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( C om pulsory )

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300


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before attempting questions

All the questions are to be attem pted.

The num ber of m arks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.

Answ er m ust be w ritten in T E LU G U (Telugu script) u nless otherw ise directed in the


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1 [ P.T.O.
1. (loa «»Sd»33 foSo0 aoS^Cb v& ZoZo (600) 2o>os5* s^SOSS 5cCbo& : 100

fa/ C&oSsjSooS5 IjOofo&J&j CiOK&.

(b) DeicSjOI S'S'SotA: £o°ac2b2o.

(c) Sa3 esosmi

(d) T i^ 'n o ^ (3<3$oo£>

2. &1 #oS (SSOSSo g£?7> sas, afo£ Spj5 P^oSj S35 SSJ’qTO’oSo c&osS<3;D SoSon* p"cfoo<2; : 12><5=60

^XSS&^oS5^) S v ^ o o SooO ^ § ^ 3 <5&jiS} S'OS* iDgon* 80 2ooQ &£^ttoSo «s<5&>e3 ^ S S c o

q3ooSSC c £? 3&g3S3cQbo £>a eso2 3Qs'83 SD$a3^io. c&»£>S5c^ Sd&jC

S’S £J»^01>Dol>e3'^, SLjOSjgj SBKuOj QtSSfrQotbS'd S0£* 9 0 ;^ S o CTO* b2a)3i&o3bo3&>2W

&d»QSe>y5Sy SAS^So s»dD S3j2 33ytoXo. cOScCbSSo, ajgjj3B33ij e iS ^ ^ S

S'dEidjSo^Co. $}«3*S$ S&j 3<5So 3cCS7“s£So§63oo ^&5.

Seo£&? S32oO SK53 s^&s; O'CP 2ooQ 2oo3 s;oft£p ©o£o<3£) es&jJfa^Oj SOASSPci. Ts^^gS*

QoSf^So, ?o^)2xPoo, S*3^Sj« 3 SS<b3 S'S. §®o3o eio&So £do3 SoocuoSo 5 w 3j >, ^ ’o S'oSSfj'ttorp’ SJ^Cb.

|S3»£5 (3u"0^ eju^So, 2§£P£j '£&£pv SSJ’S’do e>£> iDc,‘bcg ££»>) SoS'&ovyeS&j

QV>2 ©06 1 s& »i>oSo6* 3eSxX)§ 3^ng0 6 o&ao. s »0 &(fto So^gS es^oSj^^iS^o.

^ £ 0 SQ3S ^ S ^ ^ o S 5 3oo0 §*3j gS^e&j es&ft SO°Coiii S£w£(iic ^ojc5e)^)&!oa. as1:3

eiCXxOT S a S S S o ^ , &D3s3jS6 3a£)3fc3 &o£&5. jprpg 35 (S^eO» 6s35jo'coj. S<SSC»3o roOoS6,

3(SS_pK53o foQo£?, So<5 S3pQb2« (^ S m ^ ft&ocXSS?, s&Qg Z'oo do*

gS^efcsKss'Eo. ©oSo'S’ asS p ^ & o dN&SCoBo^ -S-s 33 c&o£gjoo 3 3 ^ 3 oiU52co<3, a & ^ S 3

“-&i (S^ oSj 33SoS SSO'qrfto 3>>S?” es^wo 3j»^do.

escooel sa ^pQ e§26o; SaSoKiSoS s°S ^So SSd2j^o2J°S - ©3 3S3o2oo So (Sd]0B£iS'ij5i &o&&3. 3^)2j

^SocSJ'SoSJ”£J07Vi E-i'^J SljjOCbgj SJI3'oaSi SSU11C?ICT'£» ^(S^O S^7>S. ‘S~i5cj2 SaS'Ci ©^»gSo ©a ST>

3°otS SSD^pSttoSo’ eiSo§',o«'Cb. D’ lpi o«(p cCbjSK^oooaciJ1 (^afio S'Sgjoj,

^a^oeo, sp^^oSiT'1 O T ^ om :! ^0oS1>Si3'ej, S»aot5 SiS^CAJOJ’ S7>c» escoo^fe^k. bfij 2^D»3

g(U5S$o^o S^ojp&jofcj’o® esS 2^w36&JoiJ,So.

