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Presented by Kailash Sharma

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(Single Correct type Questions)
1. Four charges are arranged at the corners of a square ABCD, as shown. The force on +ve charge
kept at the centre of the square is

(A) Zero (B) Along diagonal AC

(C) Along diagonal BD (*D) Perpendicular to the side AB

2. Two free positive charges 4q and q are a distance l apart. What charge Q is needed to achieve
equilibrium for the entire system and where should it be placed form charge q?
4 l 4 l
(*A) Q = q (negative) at (B) Q = q (positive) at
9 3 9 3
l l
(C) Q = q (positive) at (D) Q = q (negative) at
3 3

3. Six charges are placed at the corner of a regular hexagon as shown. If an electron is placed at its
centre O, force on it will be

(A) Zero (B) Along OF (C) Along OC (*D) None of these

4. Mid way between the two equal and similar charges, we placed the third equal and similar charge.
Which of the following statements is correct, concerned to the equilibrium along the line joining the
charges ?
The third charge experienced a net force inclined to the line joining the charges
(*B) The third charge is inn stable equilibrium
(C) The third charge is in unstable equilibrium
(D) The third charge experiences a net force perpendicular to the line joining the charges

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5. Two identical positive charges are fixed on the y-axis, at equal distances from the origin O. A
particle with a negative charge stars on the x-axis at a large distance from O, moves along the
+x-axis, passes through O and moves far away from O. Its acceleration a is taken as positive along
its direction of motion. The particle’s acceleration a is plotted against its x-coordinate. Which of the
following best represents the plot?

(A) (*B) (C) (D)

6. A point charge 50C is located in the XY plane at the point of position vector r0  2iˆ  3jˆ . What is

the electric field at the point of position vector r  8iˆ  5jˆ
(A) 1200 V/m (B) 0.04 V/m (C) 900 V/m (*D) 4500 V/m

7. Two identical point charges are placed at a separation of l.P is a point on the line joining the
charges, at a distance x from any one charge. The field at P is E. E is plotted against x for values of
x from close to zero to slightly less than l. Which of the following best represents the resulting

(A) (B) (C) (*D)

8. A particle of mass m and charge Q is placed in an electric field E which varies with time t as
E = E0 sint. It will undergo simple harmonic motion of amplitude
QE 02 QE 0 QE0 QE 0
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
m2 m2 m2 m

9. A charged particle of charge q and mass m is released from rest in an uniform electric field E.
Neglecting the effect of gravity, the kinetic energy of the charged particle after time ‘t’ seconds is
Eqm E 2q 2 t 2 2E 2 t 2 Eq 2m 2
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
t 2m mq 2t 2

10. A charged particle having some mass is resting in equilibrium at height H above the centre of a
uniformly charged non-conducting horizontal ring of radius R. The force of gravity acts
downwards. The equilibrium of the particle will be stable-
(A) for all values of H (*B) only if H > R / 2
(C) only if H < R / 2 (D) only if H = R / 2

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11. Four equal positive charges are fixed at the vertices of a square of side L. Z-axis is perpendicular to
the plane of the square. The point z = 0 is the point where the diagonals of the square intersect each
other. The plot of electric field due to the four charges, as ne moves on the z-axis.

(A) (B) (C) (*D)

12. The charge per unit length of the four quadrant of the ring is 2λ, –2 λ, λ and –λ respectively. The
electric field at the centre is-

  ˆ 2
(*A)  î (B) j (C) î (D) None
2 0 R 2 0 R 2 0 R

13. The direction () of E at point P due to uniformly charged finite rod will be -

(*A) at angle 30° from x-axis (B) 45° from x-axis

(C) 60° from x-axis (D) none of these

14. A small particle of mass m and charge –q is placed at point P on the axis of uniformly charged ring
and released. If R >> x, the particle will undergo oscillations along the axis of symmetry with an
angular frequency that is equal to -

qQ qQx qQ qQx
(*A) (B) (C) (D)
40 mR 3 4 0 mR 4 4 0 mR 3 40 mR 4

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15. In space of horizontal EF (E = (mg)/q) exist as shown in figure and a mass m attached at the end of
a light rod. If mass m is released from the position shown in figure find the angular velocity of the
rod when it passes through the bottom most position.

g 2g 3g 5g
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
l l l l

16. A wheel having mass m has charges +q and –q on diametrically opposite points. It remains in
equilibrium on a rough inclined plane in the presence of uniform vertical electric field E =

mg mg mg tan 
(A) (*B) (C) (D) none
q 2q 2q

17. An equilateral triangle wire frame of side L having 3 point charges at its vertices is kept in x-y
plane as shown. Component of electric field due to the configuration in z direction at (0, 0, L) is
[origin is centroid of triangle]

9 3kq 9kq
(A) (*B) zero (C) (D) none
8L2 8L2

18. An infinite non-conducting sheet of charge has a surface charge density of 10 –7 C/m2. The
separation between two equipotential surfaces near the sheet whose potential differ by 5V is
(A) 0.88 cm (*B) 0.88 mm (C) 0.88 m (D) 5 × 10–7 m

19. In a uniform electric field, the potential is 10 v alt the origin of coordinates, and 8V at each of the
points (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1). The potential at the point (1, 1, 1) will be-
(A) 0 (*B) 4 V (C) 8 V (D) 10 V

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20. A simple pendulum has a length
length,, mass of bob m. the bob is given a charge q coulomb. The
pendulum is suspended in a uniform horizontal electric field of strength E as shown in figure, then
calculate the time period of oscillation when the bob is slightly displaced from its mean position is

   
       
(A) 2  (B) 2
2   (C) 2   (*D) 2
g  g  qE   g  qE 
 qE 
 m  m g2   

21. The potential difference between points A and B in the given uniform electric field is :

(A) Ea (B) E a 2
 b2  (*C) Eb 
(D) Eb / 2 
22. In a regular polygon of n sides, each corner is at a distance r from the centre. Identical charges are
placed at (n – 1) corners. At the centre, the intensity is E and the potential is V. The ratio V/E has
(A) r n (*B) r (n –1) (C) (n – 1)/r (D) r(n – 1)/n

23. When a negative charge is released and moves in electric field, it moves toward a position of
(A) lower electric potential and lower potential energy
(B) lower electric potential and higher potential energy
C) higher electric potential and lower potential energy
(D) higher electric potential and hhigher potential energy

24. Two positively charged particles X and Y are initially far away from each other and at rest. X
begins to move towards Y with some initial velocity. The total momentum and energy of the system
are p and E.
(A) If Y is fixed, both p and E are conserved
B) If Y is fixed, E is conserved, but not p
(C) If both are free to move, p is conserved but not E
(D) If both are free, E is conserved, but not p
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25. Four equal charges +q are placed at four corners of a square with its centre of origin and lying in yz
plane. The electrostatic potential energy of a fifth charge +q varies or x-axis as

(A) (*B)

(C) (D)

26. Two identical thin rings, each of radius R meter are coaxially placed at distance r meter apart. If Q 1
and Q2 coulomb are respectively the charges uniformly spread on the two rings, the work done in
moving a charge q from the centre of one ring to that of the other is
(A) zero (*B) q(Q1 – Q2) ( 2 .40R)
(C) q 2 (Q1 + Q2) / 40R (D) q(Q1 – Q2) ( 2 + 1) / ( 2 .40r)

27. Two particles X and Y, of equal mass and with unequal positive charges, are free to move and are
initially far away from each other. With Y at rest, X begins to move towards it with initial velocity
u. After a long time, finally.
(*A) X will stop, Y will move with velocity u
(B) X and Y will both move with velocities u/2 each
(C) X will stop, Y will move with velocity < u
(D) both will move with velocities <u/2

28. A circular ring of radius R with uniform positive charge density λ per unit length is located in the
y-z plane with its centre at the origin O. A particle of mass m and positive charge q is projected
from the point P(R 3 , O, O) on the positive x-axis directly towards O, with an initial kinetic
4 0
(A) the article crossed O an goes to infinity (B) the particle returns to P
(*C) the particle will just reach O (D) the particle crosses O and goes to –R 3

29. Two identical particles of mass m carry a charge Q each. Initially one is at rest on a smooth
horizontal plane and the other is projected along the plane directly towards first particle from a large
distance with speed v. The closed distance of approach be
1 Q2 1 4Q2 1 2Q2 1 3Q2
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
40 mv 40 mv2 40 mv2 40 mv2

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30. The diagram shows a small bead of mass m carrying charge q. The bead can freely move on the
smooth fixed ring placed on a smooth horizontal plane. In the same plane a charge +Q has also been
fixed as shown. The potential at the point P due to +Q is V. The velocity with which the bead
should projected from the point P so that it can complete a circle should be greater than

6qV qV 3qV
(*A) (B) (C) (D) none
m m m

31. Electric field given by the vector E  xiˆ  yjˆ is present in the XY plane. A small ring carrying
charge +Q, which can freely slide on a smooth non conducting rod, is projected along the rod from
the point (0, L) such that it can reach the other end of the rod. What minimum velocity should be
given to the ring ? (Assume zero gravity)

(A) (QL2/m)1/2 (B) 2(QL2/m)1/2 (C) 4(QL2/m)1/2 (*D) (QL2/2m)1/.2

32. A particle of mass 1 kg & charge 1/3C is projected towards a non conducting fixed spherical shell
having the same charge uniformly distributed on its surface. Find the minimum initial velocity of
projection required if the particle just grazes the shell.

2 2 2
(A) m/s (*B) 2 m/s (C) m/s (D) none
3 3 3

33. A charged particle of charge Q is held fixed and another charged particle of mass m and charge q
(of the same sign) is released from a distance r. The impulse of the force exerted by the external
agent on the fixed charge by the time distance between Q and q becomes 2r is -
Qq Qqm Qqm Qqm
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
4 0 mr 4 0 r  0 r 2 0 r

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34. The diagram shows three infinitely long uniform line charges placed on the X, Y and Z axis. The
work done in moving a unit positive charge from (1, 1, 1) to (0, 1, 1) is equal to -

(A) (λ ln 2) 20 (*B) (λ ln 2) / 0 (C) (3λ ln 2) / 20 (D) none

35. Two point charges of +Q each have been placed at the positions (–a/2, 0, 0) and (a/2, 0, 0). The
locus of the points in YZ plane where –Q charge can be placed such the that total electrostatic
potential energy of the system can become equal to zero, is represented by which of the following
(A) Z2 + (Y – a)2 = 2a (B) Z2 + (Y – a)2 = 27a2/4
(*C) Z2 + Y2 = 15a2/4 (D) none

36. Figure shows equi-potential surfaces for a two charges system. At which of the labeled points point
will an electron have the highest potential energy ?

(A) point A (*B) point B (C) point C (D) point D

37. A uniform electric field having strength E is existing in x – y plane as shown in figure. Find the
p.d. between origin O & A (d, d, 0)

(*A) Ed (cos + sin) (B) –Ed (sin – cos)

(C) 2 Ed (D) none of these

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38. Uniform electric field of magnitude 100 V/m in space is directed along the line y = 3 + x. Find the
potential difference between point A(3, 1) & B(1, 3)
(A) 100 V (B) 200 2 V (C) 200 V (*D) 0

39. A, B, C, D, P and Q are points in a uniform electric field. The potentials at these points are
V(A) = 2 volt. V(P) = V(B) = V(D) = 5 volt. V(C) = 8 volt. The electric field at P is

(A) 10 Vm–1 along PQ (*B) 15 2 Vm–1 along PA

(C) 5 Vm–1 along PC (D) 5 Vm–1 along PA

40. Figure shows the electric field lines around an electric dipole. Which of the arrows best represents
the electric field at point P?

