Questions For Home Assessment

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Part A

Q.No.1 Explain about the different steps of scientific research.

Q.No.2 write the importance literature review research? Write possible sources of literature of Land and
water management related research?
Q.No.3 Write different steps involve in mobile base data collection using kobotoolbox.
Q.No.4 What is research problem? Define the main issues which should receive the attention of the
researcher in formulating the research problem. Give suitable examples to elucidate your points.
Q.No.5 “Research is much concerned with proper fact finding, analysis and evaluation.” Do you agree with
this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Q.No.6 Explain about the main components of scientific research article? How can you write the
acceptable abstract from your research paper?
Q.No.7 What is literature review? How do you structure the literature review? Explain
Q.No.9 Briefly describe the different steps involved in a research process.
Q.No.10 Describe the characteristics of good sampling design.
Q.No.11 Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of primary and secondary data.
Q.No.12 What is research problem? Define the main issues which should receive the attention of the
researcher in formulating the research problem. Give suitable examples to elucidate your points.
Q.No.13 Explain the meaning and significance of a Research design.
Q.No.14. What is difference between theoretical and conceptual frame work?
Q.No.15 Discuss the importance of conceptual frame work in research process? Develop the one conceptual
frame work.
Q.No.16 Write short notes on a) probability and sampling and non-probability sampling.
Q.No.17. At what condition Stratified sampling should be applied?
Q.No18. Distinguish between Qualitative and Quantitative research
Q.No.19. What Is Sampling, and What Role Does It Play in scientific research?

Part B

Q.No1. The research used a case study approach to understand the interaction process existing between
FUGs and WUGs and to explore opportunities for integrating their activities at the catchment
level. Two catchments within the Gandaki River Basin in western Nepal. Problems and User group
are shown below. Study the given chart carefully and answer the following question
Source :WECS 2005 “integrated Management of Water, Forest and Land Resources in Nepal: Opportunities for Improved Livelihood”

a) Explain the conflict/problem user group wise.

b) Is there any problem similarities between groups?
c) In your opinion which is more serious problem why?
d) As expert any one suggestion to solve problem of each conflict/problem
Q.No2. The weight of cabbage growing in two different plots one in plot using conventional fertilizer and
one with using urine as fertilizer is given below, a suitable null cabbage. We might well expect a
difference between cabbages growing in different plots. Test Hypothesis would be that there is no
difference in weight between the two plots
Weight of
human urine
t-value for( =5%, d.f=17) = 1.70 for one tail, 2.11 for two tail

Q. No3. A certain Municipality wants to test Lead concentration in ground water of municipality For this
purpose, engineer of municipality collated water samples and send to three different laboratories
the final report of lead concentrating(Mg/L) as shown below, study the report in detail and answer
the following questions :
Table 1

95% Confidence Interval for

Std. Mean Minimum Maximum
N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
Laboratory 1 10 4.3000 .90431 .28597 3.6531 4.9469 3.00 5.50
Laboratory 2 10 3.9700 .43982 .13908 3.6554 4.2846 3.00 4.50
Laboratory 3 10 4.4600 .64153 .20287 4.0011 4.9189 3.60 5.30
Total 30 4.2433 .69614 .12710 3.9834 4.5033 3.00 5.50


Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.249 2 .624 1.316 .285
Within Groups 12.805 27 .474
Total 14.054 29
Figure 1

Table 2

a) How many samples were collected?

b) Explain the reports of three laboratories in detail from table 1.
c) Explain figure 2
d) Study table 2, did you find there is any significance difference in report of three laboratories?
give your justification.
e) Test cost is less in the laboratories 1, for test next time what is your suggestion for
municipality and why?