SosoCoei eSCbMoS5 3^.03007^ KESStJO SSj Si6 s.S & o*^ SoSSoo

aj>5”oao^2oo. S o^Sg€5» Og, esoiS9«SjJ> ^ 5 0 3 ' as 3o2C o3 <SCo«3dl30»<^ SotS^QS T o^ S ^ m

ciSbS^oa. s ^ tle jo ^ S(&)d3JI£s2bgS> sll0^lco^i5A,, 6oiJ!D'? So Soa§ cp& oc 1 SJ'^oS'otJ'D1? esotS,

SSbjoSoSj es3 SOS6 Z°G*£uo£> £jaj0>Co. o2T“S S o ^ &&gy&3 So

£.2 £)£oas£? SessjC'o^j esCO^o doi? §°o& SoS* Choc'S. ■&> S6^ ^ cCSooSssSoao S 3s5 j,£2s,Oo^3| 625s

a:-‘j iv ) s - 0 - i \ m ir ^ / 5 0 2
£o£Cb. aoogjj^ SSJ’ STO'oSj bsCo^) IsCjSootS, Sotos^ ^>SU £>% 3QSPS Sjo[SSoe£

es£) eiOSoS'SootiooQ.
eioSSo DjoO <DS3;3»
s^oo 3SS
£CbS£> e2Soi'ouoCb.

(a) o3joSej^oco 6^7rt5{^aon» SFSoSuOS to ^Qcrj3Dje3?

(b) CZoxia Sjo3 -S-s^5^ cCSjoSsSSo S*3o?$5<S2o43?

fcj OSawsJ i&T'Kod'Oo ^63 cS&jS^ oSjjSSjo Slg og^o SD£o&3?

(d) c&oSSCo e&SjSj 3Q(5'i8 SjoiSc

fej a£Op>So So (S&jS cQjjSSC^) & ^ o !Xjt3?

3. £-« |3o<3 (S3pSSj £oJ>£S SoSo SQw »SjO§ &>aoSod. a O i §SS ©SSSo 3&>. 3 « So§S CSS £o 3»o5

SJ'od&i &ocpz): 60

&S0gp £)SpSj»^> SsdQbo [S<DS33 3"§oO £iS^o»i esqs'CSdiiX^ SAoSoo ‘ISoo &s5S, ^J^SS&jS S^Oc^o So

e3£poS,rfo2JC> SJ'lS'So rpg 3£“S S jj^ S ^ S S eioasoS. gSjpoSjo £oS d°cOjoi£ Cv^o esSScpo S^o ejS'o<5%^)(2S

S| 5&AS cscBbo£3o^p gO'^O'oSj, (££>«% Soft SoSoSo ^oiP^oS. SQ aS i^F, Z)3$ 0§p SOScs’ o £s3^£S

3§£>, SSjOSSj e22pS)fiS33o£Sj52 (ImUm OoK SoSo ^(SSj DS5oSi£cti5Sok £Sj&. ‘3of sso&ciSJ'1’

( e^SSuj’SoS* ScSJ"6) l^doS? £>£<£ S.'io^o ss£d2o’’&)<§£) (3®8yj»o3«J»S)S & u $ ^ 3 s»o»g38« (Sw'S'S

dJ'd'oQoSwdoa. -C5-s tign 3'$S3'So(A 3o3><5 ssSSdo c&o6*3 $%S dorroS* Sou <Do^ DoiSS 2 £ l 20=05

|£XJ“«Dj StsoiSil ?pg iS*-i^ojb £(£8 3£oSib SJ'C” esS^SSj CsSjfi.

