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Artificial Lift

Monitoring Systems

Zenith Down-Hole Monitoring System

Zenith Sensor and ZSP-Mk2
Mk 2 - User Manual - Part 1
Installation and Hook-Up

Rev E
September 2008

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ECN No. 0330
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Proprietary Information

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Zenith Oilfield Technology Limited. The software described in
this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be copied only in
accordance with the terms agreed in the license. The purchaser may make one copy of the
software for backup purposes. No part of this manual may be reproduced of transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or
information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal
use, without the express written permission of Zenith Oilfield Technology Limited.


Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Modbus is a trademark or registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc.
All other trademarks acknowledged.


Zenith Sensor and ZSP Mk2

Mk 2 User Manual Part 1:

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Parts of Zenith down-hole Sensor equipment are attached to the high voltage supply of the ESP.
Personnel who have obtained the correct training and authorisation should only be allowed to have
access to this equipment.

Before any work is carried out within the high voltage area or on any equipment, then the ESP drive or
variable speed drive must be shut down and isolated, this is to ensure that the high voltage cannot be
switched on accidentally or by a third party.

Remove the 3 high voltage fuses from the Zenith high voltage surface choke before commencing any
work that might be required to be carried out on the Zenith surface integral unit. This will ensure that
the Zenith surface integral unit will be isolated from the high voltage side of the drive or VSD.

And most of all remember

Think Safe!

Work Safe!

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SAFETY - READ THIS NOW! .................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

SECTION 1 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS.........................................................................................................9
ZENITH DOWN-HOLE MONITORING SYSTEM - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS .............................................................10
MEGGER TESTING ............................................................................................................................................12
SECTION 2 - SYSTEM OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................15
SURFACE EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................................16
DOWN-HOLE EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................16
DISCHARGE PRESSURE – E7 SENSOR ONLY ......................................................................................................17
SENSOR CALIBRATION......................................................................................................................................17
SENSOR PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................................................17
MODBUS MAP – ZSP MK 2 SYSTEM .................................................................................................................20
SECTION 3 - ZENITH SURFACE CHOKE...................................................................................................21
ZENITH SURFACE CHOKE .................................................................................................................................23
ZENITH SURFACE CHOKE – FUSES AND WIRING TERMINALS.............................................................................24
ZENITH SURFACE CHOKE – HIGH VOLTAGE WIRING........................................................................................25
SECTION 4 - ZENITH SURFACE PANEL (ZSP) .........................................................................................29
ZENITH SURFACE INTERFACE PANEL (ZSP) .....................................................................................................30
ZSP SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................31
ZSP OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................32
ESP INTERFACE BOARD ...................................................................................................................................33
DISPLAY TERMINAL BOARD .............................................................................................................................34
ANALOGUE INPUT/OUTPUT BOARD (AI/OB) ....................................................................................................34
24V PSU ..........................................................................................................................................................34
ZSP WIRING OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................................35
MAINS POWER SUPPLY......................................................................................................................................36
SIGNAL CABLE - SURFACE CHOKE TO ZSP.......................................................................................................36
ZSP TO MODBUS WIRING – RS232 OR RS485..................................................................................................36
ALARM AND TRIP AND ANALOGUE WIRING ......................................................................................................38
ZENITH DOWN-HOLE MONITORING SYSTEM – MK 2 BLOCK DIAGRAM............................................................39
ZSP WIRING DIAGRAM – MK 2 SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................40
ESP INTERFACE BOARD WIRING SCHEMATIC – MK 2 SYSTEM ........................................................................41
DISPLAY TERMINAL BOARD WIRING SCHEMATIC (PORTS 1 & 2 - MODBUS)....................................................42
ANALOGUE AND ALARM & TRIP FIELD WIRING TERMINAL BOARD.................................................................43
SECTION 5 - DOWN-HOLE SENSOR ...........................................................................................................44
ZENITH DOWN-HOLE SENSOR OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................45
SENSOR HV CONNECTION (POWER/SIGNAL CONNECTION) ...............................................................................45
MOTOR TEMPERATURE ....................................................................................................................................45
J-TYPE THERMOCOUPLE PROBE ........................................................................................................................46
J-TYPE WIRED THERMOCOUPLE .......................................................................................................................46
THERMOCOUPLE WIRING AND POLARITY .........................................................................................................46
THERMOCOUPLE POLARITY TEST .....................................................................................................................46
ZENITH DOWN-HOLE SENSOR SCHEMATIC ........................................................................................................47
SECTION 6 – SENSOR INSTALLATION......................................................................................................52
ZENITH DOWN-HOLE SENSOR – PRE-INSTALL WIRING PREPARATION................................................................53
HV I-WIRE ........................................................................................................................................................53
MOTOR WINDING (WIRED) THERMOCOUPLE WIRE...........................................................................................54
CONNECTION OF SENSOR TO MOTOR - SUMMARY ............................................................................................54

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PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................56
SECTION 7 - RUN IN HOLE TEST PANEL..................................................................................................63
RUN-IN-HOLE TEST PANEL ..............................................................................................................................64
SECTION 8 - APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................70
MOUNTING SCHEMATIC FOR ZENITH SURFACE CHOKE ....................................................................................71
MOUNTING SCHEMATIC FOR ZSP.....................................................................................................................72
ZSP WIRING DIAGRAM – MARK 2 SYSTEM ......................................................................................................73
DISCHARGE PRESSURE SUB - THREADED .........................................................................................................75
DISCHARGE PRESSURE SUB - FLANGED ............................................................................................................76

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Zenith Company Policy dictates that Zenith Engineers WILL NOT work,
nor allow any work to proceed work on a live or energised system.
Work will only proceed when the system has been isolated, locked out and
has been confirmed as dead – Zenith Engineer must witness these isolation
tests before proceeding with any work

It is the client responsibility to designate a suitably trained and competent

‘Responsible Person’ to control all isolation, lockout and earth down issues.

Zenith engineers are trained in the surface equipment installation.

Zenith Engineers are NOT authorised to crimp or make or break any HV
connection at the surface choke or at down hole cable terminals.

The Zenith Surface Choke must not be operated without a

suitable high integrity earth connection

The surface choke should be mounted in an interlocked switchgear cabinet

wherever possible
If the Surface Choke cannot be mounted in an interlocked cabinet then as a
minimum requirement the Surface Choke must be mounted in a locked,
watertight enclosure.
Enclosure keys must be controlled by the responsible electrical person who
must ensure that the appropriate isolation, lockout and earth-down
procedures are followed before the enclosure can be opened
It is the client responsibility to designate such a responsible person

Where the high voltage choke cable has to be run out-with a suitable
enclosure or interlocked cabinet then the cables must be run within
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suitably rated conduit with the appropriate glands. It will normally be the
client responsibility to provide this material
High voltage choke cable must never be run un-protected through an open

The Surface Choke installation requires three high voltage connections be

made from each of the three choke fuses to the Down-hole ESP cable tails.
As a part of the installation package, Zenith supply 6 metres (approx) of
suitably rated high voltage cable (10Kv rating) for this purpose, along with
the appropriate terminal crimps for connection to the surface choke fuse
holders ONLY

It is the client’s responsibility to provide suitable terminal crimps etc for

the connection to the down-hole cable tails. The client must also designate a
suitably qualified and competent person to make these connections from
Surface Choke to the down-hole cable terminals

The surface choke must not be operated without a high integrity earth
connection to the M6 earth screw/stud on the body of the unit

The protective transparent plate covering the fuses must always be

replaced after accessing the fuses – The unit must never be operated
without the protective, transparent cover in place

Under no circumstances should “live” work be considered on the surface


Voltages and potential fault currents make this equipment a lethal

proposition if not treated with the proper care and attention

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Section 1 - Special Precautions

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Zenith Down-hole Monitoring System - Special Precautions

There are several precautions and good practices which should be adopted when working
with the Zenith Down-hole Monitoring equipment package.
Following these simple guide lines should make for a safe working environment, help
prevent equipment damage and avoid unnecessary problems.

• Safety is of paramount importance - Ensure that all permits, isolations etc are in
place before working on the system
• Only competent, suitably trained personnel should work on the Zenith surface
• In general Zenith Personnel are not approved for work on HV equipment – All HV
connections, testing etc should only be carried out by the site approved ‘responsible
person’ (normally the rig electrician/electrical engineer)
• Ensure that the system is earthed down and confirmed dead before commencing
work – This MUST be done by the site approved ‘responsible person’
• Be aware that the ZSP may be powered from an independent power source (e.g.
UPS supply) and may output up to 120VDC to the Down-hole system even when
the VSD is powered down
• The Zenith Surface Choke fuses should be pulled on all units which are not in
• The ZSP should be isolated from the system during any cable or VFD testing
• Megger testing of the Down-hole ESP cables should be limited to a maximum of
the motor voltage (normally 2.5 Kv – Testing at 5Kv should only be done in special
• Megger testing must be done in reverse bias (Megger positive to ground)
• Surface Choke fuses should be replaced only after the Down-hole cables have been
re-connected and the system is ready for power up to monitor Down-hole data.
• ZSP data logs should be down loaded on a regular basis (ZSP data logger does not
overwrite when full)
• After down load the log should first be saved as checked before clearing the ZSP
• It is good practice to down load the events (status) log along with the data log
• Do not connect or allow the HV connector to come in contact with either of the
thermocouple feed throughs – Applying down hole tool voltage to a thermocouple
feed through will result in permanent Sensor damage
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Megger Testing