(A)  (*B)  (C)  (D) 

41. A dipole consists of two particle one with charge +1C and mass 1kg and the other with charge
–1C and mass 2kg separated by a distance of 3m. For small oscillations about its equilibrium
position, the angular frequency, when placed in a uniform electric field of 20kV/m is
(*A) 0.1 rad/s (B) 1.1 rad/s (C) 10 rad/s (D) 2.5 rad/s

42. 4 charges are placed each at a distance ‘a’ from origin. The dipole moment of configuration is

(*A) 2qa ĵ (B) 3qa ĵ (C) 2aq  ˆi  ˆj (D) none

 

43. A particle of charge 1C & mass 1 gm moving with a velocity of 4m/s is subjected to a uniform
electric field of magnitude 300 V, m for 10 sec. Then it’s final speed cannot be :
(*A) 0.5 m/s (B) 4 m/s (C) 3 m/s (D) 6 m/s

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44. In a region of space, the electric field is in the x direction and is given as E  E0 xiˆ . Consider an
imaginary cubical volume of edge a, with its edges parallel to the axes of coordinates. The charge
inside this volume is
1 1
(A) zero (*B) 0E0a3 (C) E0 a3 (D) 0E0a2
0 6

m) if E  ˆi  2jˆ  3kˆ
45. Electric flux through a surface of area 100 m2 lying in the zy plane is (in V-m)
(A) 100 (B) 141.4 (*C) 173.2 (D) 200

46. An infinite, uniformly charged sheet with surface charge density  cuts through a spherical
Gaussian surface of radius R at a distance x from its center, as shown in the figure. The electric flux
 through the Gaussian

2  R 2  x 2   R2  x  
R  x  
R 2
(A) (B) (C) (*D)
0 0 0 0

47. The volume charge density as a function of distance X from one face inside a unit cube is varying
( 0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C/m3)
as shown in the figure. Then the total flux (in S.I. units) through the cube if (

(A) 1/4 (B) 1/2 (*C) 3/4 (D) 1

48. A hollow metal sphere of radius 5 cm is charged such that the potential on its surface is 10 V. The
potential at the centre of the sphere is
(A) 0 V
(*B) 10 V
(C) same as at point 5 cm away from the surface out side sphere
(D) same as a point 25 cm away from the surface

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49. Figure shows two large cylindrical shells having uniform linear charge densities + and –. Radius
of inner cylinder is 'a' and that of outer cylinder is 'b'. A charged particle of mass m, charge q
revolves in a circle of radius r, Then its speed 'v' is : (Neglect gravity and assume the radii of both
the cylinders to be very small in comparison to their length.)

q 2 q q q
(*A) (B) (C) (D)
2 0 m  0 m  0 m 4 0 m

50. An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in a uniform electric field produced by two large
conducting parallel plates having equal and opposite charges, then lines of force look like :

(A) (B)

(*C) (D)

51. Two spherical, non-conducting, and very thin shells of uniformly distributed positive charge Q and
radius d are located a distance 10d from each other. A positive point charge q is placed inside one of
the shells at a distance d/2 from the center, on the line connecting the centers of the two shells, as
shown in the figure. What is the net force on the charge q ?

qQ qQ
(*A) to the left (B) to the right
36l0d 2 36l0d 2
362qQ 360qQ
(C) to the left (D) to the right
36l0d 2 36l0d 2

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52. Potential difference between centre & the surface of sphere of radius R and uniform volume charge
density  within it will be-
R 2 R 2 R 2
(*A) (B) (C) 0 (D)
6 0 4 0 2 0

53. A solid sphere of radius R charged uniformly. At what distance from its surface is the electrostatic
potential half of the potential at the centre ?
(A) R (B) R/2 (*C) R/3 (D) 2R

54. Two similar conducting spherical shells having charges 40 C and –20C are some distance apart.
Now they are touched and kept at same distance. The ratio of the initial to the final force between
them is :
(*A) 8 : 1 (B) 4 : 1 (C) 1 : 8 (D) 1 : 1

55. A bullet of mass m and charge q is fired towards a solid uniformly charged sphere of radius R and
total charge +q. If it strikes the surface of sphere with speed u, find the minimum speed u so that it
can penetrate through the sphere. (Neglect all resistance forces or friction acting on bullet except
electrostatic forces)

q q q 3q
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
2 0 mR 4 0 mR 80 mR 4  0 mR

56. A unit positive point charge of mass m is projected with a velocity V inside the tunnel as shown.
The tunnel has been made inside a uniformly charged nonconducting sphere. The minimum
velocity with which the point charge should be projected such it can it reach the opposite end of the
tunnel, is equal to -

(*A) [R2/4m0]1/2
(B) [R2/24m0]1/2
(C) [R2/6m0]1/2
(D) zero because the initial and the final points are at same potential

57. n small drops of same size are charged to V volts each. If they coalesce to form a signal large drop,
then its potential will be -
(A) V/n (B) Vn (C) Vn1/3 (*D) Vn2/3
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58. 1000 identical drops of mercury are charged to a potential of 1 V each. They join to form a single
drop. The potential of this drop will be -
(A) 0.01 V (B) 0.1 V (C) 10 V (*D) 100 V

59. A charge ‘q’ is placed at the centre of a conducting spherical shell of radius R, which is given a
charge Q. An external charge Q¢ is also present at distance R (R> R) from ‘q’. Then the resultant
field will be best represented for region r < R by :
[where r is the distance of the point from q]

(*A) (B) (C) (D)

60. A positive point charge Q is kept ( as shown in the figure) inside a neutral conducting shell whose
centre is at C. An external uniform electric field E is applied. Then :

(A) Force on Q due to E is zero

(B) Net force on Q is zero
(C) Net force acting on Q and conducting shell considered as a system is zero
(*D) Net force acting on the shell due to E is zero

61. Three concentric conducting spherical shells carry charges as follows +4Q on the inner shell, –2Q
on the middle shell and –5Q on the outer shell. The charge on the inner surface of the outer shell is :
(A) 0 (B) 4 Q (C) –Q (*D) –2Q

62. Three concentric metallic spherical shell A, B and C or radii a, b and c (a < b < c) have surface
charge densities –, +, and – respectively. The potential of shell A is -
(A) (/0) [a + b – c] (B) (/0) [a – b + c]
(*C) (/0) [b – a – c] (D) none

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63. In given question (a) and (b) refer to the system of charges as shown in the figure. A spherical shell
with an inner radius ‘a’ and an outer radius ‘b’ is made of conducting material. A point charge +Q
is placed at the centre of the spherical shell and a total charge – q is placed on the shell.

(i) charge –q is distributed on the surfaces as

(A) –Q on the inner surface, – q on outer surface
(*B) –Q on the inner surface, – q + Q on the outer surface
(C) +Q on the inner surface, – q – Q on the outer surface
(*D) The charge –q is spread uniformly between the inner and outer surface
64. A positive charge q is placed in a spherical cavity made in a positively charged sphere. The centres

of sphere and cavity are displaced by a small distance l . Force on charge q is:

(*A) in the direction parallel to vector l
(B) in radial direction
(C) in a direction which depends on the magnitude of charge density in sphere
(D) direction can not be determined
65. If the electric potential of the inner metal sphere is 10 volt & that of the outer shell is 5 volt, then
the potential at the centre will be -

(*A) 10 volt (B) 5 volt (C) 15 volt (D) 0

66. An infinite number of concentric rings carry a charge Q each alternately positive and negative.
Their radii are 1, 2, 4, 8... meters in geometric progression as shown in the figure. The potential at
the centre of the rings will be

(A) zero (B) (C) (*D)
12 0 8 0 6 0

67. There are four concentric shells A, B, C and D of radii a, 2a, 3a and 4a respectively. Shells B and D
are given charges +q and –q respectively. Shell C is now earthed. The potential difference V A – VC
is :
Kq Kq Kq Kq
(A) (B) (C) (*D)
2a 3a 4a 6a

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68. A point charge q is brought from infinity (slowly so that heat developed in the shell is negligible)
and is placed at the centre of a conducting neutral spherical shell of inner radius a and outer radius
b, then work done by external agent is:

kq 2 kq 2 kq 2 kq 2 kq 2
(A) 0 (B) (*C)  (D) 
2b 2b 2a 2a 2b

69. Two small conductors A and B are given charges q1 and q2 respectively. Now they are placed inside
a hollow metallic conductor (C) carrying a charge Q. If all the three conductors A, B and C are
connected by a conducting wire as shown, the charges on A, B and C will be respectively.

q1  q 2 q 1  q 2 Q  q1  q 3 Q  q 1  q 2 Q  q 1  q 2
(A) , ,Q (B) , ,
2 2 3 3 3
q  q 2  Q q1  q 2  Q
(C) 1 , ,0 (*D) 0, 0, Q + q1 + q2
2 3

70. Statement-1: A positive point charge initially at rest in a uniform electric field starts moving along
electric lines of forces. (Neglect all other forces except electric forces)
Statement-2: Electric lines of force represents path of charged particle which is released from rest
in it.
(A) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1
(B) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT correct explanation for
(*C) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false
(D) statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true

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Previous Year
Year’s JEE Main Questions (2006-2019)
1. An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30° to a non non-uniform
uniform electric field, the dipole will
(*A) A torque as well as a translational force
(B) A torque only
(C) A translational force only in the direction of the field
(D) A translational force only in a direction normal to the direction of the field

2. Two insulating plates are both uniformly charged in such a way that the potential difference
between them V2 – V1 = 20 V. (i.e. plate 2 is at a higher potential). The plates are separated by
d = 0.1 m and can be treated as infinitely large. An electron is released from rest on the inner surface
of plate 1. What is its speed when it hits plates 2?

(e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, me = 9.11 × 10–31 kg) –

(A) 1.87 × 106 m/s (B) 32 × 1019 m/s (*C) 2.6 × 106 m/s (D) 7.02 × 1012 m/s

3. Two spherical conductors A and B of radii 1 mm and 2 mm are separated by a distance of 5 cm and
are uniformly charged. If the sphere are connected by a conducting wire then in equilibrium
condition, the ratio of the magnitude of the electric fields at the surfaces A and B is –
(*A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 4 (C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 2

4. An electric charge 10–3 C is placed

aced at the origin (0,0) of X - Y co-ordinate
ordinate system. Two points A
 
and B are situated at 2, 2 and (2, 0) respectively. The potential difference between the points A
and B will be -
(A) 9 volt (*B) zero (C) 2 volt (D) 4.5 volt

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5. Charges are placed on the vertices of a square as shown. Let E be the electric field and V the
potential at the centre. If the charges on A and B are interchanged with those on D and C
respectively, then

 
(A) E

remains unchanged, V changes (B) Both

E and V change
(C) E and V remain unchanged (*D) E changes, V remains unchanged

6. The potential at a point x (measured in m) m) due to some charges situated on the x-axis
x given by V
(x) = 20 / (x – 4) volts. The electric field E at x = 4 m is given by
(A) 5/3 Volt/m and in the – ve x direction (B) 5/3 Volt/m
m and in the + ve x direction
(C) 10/9 Volt/m and in the – ve x direction (*D) 10/9 Volt/m
m and in the + ve x direction

7. If gE and gm are the accelerations due to gravity on the surfaces of the earth and the moon
respectively and if Millikan’s drop experiment could be performed on the two surfaces, one will
find the ratio (electronic charge on the moon/ electronic charge on the earth) to be
(*A) 1 (B) 0 (C) gE/gM (D) gM/gE

8. A thin spherical shell of radius R has charge Q spread uniformly over its surface. Which of the
following graphs most closely represents the electric field E (r) produced by the shell in the range 0
≤ r < ,, where r is the distance from the centre of the shell?

(A) (B) (C) (*D)

9. Statement-1 : For a charged particle moving from point P to point Q, the net work done by an
electrostatic field on the particle is independent of the path connecting point P to point Q.
Statement-2: The net work done by a conservative force n a n objec objectt moving along a closed loop is
(*A) Statement-11 is true, Statement
Statement-2 is true: Statement-22 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-11 is true, Statement
Statement-2 is true: Statement-22 is a not a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-11 is true, Statement
Statement-2 is false
(D) Statement-11 is false, Statement
Statement-2 is true

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10. Let P(r) = r be the charge density distribution for a solid sphere of radius R and total charge Q.
R 4
For point ‘p’ inside the sphere at distance r 1 from the centre of the sphere, the magnitude of electric
field is –
Q Qr12 Qr12
(A) 0 (B) (*C) (D)
4 0 r12 4 0 R 4 30 R 4

11. Two points P and Q are maintained at the potentials of 10 V and –4V,
4V, respectively. The work done
in moving 100 electrons from p to Q is –
(A) –9.60 × 10–17 J (B) 9.60 × 10–17 J (C) –2.24 × 10–16 J (*D) –2.24 × 10–16 J

12. A charge Q is placed at each of the opposite corners of a square. A charge q is placed at each of the
other two corners. If the net electrical force on Q is zero, then Q/q equals –
(*A) –2 2 (B) –11 (C) 1 (D) –
13. Let there be a spherically symmetric charge distribution with charge density varying as (r) = 0
5 r 
   upto r = R, and (r)
(r) = 0 for r > R, where r is the distance from the origin. The electric field
4 R
at a distance r(r < R) from the origin is given by:
40 r  5 r  0 r  5 r  40 r  5 r  0 r  5 r 
(A)    (B)    (C)    (*D)   
3 0  4 R  3 0  4 R  3 0  3 R  40  3 R 

14. Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal lengths. The strings make an angle
of 30° with each other. When suspended in a liquid of density 0.8g cm –3, the angle remains the
same. If density of the material of the sphere is 1.6g cm–3, the dielectric constant of the liquid is
(*A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 3
15. A thin semi-circular
circular ring of radius r has a positive charge q distributed uniformly over it. The net
filed E at the centre O is:

q q q q
(*A)  ĵ (B) ĵ (C) ĵ (D)  ĵ
2  0 r 2
2  0 r 2
4  0 r 2
4  0 r 2


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16. The electrostatic potential inside a charged spherical ball is given by  = ar2 + b where is the
distance from the centre;; a, b are constant. Then the charge density inside the ball is
(A) –24 a0r (B) –66 aa0r (C) –24 a0 (*D) –6 a0

17. Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length 
are initially a distance d(d << 1) apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charge begins to leak
from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charges approach each other with a velocity
v. Then as a function of distance x between them,
(*A) v  x–1/2 (B) v  x–1 (C) v  x1/2 (D) v  x

18. This question has Statement-11 and statement

2. Of the four choices given after the statements,
choose the one that best describes the two statements.
An insulating solid sphere of radius R has a uniformly positive charge density . As a result of this
form charge distribution there is a finite value of electric potential at the centre of the sphere, at
the surface of the sphere and also at a point out side the sphere. The electric potential at infinity is
Statement-1 : When a charge ‘q’ is taken ffrom
rom the centre to the surface of the sphere, its potential
energy changes by .
3 0
Statement-2 : The electric field at a distance r (r < R) from the centre of the sphere is .
3 0
(*A) Statement-11 is false, Statement
Statement-2 is true
(B) Statement-11 is true, Statement
Statement-2 is true and Statement-2
2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1
(C) Statement-11 is true, Statement
Statement-2 is true and Statement-2
2 is not the correct explanation of
(D) Statement-1 is true,, Statement
Statement-2 is false
19. In a uniformly charged sphere of total charge Q and radius R, the electric field E is plotted as a
function of distance from the centre. The graph which would correspond to the above will be:

(*A) (B)

(C) (D)
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20. Two charges,
harges, each equal to q, are kept at x = –a and x = a on the x-axis.
axis. A particle of mass m and
charge q0 = is placed at the origin. If charge q0 is given a small displacement (y << a) along the
axis, the net force acting on the particle is proportional to
1 1
(A) –y (B) (C) – (*D) y
y y
[JEE Main-2013]

21. Let [0] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of vacuum. If M = mass, L = length,
T = time and A = electric current, then
(*A) [0] = [M–1L–3T4A2] (B) [0] = [M–1L2T–1A–22]
(C) [0] = [M–1L2T–1A] (D) [0] = [M–1L–3T2A]
[JEE Main-2013]

22. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over a long rod AB of length L as shown in the figure. The
electric potential at the point O lying at a distance L from the end A is

3Q Q Q ln 2 Q
(A) (B) (*C) (D)
40 L 4 0 L ln 2 40 L 80 L
[JEE Main-2013]

23. Assume that an electric field E = 30x2 î exists in space. Then the potential difference VA – VO, where
V0 is the potential at the origin and V A the potential at x = 2 m is :
(A) –120 J (*B) –80
80 J (C) 80 J (D) 120 J
[JEE Main-2014]

24. A uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R has potential V 0 (measured with respect to ) on its
3V0 5V0 3V0 V
surface. For this sphere the equipotential surfaces with potentials , , and 0 have radius
2 4 4 4
R1, R2, R3 and R4 respectively. Then
(*A) R1 = 0 and R2 < (R4 – R3) (*B) 2R < R4
(C) R1 = 0 and R2 > (R4 – R3) (D) R1  0 and (R2 – R1) > (R4 – R3)
[JEE Main-2015]

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25. The region between two concentric spheres of radii ‘a’ and ‘b’, respectively (see figure), has volume
charge density  = , Where A is a constant and r is the distance from the centre. At the centre of
the spheres is a point charge Q. The value of A such that the electric field in the region between the
spheres will be constant, is :

2Q 2Q 2Q 2Q
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
a 2 2a 2 2  b 2  a 2   a 2  b2 
[JEE Main-2016]

26. An electric dipole has a fixed dipole moment p , which makes angle  with respect to x-axis.
x When
 
subjected to an electric field E1  Eiˆ , it experiences a torque T1  kˆ . When subjected to another
  
electric field E 2  3E1ˆj it experiences a torque T2  T1 . The angle  is
(A) 90° (B) 30° (C) 45° (*D) 60°
[JEE Main-2017]
27. Three concentric metals shells A, B and C of respective radii, a, b and c (a < b < c) have surface
charge densities +σ, – σ and +σ respectively. The potential of shell B is
  a 2  b2    a 2  b2    b2  c2    b2  c2 
(A)   c  (B*)   c  (C)   a  (D)   a
0  a  0  b  0  b  0  c 
[JEE Main 2018]
28. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 90 pF is connected to a battery of emf 20 V. If a dielectric
material of dielectric constant K = is inserted between the plates, the magnitude of the induced
charge will be
(A*) 1.2 nC (B)
B) 0.3 nC (C) 2.4 nC (D) 0.9 nC
[JEE Main 2018]
29. A charge Q is placed at a distance a/2 above the centre of the square surface of edge a as shown in
the figure. The electric flux through the square surface is

(A) (B*) (C) (D)
3 0 66 0 0 2 0
[JEE Main online 2018]
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30. The equivalent capacitance between A and B in the circuit given below is

(A) 5.4 μF (B)

B) 4.9 μF (C) 3.6 μF (D) 2.4 μF
[JEE Main online 2018]

 r 
31. A solid ball of radius R has a charge density ρ given by   0  1   for 0  r  R . The electric
 R
field outside the ball is
0 R 3 4 0 R 3 3 0 R 3 0 R 3
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
12 0 r 2 3 0 r 2 4 0 r 2 0 r 2
[JEE Main online 2018]

32. A parallel plate capacitor with area 200 cm2 and separation between the plates 1.5 cm, is connected
across a battery of emf V. If the force of attraction between the plates is 25 × 10 –6 N, the value of V
 12 C

is approximately   0  8.85  10 2 
 Nm 
(A) 150 V (B) 100 V (C*) 250 V (D) 300 V
[JEE Main online 2018]

33. A capacitor C1 = 1.0 μF is charged up to a voltage V = 60 V by connecting it to battery B through

switch (1). Now C1 is disconnected from battery and connected to a circuit consisting of two
uncharged capacitors C2 = 3.0 μF and C3 = 6.0 μF through switch (2), as shown in the figure. The
sum of final charges on C2 and C3 is

(A) 20 μC (B*)
B*) 40 μC (C) 36 μC (D) 54 μC
[JEE Main online 2018]

34. Two identical conducting spheres A and B, carry equal charge. They are separated by a distance
much larger than their diameters, and the force between them is F. A third identical conducting
sphere, C is uncharged. Sphere C is first touched to A, then to B
B,, and then removed. As a result the
force between A and B would be equal to
3F F 3F
(A*) (B) (C) (D)F
8 2 4

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[JEE Main online 2018]
35. A body of mass M and charge q is connected to a spring of spring constant k. It is oscillating along
x-direction about its equilibrium position, taken to be at x = 0, with an amplitude. A. An electric
field E is applied along the x-direction. Which of the following statements is correct ?
1 2 2 1 q2E2
(A) The total energy of the system is m A 
2 2 k
(B) The new equilibrium position is at a distance from x = 0
(C) The new equilibrium position is at a distance from x = 0
1 1 q2 E2
(D*) The total energy of the system is m2 A 2 
2 2 k
[JEE Main online 2018]

36. Charge is distributed within a sphere of radius R with a volume charge density (R) = A2 e 2r/a ,
where A and a are constants. If Q is the total charge of this charge distribution, the radius R is :
a  Q   Q 
(A) log 1   (B) a log 1  
2  2aA   2aA 
   
 1  a  1 
(C) a log  (D*) log 
Q  2 Q 
1  1 
 2aA   2 aA  [JEE Main 2019]

37. Two point charges q1( 10 C) and q2(–25 C) are placed on the x-axis at x = l m and x = 4 m
 
respectively. The electric field (in V/m) at a point y = 3 m on y-axis is,  Take 1  9  10 9 Nm 2C 2 
 4  0 

 
(A) 63iˆ  27jˆ 10
 
(B) 81iˆ  81jˆ 10

(C*)  63iˆ  27jˆ 10 (D)  81iˆ  81jˆ 10

2 2

[JEE Main 2019]

38. A charge Q is distributed over three concentric spherical shells of radii a, b, c (a < b < c ) such that
their surface charge densities are equal to one another. The total potential at a point at distance r
from their common centre, where r < a, would be :
Q Q ab  bc  ca
(A) (B*)
40  a  b  c 120 abc

Q a  b  c 
 2
Q a b c
2 2

 2
40 a  b  c2 2
 
4  0 a 3  b 3  c3 
[JEE Main 2019]

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 
39. Two electric dipoles, A, B with respective dipole moments dA 4qaiˆ and dB 2qaiˆ placed on
the x-axis
axis with a separation R, as shown in the figure

The distance from A at which both of them produce the same potential is:
2R 2R
(A) (B*) (C) R (D) R
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
[JEE Main 2019]

40. Charges –qq and +q located at A and B, respectively, constitute an electric dipole. Distance AB = 2a,
O is the mid point of the dipole and OP is perpendicular to AB. A charge Q is placed pla at P where
OP = y and y >> 2a. The charge Q experiences and electrostatic force F. If Q is now moved along the
equatorial line to P' such that OP'= (y/3) , the force on Q will be close to : (y/3 >> 2a)

(A) F/3 (B) 3F (C) 9F (D*) 27F

[JEE Main 2019]

41. Four equal point charges Q each are placed in the xy plane at (0, 2), (4, 2), (4, –2) and (0, –2). The
work required to put a fifth charge Q at the origin of the coordinate system will be :
Q2 Q2  1  Q2  1  Q2
(A) (B*)  1  (C)  1  (D)
2 2 0 40  5 40  3 40
[JEE Main 2019]

42. Three charges Q, +q and +q are placed at the vertices of a right – angle isosceles triangle as shown
below. The net electrostatic energy of the configuration is zero, if the value of Q is:

 2q q
(A) +q (B*) (C) (D) –2 q
2 1 1 2
[JEE Main 2019]

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43. The give graph shown variation (with distance r from centre) of:

(A) Electric field of a uniformly charged sphere

(B*) Potential of a uniformly charged spherical shell
(C) Potential of a uniformly charged sphere
(D) Electric field of a uniformly charged spherical shell
[JEE Main 2019]

44. An electric field of 1000V/m is applied to an electric dipole at angle of 45°. The value of electric
dipole moment is 10-29 C.m. What is the potential energy of the electric dipole?
(A) –20 x 1018 J (B*) –77 x 10-27 J (C) –10 x 10-29 J (D) –9 x 10-20 J
[JEE Main 2019]

45. A particle of mass m and charge q is in an electric and magnetic field given by:
 B  4j  6k
E  2i  3j;
The charged particle is shifted from the origin to the point P(x = 1; y = 1) along a straight path. The
magnitude of the total work done is:
(A) (0.35)q (B*) 5q (C) (2.5)q (D) (0.15)q
[JEE Main 2019]

46. Determine the electric dipole moment of the system of three charges, placed on the vertices of an
equilateral triangle, as shown in the figure:

ˆj  ˆi ˆi  ˆj
(A) 3q (B)  q
q  (C) 2qˆj (D*)  3qˆj
2 2
[JEE Main 2019]

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47. There is a uniform spherically symmetric surface charge density at a distance R o from the origin.
The charge distribution is initially at rest and starts expanding because of mutual repulsion. The
figure that represents best the speed V(R(t)) of the distribution as a function of its instantaneous
radius R(t) is:

(A) (B) (C*) (D)

[JEE Main 2019]

48. A solid conducting sphere, having a charge Q, is surrounded by an uncharged conducting hollow
spherical shell. Let the potential difference between the surface of the solid sphere and that of the
outer surface of the hollow shell be V. If the shell is now given a charge of –4 Q, the new potential
difference between the same two surfaces is :
(A) 4V (B) –2v (C) 2v (D*) V
[JEE Main 2019]
49. An upright object is placed at a distance of 40 cm in front of a convergent lens of focal length
20 cm. A convergent mirror of focal length 10 cm is placed at a distance of 60 cm on the other side
of the lens. The position and size of the final image will be:
(A) 40cm from the convergent lens, twice the size of the object
(B) 40cm from the convergent mirror, same size as the object
(C) 20cm from the convergent mirror, twice the size of the object
(D*) 20cm from the convergent mirror, same size as the object
[JEE Main 2019]
50. The bob of a simple pendulum has mass 2 g and a charge of 5.0 C. It is at rest in a uniform
horizontal electric field of intensity 2000 V/ m. At equilibrium, the angle that the pendulum makes
with the vertical is (take g = 10 m/s2)
(A) tan-1 (2.0) (B*) tan-1 (0.5) (C) tan-1 (0.2) (D) tan-1 (5.0)
[JEE Main 2019]
51. A positive point charge is released from rest at a distance r o from a positive line charge with uniform
density. The speed () of the point charge, as a function of instantaneous distance r from line
charge, is proportional to:

r  r  r 
(A*) v ln   (B) v    (C) v ln   (D) v  e  r / r0
 r0   r0   r0 
[JEE Main 2019]

