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The Mature Learning

Process (MCP)
– Introductions
– Definition of classroom roles & responsibilities
– Define steps for adult learning
– Agree on expectations for class and instructor
– Ground rules and logistics

Pivotal Resources, Inc


‹ On a post-it note, please write your name and rate

yourself on a scale of 1-10 relative to the following
5 items:
– MS Windows Experience
– Each of Word, Excel, PowerPoint
– Six Sigma knowledge or background

‹ Please take a minute to introduce yourself. We’re

asking you to share both professional and personal
items by answering these questions:
– What is your name? What would you like to be called?
– What city, country, company, and location are you from?
– If you were to share one interesting NON-work related fact about
yourself (that no one else in this room knows), what would it be?

Why do you suppose we’re asking you these questions?

1-2 © Quality Growth Services Pvt Ltd. Unpublished proprietary work available only under license. All rights reserved. 2
Phases of Learning New Traits

Consciously Consciously
Incompetent Competent
Degree of Consciousness


Subconsciously Competent
Incompetent (core

Incompetent Competent

Degree of proficiency
You should expect to go through this learning curve as you become skilled at Six Sigma.

1-3 © Quality Growth Services Pvt Ltd. Unpublished proprietary work available only under license. All rights reserved. 3
7E Model for Mature Learning
Step 1: Environment for learning
Step 2: Establish expectation
Step 3: Educate and express
Step 4: Examples demonstration
Step 5: Exercise carryout
Step 6: Explain the outcome
Step 7: Examine (home work/ quizzes/ key takeaways)
‹ You may have noticed already, throughout our
material we use the following icons:
– Key questions:
– Key takeaways:

1-4 © Quality Growth Services Pvt Ltd. Unpublished proprietary work available only under license. All rights reserved. 4
The Average Six Sigma Module

Time Instructor' Group

MLP Element
Management Role Role
All the time 50% 50% Envirnment for Learning

15 minutes 50% 50% Establish desire

30 minutes 80% 20% Educate & express

30 minutes 50% 50% Examples

30 minutes 20% 80% Exercise

30 minutes 20% 80% Explain outcome

30 minutes 20% 80% Examine

What % of the time is the instructor responsible for driving participation?

How long will it take to cover the average Six Sigma module?

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Ground Rules, Logistics & Rewards

‹ Ground Rules:
– Respect all individuals in the room
– Class format requires participation
– Mind your cell phones
– Other: ______________________
‹ Class Prizes:
– Action: Do something extraordinary
______________________ – Reward: Get a QGS goodie

‹ Logistics: – Action: If you are late to class

– Start time: ________ – “Reward:” Make some contribution
– End time: ________
– Breaks approximately every hour
– Where are the restrooms?
– Where are the emergency exits?
– Other: ______________________

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The (ω)Rap!

‹ List your key takeaways ‹ How can I use this info in

from this module. my project?
– _____________________ – ______________________
– _____________________ – ______________________
– _____________________ – ______________________
– _____________________ – ______________________
– _____________________ – ______________________
– _____________________ – ______________________
– _____________________ – ______________________

Let’s discuss and flip chart the most important takeaways.

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