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Carolina De Los Santos Arnaut- 1086038

Throughout my life I have always been related and enjoyed the

international trade and the business area and in my dad´s business I
developed my skills. Definitely the area of economy and business are
my thing, that's why I chose Commercial Engineering as my main
career. Once I finish (if God allows me, of course) my plan is to travel
to Madrid, Spain to do a Master in International Finance at the Instituto
de Estudios Búrsatiles (IEB) which offers this Master to those
individuals aiming to become international financial leaders in their
respective fields. The programme includes three Academic Stays
abroad: the London School of Economics (United Kingdom), the
Wharton School (USA) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong
(China). It lasts for 16 months and the modality is completely face-to-
It is commonly known that the English language is essential to achieve
goals in the networking world, that's why they teach us from a young
age. The Master is a fully English-based programme and, as such, all
lectures, class discussions, presentations, student-faculty
communications, and documentation are in English. This is important
as English is the main language used in the financial world. And not
only that, learning in English, will open my mind and also allow me to
meet people from other cultures to establish more job opportunities.
Secondly and reflecting on my educational experience that marches
very closely with the objectives of the Master’s degree. They will give
me a broad and professional knowledge of all areas of finance from top
business schools. As modality the IEB offer through examples of how
to apply the theoretical concepts to the day-to-day financial world, and
through exercises, case studies, and real-time trading on an online
portfolio simulation platform, a practical and up-to-date point of view
for the topics covered in the course. Another objective is to prepare me
to the working environment through the use of Bloomberg as a primary
teaching tool and numerous presentations throughout the degree. And
to encourage personal development and teamwork through in class team
case studies and presentations.
The last of the main reasons I chose the IEB as a university, is its
impeccable reputation. The IEB, as leader in financial education in
Spain and the Ibero-American region, has a very wide academic offer.
The institute offers everything from double degree courses, Master's
degrees (both online and face-to-face), management and specialization
programs, accreditations, technical courses and intensive summer
programs. Emphasizing that the Master degree of my interest has been
ranked #1 for the last five years in the El Mundo Annual Ranking and
has been accredited by the CNMV (The National Securities Market
Commission) to advise, as established in MiFID II.
In conclusión, doing a master in International Finance at the IEB
(Institute for Market Studies) is the greatest and most desired goal at
present. I am willing to put all my efforts into reaching that goal and
going beyond. As I will have the facility of student mobility in three of
the most prestigious business schools in the world of finance, they give
me an insight into key financial centers, such as Madrid, London, New
York, Philadelphia and Hong Kong, cities that are worldwide references
in international financial leadership. I project myself in a big way,
putting into practice my knowledge in some recognized stock exchange
in Europe or any other part of this globalized world.

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