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52. The electric field in a region is given by E  (Ax  B)iˆ where E is in NC–1 and x is in metres. The
values of constants are A=20 SI unit and B=10 SI unit. If the potential at x=1 is V 1 and that at
x = –5 is V2, then V1 –V2 is:
(A) 320 V (B) –520 V (C*) 180 V (D) –48 V
[JEE Main 2019]

53. An electric dipole is formed by two equal and opposite charges q with separation d. The charges
have same mass m. It is kept in a uniform electric field E. If it is slightly rotated from its equilibrium
orientation, then its angular frequency  is:
2qE qE qE qE
(A*) (B) 2 (C) (D)
md md md 2md
[JEE Main 2019]

54. Four point charges –q, +q, +q and –q are placed on y-axis at y = 2d, y = -d, y = +d and y = +2d,
respectively. The magnitude of the electric field E at a point on the x –axis at x = D, with D >> d,
will behave as:
(A*) E 14 (B) E 13 (C) E 12 (D) E  1
[JEE Main 2019]

55. A uniformly charged ring of radius 3a and total charge q is placed in xy-plane centered at origin. A
point charge q is moving towards the ring along the z-axis and has speed vat z = 4a The minimum
value of v such that it crosses the origin is:
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
2  2 q2  2  1 q2  2  1 q2  2  4 q2 
(A*)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
m  15 40a  m  15 40a  m  5 40a  m  15 40a 
[JEE Main 2019]

56. A simple pendulum of length L is placed between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor having
electric field E, as shown in figure. Its bob has mass m and change q, the time period of the
pendulum is given by:

(A*) 2  (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
 qE 
 qE   qE  q 2 E2
g   g   g   g2 
 m   m  m m2
[JEE Main 2019]

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57. Shown in the figure is a shell made of a conductor. It has inner radius a and outer radius b, and
carries charge Q. At its centre is a dipole pas shown. In this case:

(A)) Surface charge density on the inner surface is uniform and equal to (Q/2) / 4a4 2
*) Electric field outside the shell is the same as that of a point charge at the centre of the shell
(C) Surface charge density on the inner surface of the shell is zero every where
(D)) Surface charge density on the outer surface depends on ||P|
[JEE Main 2019]

58. A point dipole p  p0xˆ is kept at the origin. The potential and electric field due to this dipole on the
y – axis at a distance d are, respectively. (Take V = 0 at indignity)
     
|p| p |p| p p p
(A) , (B) , (C*) 0, (D) 0,
40d2 40d3 40d 2 40d3 40d3 40d3
[JEE Main 2019]

59. Two infinite planes each with uniform surface charge density +σ are kept in such a way that the
angle between them is 30°. The electric field in the region shown between them is given by:

    3 xˆ 
(A) 
2 0 
1  3 
y 
x̂ 
2 
(B*) 
2 0 
1  
2 
y  
2 

    3 xˆ 
(C) 
2 0 

1  3 yˆ 
x̂ 
2 
(D) 1 
0 
 yˆ  
2  2 
[JEE Main 2020]
 q
60. In finding the electric field using gauss law the formula E  enc is applicable. In the formula ε0
0 | A |
is permittivity of free space, A is the area of Gaussian surface and q enc is charge enclosed by the
Gaussian surface. This equation can be used in which of the following situation?
(A) Only when thee Gaussian surface is an equipotential surface.

(B) Only when E = constant on the surface.

(C*)) Only when the Gaussian surface is an equipotential surface and E is constant of the surface
(D) For any choice of Gaussian surface.
[JEE Main 2020]

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61. Three charged particles A, B and C with charges –4q, 2q and –2q 2q are present on the circumference
of a circle of radius d. The charged particles A, C and centre O of the circle formed an equilateral
triangle as shown in figure. Electric field at O along xx-direction is:

3q 3q 3 3q 2 3q
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
 0 d 2 4 0 d 2 40 d 2  0 d 2
[JEE Main 2020]

62. A particle of mass m and charge q is released from rest in a uniform electric field. If there is no
other force on the particle, the dependence of its speed v on the distance x travelled by it is correctly
given by (graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale)

(A) (B*) (C) (D)

[JEE Main 2020]

63. Consider two charged metallic spheres S1 and S2 of radii R1 and R2, respectively. The electric fields
E1 (on S1) and E2 (on S2) on their surfaces are such that E1/E2 = R1/R2. Then the ratio V1(on S1)/V2
(on S2) of the electrostatic potentials on each sphere is
3 2
R  R R  R 
(A)  1  (B) 1 (C)  2  (D*)  1 
 R2  R2  R1   R2 
[JEE Main 2020]

64. An electric dipole of moment p  ( ˆi  3jˆ  2k) ˆ × 10–29 C.m. is at the origin (0, 0, 0). The electric
ˆ (note that r.p  0 ) is parallel to:
field due to this dipole at ( ˆi  3jˆ  5k)
(A*) ( ˆi  3jˆ  2k)
ˆ (B) (ˆi  3jˆ  2k)
ˆ (C) ( ˆi  3jˆ  2k)
ˆ (D) ( ˆi  3jˆ  2k)
[JEE Main 2020]

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65. Consider a sphere of radius R which carries a uniform charge density ρ. If a sphere of radius is

EA  
carved out of its, as shown, the ratio  of magnitude of electric field E A and E B , respectively, at
points A and B due to the remaining portion is :

18 21 17 18
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
34 34 54 54
[JEE Main 2020]

 
66. An electric field E  4xiˆ  y 2  1 ˆj N/C passes through the box shown in figure. The flux of the
electric field through surface ABCD and BCGF and marked as I and II respectively. The
difference between (I – II) is (in Nm2/C)_______.

Solution: 48
[JEE Main 2020]

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(Single Correct type Questions)

1. A charge q is placed at some distance along the axis of a uniformly charged disc of surface charge
density  C/m2. The flux due to the charge q through the disc is . The electric force on charge q
exerted by the disc is
(A*)  (B) /4 (C) / (D) /3

2. A bead of mass m and charge +q is constrained to move freely on vertical y-axis. A charge +Q is
fixed at the origin. The bead is at rest at (0, a).Now it is displaced slightly so that it executes SHM.
Its time period is
2a a a a
(A) 2 (B) 2  (C*) 2 (D) 
g g 2g g

3. A small ball of charge Q is attached to string of length 20 cm. The mass of the ball is 1 kg. The ball
is projected from the lowest point with a speed of 3m/s in the horizontal direction as shown. A
charge of q is kept at the point of suspension.

List-I List-II
P. q = +15µC, Q = –10µC 1. The bob completes the vertical circle.
Q. q = +5µC, Q = –1µC 2. The bob leaves circular path somewhere in upper semi-circle.
R. q = +5µC, Q = –5µC 3. The string becomes slack in somewhere in lower semi-circle
(but not at the lowest point).
S. q = +5µC, Q = +5µC 4. The string becomes slack at the lowest point.

(A) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-1 (B) P-4, Q-2, R-2, S-1
(C) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-1 (D*) P-3, Q-2, R-2, S-1

4. A solid sphere of radius R, and dielectric constant ‘k’ has spherical cavity of radius R/4. A point
charge q1 is placed in the cavity. Another charge q2 is placed outside the sphere at a distance of r
from q1. Then Coulombic force of interaction between them is found to be ‘F1’. When the same
charges are separated by same distance in vacuum then the force of interaction between them is
found to be F2 then
(A) F1 = F2 / k (B*) F2 = F1 / k (C) F1 F2 =1/K (D) F1=F2

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5. Two identical small balls
lls each have a mass m and charge q. When placed in a hemispherical bowl of
radius R with frictionless, nonconductive walls, the beads move, and at equilibrium the line joining
the balls is horizontal and the distance between them is R (figure). Neglect any
an induced charge on
the hemispherical bowl. Then the charge on each bead is : (here K= )

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

 mg   mg   3mg   3mg 
(A*) q  R   (B) q   R  (C) q  R   (D) q   R 
K 3  K 3  K   K 

axis, as shown. At point P, angle  which E makes
6. A uniformly charged finite rod is placed along xx-axis,
with x direction is –

 3
(A*) 45º (B) tan––1(2/3) (C) tan-1   (D) None of these
 2 
7. The electric dipole moment of system formed by point charge –q
q and uniformly charged hemisphere
as shown in the figure is

(A*) qR/2 (B) qR (C) qR/4 (D) qR/3

8. Three point charges +q, –2q

2q and +q are placed at points (x = 0, y = a, z = 0), (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) and
(x = a, y= 0, z = 0) respectively. The magnitude and direction of resultant dipole moment can be
best represented by –
(A) 2q- a along +y direction (B) 2q- a along –y y direction
ˆ ˆ
(C) 2 q a (i  j) ˆ ˆ
(D*) q a (i  j)

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9. The charge per unit length of the four quadrant of the ring is 22, – 2,  and –  respectively. The
electric field at the centre is

  ˆ 2
(A*)  î (B) j (C) î (D) None
2  0 R 20R 4 0 R

10. In the figure shown, the value of 1/2 so that electric field at centre 'c' is along 'y'-axis
'y' only, where
1 and 2 are linear charge densities on semicircular and straight wire respectively

(A*) 1/2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 1/2

11. A spherical bob of mass m and charge q suspended from a string of length  rotates about a fixed
charge identical to that of the bob (Fig.). The angle between the string and the vertical is . Find the
Kq 2
angular velocity of uniform rotation
otation of the bob. It is given that g.
m 2


sec   cos ec3  (B)

sec  (C)

(D) None of these

12. A sphere of radius R carries charge such that its volume charge density is proportional to the square
of the distance from the centre. What is the ratio of the magnitude of the electric field at a distance
2Rfrom the centre to the magnitude of the electric field at a distance of R/2 from the centre (i.e.
(A) 1 (B*) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8

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13. On a semicircular ring of radius = 4 R, charge +3q is distributed in such away that on one quarter +q
is uniformly distributed and on another quarter +2q is uniformly distributed. Along its axis a smooth
non-conducting and uncharged pipe of length 6R is fixed axially as shown. A small ball of mass m
and charge +q is thrown from the other end of pipe. The ball can come out of the pipe if

7q 2 3q 2 3q 2 9q 2
(A) u  (B*) u  (C) u  (D) u 
400Rm 400Rm 40 0Rm 400Rm

14. The field of an electric field is a cosine function in xy-plane as shown in the diagram, then the
representation of electric field can be

 
(A*) E  x, y   ˆi  sin  x  ˆj (B) E  x, y   ˆi  cos  x  ˆj
 
(C) E  x, y   ˆi  sin  x  ˆj (D) E  x, y   ˆi  cos  x  ˆj

15. A point negative charge – Q is placed at a distance r from a dipole with dipole moment P as shown
in figure. The x component of force acting on the charge – Q is –


(A)  cos ˆi (B) cos ˆi (C*)  cos ˆi (D) cos ˆi
r r r3 r3

16. The intensity of an electric field depends only on the co-ordinates x, y and z as follows:
 
(xi  yj   zk)
Ea 2 unit.
(x  y 2  z 2 )3/2
The electrostatic energy stored between two imaginary concentric spherical shells of radii R and 2R
with centre at origin is
4 0a 2 2 0a 2 0a 2 0a 2
(A) (B) (C*) (D)
R R R 2R

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17. The potential of the field inside a charged sphere depends upon the distance r from its centre to the
point under consideration in the following way
V = arn + b, where a and b are constants
If the charge is uniformly distributed within the sphere, then the value of n is
(A*) 2 (B) –2 (C) 1 (D) –1

18. A solid metallic sphere has a charge +3Q. Concentric with this sphere is a conducting spherical shell
having charge –Q. The radius of the sphere is a and that of the spherical shell is b(>a). What is the
electric field at a distance r(a < r < b) from the centre?
1 Q 1 3Q 1 3Q 1 Q
(A) (B) (C*) (D)
4 0 r 4  0 r 4  0 r 2 4  0 r 2

19. Two uniformly charged non-conducting hemispherical shells each having uniform charge density 
and radius R form a complete sphere (not stuck together) and surround a concentric spherical
conducting shell of radius R/2. If hemispherical parts are in equilibrium then minimum surface
charge density of inner conducting shell is:
(A*) –2  (B) –  /2 (C) –  (D) 2 

20. A dipole having dipole moment p is placed in front of a solid uncharged conducting sphere as
shown in the diagram. The net potential at point A lying on the surface of the sphere is:

kpcos  kp cos 2  kp cos 2 

(A) (B*) (C) zero (D)
r2 r2 r2

21. Two short electric dipoles are placed as shown (r is the distance between their centres). The energy
of electric interaction between these dipoles will be:

(C is centre of dipole of moment P2)