• Safety is of paramount importance - Ensure that all permits, isolations etc are in
place before working on the system
• Megger testing must only be carried out by competent personnel
• The system must be checked, confirmed dead and fully earthed down by the site
‘Responsible Person’ before any work is carried out on the system
• Megger testing of the Down-hole ESP cables should be limited to a maximum of
the motor voltage (normally 2.5 Kv – Testing at 5Kv should only be done in special
• The Zenith surface package (surface panel and choke) must be disconnected from
the system during ALL megger testing operations –
• Megger Testing MUST always be carried out in reverse polarity
Polarity of new/different styles of megger must be confirmed before use.
• If the megger reading is 0 – 0.2 Mohm and shows no indication of increasing within
the first 5-10seconds then this is usually an indication that the megger is connected
on the wrong polarity. Power down immediately and re-confirm the megger polarity
using a Fluke meter before proceeding.
• The BDM Megger has terminals marked Positive and Negative - On this type
megger the positive terminal is positive and should be connected to the system earth
with the negative terminal connected to the cable phase.
• The Kyoritsu model 3125 megger (for example) has terminals marked LINE and
EARTH - With this megger the terminal marked LINE is in fact negative line
and should be connected to the cable phase The terminal marked EARTH is in fact
the positive line and should be connected to the system ground
• After megger testing, the system should be bled down through the megger. A Fluke
should then be to confirm minimal residual (DC) voltage. The Cables MUST NOT
be spark discharged – Where the type of megger in use does not allow for cable
discharge then a suitable Fluke must be used to bleed down after testing.
• The Zenith surface package (choke and surface panel) must not be reconnected to
the down-hole cable before any residual cable charge has been bleed down (confirm
no residual voltage using fluke meter)

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Section 2 - System Overview

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Due to the relatively high voltages inherent in such a system, emphasis is

placed on isolation from these voltages to ensure a safe and secure working
Only suitably trained, competent personnel should work on this equipment

This manual covers the installation and operation of the Zenith Artificial Lift (ESP)
Monitoring System

Part A of this manual covers the installation and hook-up of the Zenith down-hole Sensor and
related surface equipment (Zenith Surface Panel and Choke)
Part B of this manual covers the set-up, configuration and operation of the Zenith Surface
Panel (ZSP)

The Zenith Artificial Lift (ESP) Monitoring System can be regarded as two distinct sets of
equipment - surface and down-hole equipment

Surface equipment
• Zenith Surface Choke
• Zenith Surface Panel – (ZSP)

Down-hole equipment
• Zenith down-hole sensor
• Pressure Take Off Sub (E7 Sensor only)
• Stainless Steel ¼” control Line (E7 Sensor only)

The down-hole Sensor is installed on the bottom of the lower ESP Motor with a high voltage
I-wire connection from the motor Y point to Sensor.
Down-hole (Sensor) data is transferred through the ESP 3-phase supply cables, via the Zenith
Surface choke to the Zenith Surface Panel (ZSP) where the raw data is decoded for
monitoring purposes
The Down-hole Sensor receives a DC power (120Vdc) via the same route.

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Discharge Pressure – E7 Sensor only

The Pressure Take Off sub (discharge pressure sub) installed above the ESP pump allows for
pump discharge pressure to be transmitted (hydraulic) back down to the Sensor
The Pressure take off sub may be positioned above the discharge head (threaded connection),
or between the discharge head and pump (flanged connection)

Fitting a flanged Pressure Take Off Sub between the pump and discharge head is the
recommended option. A flanged sub allows better orientation of the pressure take off sub to
line up with the Motor Pothead and discharge pressure line.

The Pressure Take Off sub is connected to the Sensor discharge pressure port via a stainless
steel ¼” discharge pressure line (control line) run across the ESP assembly.
The discharge pressure line is terminated at Sensor and Pressure Take Off sub ends by an
appropriate HP connector (Swagelok or Parker Lok)
The discharge pressure line allows a hydraulic transfer of the ESP discharge pressure to the
discharge pressure transducer located in the Down-hole Sensor.
All E7 Zenith sensors are supplied with a pre-assembled Autoclave to ¼” Parker Lok
connection fitted to the Sensor discharge pressure port.

Where adverse conditions are expected the discharge pressure line and connectors can be
upgraded to a suitable material (e.g. Inconel)

Sensor Calibration
All E series Sensor calibration information is programmed directly into the sensor at
manufacture hence surface equipment is not Sensor specific (no calibration key required)

Sensor Parameters
When connected via an artificial-lift ESP Y-point, the system will deliver regular down-hole
• Intake pressure (Pi)
• Discharge Pressure (Pd) – Not available on E2, E4 or E6 Sensors
• Intake Temperature (Ti)
• Motor Temperature (Tm)
• Vibration (X axis – Vx) – Not available on E2 Sensor)
• Vibration (Z axis - Vz) – Not available on E2 Sensor)

Additionally the system will also display the voltage and current being pulled from the
surface panel
• Tool Current (Ct)
• Tool Voltage (Vt).

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Both surface and down-hole sections require barriers from the ESP supply voltages.
In both cases this is afforded by iron-cored chokes; three at the surface, (one per phase), and
one down-hole choke (operating via the ESP motor star-point).
Since the Y-point of the ESP’s matching transformer is generally inaccessible, or for a delta-
connected secondary, doesn’t exist, it is necessary to create an artificial star-point (within the
surface choke) such that the DC supply and data may be both injected and recovered

Accurate data is sent via a hybrid-digital transmission system, from the down-hole sensor,
through the ESP power cable, via the Zenith Surface Choke unit to the Zenith Surface Panel
(ZSP) where it is then decoded and is displayed on the ZSP screen.

The Zenith Surface Panel Data Logger facility incorporates as standard an integral 256Kb
RAM Memory. Logging all (28) parameters, the RAM memory should therefore store
approximately 2000 records – Logging space will increase if logging is disabled on unwanted
As a rough guide to logging space a ZSP set to log only pressures (x2) temperatures (x2),
vibrations (x2) along with tool current and tool voltage will store approximately 28-3000
records (ie will store approximately 2 days of data when logging at 1 minute intervals)

Generally however the ZSP will also be supplied with a 4Mb Flash Memory. This Flash
memory has approximately sixteen times the storage capacity of the RAM memory
When fitted to the ZSP, logging will default to the 4Mb flash memory.

An on screen message displayed during the ZSP boot up sequence indicates whether the
panel is logging to RAM or Flash memory. It is essential that operators are aware of which
logging facility is available

Neither memory will overwrite when full. It is therefore essential that data logs are
downloaded and cleared on a regular basis.

The ZSP can also, on request, be fitted with an SD card memory. This SD card replaces the
Flash memory – Size of log will be dependant on the memory capacity of the SD card.
Data is automatically logged to the SD card. The SD card can then be removed at will and
the stored log transferred directly to PC without the need for any lengthy down load period
At present the SD card is mounted inside the panel and the ZSP door has to be opened to
remove and/or re-install the card – However it is planned that in the near future the ZSP
design will be modified to incorporate an SD card slot on the panel door.

Data log down load from the ZSP Flash or Ram memory to PC is done via the E-Net
engineers Port 6 pin MIC connection using the appropriate Engineers E-Net cable

The ZSP also incorporates an on screen trending facility allowing any logged parameter to be
trended over a 1, 4, 8 or 12 hour period.
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ZSP configuration can be carried out in two of different ways

• From the ZSP key pad
• From PC via the Engineer Port/E-Net 6 pin MIC connector

A Modbus Slave Unit allows for data to be transmitted, via the ZSP RS232 or RS485 Port 2
connection to a remote Modbus master.

Do not confuse Port1 and Port 2 connections

Port 1 menu option is strictly an internal communications set up between the panel interface
card and display terminal board – The port 1 menu set up MUST NOT be changed except to
Port 2 menu option allows for communication set up (via Modbus) between the ZSP and
the client SCADA system. (Mode, Baud rate , and Slave address)

The Analogue Input/Output board allows for 8 analogues inputs and (where requested) 8
analogue outputs.
Where analogue output facility is requested, this will be factory configured prior to shipment.
However the analog output facility can be set up and configured in the field, with the
appropriate upgrade kit, by a Zenith Engineer
Both analogue input and output operate on a 4 to 20mA mode.

The ZSP incorporates a 110 Vac/dc 3A Volt free SPCO Alarm and Trip – This relay can be
activated by any (or all) parameter monitored by the ZSP.

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Modbus Map – ZSP Mk 2 System

Description Modbus Data Type Units and Scaling

Intake Pressure – Pi (Bara) 40001 Signed Integer Bar * 10 (10.2 Bar is represented
by 102)
Discharge Pressure – Pd 40002 Signed Integer Bar * 10
Intake Temperature - Ti 40003 Signed Integer Degrees C * 10
(deg C)
Motor Temperature - Tm 40004 Signed Integer Degrees C * 10
(deg C)
Vibration X - Vx 40005 Signed Integer g* 1000
Vibration Z - Vz 40006 Signed Integer g * 1000
Tool Current - Ct 40007 Signed Integer mA * 10
Tool Voltage - Vt 40008 Signed Integer V * 10
Intake Pressure – Pi2 (Psia) 40009 Signed Integer Psia * 10
Discharge Pressure – Pd 2 40010 Signed Integer Psia * 10
Intake Temperature - Ti2 40011 Signed Integer Deg F * 10
(deg F)
Motor Temperature - Tm2 40012 Signed Integer Deg F * 10
(deg F)

Modbus Map – ZSP Mk 2 System

Modbus address 40001/40002 outputs pressures in Bar - 40009/40010 outputs in psi
Address 40002/40003 outputs temperature in deg C - 40011/40012 outputs in deg F
The Zenith Mk2 system Modbus output operates in MMIC mode (ZSP Port 1 and 2 Mode set
to MMIC)
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Section 3 - Zenith Surface Choke

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The Zenith Surface Choke must not be operated without a

suitable high integrity earth connection

Even in the absence of the external motor supply, this unit

should be considered dangerous.