(S^is^o D3c3J'’KO'>&> S»Soo So -&i ‘jf«58&So6* SoSJ'S’3^ (S S joSgp ConOSesSSgSo s^to SS&>o

loSCrs DqpScli eii^dSd feocwoQ. 3SoS®3 0§n SO^SjSj (3*8y>o$ |S$Si«&s 2q5*So s^OnoTV1 Cgp SQgO”o

S^o^ oj SqpSoS® ‘ (&§cDo SSj^ jo) 5’3ofi6oo’, ‘ (SldSo SSo^o) STSoJ^oe^S Soa^S’ ssS^ SC&S*

SS5SJ’ebj5ESuO§ ‘ (s S I) S’So^oo’ SoO ei(?»g Ip'cp’^ o o^oOoS. S">Sd3b SQ^SooSj SS”S,Cgo7Vl esSSgS

^SS oSj Op3"oaoO & o £ ^ ScS^6 ^tsofiaSs g^oSwo So 0»SjSj C5^ afbSoS esS^S

2o5o& aC5jC^)«Sjo<S. ^PdSfe 3o^p SoSoS^ (SSjS o S"o^^2S0orr’ eSASoS SS>03 ^ oCS3®SSj^So SSjS, 69»D

3o§ SoSo^ e.S3oD'oSj Sj^C oj^ SocKmS S^SCrcSi, ^"ossSg S^So S0$D«S3, a3oS 3 B p «n &


SlcCis d'S^Sjg SoSco Og^rs OoKo^ (SS^ocyood 3Sj 2ojSj63SOSj STsSsjoSo K'SSoSjoo, 2<S! (SS^

lD(iM£5d (^5-<i-S5-)S gtA5£J»tij eiSS6^ © ^ ^0^3. Cis CofioS* IsiMU&d fcsSQoSoiiaSi

SSSa'o de5^)t5S 3oe? S°dS^ SDc^Sof6 SOlf^S SPii^oo ScSjwCgcco. Q§p Oofio^ SSI liawwciS

(S^IpoSoCSjSj ^5-<^-s=- 29®S 3°og S^SSSo ^O rf5 SOfeOoOSoiSjSo c2jo(SSQgcr>co, 2d S^Swei:,

SoodSOogj, S§^ iS'i^oo, da^LjS 5*2o(A ^ojCSS 3«ii3S tJsSQ^ SooSS'oAoQ'Oj. s«oSo43SQSd'oSo

SS^oSCoOS 2o1j5oS> ^21sS'StpDjg glTSSojO ©SSOo &oCCii.

C - ^ S - 0 - £*ifl-l ir^€ / 50 3 [ P.T.O.

cilcCb, 3o Isosw&w’Cjogj BgpSofioS® ^5°g SoS'So'Ss^o. IJS^jS jO (S'S

3k tsS^g SSsSjo i ^ ^ c i i , 3^1 1?^<^ IstissJ&i^ SS* IstwaciS esSs^o, STj^oKj 2q?tto, <Dfo£o2oogs 2>£sD

SisCSgS S'gD’^oSo g ^ S s o S ^ >3(^£og Solieo IsSo -St © S s "? ^ 3apd3J»ffo v&S’S >os<3S2sJ3o,

esS^gSsS Isojw&jos S«£5|33 DSpU'oS* ei£jg3}&£ iS'QoSSSok &$£>. 3"o3«3g £>e?&o, 1:0

S motjS'5 l3tM»& esSS&aiS -^e CgnBoKo 230% ^CriS6 5^K£oo33db £^<3. S Q § *^ , 2oQoS

lio&o£>, essy^OS g^Sjg ScC^S ^jlo zje^goTV dSj^ 3o3"0. Slc£b S3(32o 6 ^ 3 3 3°c3, ^ c C o - ^ o o

Sorre6*3 eiSj dcs^Sg SoSu |2fi<3S efo a'S'SCw'^ CO'S'oQo^!). (330 words)

4. -S-3 (loQ dcofo spo&£&> fcsofio6®3§ eiSoSSo£o& : 20

si^ScOS5 esi^SsjPfio ^cpQ. sSog, o»$bj 8£) sjSySh} do£&s. s;&>g «Do2> 3&7V doecoodosS, 3Kc3 ^ e o

? CSOls
S>£Sis§&s. C « ^ cpQS* 3e> eio&sfo
£ooO - ^o£> ss&:fo3oo0 eioiS,1 &P&5r&5

o*fioo SooO ££)§3 St3 daoas ejgj^gyS S&hZootFox). £*g &etSZ>jo3 SoS'giS ,Do£? (^Pdor? &3^j, ©S S’Sj

escco^, koc^O S'oftSOjSSy&s s«c3 wJtxP <3o£? <033 3as ^^S^KSoSJ'ttoiT’’ IjQA, SSjGSo 3S)2Sis £?o