2kP1P2 cos  2kP1P2 cos  2kP1P2 sin  4kP1P2 cos 
(A) 3 (B*) (C) (D)
r r3 r3 r3

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22. For an infinite line of charge having charge density  lying along x-axis, the work required in
moving charge q from C to A along arc CA is

q q q q 1
(A*) log e 2 (B) log e 2 (C) log e 2 (D) log e
 0 4  0 4  0 2  0 2

23. A solid sphere of radius R has a volume charge density   0r 2 (Where 0 is a constant and r is the
distance from centre). At a distance x from its centre (for x < R), the electric field is directly
proportional to:
1 1
(A) 2 (B) (C*) x3 (D) x2
x x

24. Point Plies on the axis of a dipole. If the dipole is rotated by 90º anticlock wise, the electric field
vector E at P will rotate by
(A*) 90° clock wise (B) 180° clock wise (C) 90° anti clock wise (D) none

25. A large sheet carries uniform surface charge density σ. A rod of length 2l has a linear charge density
λ on one half and –λ on the second half. The rod is hinged at mid point O and makes an angle θ with
the normal to the sheet. The torque experienced by the rod is

l 2 l 2  l
(A) 0 (B*) sin  (C) sin  (D)
20 0 0

26. An electric dipole is kept on the axis of a uniformly charged ring at distance R/ 2 from the centre
of the ring. The direction of the dipole moment is along the axis. The dipole moment is P, charge of
the ring is Q and radius of the ring is R. The force on the dipole is nearly
4kPQ 4kPQ 2kPQ
(A) (B) (C) (D*) zero
3 3R 2 3 3R 3 3 3R 3

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27. The dipole moment of a system of charge +q distributed uniformly on an arc of radius R subtending
an angle π/2 at its centre where another charge –q is placed is.
2 2qR 2qR qR 2qR
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
   

28. Find the force experienced by the semicircular rod charged with a charge q, placed as shown in
figure. Radius of the wire is R and the infinitely long line of charge with linear density λ is passing
through its centre and perpendicular to the plane of wire.

q q q q
(A) (B*) (C) (D)
2 2 0 R 2
 0R 4 2 0 R 4 0 R

29. A long cylindrical volume (of radius R) contains a uniformly distributed charge of density  .
Consider a point P inside the cylindrical volume at a distance x from its axis as shown in the figure.
Here x can be more than or less than R. Electric field at point P is:

x x R 2 R 2
(A*) if x < R (B) if x < R (C) if x > R (D) if x > R
2 0 0 4 0 x 2 0 x

30. In a regular polygon of n sides, each corner is at a distance r from the centre. Identical charges of
magnitude Q are placed at (n – 1) corners. The field at the centre is
(*A) k Q/r² (B) (n-1) k Q/r² (C) n/(n-1) k Q/r² (D) (n-1)/n k Q/r²

31. A large solid sphere with uniformly distributed positive charge has a smooth narrow tunnel through
its centre. A small particle with negative charge, initially at rest far from the sphere, approaches it
along the line of the tunnel, reaches its surface with a speed 𝑣, and passes through the tunnel. Its
speed at the centre of the sphere will be:
(A) 0 (B) v (C) 2 v (*D) 1.5 v

32. At a certain distance from a point charge, the electric field is 500 V/m and the potential is 3000 V.
What is the distance ?
(A*) 6 m (B) 12 m (C) 36 m (D) 144 m
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33. A particle of mass 2 g and charge 1μC is held at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface at a distance
of 1 m from a fixed charge of 1 mC. If the particle is released it will be repelled. The speed of the
particle when it is at distance of 10 m from the fixed charge is:
(A) 100 m/s (B*) 90 m/s (C) 60 m/s (D) 45 m/s

34. The variation of potential with distance r from a fixed point is shown in Figure. The electric field at
r = 5 cm, is :

(A*) (2.5) V/cm (B) (–2.5) V/cm (C) (–2/5) cm (D) (2/5) V/cm

35. Statement-1: For a non-uniformly charged thin circular ring with net charge zero, the electric
potential at each point on axis of the ring is zero.
Statement-2: For a non-uniformly charged thin circular ring with net charge zero, the electric field
at any point on axis of the ring is zero.
(A) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1
(B) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT correct explanation for
(*C) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false
(D) statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true

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(Multiple Correct type Questions)
1. Mid way between the two equal and similar charges, we placed the third equal and similar charge.
Which of the following statements is correct, concerned to the equilibrium along the line joining the
(A) the third charge experienced a net force in
clined to the line joining the charges
(*B) the third charge is in stable equilibrium
(C) the third charge is in unstable equilibrium
(D) the third charge experiences a net force perpendicular to the line joining the charges

2. Two fixed charges 4Q (positive)

sitive) and Q (negative) are located at A and B, the distance AB being 3m.

(*A) the point P where the resultant field due to both is zero is on AB outside AB
(B) the point P where the resultant field due to both is zero is on AB inside AB
(C) if a positive
ive charge is placed at P and displaced slightly along AB it will execute oscillations
(*D) if a negative charge is placed at P and displaced slightly along AB it will execute oscillations

3. Select the correct statement : (Only force on a particle is due tto

o electric field)
(A) a charged particle always moves along the electric line of force
(*B) a charged particle may move along the line of force
(C) a charge particle never moves along the line of force
(D) a charged particle moves along the line of force only if released from rest

4. Charges Q1 and Q2 lies inside and outside respectively of a closed surface S. Let E be the field at
any point on S and  be the flux of E over S.
(*A) if Q1 changes, both E and  will change
(*B) if Q2 changes, E will change but  will not change
(*C) if Q1 = 0 and Q2  0 then E  0 but  = 0
(D) if Q1  0 and Q2 = 0 then E = 0 but   0

5. Units of electric flux are

N  m2 N
(A) 2
(B) (*C) volt-m (D) volt-m3
coul Coul 2  m 2

6. Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) electric field calculated by Gauss law is the field due to only those charges which are enclosed
inside the Gaussian surface
(B) gauss law is applicable
pplicable only when there is a symmetrical distribution of charge
(*C) electric flux through a closed surface will depend only on charges enclosed within that surface
(D) none of these

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7. Mark the correct options:
(A) Gauss’s law is valid only for uniform charge distributions
(B) Gauss’s law is valid only for charges placed in vacuum
(*C) the electric field calculated by Gauss’s law is the field due to all the charges
(*D) the flux of the electric field through a closed surface due to all the charges is equal to the flux
due to the charges enclosed by the surface

8. Two infinite sheets of uniform charge density +

+ and – are parallel to each other as shown in the
figure. Electric field at the

(*A) points to the left or to the right of the sheets is zero

(B) midpoint between the sheets is zero
(*C) midpoint of the sheets is /0 and is directed towards right
(D) midpoint of the sheet is 2/0 and is directed towards right

9. Which of the following is true for the figure showing electric lines of force?
(E is electrical field, V is potential)

(*A) EA > EB (B) EB > EA (C) VA > VB (*D) VB > VA

10. If we use permittivity ,, resistance R, gravitational constant G and voltage V as fundamental
physical quantities, then
(*A) [angular displacement] = 0R0G0V0 (*B) [velocity] = –1R–1G0V0
(C) [dipole moment] = 1R0G0V1 (*D) [force] = 1R0G0V2

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11. Two point charges Q and –Q/4
Q/4 are separated by a distance x. Then

(*A) potential is zero at a point on the axis which is x/3 on the right side of the charge –Q/4
(*B) potential is zero at a point on the axis which is x/5 on the left side of the charge –Q/4
(*C) electric field is zero at a point on the axis which is at a distance x on the right side of the
charge –Q/4
(D) there exist two points on the axis where electric field is zero

12. An electric charge 10–8 C is placed at the point (4m, 7m, 2m). At the point (1m, 3m, 2m), the
(*A) potential will be 18 V (B) field has no Y-component
(C) field will be along Z-axis (D) potential will be 1.8 V

13. Three point charges Q, 4Q and 16Q are placed on a straight line 9 cm along. Charges are placed in
such a way that the system has minimum potential energy. Then
(A) 4Q and 16Q must be at the ends and Q at a distance of 3 cm from the 16Q
(*B) 4Q and 16Q mustt be at the ends and Q at a distance of 6 cm from the 16Q
(*C) electric field at the position of Q is zero
(D) electric field at the position of Q is
4 0

14. Potential at point A is 3 volt and at a point B is 7 volt, an electron is moving towards A from B.
(*A) it must have some K.E. at B to reach A
(B) It need not have any K.E. at B to reach A
(*C) to reach A it must have more than or equal to 4 eV K.E. at B
(D) when it will reach A, it will have K.E. more then or at least equal ttoo 4eV if it was released from
rest at B

15. The figure shows a non-conducting

conducting ring which has positive negative charge non uniformly
distributed on it such that the total charge is zero. Which of the following statements is true?

(*A) the potential at all the points on the axis will be zero
(B) the electric field at all the points on the axis will be zero
(C) the direction of electric field at all points on the axis will be along the axis
(D) if the ring is placed inside a uniform eexternal
xternal electric field then net torque and force acting on
the ring would be zero
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16. Four identical charges are placed at the points (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), ((–1,
1, 0, 0) and (0, –1, 0).
(A) the potential at the origin is zero
(*B) the field at the origin
gin is zero
(C) the potential at all points on the zz-axis, other than the origin, is zero
(*D) the field at all points on the zz-axis,
axis, other than the origin acts along the z-axis

17. Variation of electrostatic potential along xx-direction is shown in the graph.

raph. The correct statement
about electric field is

(A) x component
omponent at point B is maximum
(B) x component at point A is towards positive xx-axis
(C) x component at point C is along negative xx-axis
(*D) x component at point C is along positive xx-axis

18. In an electric field E  ayiˆ   ax  bz  ˆj  bykˆ , where a and b are constants.
(A) the field can be conservative only if a = b
(*B) the field is conservative for every value of a and b
(*C) in the xy plane, electric field on the x axis is in the y direction only
(D) in the xz plane, electric field on the z axis is 0

19. A particle of charge 1 C C & mass 1 gm moving with a velocity of 4m/s is subjected to a uniform
electric field of magnitude 300 V/m for 10 sec. Then it’s final speed cannot be:
(*A) 0.5 m/s (B) 4 m/s (C) 3 m/s (D) 6 m/s
20. A proton and a deuteron are initially at rest and are accelerated through the same potential
difference. Which of the following is true concerning the fin
al properties of the two particles?
(*A) they have different speeds (B) they have same momentum
(*C) they have same kinetic energy (D) none of these
21. Particle A having positive charge is moving directly head
on towards initially stationary positively
charged particle B. At the instant when A and B are closest together.
(A) the moment of A and B must be equal
(*B) the velocities of A and B must be equa
(*C) B would have gained less kinetic energy than A would have lost
(*D) B would have gained the same momentum as A would have lost
22. A particle of mass m and charge q is thrown in a region where uniform gravitational field and
electric field are present.
sent. The path of particle
(*A) may be a straight line (B) may be a circle
(*C) may be a parabola (D) may be a hyperbola

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23. An electric dipole moment p  2.0iˆ  3.0ˆj C.
C. m is placed in a uniform electric field

 
E  3.0iˆ  2.0kˆ × 105 N C–1
 
 
(*A) the torque that E exerts on p is 0.6iˆ  0.4ˆj  0.9kˆ Nm
(*B) the potential energy of the dipole is –0.6J
(C) the potential energy of the dipole is 0.6 J
(*D) if the dipole is rotated in the electric field, the maximum potential energy of the dipole is 1.3 J

24. Three points charges are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side L as shown in the

(*A) the potential at the centroid of the triangle is zero

(B) the electric field at the centroid of the triangle is zero
(C) the dipole moment of the system is 2 qL
(*D) the dipole moment of the system is 3 qL

25. An electric dipole is placed at the centre of a sphere. Mark the correct answer
(*A) the flux of the electric field through the sphere is zero
(B) the electric field is zero at every point of the sphere
(C) the electric potential is zero on a circle on the surface
(*D) the electric potential is zero on a circle on the surface

26. For the situation shown in the figure below (assume r >> length of dipole) mark out the correct

(A) force acting on the dipole is zero

(*B) force acting on the dipole is approximately and is acting upward
4 0 r 3
(*C) torque acting on the dipole is in clockwise direction
4 0 r 3
(D) torque acting on the dipole is in anti-clockwise direction
4 0 r 3

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27. A small electric dipole is placed at origin with its axis being directed along the positive x-axis.
x The
direction of electric field due to the dipole at a point (1m, 2,
2, 0) is along the:
(A) z-axis (*B) y--axis (C) x-axis (D) line y = x

28. At distance of 5cm and 10cm outwards form the surface of a uniformly charged solid sphere, the
potentials are 100V and 75V respectively. Then
(*A) potential at its surface is 150V
(B) the charge on the sphere is (5/3) × 10 –10C
(*C) the electric field on the surface is 1500 V/m
(*D) the electric potential at its centre is 225V