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Zenith Surface Choke

The Zenith Surface Choke provides an electrical barrier between the high voltage ESP supply
power and the lower voltage ZSP circuitry.
The importance of only suitably trained and authorized personnel working on this equipment
cannot be over-emphasised

The Choke assembly contains all the safety-related components, which effect the isolation of
the 3-phase ESP motor supply voltages from the low-level, ground-related signal processing
The unit is potted, and enclosed in an earthed steel box. The only user-serviceable parts of
the surface choke are the three HV fuses, mounted on the upper surface of the earthed metal

In the event of one or more a blown fuses, remove all power and confirm the system is
earthed down and dead before attempting to replace any fuses. Use only replacement fuses of
identical manufacture and type.
A ‘good’ fuse should test out at around 32-35ohm

Choke to Surface Interface Unit (SIU) wiring is a two wire and screened cable. Connections
are clearly marked on the Choke terminal block
The Choke must be earthed at all times
Screen should only be connected at one end.

Figures A and B show the choke unit from top (protective cover) and from side showing the
unit earth connection point Choke signal cable terminals and earth connection can be seen in
Figure B.
The Choke signal cable is wired to the ZSP using a single pair (screened) cable - supplied
with the installation pack.

Even in the absence of the external motor supply, this unit

should be considered dangerous.

The Zenith Surface Choke must not be operated without a

high integrity earth connection as shown in Figure B

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Zenith Surface Choke – Fuses and wiring terminals

High Voltage Cable

Figure A – Choke Unit (Fuses)

Signal Cable Line Connection

Signal Cable Chassis Connection

High Integrity
Earth Connection

Figure B – Choke Unit (Wiring Terminals)

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Zenith Surface Choke – High Voltage Wiring – Mk 2 system

The Surface Choke high voltage connection to the ESP down-hole cable should be made
down stream of any switches, breakers or fuses – The client must assign a competent person
to make these connections.

Where the Surface Choke is mounted within a VSD or switchboard cabinet then generally the
choke high voltage cables will be connected to the ESP down-hole cables at the VSD
(switchboard) output terminals.
It is often the case however that the Surface Choke cannot be mounted within the VSD
(switchboard) cabinet, with space usually being the limiting factor.
The Surface Choke is therefore often situated out-with the VSD (switchboard), mounted in a
suitable (locked) enclosure. In this case the Surface Choke high voltage cable may be run
back to the VSD (switchboard) output terminals or to a nearby junction box (using suitable
conduit and glands)

Wherever possible the distance between Surface Choke and down-hole terminals should be
kept to a minimum.

If HV cable is to be run outside the VSD then appropriately rated glanding and conduit must
be used – HV cable route from surface choke to down hole voltage terminals must be
carefully chosen to eliminate any possibility of cable damage.
HV cable runs should also be kept as far from choke to SIU signal cable to reduce the
possibility of noise pick up on the signal cable

Three HV cables are connected, one from each of choke fuse terminals and run to the down
hole output voltage terminals in the VSD or junction box.
HV cables should be connected to the down hole power cable down stream of any fuses,
switches or breakers

Appropriate sized crimps must be used and good quality crimping is essential – There must
be no bare wire visible between and cable insulation.
HV cables must be adequately supported (tie wraps) to prevent any strain on the connections.
NOTE Zenith engineers are not certified to make HV connections to the output power supply
– This must be done by a suitable certified ‘responsible person’

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Zenith Surface Choke – Signal Cable wiring – Mk 2 system

The Zenith Mk 2 system uses a two wire (twisted pair) and screen signal cable. Line and
chassis terminals are clearly marked on the choke body
Signal cable terminates to the ZSP interface board 6 pin connector with line to pin 1 and
chassis to pin 2. Pins 3 and 4 must be linked with screen connected to either pin 5 or to choke
Screen must be connected at one end only

Zenith Surface Choke – Choke Earth – Mk 2 system

The Zenith surface choke must NEVER be operated without a high
integrity earth connected to the earth M6 stud on the choke body

Surface Choke Signal Cable and Earth Connecttions

Interface Card Signal cable Termination

- Note link 3 to 4
- Screen connection to pin 5 (connect one end only)

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Zenith down hole Monitoring System – Mk 2 Block Diagram

Mk 2 ZSP
Zenith VSD
Mk 2 HV

Zenith HV Wire x 3 Power / MLE


Signal Cable –
Twisted pair Y-Point
c/w Screen ESP Motor
High Integrity Earth Sensor Earth Path via
connection from Choke system body / cable
body M6 stud (to well armour to Well Head
head if required) and Surface Choke
Zenith Mk 2

ESP Board Cable Pair HV Choke

Pin 1 Blue Line
Pin 2 Black Chassis
Pin 3 Link to 4
Pin 4 Link to 3-
Pin 5 Screen OR Scrn – Connect screen at one end only
Pin 6 N/A N/A
Note :
– Pin 3 to 4 link must be in place
– High Integrity Earth must always be connected before use

Fig C - Zenith down-hole Monitoring System block diagram Mk 2 System

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Section 4 - Zenith Surface Panel (ZSP)

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Zenith Surface Interface Panel (ZSP)

Zenith Surface Panel

ƒ IP-66 Enclosure
ƒ Hinge front plate for easy panel access
ƒ Back-light LCD Display
ƒ 9 - Soft keys for ZSP Configuration - 2 menu selection, 2 screen scrolling, 4
navigation and 1 select (enter) key
ƒ Trending facility (Set up via keypad - 2 parameters)
ƒ 6 - Cable gland ports
ƒ 1 – 6 pin military style connector for data collection and ZSP configuration via
PC connected to internal E-Net port
ƒ RS 232/ RS 485 ports (Internal - port 2)
ƒ 8 - Analogue Input/Output terminals (internal)
ƒ Alarm and trip relays
ƒ Internal data logger
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ZSP Specification

The information below is an overview of the Zenith Surface Panel (ZSP) providing
dimensions, power and panel functionality details.
ZSP Details
Height 230 mm
Width 200mm
Depth 110 mm
Mounting Enclosure fits inside or outside switch board or VSD
Material Aluminium
Power Requirements
Power Supply 85V to 264 Vac Auto Switching
Frequency 50 to 60 Hz +/- 10%
Nominal Power 30W
Fuse Rating 3 Amp
Gauge Functionality
Output Gauge Supply 24 VDC current limited
Alarm and Trip Relay 110 VAC/DC 3A Volt Free SPCO activated by all readings.
Analogue Outputs/inputs 4-20 mA

Modbus Port Selectable RS232 – RS485

ASCII Output RS232
Data Logging 4 MB Flash Memory
Display 320 x 240 graphical display, Plug in PC/PDA or remote display facility

Remote Data Access Modbus or ASCII output

Interface Port Data Retrieval Device

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ZSP Overview
The ZSP section of this manual should be used in conjunction with the User Manual - Part 2
which covers the ZSP Set up and configuration in more detail

The Zenith Surface Panel is a fully enclosed integrated system allowing monitoring,
protection and data logging of all ESP and well parameters.

The ZSP may be divided into five basic components

• Enclosure with LCD screen and key pad and field wiring terminal block
• 100/240VAC to 24VDC PSU
• ESP Interface Board (Mark 2 system – two signal wire)
• Display
• Analogue Output/Inputs Board (Incorporating 8 analogue inputs and 8 analogue
outputs and Trip and Alarm Relays).

Figure C shows the ZSP unit with screen and key pad. Figure D shows the enclosure
(bottom) glands with the 6 pin military style ‘Engineers Port’ connector


Figure C – ZSP display screen Figure D – ZSP Glands & Engineers Port

The 24V PSU and ESP Interface board are mounted on the enclosure back plate.
The Display (Display Terminal Board) with screen and key pad is mounted on the front door
with the Analogue Input/Output board mounted above
Interface between the boards is RS232 ASCII interface with a 24V regulated power supply
provided from the Mains PSU. (Port 1 – This connection must remain intact at all times)
The Display incorporates the Modbus port for data transmission to a remote Modbus master
(Port 2 – RS232 or RS485) along with the ‘Engineers Port’ - E-Net connection

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The Analogue Input/output board incorporates the processing facility for 8 analogue inputs or
outputs operating on 4 – 20mA.

