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Physical Health: Do NOT Eat

 Fast Foods

o Few items on fast food children’s menu are associated with national nutrition standards or dietary
guidelines (Poti, Duffey, and Popkin)

 Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

o Fast food consumption is associated with a higher intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and French
fries and a lower intake of milk, fruit, and vegetables (Poti, Duffey, and Popkin)

 Why?

o Weight Gain and Obesity

 Can lead to diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes

o Sugar-sweetened beverages contribute most to an average American's diet of added sugar

 Increased amounts of sugar are associated with an increased risk of heart disease

In one of the articles, it said “Not only is heart disease the nation’s leading killer, there’s overwhelming
evidence that better dietary choices could prevent many heart attacks and strokes”

Physical Health: Do NOT Eat

 Processed Foods with Elevated Amounts of:

o Trans-Fat

o Refined Carbohydrates

o Phosphorus

o Sodium

 Why?

o Trans-fat: Increased risk for heart disease because elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol increases the chance of blood clotting and inflammation

 Trans-fats: cakes, pies, and cookies (especially with frosting), breakfast sandwiches,
microwave popcorn
o Refined Carbohydrates: Can lead to type 2 diabetes

 Refined Carbohydrates: pancakes, muffins, pastries, breaded or battered foods

o Phosphorus: Increases the risk of cardiovascular disease which can lead to death

 Mineral Phosphorus: soft drinks and deli meats are considered to be highly processed

o Sodium: Contributes to hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes

 Sodium: breads, crackers, and bake goods

 The average American eats about 50% more sodium that the recommended amount and its
usually before the food reaches the table

 Foods that Negatively Affect Physical Health Are Fast Foods and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
 In one of the research articles (The association of fast food consumption with poor dietary outcomes
and obesity among children) it said that there were few items on the fast food children’s menu that are
associated with national nutrition standards or dietary guidelines
 It also said that fast food consumption is associated with a higher intake of sugar-sweetened beverages
and French fries and a lower intake of milk, fruit, and vegetables
 These foods should not be consumed because fast food can lead to weight gain and obesity which can
lead to diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes
 Sugar-sweetened beverages contribute most to an average American’s diet of added sugar and
increased amounts of sugar are associated with an increased risk of heart disease
 In one of the articles (Food trends and your heart) it says, “not only is heart disease the nation’s
leading killer, there’s overwhelming evidence that better dietary choices could prevent many heart
attacks and strokes”
 Foods that also negatively affect an individual’s physical health are processed foods with elevated
amounts of trans-fat, refined carbohydrates, phosphorus, and sodium
 Processed foods with elevated amounts of trans-fat can lead to an increased risk for heart disease
because it elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol which increases the chance of blood clotting
and inflammation
 Processed foods with elevated amounts of refined carbohydrates can lead to type 2 diabetes
 Processed foods with elevated amounts of phosphorus can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
which can lead to death
 Processed foods with elevated amounts of sodium contributes to hypertension, heart attacks, and
 The average American eats about 50% more of sodium than the recommended amount and its usually
before the food even reaches the table (Food trends and your heart)

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