29. A conducting sphere of radius r has a charge. Then

(A) the charges is uniformly distributed over its surfa
ce, if there is an external electric field
(B) distribution of charge over its surface will be non uniform if no external electric field exist in
(C) electric field strength inside the sphere will be equal to zero only when no external electric field
(*D) potential at every point of the sphere must be same

30. A hollow closed conductor of irregular shape is given some charge. Which of the following
statements are correct?
(*A) the entire charge will appear on its outer surface
(*B) all points on the conductor will have the same potential
(C) all points on its surface will have the same charge density
(D) all points near its surface and outside it will have the same electric intensity

31. Figure shows a neutral metallic sphere with a point charge +Q placed near its surface. Electrostatic
equilibrium conditions exist on metallic sphere. Mark the correct statements:

(*A) net flux through Gaussian surface due to charge Q is zero

(*B) net flux through Gaussian surface due to charges appearing on the outer surface of metallic
sphere must be zero
(*C) if point charge Q is displaced towards metallic sphere, magnitude of net flux through right
hemispherical closed Gaussian surface incr
(*D) if point charge Q is displaced towards metallic sphere, charge distribution on outer surface of
sphere will change

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32. For the situation shown in the figure below, mark out the correct statement(s)

(*A) potential of the conductor is
40  d  R 
(B) potential of the conductor is
4 0 d
(C) potential of the conductor can’t be determined as nature of distribution of induced charges is not
(*D) potential at point B due to induced charges is
40  d  R  d

33. Two large thin conducting plates with small gap in between are placed in a uniform electric field ‘E’
(perpendicular to the plates).
lates). Area of each plate is A and charges +Q and –Q are given to these
plates as shown in the figure. If points R,S and T as shown in the figure are three points in space,
then the

(*A) field at point R is E (B) field at point S is E

 Q   Q 
(C) field at point T is  E   (*D) field at point S is  E  
 0 A   A 0 

34. A uniform surface charge of density 220 in SI unit is distributed over x, y plane. We consider
spherical guassian surface of radius 5m, and center at (a, b, c) then
50 Nm2/c
(*A) If (a, b, c) = (2, 0, 0);  = 50
 Nm2/c
(B) If (a, b, c) = (0, 4, 0);  = 30
 Nm2/c
(*C) If (a, b, c) = (0, 2, 6);  = 0
50 Nm2/c
(*D) If (a, b, c) = (4, 3, 0);  = 50

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35. Two equal negative charges –q are fixed at the point (0, a) and (0, –a) on the y-axis. A charge +Q is
released from rest at the point (2a, 0) on the x-axis. The charge Q will :
(A) Execute simple harmonic motion about the origin.
(*B) At origin velocity of particle is maximum
(C) Move to infinity
(*D) Execute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion.

36. A negative point charge placed at the point A is

(A) in stable equilibrium along x-axis (B) in unstable equilibrium along y-axis
(*C) in stable equilibrium along y-axis (*D) in unstable equilibrium along x-axis

37. A point charge 'q' is within an electrically neutral conducting shell whose outer surface is a sphere
of radius R. The centre of outer surface is at O. Consider a point P outside the conductor as shown
in the figure. The magnitude of electric field at P

(A) due to charge induced on inner surface of the conductor is zero

(B*) due to charge induced on inner surface of the conductor
(r ')2
(C*) due to charge induced on outer surface of the conductor 2
(D) due to charge induced on surface of the conductor is 2

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38. A long cylindrical volume (of radius R) contains a uniformly distributed charge of density ρ.
Consider a point P inside the cylindrical volume at a distance x from its axis as shown in the figure.
Here x can be more than or less than R. Electric field at point P is :

x x R 2 R 2
(A*) if x < R (B) if x < R (C) if x > R (D) if x > R
2 0 0 40 x 20 x

39. Four short dipoles each of dipole moment ‘p’ are placed at the vertices of a square of side a. The
direction of the dipole moments are shown in the figure.

2p 2p
(A) Electric field at O is (B*) Electric field at O is
20 a 3 0 a 3

(C) Electrostatic potential at O is zero (D*) Net dipole moment is 2p

40. A uniform electric field of strength E exists in a region. An electron (charge –e, mass m) enters a
point A with velocity Vjˆ . It moves through electric field and exits at point B. Then:

 2amv 2 ˆ
(A*) E   i .
ed 2
4ma 2 v3
(B*) Rate of work done by the electric field at B is
(C*) Rate of work by the electric filed at A is zero.
2av ˆ ˆ
(D) Velocity at B is i  vj

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(Comprehension type Questions)
Paragraph for Qus 1 to 3
Four metallic plates are placed as shown in the figure. Plate 2 given a charge Q whereas all other
plates are uncharged. Plates 1 and 4 are joined together. The area of each plate is same.

1. The charge appearing on the right side of plate 3 is

(A) zero (*B) +Q/4 (C) –3Q/4 (D) Q/2

2. The charge appearing on right side of plate 4 is

(A) zero (B) –Q/4
Q/4 (C) –3Q/4 (*D) Q/2

3. The potential difference between plates 1 and 2 is

3 Qd Qd 3 Qd 3Qd
(A) (B) (*C) (D)
2 0A 0 A 4 0A 0 A

Paragraph for Qus 4 to 6

A thin, homogeneous stick of mass m and length L may rotate in the vertical plane around a
horizontal axle pivoted at one end of the stick. A small ball of mass m and charge Q is attached to
the opposite end of this stick. The whole system is positioned in a constant horizontal electric field
of magnitude
ude E= mg/2Q. The stick is held horizontally at the beginning.

4. What is the acceleration of the small ball at the instance of releasing the stick ?
(A) 3g/2 (B) 3g/4 (C*) 9g/8 (D) None

5. What is the speed of ball when rod becomes vertical

3g 3g
(A*) (B) 2 g (C) (D) None
2 4

6. Magnitude of acceleration of the end of the stick when it swings through the vertical position ?
3 5g 3 17g 3 2g
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
2 8 4

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Paragraph for Qus 7 to 9
A solid conducting sphere of radius ‘a’ is surrounded by a thin uncharged concentric conducting
shell of radius 2a. A point charge q is placed at a distance 4a from common centre of conducting
sphere and shell. The inner sphere is then grounded.

7. The charge on solid sphere is :

q q q q
(A)  (B*)  (C)  (D) 
2 4 8 16

8. Pick up the correct statement.

(A) Charge on surface of inner sphere is non-uniformly distributed.
(B) Charge on inner surface of outer shell is non-uniformly distributed.
(C*) Charge on outer surface of outer shell is non-uniformly distributed.
(D) All the above statements are false.

9. The potential of outer shell is

q q q q
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
320 a 160 a 8 0 a 40 a

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1. In the shown figure the conductor is uncharged and a charge q is placed inside a spherical cavity at
a distance a from its centre (C). Point P and charge +Q are as shown. a, b, c, d known.

Column-I Column-II
(A) Electric field due to induced charges on the (P) Zero
inner surface of cavity at point P
(B) Electric potential due to charges on the (Q) Non-zero
inner surface of cavity and q at P
(C) Electric field due to induced charges on the (R) Value can be stated with the given data
outer surface of conductor and Q at C
(D) Electric potential due to induced charges (S) Value cannot be stated from the given
on the inner surface of cavity at C data

ANS: (A)-Q,S, (B)-P,R (C)-P,R

P,R (D)

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2. Column I give a situation in which two dipoles of dipole moment piˆ and 3 p ˆj are placed at
origin. A circle of radius R with centre at origin is drawn as shown in figure. Column II gives
coordinates of certain positions on the circle. Match the statements in Column I with the statements
in Column II.

Column-I Column-II
(A) The coordinate(s) of point on circle where potential is (P)  R 3R 
maximum:  , 
2 2 
(B) The coordinate(s) of point on circle where potential is zero (Q)  R 3R 
 , 
 2 2 
(C) The coordinate(s) of point on circle where magnitude of (R)  3R R 
1 4p  , 
electric field intensity is  2 2
4 0 R 3
(D) The coordinate(s) of point on circle where magnitude of (S)  3R R 
1 2p  , 
electric field intensity is  2 2
4 0 R 3

Ans. (A)-p (B)-r, s (C)-p, q (D)-r, s

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(Subjective type Questions)
1. Two identical balls of mass m = 0.9 g each are charged by the same charges, joined by a thread and
suspended from the ceiling (Figure). What is the charge (in C)C) should both balls have so that the
tension in both the threads is the same? The distance between the centers of balls R = 3 m.

Ans. 3

2. A negative point charge 2q and a positive charge q are fixed at a distance l apart. Where should be
positive test charge Q be placed on the line connecting the charge for it to be equilibrium ? What is
the nature of the equilibrium with respective to longi
longitudinal motion?
Ans. a = l(1 + 2 ), the equilibrium will be stable

3. Draw E – r graph for 0 < r < b, if two point charge a & b are located r distance apart, when

(i) both are + ve (ii) both are – ve

(iii) a is + ve and be is – ve (iv) a is – ve and b is + ve


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4. A clock face has negative charges –q, – 2q, – 3q, ……., –12q 12q fixed at the position of the
corresponding numerals on the dial. The clock hands do not disturb the net field due to point
charges. At what time does the hour hand point in the same direction as electric field at the centre of
the dial.
Ans. 9.30

5. A small ball mass 2 × 10–3 Kg having a charge of 1 CC is suspended by a string of length 0.8m.
Another identical ball having the same charge is kept at the point of suspension. Determine the
minimum horizontal velocity which should be imparted to the lower ball so that it can make
completer revolution.
Ans. 5.86 m/s

6. A charge + 10–9 C is located at the origin in free space & another charge Q at (2, 0, 0). If the
X –component
component of the electric field at (3, 1, 1) is zero, calculate the value of Q. Is the Y –component
zero at (3, 1, 1)?
Ans.    × 3 × 10–9 C. No
11 

7. Find the electric field at centre of semicircular ring shown in figure.

Ans.  î
R 2

8. A particle of mass m and negative charge q is thrown in a gravity free space with speed u from the
point A on the large non conducting charge sheet with surface charge density , as shown in figure.
Find the maximum distance from A on sheet where the parti
particle can strike.

2 0 u 2 m

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9. The length of each side of a cubical closed surface is l. If charge q is situated on one of the vertices
of the cube, then find the flux passing through shaded face of the cube.

24 0

10. A point charge Q is located on the axis of a disc of radius R at a distance a from the plane of the
disc. If one fourth (1/4th)) of the flux from the charge passes through the disc, then find the relation
between a & R.

Ans. a =

11. A simple pendulum of length l and bob mass m is hanging in front of a large nonconducting sheet
having surface charge density .. If suddenly a charge +q is given to the bob & it is released from
the position shown in figure.
igure. Find the maximum angle through which the string is deflected from

 q 0 
Ans. 2 tan–1  
 20 mg 

12. A charge + Q is uniformly distributed over a fixed thin ring with radius R. A negative point charge
– Q and mass m starts from rest at a point far away from the centre of the ring and moves towards
the centre. Find the velocity of this particle at the mome
nt it passes through the centre of the ring.
2kQ 2

13. A point charge +q & mas 100 gm experiences a force of 1000 N at a point at a distance 20 cm from
a long infinite uniformly charged wire. If it is released find its speed when it is a distance 40 cm
from wire
Ans. 20 ln 2

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14. A particle of mass m and charge –q q moves along a diameter of a uniformly charged sphere of radius
R and carrying a total charge + Q. Find the frequency of S.H.M. of the particle if the amplitude does
not exceed R.
1 qQ
2 40 mR 3

15. Consider the configuration of a system of four charges each of value +q. Find the work done by
external agent in changing the configuration of the system from figure ((i)) to fig (ii).

Ans. 

kq 2
3 2 
16. Two identical particles of mass m carry charge Q each. Initially one is at rest on a smooth
horizontal plane and the other is projected along the plane directly towards the first from a large
distance with an initial speed V. Find the closest distance of aapproach.
m 0 V 2

17. The potential at point A due to a point charge is 30 V and at Point B is 20 V. What is the potential
at C (in volts) which at the midpoint of AB? Assume potential to be zero to  .

Ans. 24 V

18. The equipotential surface of a certain field are shown in figure. It is known that v 1 > v2. Use this
pattern to reproduce approximately the lines of force of this field and indicate their direction.
Determine the region in which the intensity of the field is highest.

Ans. Field intensity will be higher in the region where equipotential surfaces are denser

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19. Three charges 0.1 coulomb each are placed on the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 1m. If
the energy is supplied to this system at the rate of 1 kW, how much time would be required to move
one of the charges onto the midpoint of the line joining tthe other two?
Ans. 1.8 × 105 sec

20. A small electric dipole having dipole moment p is placed along x-axis axis as shown in the figure. A
infinite uniformly charged di
di-electric thin rod is placed along x-axis,
axis, with one end coinciding
with origin. If linear charge density of rod is +
+ and distance of dipole from rod is ‘a’, thin calculate
the electric force acting on dipole.

 p
4  0 a 2

21. A dipole is placed at origin of coordinate system as shown in figure, find the electric field at point P
(0, y).

2y 3 
ˆi  2ˆj 
22. Two conducting plates (very large) parallel to each other carrying total charge A and –2 A
respectivelyy where A = area of each plate, are placed in a uniform external electric field E. Find the
surface charge density on each surface.