The LCD screen and keypad allows for

ƒ Real time data display
ƒ ZSP configuration (via key pad)
ƒ Set up and trend display of any two parameters. Trending can be set up over a 1, 4,
8 or 12hr period

The ‘Engineers port’ allows for

ƒ Access to the logged data via PC allowing the operator to interrogate the ZSP
ƒ Access to the chronological data logger and event logger for download to PC
ƒ ZSP configuration (via browser)

Note that the trending facility is accessed and configured from keypad only

ESP Interface Board

This module provides 24Vdc power to the HV Module in the Surface Choke and
accepts back the current and voltage (actual) values from the choke, demodulating the
data originating from the down-hole transducer. It outputs a data-stream via an RS232
interface, running at a modest 9600baud.
Use is made throughout this equipment of Poly-Switch re-settable fuses. An incorrect
supply connection will cause excessive current to flow, which will trip the respective
device causing high impedance. Should an accidental misconnection be made, allow
sufficient time to elapse, (minutes), before restoring power to the corrected circuit.
The down-hole data is augmented with down-hole supply voltage and current, to
allow a true picture of the systems behaviour.
Raw modulation, derived from the HVPSU card in the surface choke, is initially
filtered with an 8-Pole Low-Pass analogue filter and then fed to a sophisticated
tracking data-slicer. The latter uses the inherent slew-rate limited transitions to match
the reference timing to the down-hole system and thus allow the timing for the data to
be derived.
Although the data is processed almost exclusively in the digital domain, ignoring the
transducer, it is an analogue modem that provides the transport layer.
The data-slicer works on the principle of - a current signal is fed to the on-board ADC
and is used to generate a set-level for the DAC feeding the non-inverting input of the
voltage Comparator. The inverting input looks at the original current signal and by
this means the loop can be closed, ensuring that the reference point is between the
upper and lower modulation levels.

Communication from the ESP interface board to the Display Module is via Port 1
RS232 Scaled ASCII-based packet, with data scaled to 100.000%.
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Display Terminal Board

This module gathers and processes down-hole data (via Port 1) and determines trip
and alarm conditions.
The Display Terminal Board module also allows logging to 4Mb Flash memory for
data logging and trending purposes at a user-determined rate (minimum 1 minute,
max 1440 min logging rate).
The data log DOES NOT over-write and hence must be cleared on a regular basis to
A connection from the Display Terminal Board E-Net port to the 6 pin MIC
connector mounted on the bottom face of the housing provides a PC interface (via the
ZSP Engineers E-Net cable – part no 14460077000)
The Display Terminal Board has two identical Ethernet connection points – These are
marked E-Net and R-Net. The Engineers port should be connected to the E-Net port
(located on the centre of the Display Terminal Board underneath the 32 way
Analogue Signal Ribbon)
The ZSP wiring schematic shown at the end of this section may be somewhat
confusing appearing to show the Engineers Port connection being made to the
Ethernet port on the bottom right of the Display Terminal Board – This in fact is the
wrong (R-Net) port - The R-Net port is now obsolete.

The Display Terminal Board also houses the Modbus communication port - Port 2

Port 2 provides a RS232 or RS485 link to a remote monitoring location (via SCADA
or similar system)
Note that only one Modbus system (RS232 or RS485) can be used at any one tine

Analogue Input/Output board (AI/OB)

The analogue Input/Output board is set above the Display Terminal Board and
interfaces analogue input/output signal via a 32 way analogue ribbon to/from the field
wiring terminal block and the display
Analogue input/output both operate on a 4 – 20mA mode
Trip and alarms are also wired via the 6 way Alarm/Trip ribbon from the field wiring

This is a commercially available, third-party product, deemed suitable for the

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ZSP Wiring Overview

The ZSP is supplied with 24 V PSU, ESP Interface Board, Display, Analogue Input/Output
Board and Engineers E-Net port pre-wired, ready for installation and field wiring.

The ZSP is normally mounted in a suitable location to allow easy access to the screen, key
pad and Engineers port.
It is often the case that the panel has to be mounted on the VSD door or front panel.
However if a suitable location exists nearby (within about 50-75ft) it may be preferable to
situate the ZSP away from the VSD to limit any potential interference and noise issues. The
use of a power supply independent from the VSD is also recommended.
Where available, the RTU room often provides a suitable location for the ZSP
As with any LCD screen, the ZSP should not be mounted in direct sunlight – where this is
unavoidable then a suitable screen shade should be provided

The location of the ZSP should be chosen such that the signal cable run from the Zenith
Choke is kept away from any potential source of interference (i.e. away from HV cable runs,
switching gear, capacitor banks etc)

• The ZSP enclosure must always be earthed

The ZSP is supplied with two cable glands fitted (mains supply and signal cable).

An additional four holes (0.813” dia) allow for additional cable glanding. Blank plugs are
fitted to these holes

The ZSP board field wiring arrangements are shown at the end of this section

The ZSP wiring schematic appears to show the ‘Engineers Port’ E-net cable connected
to the Display R-Net port.
The Engineers Port cable is connected to the E-Net port which is located beneath the 32
way analogue ribbon

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Mains power supply

The ZSP power supply (100 - 240 Vac) should ideally be taken from an independent source
rather than from the Switchboard. This allows for continuing monitoring when the
Switchboard/VSD is powered down. It will also help eliminate potential noise issue related to
the VSD power circuits
An individually fused (3A) and switched supply or in line circuit breaker is preferred.
Mains power is connected via the appropriate cable gland to the Traco-Power - 24 Vdc PSU.
Input terminals are clearly marked AC (L) – Line and AC (N) - Neutral
Power supply earth should be tied to the ZSP back plate
Output supply (24 V) to ESP Interface Board and Display is pre-wired.

Signal Cable - Surface Choke to ZSP

The Choke signal cable is a screened – twisted pair cable supplied with the installation pack.
Choke signal cable line and chassis terminals are clearly identified on the Choke body.
At the ZSP end, the signal cable line connects to terminal 1 of the ESP Interface board signal
cable terminal block. The signal cable chassis connection is made to the signal cable terminal
block terminal 2
A link must be fitter to the signal cable terminal block linking terminals 3 and 4.
If the terminal 3 to 4 link is in place then when the ZSP is powered up (without sensor
connected) then tool voltage (Vt) should display approximately 120V – All other parameters
will display zero.
This tool voltage value will normally drop by approximately 2 volts when connection to a
sensor is made
If the link 3 to 4 is disconnected then tool voltage (Vt) will display 0 volts. (Without sensor

ZSP to Modbus Wiring – RS232 or RS485

Port 2 Connection
The Modbus field wired connection is made through the Display Terminal Block Port 2 (J10
terminal) using connections 8, 9 and 13 for RS232 or connections 10 and 11 for RS485.
RS232 Port 2 connection -Terminals 8 (Txd), (9 Rxd) and 12 Gnd)
RS485 Port 2 connection - Terminals 10 (485- ) and 11 (485+)
Only one Modbus communications mode can be in use at any one time
A common error is to confuse the Display Terminal Board Port 1 and Port 2 links

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The Port 1 RS232 ASCII based link from the ESP Interface Board is pre-wired and
connected to the Display Terminal Block (J10 terminal) connections 6 (TxC) and 7 (RxC)
and 12 (Gnd). - This port is an internal ZSP communication link between ESP Interface and
Display Terminal boards – Port 1 must not be confused with the third party Modbus
communications port (Port 2)

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Alarm and Trip and Analogue wiring

Alarm and trip field wiring is made to the 6 way field wiring terminal block set inside the
ZSP front panel.

Alongside the Alarm and Trip terminals is the 32 way Analogue Input/Output terminal block.
A 34 way ribbon connector ties from the field wiring terminal block (J1) back to the
Analogue Input/Output Board (J1)

Normally the ZSP will provide for 8 analogue inputs as standard.

Generally analogue outputs are only provided on request
The analogue output facility will not normally be available on the standard issue ZSP.

Should the client request this facility however an upgrade kit can be fitted and the analogue
outputs facility set up and calibrated in the field by a Zenith specialist

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Zenith Down-hole Monitoring System – Mk 2 Block Diagram

Zenith down-hole Monitoring System block diagram Mk 2

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ZSP Wiring Diagram – Mk 2 System


R-NET Port

Mk 2 System ZSP Wiring Schematic)

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NOTE:- Engineers E Net cable connects to the E Net Port (Under Analogue ribbon
cable NOT to the R-Net Port as shown in this drawing

ESP Interface Board Wiring Schematic – Mk 2 System

Field wiring Signal Cable
Signal Cable Terminal
From Surface Chassis Block
24 V dc

Screen to Earth ESP Interface 24V dc

Pre-wired power
supply from PSU

Port 1
Terminal Permanent link to
Block Display Terminal
Board Port 1

Mk 2 System ESP Interface Board Wiring Schematic

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Display Terminal Board Wiring Schematic (Ports 1 & 2 - Modbus)

Display Terminal Board

Terminal Block J10 Terminal Block J1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

PORT 1 RS232 24 V+ 24 V-
ESP Interface Board Power supply from PSU
Connection (Pre-wired Via ESP
Txd (6) Rxd (7) Gnd (12) Interface Card to PSU)
(Pre-wired to ESP Interface

PORT 2 - RS232 PORT 2 - RS485

Modbus Connection Or Modbus Connection
Txd (8) Rxd (9) Gnd (12) 485 - (10) 485 + (11)

Display Terminal Board: Port 1 & 2 (Modbus) Wiring Schematic

Note 1
Do not disconnect Port 1 RS232 ESP Interface Board connection

Third party Modbus connection (Port 2 RS232 or Port 2 RS485 wiring) – Only one Modbus
mode should be wired
Modbus RS232 will require a 3 wire connection (terminals 8, 9 and 12)
Modbus RS 485 requires a 2 wire connection (terminals 10 and 11) – Normally RS485 does
not require an earth connection
Note 2
Terminal block J10 – terminal 12 serves as both Port 1 and Port 2 earth terminal – For RS232
systems the earth must be connected

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Analogue and Alarm & Trip Field Wiring Terminal Board

6 way Alarm/Trip
32 way Analogues ribbon ribbon

Analogue Input – 4 to 20mA Analogue Output – 4 to 20mA Alarm relay Trip relay

1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ NO NC NO NC
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- Com Com Com Com

Figure G-3 – Analogue and Alarm and Trip field wiring terminal block

Confirm the appropriate relay type (Normally open or normally closed) before hard wiring
to the trip/alarm relay.
If the option of either exists then normal Zenith practice is to operate on a normally closed
relay circuit.

