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Project 1 Comp 2410 30% Final Grade /60

You are teaching a computer course, Comp 101, at Durham College. You have 10 students in your
class as per the Project 1 Starter file. You must create an excel workbook that will allow you to see
how all of your students are doing as a group and individually. For your reference I have attached 2
screen shots of my finished Project (Student View.jpg and Grades.jpg) to the Project 1 folder in DC
Connect. All functions used must either have been functions we have used in class or have talked about
using in class. NO Marks will be given for functions that we have not discussed. Ask me if unsure!
This workbook is going to have macros so when you open it and save it for the first time, save it as a
Macro Enabled workbook. If you don’t do this your macros will not exist after saving and reopening
the workbook.
1. Rename the worksheets {1 Mark}: so that Sheet 1 is Student View, Sheet 2 is Grades and Sheet
3 is Data. Create a unique & custom tab colour for each.
2. Naming Ranges {4 Marks}: The GRADES worksheet contains all student’s 4 digit user id, first
name, last name, their raw lab grades and quite a few empty columns that you will need to create
formulas and functions in. When I refer to “raw” grades on the GRADES worksheet I am referring
to what each student received on a lab out of whatever that lab was worth, NOT their percentages
for that lab. For example, Shannon’s Lab 1 raw grade is 14 (cell D5) out of 15 (cell D3). You will
eventually have to create formulas and functions in all the blank columns of the grades worksheet
but in order to do this you will need to create range names on this worksheet.
a) To start, every single column from A to AF needs to be named using only rows 5 to 14 in each
column. Use the labels from row 4 as the name for each range. For example, A5:A14 would be
named “User_ID”, B5:B14 would be named “Last_Name”, and so on until AF5:AF14 that will
be named “Grade_Comment”.
b) Name the range A5:AF14 to DATA_YOURINITIALS. For example, my name is Ron Simcoe
and my range would be named “DATA_RS”
c) On the Student View worksheet, name cell A2 to “Student_ID_YOURINITIALS”. For
example, my name is Ron Simcoe and my range would be named “Student_ID_RS”. Next on
the Student View worksheet name A16 to “SV_FLG”, N2 to “SV_P1G”, N6 to “SV_QG” and
finally N14 to “SV_P2G”
d) On the Data worksheet, name the range E11:G19 “Letter_Comment_YOURINITIALS”. For
example, my name is Ron Simcoe and my range would be named “Letter_Comment_RS”.
e) Do NOT name any other cell or range on any worksheet other than what is asked for above.
3. Using Range Names {2 Marks}: Every single formula and function created in this project MUST
use the range names you created in step 2 above if possible, UNLESS specifically stated otherwise.
GRADES WORKSHEET (Do not change any columns widths or row heights here)
4. Lab Formulas {2 Marks}: Create formulas for Labs 1-9 so that they represent each lab grade as a
percentage. When creating these formulas, you will take each student’s raw grade (Use range
names for these) and divide it by the total raw grade for that lab (Do NOT use range names for the
total raw grade). For example, start in cell M5, to calculate Shannon’s Lab 1 grade as a percentage,
I would take her Lab 1 Raw grade in cell D5 and divide it by D3. When done, format the cell as a
percentage with 1 decimal and copy this formula down the column so that it works for every single
student and then repeat for Lab 2 and then Lab 3 and so on until you have formulas for every single
Lab. Note, that I asked you not to use a range name when referencing the total raw grade (D3 in
Project 1 Comp 2410 30% Final Grade /60
my example above). You will absolutely need to use another method to ensure that cell D3 (and all
other lab raw totals) do not change when you copy the formula down the column.
5. Labs Not Done: {2 Marks}: Create a function in cell V5 (Remember, this must be a function we
have used in this course!) to determine the number of Labs Not Done for Labs 1-9 for Shannon.
For the sake of this question, assume that any grade of 0 on Labs 1-9 (M5:U5) is a lab that is not
done. When done, format the cell to number with no decimals and copy it down the column so that
it works for every student. You must figure out what function to use here!
6. Highest Lab Grade {1 Mark}: Create a function in cell W5 to determine the Highest Lab Grade
(think maximum) in the range (M5:U5) for each student, format it as a percentage with no
decimals, and copy it down the column so it works for each student. You must figure out what
function to use here! We talked about this function but didn’t use it in a lab.
7. Lowest Lab Grade {1 Mark}: Create a function in cell X5 to determine the Lowest Lab Grade
(think minimum) in the range (M5:U5) for each student, format it as a percentage with no
decimals, and copy it down the column so it works for each student. You must figure out what
function to use here! We talked about this function but didn’t use it in a lab.
8. Final Lab Grade {3 Marks}: We now have all the information necessary to calculate each
student’s Final Lab Grade in cell Y5. To determine the final lab grade, if they have completed all
their labs (remember we assume labs not done are =0%), they get to drop their lowest lab so we
add up all their labs and deduct the lowest one and divide the answer by 8 (Remember BEDMAS),
otherwise we average all 9 labs. Format the result as a percentage with 1 decimal, copy it down and
make sure it works for all students.
