline of presentation)
Finishing a section
Starting a new section
Giving examples
Summarizing and concluding
Paraphrasing and clarifying
Invitation to discuss / ask questions

C. Complete the following crossword puzzle using vocabulary related to leadership

and responsibility.
  Having the duty of taking care of something.
  Work done or help provided, especially for the public or for a person or
4 an organization.

  Someone whose job is to control or organize someone or something,

6 especially, a business.

  A person who manages or controls other people, esp. because of his or

7 her ability or position.

  Able to carefully control the way that you work, live, or behave,
9 especially to achieve a goal.

  To cause a law or rule to be obeyed.

  Always happening or behaving in a similar way.
  To give messages or information to others through speech, writing, body
13 movements, or signals.

  Something that you aim to do or achieve.


  To be the person who makes decisions that other people choose to

1 follow or obey.

  The quality or ability that makes a person a leader, or the position of

3 being a leader.

  Having the skills or knowledge to do something well enough to meet a

5 basic standard.

  To have confidence in something, or to believe in someone.

  The duty or use that someone or something usually has or is expected
12 to have


A. Write an introductory paragraph to an oral presentation about a topic of your


Write your text here.

B. Draw a line chart to present the following information graphically.

Book sales have decreased considerably in the last decade in the UK. In
2005, Bookshops used to retail around a 5 million copies of printed books
by year. By 2010, total amount of books sold was only about 2.5 million;
half of amount sold five years before, in 2011, due to a nationwide
campaign that promoted reading, sales grew marginally. The total
amount sold on that year was 2.7 million. By 2013, again, retailers
reported a plunge since the sold 1.9 million books only. This year, based
on the total sales during the first three quarters of the year, experts
predict a new decline in sales by foreseeing a total of 1.5 million books
C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The ______________ completed the revision of the data (Analyse).

2. Jessica fell ____________ when her father fell sick (Sad).

3. The _________________ of electronic devices has reached a peak in the last

five years (produce).

4. The presenter didn’t have any idea about what he was talking about. The
examples he presented were totally ______________ (relevant).

5. Emergent countries have presented a considerable _________________

grow during the last few years (Finance).

6. The lawyers have helped solving the case _________________ (Quick).

7. Richard wants to become a _______________ (Politics).

8. _________________ care is crucial for securing new-borns good health


 Fotolia. (s.f.). Businessman Explaining Graph. Consultado el 2 de diciembre de

2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Financial symbols coming from hand. Consultado el 2 de

diciembre de 2014, en

Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert
Dirección de
Asesora English
Author Kelly Johanna formación November
Dot Works -
Vera Diettes profesional. 2014
Programa de
Dirección General

Copy editor – Centro

Rachman Bustillo
Adaptation Línea de Agroindustrial. October 2015
producción Regional Quindío

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