Even although only one relay is wired it is essential that both Trip and Alarm Levels
are set up (see User Manual Part 2 Section 4 P37 / Section 6 P73) – If both trip and
Alarm Levels are not set then the relay WILL NOT activate

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Section 5 - Down-hole Sensor

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Zenith Down-hole Sensor Overview

The down-hole equipment (Sensor) consists of two electronic PCB assemblies, one (E6) or
two (E7) Strain gauge transducers and a single high-voltage down-hole iron-core choke.
This assembly is contained within a stainless steel, 13 Chrome, enclosure pressure rated to

The Sensor PCB contains acquisition circuitry to measure the two Strain Gauge sensors
(intake and discharge pressures) along with two orthogonally-mounted accelerometers for
vibration measurements along 2 axes (Vx and Vz). Also held on the PCB is the acquisition
circuitry to measure intake and motor temperatures.
Each Strain Gauge channel is calibrated and the embedded microprocessor holds the relevant
calibration coefficients, allowing the data to be outputted in Engineering Units (and
eliminating the need for a sensor specific ‘calibration key’.

The Sensor serial number is stamped on the upper neck of the tool. The Sensor serial number
is unique and must always be recorded for every tool run.
The Sensor body has a 2 3/8” EUE box bottom connection for bull nose or saddle spear.
The Zenith E7 Sensor is fitted with a ¼” Swageloc connector on the Pd transducer port
allowing for a ¼” hydraulic control line to be run from the Sensor to the Pressure Take Off
sub (set above the ESP assembly) to record discharge pressure (Pd).
The intake pressure transducer port (Pi) is set at approximately 30 degrees from the discharge
pressure line connector. The intake pressure port is fitted with a ported nut – This port
MUST NOT be blanked off – The ported nut should remain in place

Sensor HV Connection (power/signal connection)

Sensor (power/signal) connection is via a spring loaded boot connector from the HV feed-
through connected via the ESP I-wire to motor star point.
It is essential that the motor I wire is suitably rated for the motor
Normally a motor I wire should be at least 5Kv rated (preferably 10Kv)
The I wire conductor should be of a suitable size to fit the Sensor boot connector supplied by
Zenith – This should normally be 12 - 14 AWG conductor
Do not connect or allow the HV connector to come in contact with either of the thermocouple
feed throughs – Applying down hole tool voltage to a thermocouple feed through will result
in permanent Sensor damage

Motor Temperature
Motor temperature may be recorded via a J-type thermocouple probe, measuring motor oil
temperature, or via a J-type wired thermocouple measuring either motor winding or motor oil

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J-Type Thermocouple probe

The J-type thermocouple probe Sensor is identified by the single black or silver probe set in
the Sensor bulkhead, along side the HV feed. In this case the thermocouple is built in to the
probe and therefore no additional wiring connection is required.
This thermocouple type will only measure motor oil temperature

J-Type Wired Thermocouple

The J-type wired thermocouple Sensor is identified by two additional (smaller) ‘feed
through’ connectors in the Sensor bulkhead – The two thermocouple pins are marked +
(positive) and – (negative)
When viewed from the top of the Sensor the negative thermocouple feed through should be
clockwise from the positive feed through See Zenith Down hole Sensor Schematic p - ) –
However feed through polarity should always be confirmed (using a short Motor Oil
Thermocouple) when testing the Sensor before installation to the motor
This thermocouple type is normally reserved for motor windings temperature although it can
also be used for motor oil temperature measurement
A thermocouple fitted at the ESP motor winding is required to record motor winding
temperatures. This must be fitted at manufacture stage of the motor and have sufficient
length of thermocouple wiring provided to allow for connection to two thermocouple ‘feeds-
through’ set along side the HV feed through in the Sensor bulkhead.
Alternatively if a windings thermocouple has not been fitted to the ESP motor at
manufacture, the J-type thermocouple can be used to measure Motor oil temperature by
fitting a short J-type thermocouple

Thermocouple Wiring and Polarity

It is essential that the connect polarity connection is made to the ‘J Type’ thermocouple
Sensor feed through pins.

The most commonly used thermocouple wiring colour codings are

• Black/White Black – Positive White – Negative
• White/Red White – Positive Red – Negative
Other colour codes may occasionally be seen however.

In all cases thermocouple wiring can easily be identified by one of the following tests
• Positive wire - Magnetic Negative wire - Non Magnetic
• Positive wire - Lower Resistance Negative wire - Higher Resistance

Thermocouple Polarity Test

Temperature response must always be tested as part of the pre-installation (deck) test before
running any sensor – This must be done irrespective of thermocouple type and all Engineers
should carry a short J type motor oil thermocouple as part of the installation tool box.
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Temperature response is checked by heating the thermocouple tip to confirm that an increase
in temperature is seen
Ideally a heat gun should be used although this is usually not readily available on site and an
alternative is to use hot water
Exercise caution with hot water and always use gloves taking care to avoid scalds and burns.
If the thermocouple tip is to be immersed in hot water then the thermocouple should be
sealed in a plastic bag to prevent contact with water and eventual corrosion of the tip and
Where a J type thermocouple probe is used then a rag soaked in hot water may be used.
Suitable gloves must be worn to prevent burns from the hot water.
Care must also be exercised to prevent water coming in contact with the HV feed through.
The bulkhead must also be thoroughly dried out after testing.

It is recommended that wherever possible, after fitting a Sensor to a motor windings

thermocouple polarity is again confirmed by heating the area of the motor around the area of
the thermocouple tip and a motor temperature increase is seen ot the test panel – A heat gun
(or heating tapes) is required for this operation

NOTE It is a popular misconception that an increase in Tm as daytime temperature increases

or during run in hole indicates a correctly wired thermocouple.
This is in fact not the case
Motor temperature references the Intake temperature then calculates the differential between
intake and windings – Therefore if Intake Temperature increases then Motor temperature will
also increase accordingly – It is only when a differential starts to exist between the intake and
windings temperature that the polarity can be confirmed from temperature data

Intake Pressure (and Intake Temperature)

A port on the top shoulder of the Zenith Sensor provides a communication path to the Intake
Pressure transducer (and intake temperature sensor) – This port is fitted with a ‘drilled
through’ plug (P/no 23460020406) – This plug must not be replaced with a blank plug.
This plug can be removed and a pressure test connector’ (p/no 13460012402) fitted for
Sensor testing purposes only – Using this connector will allow hand pump pressure to be
applied to the intake pressure transducer – Sensor response should then be monitored via the
ZSP or test panel
The pressure test connector must be removed immediately after test and the appropriate
drilled through plug (p/no 23460020406) replaced
If a ‘discharge pressure connector’ (p/no 13460012402) is used as a test fitting for pressure
testing intake pressure transducer then it is essential that this fitting is replaced on the
discharge pressure port before the Sensor is shipped to the field
Viewed from the top of the sensor the Intake pressure port is ANTI CLOCKWISE from the
discharge pressure port (See Zenith down-hole Sensor schematic p )

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Discharge Pressure
The Zenith E7 Sensor allows for discharge pressure monitoring. The E7 sensor has a second
(discharge pressure) port on the top shoulder of the tool. The E7 Sensor is supplied with a
‘discharge pressure connector’ (p/no 13460012402) fitted to the discharge pressure port –
This connector terminates in a ¼” Swagelok (Parker A Lok) fitting for connection to the ¼”
stainless steel discharge pressure line
Viewed from the top of the sensor the Intake pressure port is CLOCKWISE from the intake
pressure port (See Zenith down-hole Sensor schematic p )
It is essential to ensure that the discharge pressure connector has not been mistakenly fitted to
the intake pressure port before installation and running in hole with the Sensor
A surface test of discharge pressure response can be made through this connector allowing
hand pump pressure to be applied to the discharge pressure transducer with Sensor response
monitored via the ZSP or test panel.