Q.No4. In a study of water demand and family size of certain Municipality found as follows:

Family size 3 3 2
Water demand 2.5 1.75 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.50 3.5 4.0 4.5 100.0 2.0 3.0
per/day (00 liters)

a) Use appropriate graph to study relationship between family size and water demand.
b) Study the graph explain what you found?
c) If you want to general trend of water demand with family size what is your suggestion.
d) Compute the correlation between family size and water demand.
e) Draw your conclusion of this study

Q.No.5. In lab test of compressive strengths of 40 test cubes of concrete made by certain company the mean
and standard deviation were found 60.14 and 5.02 N/mm 2, respectively. We also assume that the
compressive strengths are normally distributed.
a) Develop the 95% interval of mean of compressive strength the cubes.
b) If the standard value of compressive strength of Cubes 62N/mm 2. Did the cubes made by that
company meet the standard value? Use hypothesis test at 95% confidence level.
Q.N0.6. Extremely low limits now exist for mercury in wastewater effluent limits. It is often thought that
whenever the concentration of heavy metals is too high, the problem can be corrected by forcing
industries to stop discharging the offending substance. It is possible, however, for target effluent
concentrations to be so low that they might be exceeded by the concentration in domestic
sewage. Specimens of drinking water were collected from two residential neighborhoods, one
served by the city water supply and the other served by private wells. Study report are given
below and give following answers:
a) Explain detail table 1
b) Study table 2 and given this answer> Is there any difference in the mercury content of the two
residential areas?
c) AS WHO standard If the maximum limit of mercury in drinking is 2 g/L water. As expert, Is
there any action need for mercury concentration?
Table 1
Group Statistics
Location N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Mercury Concentrations City water supply 13 .1569 .08440 .02341
(g/L) Private water supply 10 .1510 .08736 .02763
Table 2
Independent Samples Test
95% Confidence Interval
Std. Error of the Difference
df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Difference Lower Upper
.164 21 .871 .00592 .03604 -.06903 .08087

Q.No7. Operations. The maintenance division says that at least 40% of alarms at pump stations are urgent
and uses this claim to support a request for increased staffing. Management collected data on the
alarms and found that only 49 of 150 were urgent and that staffing was adequate to service these.
Can the null hypothesis p ≥ 0.40 be rejected at the 95% level of probability? Z= 1.96

Q.No8 The water vapor capacity table per one cubic foot of air at different temperature is given in the
table below
a) plot the graph and calculate the correlation coefficient,
b) draw your conclusion
Q.No9 Repot on the average water supply by the Alokhiti project per day of sample of 70 household are
given below studding the report below following answer.
One-Sample Statistics

Std. Error
N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
Quantity of water 70 2.00 .901 .108

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 150

95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Quantity of water -1374.489 69 .000 -148.000 -148.21 -147.79

a) How much water getting per day per house hold ?

b) Is this distribution is homogeneous?
c) If as National level per house per day mean requirement is 150 litters. Does this group getting
as national level draw your conclusion at 5% level of significant.
Q.No.10. Plinth area and height of 10 houses of kirtipur Municipality are as follows:

Plinth area(m2) 100 115 135 200 180 190 200 180
Height of house(m) 10 11 14 25 21 16 15 16

a) Is there any relation between plinth area and Height of house, If relation exist find the strength
and direction of relation.

Q.No.11 Kathmandu metropolitan City recorded the heights of residential buildings in residential
zone of ward No. 6 to find whether residential buildings have maintained their height in
according to rule or not. It was found that their average height was 35 feet and the
standard deviation was 9 feet. If there is rule of not exceeding 38 feet the height of
building are Normally distributed. Estimate how many buildings were violated the rule
among 600 residences in that ward? Also find the number of houses between 36 ft to
40 ft.
Q.No12. To study calorie intake per day among children of 4 dalit group of Lahan district, a
researcher Collected the following data. Is it sufficiently say that the calorie intake is
significantly differ in these three 4 group? Develop rating of calorie intake by plotting
the mean graph.
cast Kcal/day
Chamar 1.11 1.31 1.42 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.4
Harijan 1.11 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.3
Dom 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 .9 1.3 1.4 1.0
Q.No.13 Biratnager Sub metropolitan city made the different awareness activities against the
cholera in city area and program officer wants To test the effectiveness of
inoculation against cholera and he obtained the following information:
Attacked Not attacked

Inoculated 12 125
Not inoculated 30 120
The figure represents the number of person. Could we say campaign effective?
Q.No.14 A INGO launched the awareness program to reduce the effect of disaster two district Sunsari and
Bake. The project launched survey 1200 person form the affected area before and after the
project launched in ach district. And data are found as follows.

