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tJnit E, lJr-r"xleyClose ,
Newnham lnclustrial
Plymout,h PLZ /+JN.
L'ID " .

Esta te ,

Teleplrone; Plyrnouth (Of SZ) n?.961 Telexr t+25I3 SHARET

A11 prlces lncl"ude pobtage ancl lnckinpq except where shown. Add VAT to all prices.
Telephone or Telex your order for inned iate despatch.

Iten CoCe Description

8p4000 Em0l,1 Emulator Pro€fanmer fl+5 ,{+IZ delivery)

r!: 1n
Buff ered. sirnulator catrl-e 39
I\4FSA II, Multi APHOMSimtrlator cable (lufferea) 9s
Stiort unbuff erecl simulator cable t ? . z5 0
/rr_a/r.rn /,- ^
L ( ).tr/ rr\ Prcrgramming ad.aptor for 2?3?A [PR0lr{s (for EPII,C}O0) 39
n r/ t, lrt ^
l)OLl / i:I\ ProEgamniing adaptor for 2564 EPROMs(for EP&000) 64
,>,>/..1t /q tt
{' \J-t/
"/r1 ad.aptor for 2?64 EPR0l4ts(for 8P4000) 64
B P / +( T . 1 " ) FR0i'1Froparnmi-ng mod.ule for TEXAS PR0Ms
(ror 8P4000)
r'nl, /rt. \
by:+ (bJ-flIle:f,]-cs/ Bipolar FRill{ kogramnlng mocl"ule f'or Si.6netics
PR0Ms (ror trPlt'000) TBA
GR1 Printer fnterface cable for EPI+000 55
P&.000 Production EIROM P::ogrammer ( B copies) 545 $L2 deli'rery)
UVLti,0 EPROMEraser 61:5O
1ry1&1 FIPFOM
Braser (with eleetronic timer) 7B
n7 fi'Tt
\; .L
-,1 Replacement UV tube for erasers B rZ 0
C*Foan Cond-uctlve foarn lm x Lm x 6mm sheet 1B
$OpTY 1 SOFTY 1 car:d with power supply (tow cost 2?AB
prOgraruner) lllo
s0i;'T/ 2 SOFTY2 with power supply ( tow cost 2?1,6progpammer) 169 @
EFIICMS 2?08 &2,t60 2?75 ffitt+o z?L60) €10:oo I
2732 {!-t.t5a 2fi2 ellr 50
VMlO pinch BIW Vid"eo rnonitor 99


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