The Zenith (E7) Sensor employs a ¼” stainless steel hydraulic control line (discharge
pressure line) between the Sensor Discharge Pressure port and Discharge Pressure Sub
located above the pump.
Connection to Sensor and Discharge Pressure Sub is made by ¼” Swagelok or (Parker A
Normally the Discharge Pressure line will be supplied in lengths of 160ft on a small wooden
The Discharge pressure line is supplied oil filled and plugged both ends. The bottom cap is
removed in the field and the factory made connection made up directly to the Sensor
Discharge pressure port – This connection should be pressure tested after make up ( generally
2 - 3000psi)
It is important that the Sensor is carefully orientated in relation to motor pothead and clamps
so that the control line can run through the appropriate clamp cable clips. The Discharge
pressure line should be run straight across the ESP assembly so as to provide maximum
protection whilst running in hole – The line must not coil around the ESP assembly
The discharge pressure line should be run in the shadow of ESP/By-pass tubing/Y-tool
and/or clamps to afford maximum protection to the line
The Discharge Pressure line should be kept reasonable tight and straight during the
installation (not ‘piano wire tight’) but not slack to allow for the line to hang up
Suitable clamps (and/or banding) must be used to protect the line
NOTE when running a by-pass system with saddle assembly the Discharge Pressure line
must not be banded to the By-Pass tubing – The line must either be fixed in the By-pass
clamp cable clips – If any banding is used then the banding must be done to ESP assembly
Above the pump the Discharge Pressure sub must again be appropriately orientated to allow
a straight run for the Discharge pressure line – Again this top connection should lie within
the by-pass system and/or clamp shadow.
If a bolt on Discharge Pressure sub is used then orientation is generally not an issue
(provided universal flanges are used) – In this case the Discharge Pressure sub will be

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located between the top of the pump and the Discharge head – This however requires co-
ordination with ESP provider to ensure the Discharge Pressure sub flanges are appropriate
for the ESP provider Pump head and Discharge Head flanges
If however a threaded Discharge Pressure Sub is employed then this presents a challenge to
ensure appropriate orientation. If a premium thread is used (eg New Vam etc) then baretted
couplings will be required to ensure appropriate orientation
If non premium threads are used (eg EUE) then this is generally not quite so much of an issue
as the Discharge Head can usually be brought to the appropriate orientation point within the
min to max torque range oc the coupling
If a threaded Discharge Pressure sub is to be used then it is recommended that wherever
possible the Discharge Pressure sub should be torqued up (preferably in workshop) and
orientation confirmed before running the completion

Connection of the Discharge Pressure line to the Discharge Pressure sub above the ESP
pump requires the line to be cut and a field connection made using the appropriate Swagelok
(Parker A Lok) fitting
Cutting the Discharge Pressure line must be done with extreme care – If the line is cut too
short then it will not be possible to make the connection at the discharge head – Whilst it may
be possible to add a splice in the line – this is not generally recommended – Splicing the line
across the ESP assembly introduces an additional Swagelok (Parker A Lok) fitting to the
system – It is often difficult to adequately protect such a connection and leads to possibilities
of line damage during run in hole
Cutting the line too long will introduce slack in the line again leading to the potential for line
damage during run in hole. –
The Discharge pressure line should be pulled up straight and tight and measured up against
the Discharge Pressure sub connector – Mark the Discharge Pressure line directly at the
connector nipple body hex – This will allow for 2-3mm extra length
Double check measurements and marking before carefully cutting
Once cut the line should be de-burred and checked – The line should be clean and free of any
scratches or damage
The top connection should not be made up directly to the Discharge Pressure sub – It is very
difficult to maintain the tube pushed fully home to the nipple shoulder in a vertical position
whilst at the same time making up the connector nut (swaging the ferrules) - Instead this
connection should first be made up to a ‘spare’ Swagelok (Parker A Lok) fitting on deck.
(Make up nut hand tight then 1 ¼ turns by spanners – Hold the Nipple body and turn the nut)

After make up the connection should be broken out and checked before pressure testing
(3000psi) to confirm both line and top connector integrity
Only then should the top connector be made up to the discharge pressure sub – Ensure theline
is pushed fully home in the connector body then make up the nut by hand and ‘nip up’ with
spanners (do not overtighten)

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Vibration X and Z axis (Vx & Vz)

Two internal sensors allow for monitoring of system vibration in both the X and Z axis.
Vibration response can be checked by gently tapping the Sensor or Motor body. – This check
should be done each time the Sensor is tested before running in hole

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Zenith down-hole Sensor Schematic

¼” Swage lock Pressure Take Off connection

Tool Serial 2 3/8 EUE

4.56” X

Standard Sensor (4.563”OD) - O Ring Size 233

Slimline (375 series) Sensor- (3.75” OD) – O Ring Size 228

Zenith Sensor Type E7 (Down-hole Monitoring Tool)

Intake Pressure Port

(Ported nut)

HV Feed through Thermocouple Probe

Discharge Pressure Port

Zenith Sensor with J Type thermocouple Probe

Intake Pressure Port

(Ported nut)
HV Feed through
-- Thermocouple Feeds Through

Discharge Pressure Port


Zenith Sensor with J Type thermocouple Feeds Through

Note –
Zenith E7 Sensor shown (with Discharge Pressure port)
The E6 Sensor does not have the Pressure Take off Connection (Discharge pressure not
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Section 6 – Sensor Installation

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Zenith down-hole Sensor – Pre-install wiring preparation

HV I-wire
• Remove the I-Wire from the bottom of the ESP Motor.
If there is no crimp on the High Voltage I-Wire from the ESP Motor then use
the Boot Connector crimp supplied with the Zenith Sensor and install as
detailed below.
The standard I wire fitted on most motors is 12 - 16 AWG with 20 - 22`AWG
thermocouple wiring. Zenith boot connectors and crimps supplied as part of
the standard installation kit are for these wire sizes.
Where a different sized I wire or thermocouple wire is to be fitted on the
motor then it is the client/ESP provider responsibility to ensure appropriate
crimps and boot connectors are available.

• Place the Teflon black boot connector over the high voltage wire followed by the
Teflon Sleeve, then strip 6mm of insulation from the end of the I-Wire as shown
below, be careful not to damage any of the conductors.

Boot connector Teflon Sleeve


• Ensure that all the conductors of the high voltage wire are tightly twisted together
before inserting into the crimp

HV I-Wire Boot Connector Crimp

• Insert the stripped end of the high voltage wire into the crimp as shown below and
crimp into place using a DMC AF8 crimping tool, ensure that the crimping tool is
set to number 8/7/6, (12/14/16 AWG) for the high voltage cable that is supplied
by the ESP Company.

Teflon Sleeve

• Push the crimp into the Teflon Sleeve and Boot – DO NOT pull the crimp into
the sleeve using the wire

Rubber Boot

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Motor Winding (wired) Thermocouple Wire

The same procedure is used for make of wired motor winding thermocouple wiring crimps
(where applicable). Note the thermocouple wiring is of smaller diameter and uses the two
smaller sized crimps boots and Teflon sleeves supplied with the J type Sensor hook up kit.
The thermocouple wire crimp tool should be set to number 4/3 (20/22 AWG) for crimping to
thermocouple wires. Teflon sleeve and rubber boot should be fitted as for the HV I-Wire
Where a Sensor with a J Type thermocouple is used ensure correct polarity
when connecting motor thermocouple to Sensor

Connection of Sensor to Motor - Summary

• Record motor serial number, name plate voltage and rating

• Set the motor in a horizontal position - Place a drip tray to catch any motor oil
losses – Try to minimise oil losses from motor
• Avoid opening motor (or sensor) in wet damp or dirty environment – Ensure both
motor and sensor remain dry
• Remove the motor base plug – Confirm the motor base flange is appropriate for
the Zenith Sensor
• Fit the motor I wire boot connector (also thermocouple boot connectors if
necessary) as described above
• Carry out megger and phase balance tests through motor pothead before fitting

• Confirm Sensor Serial Number

• Remove Sensor shipping cap
• Carry out Sensor deck test before fitting to motor – (Including pressure tests and
motor temperature and vibration response checks) – Record all test data
• Replace Sensor O ring (size 233 O ring for standard Sensor : Size 228 O ring for
Slimline (3.75” OD) Sensor)
• Confirm feed through pin connectors (1 HV feed through – 2 x Thermocouple
feed through connections if J type thermocouple) are in good condition and
• Make up the I-wire boot connector to the Sensor HV feed through. Make sure not
to damage the wiring or feed through(s) during make up
• Confirm thermocouple polarity and make up the thermocouple wiring boot
connectors (two) to the two sensor feed through
• Orientate Sensor and mate to motor base taking care to avoid damage to I-wire /
Thermocouple wires and/or feeds-through during make up – Note that sensor
orientation is only applicable in the case of the E7 sensor where the discharge
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pressure port may require a specific orientation in relation to the motor pothead.
In the case of E6 sensor, orientation is unimportant
• Make up (6) bolts to motor base and torque to 28ftlb (Ensure spring washers are

• Test Sensor through motor pothead using run in hole test panel
• Heat windings area of motor and confirm Tm response on test panel to confirm
correct motor winding thermocouple polarity
• Repeat Megger and phase balance tests from motor pothead (megger positive to

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Operating Procedure - Sensor Function Test and Installation to



1.0 Work scope

1.1 This procedure is dedicated to function testing and installing a Zenith E-7 sensor to
the base of the ESP motor.

2.0 Aptitude and Responsibilities

2.1 The on site Oil Company Representative (Company Man) will be responsible for the
delegation of specific responsibilities for the function testing of the Zenith E-7 sensor
with the ESP assembly.

3.0 Sensor Deck Test

Confirm all tools and equipment to complete the install and function test are
1. DMC Crimp tool
2. Sensor Installation Kit (O ring, HV I-wire boot connector and crimp,
Thermocouple boot connectors and crimps if required)
3. Short J-type thermocouple (for test purposes only)
4. Zenith Test panel with display. (or PC/PDA)
5. Test panel power/signal cable
6. Appropriate RS232 connection to the PC/PDA if required
7. Megger
8. Fluke/Multimeter.
9. Hand pump with appropriate connectors for Pd test (E7 Sensor only)
10. Cup of hot water and a cloth.

