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Personal Your existing brand assets:

Skills/ credentials: Passions/ interests: Values/ beliefs:


Your brand vision:

1. Your Brand What do you want to be known for?


Your brand mission:

What is your purpose? What do you want to accomplish?

Your brand message

What is the key message you want to communicate?

Your brand personality

What personal traits/characteristics do you want to showcase?

page 1
Who do you most want to help? Describe the demographics,
aspirations, and challenges of your ideal client below.

2. Your Target Demographics:


Desires & aspirations:

Pain points & challenges:

page 2
Your value proposition:
What do you do? Describe the problem you help your clients
solve and/or the result you help them achieve.
3. Your

Your irresistible offer:

What do you sell? Describe your unique process, product, or

Website homepage: Additional pages:

A professional logo About page

4. Your Your value proposition Products/services
Professional Content/resources
Personal photography Contact page

Website Social proof (media,

A clear call-to-action

page 3
Common content types:
Articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, interviews, case
studies, PDF guides
5. Your
Common content mediums:
Content Your blog/website, YouTube, social media, online
publications, email
Topic Content type Medium
What kind of content can
you create to help build
your brand and grow your
audience? List your topic
ideas, content type, and

page 4
How will you increase your exposure and build your audience?
Check all that apply.

6. Your Guest blogging

Podcast interviews
Visibility Plan Social media
Paid advertising
Partnerships/joint ventures

How will you build a community for your target audience and
customers? Check all that apply.

7. Building Social media group

Live events
Your Group coaching / mastermind group


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