Ans. ’ =   0 E  
 2

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23. A positive charge q is placed in front of a conducting solid cube at a distance d from its centre. Find
the electric field at the centre of the cube due to the charges appearing on its surface.
4  0 d 2

24. Two thin conducing shells of radii R and 3R are shown in figure. The outer shell carries a charge
+Q and the inner shell is neutral. The inner shell is earthed with the help of switch S. Find the
charge attained by the inner shell.

Ans. – Q/3

25. Consider three identical metal spher

es A, B and C. Sphere A carries charges +6q and sphere B
carries charge – 3q. Sphere C carries no charges. Spheres A and B are touched together and then
separated. Sphere C is then touched to sphere A and separated from it. Finally the sphere C is
touched to sphere B and separated from it. Find the final charge on the sphere C.
Ans. 1.125 q

26. Consider two concentric conducting spheres of radii a & b (b > a). Inside sphere has a positive
charge q1. What charge should be given to the outer sphere so that pot
ential of the inner sphere
becomes zero? How does the potential very between the two spheres & outside?
 q1  1 1  
 Vr     ; a  r  b
 40  r a  
 q 1 1 
b  Vb  1    ; rb 
Ans. (i) q2 = – q1 ; (ii)  40  b a  
 1  ql q 2  
 Vr     ; r  b 
 4 0  r r  

27. A positive charge Q is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of a non-conducting

non sphere of
radius R. A point mass having charge + q and mass m is fired towards the centre of the sphere with
velocity v from a point at distance (r > R) from the centre of the sphere. Find the minimum velocity
v so that it can penetrate R/2 distance of the sphere. Neglect any resistance other than electric
interaction. Charge on the small mass remains constant throughout the motion.
 2KQq  r  R 3  
Ans.    
 mR  r 8 

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uniform but spherically symmetric distribution of charge has a charge density  given as
28. A non-uniform
 = 0 (1 – r/R) for r ≤ R,
 = 0 for r  R,
where 0 = 3Q / R3 is a constant.
(a) Obtain an expression for the electric field in the region r ≤ R.
(b) Findd total charge contained in sphere.

Ans. (a) (kQr / R3) (4 – 3r/R) (b) Q

conducting disc of radius a and uniform positive surface charge density  is placed on the
29. A non-conducting
ground, with its axis vertical. A particle of mass m & positive charge q is dropped, along the axis of
q 4 0 g
the disc, from a height H with zero initial velocity. The particle has  .
m 
(a) Find the value of H if the particle just reaches the disc.
(b) Sketch the potential energy of the partic
le as a function of its height and find its equilibrium
4a a
Ans. (a) H = , (b) U = mg  2 h 2  a 2  h  equilibrium at h = ,
3   3

27 3 3
30. Four point charges + 8 C, – 1 
C and + 8 C, are fixed at the points, – m, – m, + m
2 2 2
and + m respectively on the yy-axis. A particle of mass 6 × 10–4 kg and of charge + 0.1 C
irection. Its speed at x = +  is v0. Find the least value of v0 for which the
moves along the –x direction.
particle will cross the origin. Find also the kinetic energy of the particle at the origin. Assume that
1/(40) = 9 × 109 Nm2/C2)
space is gravity free. (Given: 1/(4

 
Ans. v0 = 3 m/s : K.E. at the origin = 27  10 6 × 10–4 J approx. 2.5 × 10–4 J

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31. A uniformly charged thin rod of length 10 m produces an electric field of 100 V/m at a distance of 5
m at a point P on its perpendicular bisector as shown. The rod is now rotted in the plane of paper
about its centre by an angle of 37° in clockwise directi
on. What is the new electric field (in V/m) at

Ans. 125

32. A uniform rod AB of mass m and length  is hinged at its mid point C. The left half (AC) of the rod
has linear charge density – and the right half (CB) has + +, where  is constant.
constant A large non
conducting sheet of uniform surface charge density  is also present near the rod. Initially, the rod is
kept perpendicular to the sheet. The end A of the rod is initially at a distance d. Now the rod is
rotated by a small angle in the plane of the paper and released. Prove that the rod will perform SHM
and find its time period.

33. A solid sphere of radius ‘R’ is uniformly charged with charge density  in its volume. A spherical cavity of
radius is made in the sphere as shown in the figure. Find the electric potential at the centre of the sphere.

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34. A uniform surface charge of density  is given to a quarter of a disc extending upto infinity in the
first quadrant of x – y plane. The centre of the disc is at the origin O. Find the z – component of the
electric field at the point (0, 0, z) and the potential difference betwee
betweenn the points (0, 0, d) &
(0, 0, 2d).

35. Figure shows a rod of length L which is uniformly charged with linear charge density  kept on a
smooth horizontal surface. Right end of rod is in contact with a vertical fixed wall.
A block of mass m and charge q is projected with a velocity v from a point very far from rod in the
line of rod. Find the distance of closest approach between the block & the left end A of the rod.

conducting ring of radius R has a linear charge density   0 cos  where 0 is a

36. A thin non-conducting
constant  is the azimuthal angle. Find the magnitude of the electric field strength-
(a) At the centre of the ring.
(b) On the axis of the ring as a function of the distance x from its centre. Investigate the obtained
function at x > > R.

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37. The electric field strength depends only on the x and y coordinate according to the law
E  a(xi  yj)
 / (x 2  y2 ) , where a is a constant, i and j are the unit vectors of the x and y axes. Find
the flux of the vector E through a sphere of radius R with its centre at the origin of coordinates.
Using the above result, also calculate total charge enclosed by the sphere.

38. In a conducting hollow sphere of inner and outer radii 5 cm and 10 cm respectively, a point charge
Q = 1 C is placed at point A, that is 3 cm from the centre C of the hollow sphere. An external
uniform electric field of magnitude 20 N/C is also applied. Net electric force on this charge is 15 N,
away from the centre of the sphere as shown. Find m magnitude
agnitude of force exerted by this charge Q
placed at point A on the sphere.

Ans. 35 N

39. Figure shows a system of three concentric metal shells A, B and C with radii a, 2a and 3a
respectively. Shell B is earthed and shell C is given a charge Q. Now iiff shell C is connected to shell
A, then find the final charge on the shell B

Ans: 

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40. A point charge q is brought from infinity (slowly so that heat developed in the shell is negligible)
and is placed at the centre of a conducting neutral spherical shell of inner radius a and outer radius
b, then find work done by external agent :

41. A metallic sphere of radius R is cut in two parts along a plane whose minimum distance from the
sphere's centre is h = and the sphere is uniformly charged by a total electric charge Q. The
3kQ 2
minimum force necessary to hold the two parts of the sphere together is Then find the value
pR 2
of p ?
Ans. 32

42. The electric field in a region is radially outward with magnitude E = 2r. The charge contained in a
sphere of radius a = 2m centred at the origin is 4x0 . Find the value of x.

Ans. 16

43. An infinitely long string uniformly charged with a linear charge density 1 and a segment of length
 uniformly charged with linear charge density  2 lie in a plane at right angles to each other and
1 2
separated by a distance r0 as shown in figure. The force with which these two interact is n(x) .
If   r0 , then find the value of x.

Ans. 4

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JEE ADVANCED Previous Year’ss Questions
1. The electrostatic potential (r), of a spherical symmetric system, kept at origin, is shown in the
adjacent figure, and given as
q q
r =  r  R o  and r = r  Ro 
4  o r 4  o R o


Which of the following option(s) is/are correct?

(*A) For spherical region r ≤ R o, total electrostatic energy stored is zero
(*B) Within r = 2Ro, total charge is q
(*C) There will be no charge anywhere except at r = R Ro.
(*D) Electric filed is discontinuous at r = R o.

2. A long, hollow conducting cylinder is kept coaxially inside long, hollow conducting cylinder of
larger radius. Both the cylinders are initially electrically neutral.
(*A) A potential difference app ears between the two cylinders when a charge density is given to
the inner cylinder
(B) A potential difference appears between the two cylinders when a charge density is given to the
inner cylinder
(C) No potential difference appears between the two cylinders when a uniform line charge is kept
along the axis of the cylinder
(D) No potential difference appears between the two cylinders when same charge density is given
to both the cylinders

3. Consider a neutral conducting sphere. A positive point charge is placed outside the sphere. The net
charge on the sphere is then,
(A) Negative and distributed uniformly over the surface of the sphere
(B) Negative and appears only at the point on the sphere closest to the point charge
(C) Negative and distributed non
uniformly over the entire surface of the sphere
(*D) Zero

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4. A spherical portion has been removed from a solid sphere having a charge distributed uniformly in
its volume as shown in the figure. The electric field inside the emptied space is


(A) Zero everywhere (*B) Non-zero

zero and uniform
(C) Non-uniform (D) Zero only at its

5. Positive and negative point charges of equal magnitude are kept at  0, 0,  and  0, 0,   ,
a a
2  2   
respectively. The work done by the electric field when another positive point charge is moved from
(–a, 0, 0) to (0, a, 0) is
(A) Positive
(B) Negative
(*C) Zero
(D) Depends on the path connecting the initial and final positions

q q 2q
6. Consider
der a system of three charges , and  placed at point A, B and C, respectively, as shown
3 3 3
in the figure. Take O to be the centre of the circle of radius R and angle CAB = 60°

(A) The electric field at point O is directed along the negative x-axis
8  0 R 2
(B) The potential energy of the system is zero
(*C) The magnitude of the force between the charges at C and B is
54  0 R 2
(D) The potential at point O is
12  0 R

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Paragraph Type Qus for 7 to 9

The nuclear charge (Ze) is nonnon-uniformly

uniformly distributed within a nucleus of radius R. The charge
density (r)
(r) [charge per unit volume] is dependent only on the radial distance r from the centre of
the nucleus as shown in figure. The electric field is only alo
ng the radial direction

7. The electric field at r = R is:

(*A) Independent of a (B) Directly proportional to a
(C) Directly proportional to a2 (D) Inversely proportional to a

8. For a = 0, the value of d (maximum value of  as shown in the figure) is:

3Ze 3Ze 4Ze Ze
(A) (*B) (C) (D)
4R 3 R 3 3R 3 3R 3

9. The electric field within the nucleus is generally observed to be linearly dependent on r. the implies
R 2R
(A) a = 0 (B) a = (*C) a = R (D) a =
2 3

10. A disk of radius a/4 having a uniformly distributed charge 6C is placed in the x-y x plane with its
centre at (–a/2,
a/2, 0, 0). A rod of length a carrying a uniformly distributed charge 8C is placed on the
axis from x = a/4 to x = 5a/4. Two point charges –7C and 3C are placed at (a/4, –a/4, 0) and
3a/4, 3a/4, 0), respectively. Consider a cubical surface formed by six surfaces x =  a/2,
y =  a/2, z =  a/2. The electric flux through this cubical surface is

2C 2C 10C 12C
(*A) (B) (C) (D)
0 0 0 0

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11. Three concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R, 2R, 3R, are given charges Q1, Q2, Q3,
respectively. It is found that the surface charge densities on the outer surfaces of the shells are
equal. Then, the radio of the charges given to the shells, Q 1 : Q2 : Q3 is
(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (*B) 1 : 3 : 5 (C) 1 : 4 : 9 (D) 1 : 8 : 18

12. Under the influence of the Coulomb field of charge +Q, a charge –Q,
Q, a charge –q is moving around
it in an elliptical orbit. Find out the correct statement(s)
(*A) The angular momentum of the char charge –q is constant
(B) The linear momentum of the charge –q is constant
(C) The angular velocity of the charge –q is constant
(D) The linear speed of the charge –q is constant

13. A solid sphere of radius R has a charge Q distributed in its volume with a charge density  = Kra,
R 1
where K and a are constant s and r is the distance from its centre. If the electric field at r = is
2 8
times that at r = R, find the value of a.
Ans. 2

14. A few electric field lines for a system of two charges Q 1 and Q2 fixed at two different points on the
axis are shown in the figure. These lines suggest that

(*A) |Q1| > |Q2|
(B) |Q1| < |Q2|
(C) At a finite distance to the left of Q1 the electric field is zero
(*D) At a finite distance to the right of Q 2 the electric field is zero

15. A uniformly charged thin spherical shell of radius R carries uniform surface charge density of  per
unit area. It is made of two hemispherical shells, held together by pressing them with force F (See
figure). F is proportional to

1 2 2 1 2 1 2
1  2
(*A)  R (B)  R (C) (D)
0 0 0 R 0 R 2

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16. Consider an electric field E = E0 x̂ , where E0 is a constant. The flux through the shaded area (as
shown in the figure) due to this field is

E0 a
(A) 2E0a2 (B) 2 E0a2 (*C) E0a2 (D)

17. A spherical metal shell A of radius RA and a solid metal sphere B of radius RB (<RA) are kept far
apart and each is given charge ‘+Q’. Now they are connected by a thin metal wire. Then
(*A) E A = 0
(*B) QA > QB
A R B
(*C)  (*D) E onA surface  E Bon surface
B R A

Paragraph Type Qus for 18 to 20

A dense collection of equal number of electrons and positive ions is called neutral plasma. Certain
solids containing fixed positive ions surrounded by free electrons can be treated as neutral plasma.
Let ‘N’ be the number density of free electrons, each of mass ‘m’. When the electrons are subjected
to an electric field, they are displaced relatively away from the heavy positive ions. If the electric
field becomes zero, the electrons being to oscillate about the positive ions with a natural angular
frequency ‘p’, which is called the plasma frequency. To sustain the oscillations, a time varying
electric field needs to be applied that has an angular frequency , where a part of the energy is
absorbed and a part of it is reflected. As  approaches p, all the free electrons are set to resonance
to together and all the energy is reflected. This is the explanation of high reflectively of metals.

