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COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE f CLAS CAT] TS CENTRAL REPORT NO. OO -v-23682 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO, oo \ Germany DATE OF INFORMATION 1952 Military; Sefentific DATE DIST. 2:3 Avg 1952 Daily nevepaper Athens NO. OF PAGES 2 Jur 1952 _ oF ~~ SUPPLEMENT TO Greek REPORT NO. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION TFLYING_SAUCERS"_IN FAST GERMANY Berlin, July -- Furnished vith the svorn testimony of an eyevitness; Oscar Linke, a 4$-year-old German and former payor of Gleirershausea, West Berlin intelligence officers have begun investigating a most unusual *flyiag saucer" story. According to this pan" and having a diameter of about 15 meters landed in a fores' tory, an object "resembling a huge flying clearing 10 the Sorlet Zone of Gersany, Linke and his ll-year-old daughter, Gabriella, rade the folloving svora Linke recently escaped from the Soviet Zone along vith his vife and six eniléren, staterent last veek before a Judge: "While I vas returning to xy hone vith Gabriella, Valle ve vei 4 tire of xy motorcycle blev out near the tovn of Hasselbach, re valking along tovard Easselbach, Gabriella pointed out sona- foing vhich ley at @ distance of about 140 meters avay from ws, Bince it was twiltght, I though that she vas pointing at a young deer, TI left xy motoreyele near a tree and valked tovard the spot vhich Gabriella bed pointed out, When, hoverer, I reached a spot about 55 meters from the object, I realized that xy firat impression bad been vrong. What I had seen vere tvo wen vho vere nov about hO meters ray fromm, They seeped to be dressed in sone shiny metallic clothing, They vere stooped over and vere looking at sozething lying on the ground, ME approached ont{1 I vas only about 10. weters fron #bs: over @ snail fence and then I noticed a large object vote dlaneter T eattnated to be betveen 13 and 15 meters, It looked like # buge frying pan, I looxed “There vere tvo rove of holes on its periphery, sbout 30 centineters in circumference. The space betveen the tus vows iye ee pe Sel WHERE. PUBLISHED Athens NO.OF PAGES 2 Pau 9 Jal 1952 eae - ‘SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE — Greek REPORT NO. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE, I Kathinerint, “FLYING SAUCERS" IN BAST GERMANY “FLYING SAUCERS" IN EAST GERMANY, Berlin, July -» Furnished vith the avora teatinony of an eyevitnes Oscar Linke, a 46-year-old German ani forner mayor of Gleinershausen, West Berlin intelligence officers have begun investigating a xost unusual "flying saucer™ story. According to this story, an object "resesbling a huge flying pan” and having @ diameter of about 15 meters lanied in a forest clearing in the Soviet Zone of Germany, Linke recently escaped from the Soviet Zone along with his vife and six children, Linke and hie 1l-yeer-old daugnter, Gabriella, xade the’ folloving svora statenent last veek before a Judge: "while I vas returning to my hone vith Gabriella, a tire of my motorcycle blev out near the tovn of Basselbach, Walle ve vere valking along tovard Hassélbach, Gabriella pointed out sone ‘bing which ley at « Afetence of about 140 meters avay from Gs, Binee it vas twilight, I though that she vas polating at a young deer, : = ME left my xotoreycle near a tree and_valked tovand the spot vhich Gabriella had pointed out. When, hoverer, I reached spot about 55 meters from the object, I realised that xy first impression bad been vrong. What T had seen vere tvo men vho vere nov about 40 metera avay from me. They stened to be dressed in sone shiny metallic clothing, They vere stooped over and vere locking at something lying on the ground. NI approached until I-vas only about 10 xeters frea thex, I lockeé over snail fence and then I noticed a large object vbose dianeter I eetizated to be between 13 and 15 meters, It looked like a huge frying pan. j Minere vere tvo rove of holes oa ite periphery, about 30 centizeters in ! | circumference. Toe apace betveen the tvo rows vas about 0.45 meter: On the top of this metal object vas a Dlack conical tover about 3 meters high. 5 5 APPROVED FOR RES . I ag : BATE... a 3 2 ARCHIVAL Ree. : wile 3 RH : Agen SeRASe Ress sare [ovr nae DISTRIBUTION oo r-- i i aE coat | "At that xoment, my daughter, vbo bad remained a short distance bebind we, called ne. The tvo men must have heard xy daughter's voice because they Immediately Jumped on the conical tover and disappeared inside, "I bed previously noted that ove of the men bad a lamp on the front part of his body vhich lit up at regular iotervals, "Kov, the side of the