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All Shook Up—Summer 2019

Welcome to Stage Right Theatre Company!
We are excited to have you aboard our company in this our 2019 Season. Let this letter serve as an official offer and contractual agreement
between you, _____Alexander Slade____, and Stage Right Theatre Company. On behalf of our production team and board of directors I
would like to officially offer you the role of ___DEAN______in our production of All Shook Up running July 5 thru 21, 2019.
Our rehearsal schedule will begin June 10, 2019, with rehearsals taking place Monday thru Fridays until tech week. You are required to attend
all rehearsals stated unless otherwise noted by the production team. Notice of changes to rehearsal times, dates, and locations are the respon-
sibility of the production team and must be sent within 24 hours of stated change.
Performances are July 5 thru 21, 2019 at Main Street Gardens in Williamstown, KY. You are required to attend all performances.
FINES I agree to the terms of fines _______. (Initial)
You understand that your failure to comply with basic theatre work ethics may result in fines to be deducted from your final stipend payment. Fines
can be contracted due to tardiness, missed rehearsals, costume or prop abuse, inappropriate language or behavior in front of patrons, or any other action
deemed inappropriate by the management of Stage Right. You will be notified of any fines contracted and have the right to contest them.

PROMOTIONS I agree to the terms of promotions _______. (Initial)

Throughout the duration of this contract, promotions may take place throughout the region. You, as a member of Stage Right Theatre Company, are
required to participate in no less than 2 events which may include Fairs, Mall Appearances, radio interviews, or City Events.

MEDIA RELEASE I agree to the terms of the media release clause above __________. (Initial)
You agree to the production and distribution of your likeness by Stage Right Theatre Company to any outlets of publication deemed necessary for pro-
motional use. Additional compensation will not be provided for the use of your likeness or image.

STRIKE I agree to the terms of the strike clause __________. (Initial)

As a cast member, you are required to participate in the striking of costumes, sets, props, etc for the show in which you are a cast member. Strike will
take place on July 21, 2019. Strike will begin after the final performance and the house is clear, Strike should take no more than 3 hours. Should you
wish to avoid strike, a fee of $25 will be deducted from your salary.

COMPENSATION: Your work with us will be compensated through a stipend in the amount of _$750___. Your stipend will be disbursed in
___2_ payment(s) of $375 ; to be distributed to you on ___July 7th & 21nd________________. As an independent contractor, you are respon-
sible for the taxes on this compensation. Proper tax forms to be provided at the end of the year. Compensation is confidential and should not
be discussed with anyone other than company management. Violation of this provision can effect your ability to be rehired for future produc-
TERMINATION: The terms of this contract are subject to termination if the terms therein are not met. In the event of natural disaster, war,
or any unforeseen event that would deem this contract obsolete, this contract may be dissolved and the terms abolished.

Alexander Slade D
First Name Last Name MI Age
98 Hidden Valley Drive Highland Heights KY
Main Address City State Zipcode

032-80-4703 9-30-1997 (859)-321-9259

Social Security Number Date of Birth Email Address Phone Number
By signing below, I agree that I have read and will comply to the terms and conditions listed above.
Signature____________________________________Date ___________ -Signature(If Minor)____________________________

Contracts should be returned As Soon As Possible but no later than April 1, 2019.
All Shook Up—Summer 2019
To ensure that you and your work as an artist are represented properly in our playbills and promotional material, please fill
this form out as you want to be represented. Stage Right reserves the right to cut your bio down should it be necessary.

Last Name: ____________________________________ First Name: ______________________________ MI: ____________

Stage Name (as you want it to appear in our Playbill): ____________________________________________________

Hometown:____________________________ Home State:_____________________________

Your Role: _____________________________________________________________

Below, please write a brief bio of your past work, education, dedications, etc. Your bio should be no more than 75 words. When
listing your past roles please use the following format:

Show (Role)














Your bio may be emailed to with the subject heading: ASU BIO

Please email us a .jpeg or .pdf of your headshot to with the subject heading: ASU Bio

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