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To the Editor:

Have you ever wondered a way to improve your life with one simple step? Well, life

quality and quantity can be improved by regular exercise. Regular exercise can prevent many

diseases and illnesses, such as stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety,

some cancers, and arthritis. There are many simple exercises that can provide you with these

benefits as long as they are performed correctly and your physician approves. Walking, running,

swimming, weight lifting, and much more can prevent you from getting sick and these will also

provide you with a variety of benefits.

There are many benefits to exercise that can change your life drastically. Some benefits

of exercise include controlling weight, reduces the risk of health conditions and diseases,

improving mood, increasing energy, promotes a better night of sleep, increase muscle and bone

strength, helps skin appearance, improves brain health and memory, and promotes a better sex.

These benefits support a better quality of life and a longer quantity of life.

The recommendation of exercise is at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise,

such as walking or jogging. You could also perform 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activities,

which include brisk walking, running, swimming or cycling. It is also recommended that strength

training is included at least two times a week by lifting weights or using exercise machines. You

do not need a membership to a gym to achieve benefits from exercise. A walk around the block

for 30 minutes a day can contribute to a better and healthier life. So what are you waiting for?

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019, May 11) Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity.

Retrieved from


Semeco, A. (2017, Feburary 10). The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise. Retrieved


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