object on vaich the boles had deen opened degan to glitter, ‘Its color seeped green but later turned to red. At the sace tine T Degan to bear a slight tus, While the brightness and bua fncreased, the conical tover began to slide dovn into the center of the object, The vhole object thea began to rise slovly frou the grout and rotate like « top, "It seened to we as if At vere suppgrted by the cylindrical plast vbich had gone dovn from the top of the objecty*through the center, and had nov speared from {ts bottom on-the-ground, wrae object, surrounded by’ ring of flees, vas nov « certain nusber of feet sboye-the ground. a +I then noted that the vhole object had risen slovly from the grount. The“ S cylinder on vhich it vas supported had nov disappeared vithin ite center and bad reappeared on the top of the object, 2 "Tne rate of climb had nov becone greater. “At the sane tine xy dsughter end I heard a vhistling sound similar to that heard when a bond falls "Ihe object rose to a horirontel position, turned tovard a neighboring town, and then, gaining eltituie, it disappeared over the heights and forests in the direction of Stockheim." Many other pereons vho live in the sane area es Linke later related thst they sav an object vhich they thought to be a comet, A shepherd stated that, be thought that he vas looking at a conet moving evay at a lov altitute from the height on vbich Linke stood. “ “After submitting bis testizony to the judge, Linke nade the folloving 5 statement: "I vould have thought that both my daughter and I vere dreaming Af it vere not for the folloving element involved: When tke object bad Aisappeared, I vent to the place vbere it bad been, I found a circuler opening in the ground and it vas quite evident that it vae freshly dug. It was exactly the sane shape as the conical tover, I vas then convinced that I vase not dreaning.” Linke continued, "I bad never beard of the term ‘flying saucer’ pacer escaped from the Soviet Zoue into West Berlin. When I sav this object, I immediately thought that it vas a nev Soviet xilitary machine. “I confess that Iwas seized vith fright because the Soviets do not vant anyone to know about their vork. Many persons have been restricted to their movements for xany years in Fast Germany because they knov too much." | "Wov, the side of the object on vaicb the holes had been opened began to glitter. ‘Its color scesed green but later turned to red. At the sane tine I began to hear a slight bus. While the brightness and bun increased, the conical tover began to slide dova into the center of the object. The vhole object then began to rise slovly from the ground and rotate like a top. "It eecned to me as if it vere suppgrted by the cylinirical plant vbich had gone dovn from the top of the objecty*through the center, and had nov appeared fron ite bottom on the ground. "The object, surrounded by a ring of flanes, was nov a certain ousber of feet adoye.the grount. e +I then noted that the vhole object had risen slovly from the ground, The “ S cylinder on vhich it vas supported had nov disappeared vithia its center and had reappeared on the top of the object. "The rate of clizb hed nov tecone greater, “At the sane tine my daughter and I beard a vhistling sound similar to that bean! vhen a boub falls. ; "The object rose to a horirontel position, turded tovand a neightoring tom, ani then, gatning eltitule, it disappeared over the heights apd forests in the direction of Stockheim," Many other persons vbo Live in the sane area as Linke later related that they sav ap object vnich they thought to be a couet. A shepherd stated that be thought that be vas locking at @ conet moving avay at a lov altitute from the height on which Linke stood. “After submitting his testinony to the judge, Linke made the folloving : statement: "I vould have thought that both my daughter and I vere dreaming if it vere not for the folloving element involved; Wen the object. bad Aisappeared, I vent to the place vbere it had been, I found a circular opening in the ground and it vas quite evident that it vas fresbly dug. It vas exactly the same shape es the conical tover. I vas then convinced that I vas not dreaning, } Linke continued; "I bad never beard of the term ‘flying saucer’before I \ eecaped from the Soviet Zone into West Berlin, When I sav this object, I Ampediately thought that it vas a nev Soviet x.litery machine, "I confess that I'vas seized vith fright because the Soviets do not vant anyone to knov about their vork, Many persons have been restricted to their moverents for xany years in East Germany because they know too much.”

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