9. Current Grade Percentage {2 Marks}: Use a simple formula to determine each students Current
Grade Percentage in cell AC5 (NOTE: They have not yet done Project 2 so this calculation gives
them their current percentage without using Project 2). This class uses the following criteria to
calculate their Current Grade Percentage. Project 1 is worth 30%, Labs are worth 40%, Quizzes are
worth 10% (Project 2 is worth 20% but will not be used in this calculation). We can calculate their
current grade by multiplying their Project 1 Grade by 30% plus their Final Labs Grade by 40%
plus their Quizzes grade by 10% and then dividing the result by 80%. Make sure the first part of
the formula is calculated separately before dividing by 80% so you will need to use BEDMAS in
this calculation. The result should be formatted as a percentage with 1 decimal. Copy it down the
column and make sure it works for all students.
10. Need to Pass {4 Marks}: Use a function to determine the Need to Pass in cell AD5. This is the
most difficult question on the project and will require a bit of thinking. Need to Pass represents the
percentage each student requires on Project 2 (the unfinished project) to pass the course. It’s
possible that many students have a high enough grade that they have already passed the course,
regardless of what they get on Project 2. I have made sure that all of our fictional students have a
chance at passing if they do well on Project 2. So, we shall approach this question in the following
manner. If they have already passed the course, output the text “Already Passed”, otherwise output
the percentage they need on Project 2 in order to pass. The result should be formatted as a
percentage with 1 decimal. Copy it down the column and make sure it works for all students.
a) Step 1 is to figure out if they have already passed. In Q9 we figured out their current grades as
a percentage that excluded Project 2. So if we take this calculation and multiply it by 80%, if
the result is at least 50%, then we have already passed the course.
b) Step 2 is to figure out how to calculate the Percentage needed on Project 2 to pass if they
haven’t already passed. What is a pass? It’s 50% (or 0.5) so we take 50% and deduct what
Project 1 Comp 2410 30% Final Grade /60
their current grade is out of 80%. Whatever this number is, we divide it by 20% (what
Project 2 is out of) and the answer is what they need on Project 2 to pass.
c) Be consistent within this function. Use either decimals or percentages but not both.
11. Grade Letter {4 Marks}: Use a Nested If function in cell AE5 to determine the Grade Letter of
each student based on their Current Grade Percentage. Note that all the information you need to
figure this out is on the DATA worksheet. For example, a student who has a final grade of 58%
would get a letter grade of D+, a final grade of 74% gets them a letter grade of B, and so on
according to the information on the DATA worksheet. When done, surround this function with an
IFError function so that if there is an error message, it doesn’t show. Finally, copy the result down
the column and make sure it works for each student. (NOTE: Don’t reference the cells on the
DATA worksheet just use the sheet to figure out what to add to the function).
12. Grade Comment {3 Marks}: Use a Vlookup function in cell AF5 to determine the grade
comment of each student based on their Current Grade Percentage. Note that all the information
you need to figure this out is on the DATA worksheet. For example, a student who has a final
grade of 58% would get a grade comment of “Needs Improvement”, a final grade of 74% gets them
a comment of “Fair Work” and so on according to the information on the DATA worksheet. You
MUST use range names for both the Lookup_Value and the Table_Array. When done, surround
this function with an IFError function so that if there is an error message, it doesn’t show. When
done, copy the result down the column and make sure it works for each student.
13. All Student Assessment Averages {2 Marks}: Use the bottom row (row 15) to calculate the
AVERAGES for all students per each column of data from column D (Lab 1 Raw) through
column AC (Current Grade Percentage). Format the averages to the same format the student’s
results are in.
14. Conditional Formatting {4 Marks}: Use conditional formatting in ALL the ranges you created
formulas and functions in except for the averages in row 15. The formatting you choose MUST
bring the viewers’ attention to students who are not doing very well in each calculation. Use either
Highlight Cell Rules and/or Top Bottom Rules (No Data Bars or Colour Scales). The colours you
choose MUST be Custom. Use at least 3 different rules.
15. Freeze Panes {1 Mark}: Freeze panes so that only the first 2 columns are frozen.
STUDENT VIEW (Do NOT change any column widths or row heights here)
16. Vlookups & Cell References {6 Marks}: Now that all the hard calculations are done we can go to
the STUDENT VIEW worksheet and get it ready to pull the information we created on the
GRADES worksheet. Most of the cells filled with grey will need either a Vlookup function or a
cell reference. Let’s assume a student wants to know how they are doing in your course. We want
to be able to show them a worksheet with ONLY their information on it. The easiest way to do this
is by entering a valid Student ID into cell A2 on the STUDENT VIEW worksheet (All valid
Student ID’s are located in column A on the GRADES worksheet in the range A5:A14 (Note: I
have added the Student ID of Shannon into cell A2 to start). All vlookup functions will use the
Student ID in cell A2 as its Lookup_value. Remember that we have already named cell A2 on the
STUDENT VIEW in STEP 2c above. All vlookup functions will use the student information on
GRADES worksheet as its Table_array. Remember you already created a name for the
Table_array in STEP 2b above. Now you just need to know the column you want to pull data
from. Because there are so many columns on the GRADES worksheet, I would suggest you add
some numbers that correspond to each column. A17:AF17 on the GRADES worksheet is a good
Project 1 Comp 2410 30% Final Grade /60
place to do this and it will definitely help you out. Finally make sure your Range_lookup is correct.