Number of people surveyed

People having Knowledge of disaster prepared ness

Does this data indicate support that effectiveness of the two district is same. Test it at 5% level of
Q.No.15 A Solid waste management project was conducted in two towns, one in Kathmandu and other in
Lalitpur average waste produced per day per household. And to study the difference of solid
waste generation difference between two town 150 and 150 household were randomly selected
and average and standard deviation waste generation per day
per house were found as follows.
Number of HH mean Standard deviation
Kathmandu 150 4.2 kg 1.5 kg
Lalitpur 150 3.6 0.8 kg
Is this evidence is sufficient to say that there is significant differences in solid generation pattern in
two city?
Q.No.16 A planner working on Jimruk Puthan to implement education program. She collected baseline
survey and report found was found as follows. Study the following graph and table and give
following answers.
Education sex
Attainment of Male Female
Population age 6
& Above
Literate without
school going
Class 1 to 5
Class 6 - 10
SLC pass
B.A.Pass and above

a) What is current situation of this area in context of education?

b) Studding this situation what is your suggestion to improve education of this area.
Q.No17. A development project launched different income generating program in a certain village to
improve economic status of community, the project duration is 2 year. To check the project impact
the organization generates baseline information of income and end line income after 2 year. After
processing the data following report are generated. Analyzing the report give the following answer.

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Baseline 20.7714 7 3.47117 1.31198
End line 23.5714 7 4.88560 1.84658

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.
Paired Samples Test Baseline and End line 7 .894 .007
Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-
Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence tailed)
Deviation Mean Interval of the
Lower Upper
Baseline - end
Pair 1 -2.80000 2.36573 .89416 -4.98793 -.61207 3.131 6 .020
a) How many samples were collected for this research?
b) What is relation between base line and end line?
c) Is this project successful project, why? Explain in detail.
d) What is your recommendation if government wants to implement this type of program in
similar other place?
Q.N.18. Study the following graph, explain scenario of disaster in Nepal in 2013 draw your conclusion.
Make your plan for next year to minimize the effect disaster for coming year.

Source: Nepal disaster report 2013

Q.No19 There are 3500 plots along the Koshi River in Sunsari district. The erosion is likely to be
happened every monsoon season along the River bank due to high flood. For the flood effect
analysis 200 plots are selected randomly and categorized into two groups below or equal 2 Kattha
Plots and above 2 kattha plots. And found that out of 200 plots, 45 plots were lost with size more
than 2 kattha.
(i) Now estimate at 95% level of confidence the proportion of the land loss more than 2 kattha.
Also calculate the marginal error and identify upper and lower household numbers that are
affected by flood.
(ii) If Government wants to provide compensation Rs.5000.00 per household, at least what
amount should be allocated in coming budget by government?
Q.No.20. An environmental expert working on the soil conservation by biotechnical method She planted
three different types of plant to test the strength of root on soil and she found the following data.
i) find mean and standard deviation for each plant ?
ii) Does she get any difference in root strength on type of plant, test it at 5 level of significant.

Plant type A(kg)

Plant type B(kg)
Plant type C(kg)

Q.No.21 Rootstock of varieties A and B was tested for resistance to nematode intrusion. An A and a B were
planted side by side in each of ten widely separated locations. At the conclusion of the experiment,
all roots were brought into the laboratory for a nematode count. The results are recorded in the
following table.
. Location

Variety A
Variety B

Can it be said that varieties A and B significantly higher in their resistant to nematode intrusion?

Q.No.22 Accident occurring at project site is increasing dramatically in Nepal, To minimize the accident
Ministry of infrastructure development planning to study the factors behind this, How many
project sites must be surveyed in order to be 95% confident that the sample percentage is in error by
no more than four percentage points? Suppose Total project sites running all over Nepal is 5500.
List of Formula
Normal table.pdf chi square ANOVA table.pdf


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