3.1 Ensure motor and sensor are kept clean and dry during testing and installation
3.2 Remove the shipping cap from the sensor and visually inspect the power feed through
connection and thermocouple housing/thermocouple feeds-through (2) for any
damage. Confirm the Sensor serial number
3.3 Connect the megger set to 1000v or 2500V and test the integrity of the sensor.
Note: Ensure correct megger test bias (positive to ground). Discharge test
voltage through megger and confirm discharge before disconnecting megger


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3.4 Ensure the cables are fully discharged after Megger testing. Connecting a surface
panel to a charged system WILL damage the Zenith panel
3.5 Connect the Run-in-Hole test panel leads to the sensor.
ƒ POSITIVE Lead to the power feed through pin.
ƒ NEGATIVE Lead to the sensor body –
Ensure good earth path between Sensor and test panel
3.6 Connect a short J-type motor oil thermocouple (if available) to the thermocouple
positive and negative pins – Ensure correct polarity is maintained – Confirm with a
magnet if unsure – Positive wire should be magnetic
(Zenith Colour coding -BLACK – positive WHITE – negative)
3.7 Power up the run in whole test panel / sensor. Allow the sensor to cycle through the
readings- Allow 2- 3 cycles. before recording static data – Record all parameters (Pi,
Pd, Ti, Tm, Vx, Vz, Vt and Ct)
Note: RIH panel power supply can be either 120Vac or 240Vac.
3.8 Place a piece of sleeving over the thermocouple tip and immerse the (sleeved)
thermocouple tip in hot water –
Note: The thermocouple tip should NOT be allowed to come in contact with water or
even to become damp The sleeving should be used to prenent any water coming in
contact with the thermocouple– Thermocouple tips corrode readily in the presence of
3.9 For the probe type thermocouple, place a rag soaked in hot water around the
thermocouple tip and confirm a positive response (increase) in motor temperature is
observed. Remove the heat source and confirm that motor temperature reading returns
to ambient.
Note: Ensure the cloth is not in contact with the test lead pin of the sensor when it is
applied to the housing. Wear gloves at all times the water will be very hot.
3.10 Gently tap the sensor housing and confirm a vibration response
3.11 Confirm Vibration values return to zero after test
3.12 If facilities are available connect test pump to discharge pressure port and pressure up
to 3000psi to confirm Pd response.
3.13 Confirm Pd returns to atmospheric pressure after test
Note Steps 3.10 – 3.11 apply to E7 Sensor only
3.14 Record all test values (including response test data). Used as a benchmark during
installation and production.

4.0 Fit Boot Connectors

4.1 Lay out the lower motor in a clean dry area
4.2 Ensure sensor and motor are kept clean and dry when protective caps have been
4.1 Confirm Sensor orientation to motor/pothead – Mark pothead line across motor
4.2 Place a tray under the motor to catch any oil spills
4.3 Remove the shipping cap of the motor and unwind the I-wire and thermocouple
wiring. Pull wires through the motor base crossover and connect the motor base
crossover to motor. (If applicable)
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4.4 Cut the end of I-wire cable leaving approximately 120-150mm of clean straight cable
extending from the bottom of the motor
4.5 As far as possible separate the HV I wire and thermocouple wires
4.6 Remove the outer layer of the cable sleeve
Note: When cutting the outer sleeve ensure that the internal cable isolation is not cut
or damaged - this may lead to a short circuit and loss of communication with the
4.7 Install the rubber boot and white Teflon sleeve connection over the I-wire.
4.8 Remove 6mm of the inner isolation and make up the crimp to the I-wire
Normal Crimping tool set @ number 8/7. (12-14AWG wire)
4.9 Slide the rubber boot and Teflon sleeve carefully down to the crimp.
4.10 Using a small allen key or suitable feed through, push the crimp into the Teflon
sleeve, then push the crimp and Teflon sleeve fully into the rubber boot (Avoid using
a screwdriver or similar tool which may damage the crimp - Do not attempt to ‘pull’
the crimp into the boot and sleeve)
4.11 Cut the end of the thermocouple wires leaving approximately 120-150mm of clean
straight cable extending from the bottom of the motor
(Use the cut off wiring to confirm thermocouple wiring polarity)
4.12 Remove the outer insulation – Carefully un-wrap the insulation and separate the two
wires – Do not pull wires apart to ‘rip’ off tape as this will cause damage to the inner
4.13 Install the appropriate rubber boot and white Teflon sleeve on the first thermocouple
4.14 Remove 6mm of the inner sleeve and make up the crimp to the thermocouple wire
Normal Crimping tool set @ number 4/3. -20- 22AWG wire)
4.15 Slide the Rubber boot and Teflon sleeve carefully down to the crimp
4.16 Using a small allen key or suitable feed through, push the crimp into the Teflon
sleeve, then push the crimp and Teflon sleeve fully into the rubber boot (Avoid using
a screwdriver or similar tool which may damage the crimp - Do not attempt to ‘pull’
the crimp into the boot and sleeve)
4.17 Repeat for second thermocouple wire

5.0 Fit Sensor to Motor

5.1 Ensure motor and sensor are set level, are fully supported and that an adequate work
space is cleared around the motor base
5.2 Note: Feed through connectors can be easily damaged or broken should the sensor
slip during make up. It is essential that the Sensor is supported (and level) with the
motor during make up
5.3 Confirm Sensor discharge pressure sub orientation to motor/pothead (Applies to E7
sensor only)
5.4 Replace the Sensor O-ring – Grease the Sensor O ring with Silicone grease
5.5 Confirm thermocouple polarity
5.6 Fit the thermocouple boots onto the sensor thermocouple feed through pins. Ensure
connections are pushed completely down onto pins
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5.7 If a short Motor Oil Thermocouple is used it is recommended that an additional

Sensor check is carried out to confirm the Thermocouple connection polarity
(Confirm rise in Tm as the thermocouple tip is heated – See 3.8)
5.8 Fit the I-wire rubber boot onto the HV feed through pin of the sensor, ensure the
connection is pushed complete home onto the pin.
5.9 Get independent confirmation that thermocouple connection polarity is correct and
that the thermocouple and I wire connectors are pushed home fully
5.10 Feed excess wiring back through motor base crossover/bulkhead. Avoid running the
thermocouple wiring alongside the HV I wire – This may result in interference on the
temperature circuit.
5.11 Carefully bring Sensor up to motor base
5.12 Align sensor to motor/pothead as required. Grease Sensor O ring with Silicone grease
and mate up sensor/motor flanges
5.13 Confirm Sensor alignment (relative to Pothead and By-pass position) and bolt the
Sensor to the motor crossover with the 6 bolts supplied and torque to 28ftlb
5.14 Take care to avoid damage to Sensor O ring when making up to motor
5.15 Open motor pothead and test sensor through motor – During testing through Pothead
confirm vibration response. If facilities are available confirm Motor Temperature
response by heating the windings area if the Motor

6.0 Installation of Zenith Sensor with ESP Completion

6.1 Confirm that Sensor has been tested through Motor Pothead on deck.
6.2 Confirm sensor discharge pressure port orientation (if applicable) with reference to
motor pothead, to By-Pass or MLE clamp cable clips and to rig layout
6.3 Pick up ESP Motor with pre-installed Sensor on crane and tail in – Do not allow
Sensor to drag on deck
6.4 Wherever possible a bull nose/centraliser should be fitted to the base of the sensor
6.5 Set Motor in rotary. Build and service ESP as per procedures
6.6 Pull back to sensor and tie in discharge pressure line (E7 Sensor)
6.7 Ensure the discharge pressure connection and line remains within the ‘Y-Tool
shadow’ – Wherever possible bring the discharge pressure line connection close to the
by-pass tubing to provide maximum protection
6.8 With the use of an oil filled hydraulic hand pump, flush through the discharge
pressure line
6.9 Tighten the up Swagelok/Parker A Lok connection and make up to sensor discharge
pressure port connector – Do not overtighten connection as per Swageloc/Parker A
Loc recommendations (tighten nut 1 ¼ turns from hand tight – Do not under/over
6.10 Pressure test discharge pressure line to 2-3000psi and hold for 5 minutes – Confirm
no leak from connection – Bleed off pressure – Pressure test values may vary
depending on individual customer requirements and expected pump differential –
However do not exceed maximum working pressure of Sensor

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6.11 Run in hole to pothead fitting clamps or banding as appropriate – Ensure discharge
pressure line is kept tight across Motor and protected from damage (E7 Sensor) –
Maintain a straight run with the discharge pressure line across the ESP assembly
6.12 Tie in Pothead and test Sensor through MLE with the appropriate Run In Hole test
6.13 Apply pressure to discharge pressure line – Confirm discharge pressure response
through test panel (See 6.10)
6.14 Bleed off pressure and ensure discharge pressure reading drops back to atmospheric
6.15 Continue to run in hole building the ESP assembly. Maintain a straight run with
discharge pressure line across ESP assemblies - Fit clamps or band as appropriate to
secure and protect MLE and discharge pressure line to prevent any slack on discharge
pressure line or MLE
6.16 Run in hole to discharge pressure sub
6.17 Ensure the discharge pressure sub is appropriately orientated where the discharge
pressure line will sit close to the by-pass tubing and within the Y-Tool and/or clamp
shadow offering maximum protection to the control line
6.18 Carefully measure up discharge pressure line and cut to appropriate length.