When done, surround this function with an IFError function so that if there is an error message, it
doesn’t show. When you are done creating your first vlookup function, make sure it works and then
just copy this function to all the other grey cells that pull student specific data, change the column
index number to whatever column you are pulling from and then format the cell accordingly based
on the data you pull. All cells with percentages should be formatted to percentage NO decimals,
Numbers to numbers with NO decimals. Your Vlookups will work because you have used range
names for both the lookup value and the table array. Verify all your Vlookups use the correct
columns and range lookups! Calculations that pull the class averages will need a simple cell
reference to the GRADES worksheet where that calculation is done. For example, in cell D3 on the
STUDENT VIEW (Lab 1 Class Average), we only need to reference cell M15 on the GRADES
worksheet. This will never change even if we are looking at another student’s information.
17. Final Grade {1 Mark} The only thing now remaining is the Final Grade Calculation in cell N16.
Use a formula that calculates the students final grade using the cells you named in Step 2c.
Project 1 is worth 30%, Labs are worth 40%, Quizzes are worth 10% and Project 2 is worth 20%.
Project 2’s cell is empty but if we use it in the calculation we can now see what each students final
grade would be depending on how they do in Project 2. To test it out, add a grade to N14 and see
what happens to the final grade calculation. This is a percentage so format it as a percentage with
no decimals.
18. Chart {5 Marks}: Add a 2D clustered column chart on the STUDENT VIEW worksheet in the
range C5:L23. This chart will compare the current student’s Labs 1-9 grades against the class
average grades from Labs 1-9. Format the chart as follows.
a) Add a fill to the chart area (Your choice of colour) and add a border around it.
b) Add a chart title “Lab Comparison (You V.S. Class Average)”.
c) Change the default text colour to black and increase the font size for all values and labels to
make sure all text stands out.
d) Change gridlines colour to black to ensure it stands out.
e) Change the default colour of the series for the student to a custom colour.
f) Max bounds must be 100%
19. MACROS {5 Marks}. Go back to the GRADES worksheet and
a) Create 10 Macros (1 for each student) that will simply move to the STUDENT VIEW
worksheet and populate cell A2 with each student’s ID. Create a button for each macro and
place it over the USER ID for each student in column A (on the GRADES worksheet) with
the text changed to reflect the student user id the macro is created for. All buttons should be
the same size and aligned and distributed evenly with each other. For example, in cell A5 there
should be a button with the text 1001 that when clicked will take you to the STUDENT
VIEW worksheet, A2 on the worksheet will change to that student number and you can now
see all the info for that student.
b) Create 2 Macros and assign them to 2 buttons under the chart that change the format/details
of the chart to reflect something different than the default view. I leave the details up to you.
Make sure your buttons are aligned top. For example, your macros could change the chart
types, or they could change the format of the chart…and so on. Buttons should be 0.5 inches
tall by 2.5 inches wide and have their font resized to 20.
20. Format the Student View, {4 Marks}
Project 1 Comp 2410 30% Final Grade /60
a) Add at least 2 fill colours to all cells in the range A1:V50 on the page to provide good contrast
with the data and the labels. You may have as many different fill colours as you want but make
it look nice.
b) You may change the cell alignments but do not change the font type or size. You may add
additional borders as long as the borders do NOT change the size of row or column.
c) Add at least 2 pictures that are identical in size and aligned with each other (your choice of
pictures but make sure they are appropriate to the content)
d) Add WordArt at the bottom labelled “Computers for Science and Engineering Comp 2410”
e) Overall look of the sheet, do the colours contrast and blend well, alignment, etc.
21. Data Validation and Sheet Protection {3 Marks} You must use data validation on the
STUDENT VIEW in cell A2 so that it pulls from a list of available student numbers. Next, make
sure that only cell A2 can be selected on this sheet and ensure that no one can make changes to the
structure of the workbook. (NO PASSWORDS for either of these protections please).
22. Change between student ID’s in cell A2 and watch how your STUDENT VIEW changes
everything on the page. Verify that all your functions return the correct data in the correct format.
23. Make sure there are no spelling mistakes. You don’t get awarded marks for having perfect spelling
but you will lose marks if I find any misspelled words.
24. Take a deep breath…you are done! Save as YOUR NAME Project 1 (Make sure it’s a MACRO
ENABLED format) and submit via DC Connect.

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