3633 SiSSa (S^S^cco.

s O esi5!)d&oaj bcpQ S'&sfos’’ i5s ^C'St^ SS&kcxXk. S'Cb £s£o ft'&Sco, s.ot3co, foero S^o

fid, 5)Co o£po3 ko^Sc&ofi5 &-g S?t33ooO 2o5"S £&3§ &$S8K&£>, Xoo$orr» iScCJ’rioio&sgs esSo^n5 gpoS*

i>k,> SoCbgnoS*
s&1i^>c&>Ko &D5e>£* SS&SoctP&j.
-Os Z cpQ exj&o&oos S S fcod s&dSiSS
-0 m 7

ssKSS^'o £os3 Sols 3od3 33&PS £©'ej£o <DoC3d bc^O SosSo &s^Cori^ ^gO^oO'Cb.

iis a j^ a o -C-s oOsmjO SC iciJ’cco. ei^S^rsSood sp'&j ood^J1, lioootjsj»

|1;50’ s3^CuOO. So?^dS£^> goi3 S'QS g£)A, EjSSpA5 £-o£3 SoSoS dSoiJ'ftgdo. 2.g

S.0C3 !Ogo^T^ ^ o ib fo&goj 3j»cii5fiSASos^, esoSigoC ^ g j ^ SpciisduCo. oOIs 5SS <D3jjO0, ey^J1

^3^r, Oc?S LC’ es3 icowoS’iS qj £vo£31s JDij. sicSSj £cpQ Zou&d Ss^gs S£<5b^ iSc^c^oSKoils.

5. S-3 (|oi3 aoK ^s^SgSo 2>cotts<5^3 esSoSQoSod : 20

Language and communication are something that children learn by talking to one

another. But schools consider this an act of indiscipline. Instead, we have a special

grammar class to learn language! One educationist remarked, “It is nice that

children spend ju st a few hours at school. If they spend all 24 hours in schools, they

will turn out to be dumb!” In most schools, teachers talk, children listen. The same

is true for other skills also. Children learn a great deal without being taught, by

tinkering and pottering on their own.

C -?T 0S -© -6iff3 ir?C /5O 4

Changes in the school system, if they are to be of lasting significance, must spring

from the actions of teachers in their classrooms, teachers who are able to help

children collectively. New programmes, new materials and even basic changes in

organizational structure will not necessarily bring about healthy growth. A dynamic

and vital atmosphere can develop when teachers are given the freedom and support

to innovate. One m ust depend ultimately upon the initiative and respectfulness of

such teachers and this cannot be promoted by prescribing continuously and in

detail what is to be done.

In education, we can cry too much about money. Sure, we could use more, but

some of the best classrooms and schools I have seen or heard of, spend far less per

pupil than the average in our schools today. We often don’t spend well what money

we have. We waste large sums on fancy buildings, unproductive administrative

staff, on diagnostic and remedial specialists, on expensive equipm ent that is either

not needed, or underused or badly misused, on tons of identical and dull textbooks,

readers and workbooks, and now on latest devices like computers. For much less

than what we do spend, we could make our classrooms into far better learning

environments than most of them are today.

6. (a) -S-s (|o5 to (Sc3j"Ao£oci :2><5=10

(i) Sc?ibo'So (b<£
(ii) £)esid2b
(iii) aooo'tj'
(iv) (ScfoSjo

(b) £-3 #oS 3*631 SSJ^gS ScroSo pcQjod : 2><5=10

(i) So&So&s



£ -? P 2 > S -© -S J W ? C / 5 0 5 [ P.T.O.
(c) -S-8 (io£> ^452 ScrolSo pcfood : 2><5=10

(i) '(iSUjUJ

(ii) 3d

(iii) &£©Sko

(iv) esEfo^co

(v) ip’b'Z'&xi

(d) tS-s (|o£> S&S^ot&o SSSoSoci : 2*5=10

(i) £s;3,& o £ i

f f l

(iv) SCi£>go3'o£i

(V) Dc^ C osjSoj


c - s n ^ - e - s y m ir ^ / s o 6 SB6— 1500

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