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1 Kuhn

Charlotte Kuhn

Composition 1

Professor McGriff

April 17, 2020

A Journey Through Composition One

Dear Professor McGriff,

This semester has been a rollercoaster ride for me. It has been twenty-plus years since I

was in an English class, and I have never taken a college composition class. Also, I am not one

who enjoys writing; I am more of a verbal communicator. This composition one class has

challenged me in my ability to write, research, and reading comprehension. I am thankful for

Professor McGriff, helping me overcome each hurdle along the way and making it simple to

understand how even I can be an extraordinary writer. Somethings I will take with me in my

journey through this life because of Profesor McGriff and this class is that I have significantly

grown in my writing from the knowledge I acquired, the experience I have gained will aid me in

college next semester and my current job at FRCSE, and I have a better understanding of my

learning abilities.

First, I have significantly grown in my writing from the knowledge I acquired. Until I

took this class, I did not even know there were so many different styles of essays or that you can

write them in MLA formatting, and I thought that building a website was only for computer-

savvy individuals. Following the completion of this class, I now have the knowledge and

confidence to write seven different styles of essays using MLA formatting and can build

websites. Also, I gained the experience that there is an actual layout (formula) to follow to make

an excellent essay for all my future writing endeavors. Lastly, I have the knowledge of how to
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edit not only my writing but other individuals writing positively because of the experience I now

have with proper grammar and punctuation.

Second, the experience I have gained will aid me in college next semester and my current

job at FRCSE. The skills I have learned from this class will allow me to confidently write evals,

descriptions of the job task, defective work orders, and send emails because I am self-assured in

my use of proper grammar, punctuation, and writing prosses. Another skill that will help me at

FRCSE is “The Goal Essay,” I wrote. That essay helped me see that when there is a huge task to

be completed, I can outline the task and break it down into small steps to help me reach the big

goal of completing the mission. Lastly, the skill of building a website can help me with unique

projects at FRCSE and could even lead to promotions because I have acquired such specialized

expertise at building a website.

Finally, I have a better understanding of my learning abilities after completing this

composition class. I now know that I learn best in a classroom setting. I feel more connected to

the material I am learning when working with my professor or classmates in a group effort.

When collaborating as a group and showing examples, it allows me to see things that I might not

have seen. Also, using InQuizitive and Canvas practice quizzes was a big help in my learning of

proper grammar and punctuation along with editing. If I got something wrong in the exam, I was

able to reference back to the “Little Seagull Book” and understand what I was doing wrong.

Lastly, I believe that all the essays I had to write was the best for me this semester to enhance my

learning of writing. The more I wrote, the more my writing improved. However, I am still having

a rough time with citing my works, writing on the spot, and editing as I go, but I know I will get

better with practice in my Technical Writing Class next semester.

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This journey through a college composition one class has been no walk in the park for

me. Many of the days and nights, I cried when writing essays thinking I am a horrible writer; my

fears made me want to quit a million times. Still, because Professor McGriff took the time to

nurture and help me grow with my writing, I was able to gain confidence in every essay and

assignment I completed. I am so thankful for the experience of completing this composition class

and all the lessons I will carry with me for life. Plus, it has shown me that everyone could be a

writer. Louis L’Amour stated, “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the

faucet is turned on.”

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