18. Taking the electronic charge as ‘e’ and the permittivity as ‘0’, use dimensional analysis to
determine the correct expression for p.
Ne m0 Ne2
(A) (B) (*C) (D)
m0 Ne m0 Ne2

19. Estimate the wavelength at which plasma reflection will occur for a metal having the density of
electrons N  4 × 1027 m–3. Take 0  10–11, wherej these quantities are in proper SI units.
(A) 800 nm (*B) 600 nm (C) 300 nm (D) 200 nm

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20. A wooden block performs SHM on a frictionless surface with frequency, v 0. The block carries a
charge +Q on its surface. If now a uniform electric field E is switched on as shown, then the SHM
of the block well be

(*A) Of the same frequency and with shifted mean position
(B) Of the same frequency and with the same mean position
(C) Of changed frequency and with shifted mean position
(D) Of changed frequency and with the same mean position

21. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? [JEE-2011]

–2.5 –2
(A) If the electric field due to a point charge varies as r instead of r , then the Gauss law will
still be valid
(B) The Gauss law can be used to calculate the field distribution around an electric dipole
(*C) If the electric field between two point charges is zero somewhere, then the sign of the two
charges is the same
(*D) The work done by the external force in movimoving
ng a unit positive charge from point A at potential
VA potential VB is (VB – VA)

22. Consider a thin spherical shell of radius R with its center at the origin, carrying uniform positive

surface charge density. The variation of the magnitude of the electric field | E  r  | and the electric
potential V(r) with the distance r from the centre, is best represented by which graph?

(A) (B)

(C) (*D)

23. Two large vertical and parallel metal plates having a separation of 1 cm are connected to a DC
voltage source of potential difference X. A proton is released at rest midway between the two
plates. It is found to move at 45° to the vertical JUST after release. Then X is nearly [JEE-2012]
–5 –7 –9
(A) 1 × 10 V (B) 1 × 10 V (*C) 1 × 10 V (D) 1 × 10–10 V

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24. A cubical region of side a has its centre at the origin. It encloses three fixed point charges, –q at
 a   a 
 0,  , 0  , + 3q at (0, 0, 0) and –
–q at  0,  , 0  . Chose the correct option(s)
 4   4 

(*A) The net electric flux crossing the plane x = + is equal to the net electric flux crossing the
plane x = –
(B) The net electric flux crossing the plane y = + is more than the net electric flux crossing the
plane y = –
(*C) The net electric flux crossing the entire region is
(*D) The net electric flux crossing the plane z = + is equal to the net electric flux crossing the
plane x = +

25. An infinitely long solid cylinder of radius R has a uniform volume charge density . It has a
spherical cavity of radius R/2 with its centre on the axis of the cylinder, as shown in the figure. The
magnitude of the electric field at the point P, which is at a distance 2R from the axis of the cylinder,
23 R
is given by the expression . The value of k is
16k 0

Ans. 6
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26. Six point charges kept at the vertices of a regular hexagon of side L and centre O, as shown in the
1 q
figure. Given that K = , which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
4  0 L2

(*A) The electric field at O is 6K along OD
(*B) The potential at O is zero
(*C) The potential at all point on the line PR is same
(D) The potential at all point on the line ST is same

conducting solid spheres of radii R and 2R, having uniform volume charge densities 1
27. Two non-conducting
and 2 respectively, touch each other. The net electric field at a distance 2R from the centre of the
smaller sphere, along the line joining the centres of the spheres, is zero. The ratio can be
32 32
(A) –4 (*B) – (C) (*D) 4
25 25

28. Two non-conducting

conducting spheres of radii R1 and R2 and carrying uniform volume charge densities + +
and – respectively, are placed such that they partially overlap, as shown in figure. At all points in
the overlapping region,

(A) The electrostatic field is zero
(B) The electrostatic potential is constant
(*C) The electrostatic field is constant in magnitude
(*D) The electrostatic field has same direction

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29. Let E1(r), E2(r) and E3(r) be the respective electric fields at a distance r from a point charge Q, an
infinitely long wire with constant linear charge density λ, and an infinite plane with uniform surface
charge density . If E1(r0) = E2(r0) = E3(r0) at a given distance r0, then

(A) Q = 4r02 (B) r0 =
(*C) E1(r0/2) = 2E2(r0/2) (D) E2(r0/2) = 4E3(r0/2)

30. Charges Q, 2Q and 4Q are uniformly distributed in three dielectric solid spheres 1, 2 and 3 of radii
R/2, R and 2R respectively as shown in figure. If magnitudes of the electric fields at point P at a
distance R from the centre of spheres 1, 2 and 3 are E 1, E2 and E3 respectively, then

(A) E1 > E2 > E3 (B) E3 > E1 > E2 (*C) E2 > E1 > E3 (D) E3 > E2 > E1

31. Four charges Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 of same magnitude are fixed along the x axis at x = –2a, –a, +a and
+2a, respectively. A positive charge q is placed on the positive y axis at a distance b > 0. Four
options of the signs f these charges are given in List I. The di direction
rection of the forces on the charges q
is given in List II. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below
the lists.

List-I List-I
P. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 all positive 1. +x
Q. Q1, Q2 positive; Q3, Q4 negative 2. –x
R. Q1, Q4 positive; Q2, Q3 negative 3. +y
S. Q1, Q2 positive; Q2, Q4 negative 4. –y

(*A) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2 (B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4 (D) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3

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32. Consider a uniform spherical charge distribution of radius R1 centred at the origin O. In this
distribution, a spherical cavity of radius R 2, centred at P with distance OP = a = R1 – R2 (see figure)
  
is made. If the electric field inside the cavity at position r is E  r  then the correct statement(s)


(A) E is uniform, its magnitude is independent of R2 but its direction depends on  r 
 
(B) E is uniform, its magnitude on R2 and its direction depends on  r 
 
(C) E is uniform, its magnitude is independent of a but its direction depends on  a 
 
(*D) E is uniform and both its magnitude and direction depend on  a 

33. The figures below depict two situations in which two infinitely long static line charges of constant
positive line charge density λ are kept parallel to each other. In ttheir
heir resulting electric field, point
charges q and –qq are kept in equilibrium between them. The point charges are confined to move in
the x direction only. If they are given a small displacement about their equilibrium positions, then
correct statement(s) is(are)

(A) Both charges execute simple harmonic motion
(B) Both charges will continue moving in the direction of their displacement
(*C) Charge +q executes simple harmonic motion while charge –q
q continues moving in the
direction of its displacement
(D) Charge –q q executes simple harmonic motion while charge +q continues moving in the direction
of its displacement

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34. An infinitely long uniform line charge distribution of charge per unit length λ lies parallel to the y-
axis in the y-z plane at z = a (see figure). If the magnitude of the flux of the electric field
through the rectangular surface ABCD lying in the x-y plane with its centre at the origin is
( 0 = permittivity of free space), then the value of n is

Ans. 6

35. A point charge +Q is placed just outside an imaginary hemispherical surface of radius R as shown
in the figure. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Q  1 
(*A) The electric flux through the curved surface of the hemisphere is –  1 
2 0  2
(B) The component of the electric field normal to the flat surface is constant over the surface
(C) The flux through the curved and the surfaces is
(*D) The circumference of the flat surface is an equipotential

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36. An infinitely long thin non-conducting
conducting wire is parallel to the zz-axis
axis and carries an uniform line
charge density λ. It pierces a thin non
conducting spherical shell of radius R in such a way that the
arc PQ subtends an angle 120° at the centre O of the spherical shell, as sshownhown in the figure. The
permittivity of free space is ε0. Which of the following statements is (are) true ?

[JEE 2018]
(*A) The electric flux through the shell is 3 Rλ/e0
(*B) The z-component
component of the electric field is zero at all the points on the surface of the shell
(C) The electric flux through the shell is 2 Rλ/e0
(D) The electric field is normal to the surface of the shell at all points

37. A particle, mass of 10–3 kg and charge 1.0 C, is initially at rest. At time t = 0, the particle comes

under the influence of an electric field E(t)  E0 sin t ˆi, where E0 = 1.0 N C–1 and ω = 103 rad s–1.
Consider the effect of only the electrical forces on the particle. T hen the maximum speed, in ms–1,
attained by the particle at subsequent times is__________.
[JEE 2018]
Ans: 2

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38. The electric field E is measure at a point P (0, 0, d) generated due to various charge distributions
and the dependence of E on d is found to be different for difference charge distributions. List-I
contains different relations between E and d. List-II describes different electric charge distributions,
along with their locations. Match the functions in List-I with the related charge distributions in
[JEE 2018]

List-I List-II
(P) E is independent of d (1) A point charge Q at the origin
1 A small dipole with point charge Q at (0, 0, l) and –Q at
(Q) E (2)
d (0, 0, –l). Take 2l < < d
1 A infinite line charge coincident with the x-axis, with
(R) E 2 (3)
d uniform linear charge density λ
Two infinite wires carrying uniform linear Charge density
1 parallel to the x – axis. The one along (y = 0, z = l) has a
(S) E (4)
d3 charge density +λ and the one along (y = 0, z = – l) has a
charge density – λ. Take 2l << d
Infinite plane charge coincident with the xy-plane with
uniform surface charge density.

(A) P → 5; Q → 3, 4; R → 1; S → 2 (B*) P → 5; Q → 3; R → 1, 4; S → 2
(C) P → 5; Q → 3; R → 1,2 ; S → 4 (D) P → 4; Q → 2, 3; R → 1; S → 5

39. A thin spherical insulating shell of radius R carries a uniformly distributed charge such that the
potential at its surface is V0. A hole with small area α4πR2 (α < < 1) is made on the shell without
affecting the rest of the shell. Which one of the following statement is correct?
[JEE 2019]
(A*) The ratio of the potential at the center of the shell to that of the point at R from center
1 
towards the hole will be
1  2
(B) The potential at the center of the shell is reduced by 2αV 0

(C) The magnitude of electric field at the center of the shell is reduced by
(D) The magnitude of electric field at a point, located on a line passing through the hole and shell’s
center, on a distance 2R from the center of the spherical shell will be reduced by 0

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40. A charged shell of radius R carries a total charge Q. Given ϕ as the flux of electric field through a
closed cylindrical surface of height h, radius r and with its centre same as that of the shell. Here
center of cylinder is a point on the axis of the cylinder which is equidistant from its top and bottom
surfaces. Which of the following option(s) is are correct? [ε0 is the permittivity of free space
[JEE 2019]

4R Q 3R Q
(A) If h > 2R and r = then ϕ = (B*) If h > 2R and r = then ϕ =
5 50 5 50
8R 3R Q
(C*) If h < and r = then ϕ = 0 (D*) If h > 2R and r > R then ϕ =
5 5 0

p0 ˆ ˆ
41. An electric dipole with dipole moment (i  j) is held fixed at the origin O in the presence of a
uniform electric field of magnitude E0. If the potential is constant on a circle of radius R centered at
the origin as shown in figure, then the correct statement(s) is/are:
(ε0 is permittivity of free space. R > > dipole size) [JEE 2019]

(A) The
he magnitude of total electric field on any two points of the circle will be same

ld at point A is E A  2E0 (iˆ  ˆj)
(B) Total electric field
 p0 
(C*) R   
 4 0 E 0  
(D*) Total electric field at point B is E B = 0

42. A parallel place capacitor of capacitance C has spacing d between two plates having area A. The
region between the plates is filled with N dielectric layers, parallel to its plates, each with thickness
d  m
  , The dielectric constant of the mth layer is Km = K  1   . For a very large N (> 103), the
N  N
 K A 
capacitance C is   0  . The value of α will be ____________.
 d ln 2 
[ε0 is the permittivity of the free space] [JEE 2019]
Ans: 1

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