NOTE – care is required when cutting the discharge pressure line for the top
connection – Cut too short and the connection cannot be made to the discharge
pressure line – Cut too long and the discharge pressure line will be slack with
potential for damage during run in hole

6.19 Prepare the discharge pressure line for Swagelok/Parker A Lok termination –
6.20 Ensure a clean straight cut of the hydraulic line – De-burr the cut taking care to ensure
no swarf enters the tube
6.21 Slide the connector nut, back up ring and ferrule over the tube – Ensure each item is
installed in the correct order and direction
6.22 It is recommended that the connection is first made up to a ‘spare’ Swageloc/Parker A
Loc nipple in a horizontal position rather than attempting to make the connection
vertically, direct to the discharge pressure sub connector
6.23 Slide the tube into the connector nipple – Ensure the line is pushed fully home and
butts against the connector nipple shoulder
6.24 Slide the ferrule and back up ring up to the nipple seat
6.25 Make up the nut hand tight
6.26 With the tube pushed fully into the nipple and seated on the nipple shoulder, make up
the nut 1 ¼ turns (for ¼” line) – DO NOT over/under tighten
6.27 Break open the connection and check the make up – In particular confirm that the
tube did not slip out from the nipple shoulder during make up. – Note after successful
the compressed ferrule will be free to rotate around the tube – The ferrule MUST
NOT move laterally along the length of the tube
6.28 Connect the hydraulic test pump and pressure test the discharge pressure line to 2-
3000psi for 5 minutes (see 6.10) to confirm this top connection – Monitor discharge
pressure response on run in hole test panel during test
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6.29 Bleed off pressure and confirm monitored pressure drops accordingly
6.30 Disconnect the test pump and re-check the connection
6.31 Connect discharge pressure line to discharge pressure sub – Ensure the discharge
pressure line is adequately protected – Band if necessary
6.32 Continue to run in hole with ESP completion
6.33 Run in hole slowly through any obstructions

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7.0 Testing Sensor during Run in Hole

7.1 Regular cable integrity (phase to phase and phase to ground) and Sensor testing
should be carried out during run in hole. The frequency of testing will depend on
client requirements – however normal procedure is to test every 1 – 2 hours.
7.2 It is essential that a good earth path exists between the test panel and Sensor – Care
must be taken when testing through a pigtail and a moulded penetrator where a good
earth path may not exist across the penetrator
7.3 Testing is carried out by connecting the Run-in-Hole test lead positive to (one) ESP
cable phase and negative to earth (cable armour)
7.4 Megger testing should always be carried out in conjunction with Sensor testing
• Positive to ground
• Negative to Phase.
7.5 The ESP cable MUST always fully discharged after megger testing This should be
done using a Fluke meter. The ESP cable must be discharged before connecting to the
run in hole test panel – Failure to do so will damage the test panel
7.6 Record date, time and depth (joint number) of each test. Record all parameters
7.7 Check against previous data for any apparent anomalies (e.g. sudden sharp change in
megger reading, unexpected parameter data etc)
7.8 Continue to carry out regular testing during run in hole. Test before and after each

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Section 7 - Run in Hole Test Panel

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Run-In-Hole Test Panel

Positive Test Lead to

Sensor HV Feedthru
Zenith Mk 2Sensor

Negative Test Lead

to Sensor Housing
Test (EARTH)

Zenith Mk2 Run In

Test Panel Power
Hole Test Panel c/w
Supply 110v/240v

Figure I – Zenith Run-in-Hole test panel arrangement

The run in hole panel connects to the Zenith Mk 2 Sensor via the two wire test lead for deck
testing (or to one phase of the ESP power cable for run in hole Sensor testing)
Connection is made positive lead (red) to Sensor feed through (phase cable) negative (black)
to Sensor body (cable armour or suitable earth point)

The Mk 2 system ZSP can also be used to communicate with and test the Zenith Mk 2 Sensor
through an in-line Mk 2 Zenith Surface Choke – An artificial Y point should be made across
the three choke fuses

The Mk 2 system ZSP (production panel) is a two wire system (line and ground) and can also
(normally) be connected directly to the sensor for testing purposes –

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Occasionally however, low resistance wiring will result in poor or no communication with
the a Sensor when connected directly to the ZSP – This issue is easily resolved by
introducing an in-line Gyrator circuit (resistor) to the positive connection –
The gyrator simply simulates the effect of the Surface Choke, introducing a greater resistance
on the test lead
If a Gyrator circuit is not available then the simple alternative is to carry out the testing
through the Mk 2 Surface Choke

A good earth path between RIH panel and Sensor is essential for
the data return path from Sensor to the test panel
Probably the most common problem encountered during Sensor and run in hole testing is a
poor earth path between the sensor and test panel.

A common error is to use cable armour for the earth connection where a moulded penetrator
is incorporated in the cable – Frequently the earth path across the penetrator via armour is
poor or non existent until such time as the penetrator is actually installed in the hanger/packer
penetrator sleeve – This problem is regularly seen in MLE cables with moulded penetrator
where the MLE is being spooled off a wooden drum.
The solution to this problem is simply to ensure that the test panel earth connection is made
to the cable armour on the down side of the penetrator (between penetrator and sensor)

When testing a Sensor with Run in Hole panel (or ZSP) then the connection is made either
direct to Sensor or via the ESP power/MLE cable and testing through motor windings and Y
This test is done in forward bias –
• Test lead Line (positive) to sensor HV feed through
• Test lead Chassis (Negative) to Sensor Body

When Megger testing a system with a Zenith Sensor attached

then reverse polarity bias must be adopted –
• Megger positive to ground
• Megger negative to phase.

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Using a Mk 2 system ZSP as a Test Panel

Zenith Mk 2
system ZSP
Zenith Mk 2 Sensor

Line to Sensor
Feed through

Chassis to Sensor Body

Single Twisted Pair plus
Choke to ZSP Signal cable

ESP Board Cable Pair Sensor Connection

Pin 1 Blue Sensor HV feed through
Pin 2 Black Sensor Body
Pin 3 Linked to pin 4
Pin 4 Linked to pin 3
Pin 5 Screen OR to Gnd – Connect Screen at one end only
Pin 6
Note :
1 – Interface Board Pin 3 to 4 link must be in place to allow Tool Voltage to be read
2 – The Mk 2 ZSP can normally be connected directly to Sensor (by-passing Choke) for
testing purposes – It may however be necessary to include a Gyrator circuit (resistor)
on the signal cable line feed (blue) to simulate Surface Choke (or to test through the
choke itself)

Using a ZSP as test panel (without Surface Choke)

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Using a Mk 2 system ZSP and Zenith Surface Choke as Test Panel

Zenith Mk 2
system ZSP

Single Twisted Zenith Mk 2 system

Pair plus Screen
HV Surface Choke
Choke to ZSP
Signal cable Temporary Y Point across
Choke Fuses
(for test purposes only)

Zenith Mk 2 Sensor

Earth connection from

Sensor to Choke Panel

ESP Board Cable Pair HV Choke

Pin 1 Blue Line
Pin 2 Black Chassis
Pin 3 Linked to pin 4
Pin 4 Linked to pin 3
Pin 5 Screen OR to Gnd – Connect Screen at one end only
Pin 6
Note :
1 – Interface Board Pin 3 to 4 link must be in place to allow Tool Voltage to be read
2 – The Mk 2 ZSP can normally be connected directly to Sensor (by-passing Choke) for
testing purposes – It may be necessary to include a Gyrator circuit (resistor) on the
signal cable line feed (blue) to simulate Surface Choke

Using a ZSP as test panel with Surface Choke

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Section 8 - Troubleshooting and System


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Trouble shooting - System Diagnostics

Trouble shooting diagnostics is limited on the Zenith Mk 2 system to primarily monitoring
Vt (Tool Voltage) and Ct (Tool Current)
• On power up an unconnected ZSP should show Vt around 120V with Ct reading zero
– note however this tool voltage will only be displayed if the interface board link on
pins 3 to 4 is in place

• .If the ZSP display shows zero on all parameters of initial power up, there are several
1. Pin 3-4 link not in place (insert link)
2. Port 1 Mode not set – Port 1 mode must be set to MMIC mode – this is a
factory configured set up and normally operators will not have access to
change mode – On older versions of ZSP software, Port 1 was not locked and
it has been known for this configuration to have been accidentally changed in
the field (if access to Port 1 is not allowed – contact Zenith)
3. Confirm ZSP Port 1 wiring from ESP interface board to display board (see
appendix for wiring schematic)
4. Confirm power supply – Confirm 24V output from PSU to both interface card
and display board

• Once the ZSP operation has been confirmed the system can then be connected (via
surface Choke to the down hole Sensor and rebooted.

• On power up it may take 1 or 2 minutes to start getting data on screen – The first
parameters to be seen will be Ct and Vt.- It will then usually take another minute
before down hole data is returned
Again Vt will be approximately 120V (normally 1-2volts less than the value with no
tool connected)
Ct should normally read between 9.5 to 10.5mA. Ct may initially increase to 13 to
15mA for 1 or 2 readings as the panel establishes communication with the tool before
dropping back to 9.5 to 10.5 mA
If Ct remains very low then this is indicative of a down hole system fault (an open
circuit is suggested if Ct remains low whilst Vt stays around 120V
If Ct shows a continuously high reading then this would suggest a down hole ground
If Vt drops (with possibly an increase in Ct) then this again could suggest adown hole
system ground fault

• A drop in Vt may also indicate a problem with the ZSP voltage regulator – If possible
try to test the down hole system with another panel

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Section 9 - Appendix

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Mounting Schematic for Zenith Surface Choke – Mk 2

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Mounting Schematic for ZSP

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ZSP Wiring Diagram – Mark 2 System


R-NET Port

Mark 2 System ZSP Wiring Diagram

NOTE:- Engineers E Net cable connects to the E Net Port (Under Analogue ribbon
cable NOT to the R-Net Port as shown in this drawing

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Discharge Pressure Sub - Threaded

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Discharge Pressure Sub - Flanged

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