03 Anatomy and Physiology1

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Anatomy and Physiology of the ear

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The Principles of Hearing

•Sound waves (air pressure waves) are transformed

through mechanical energy to nerve signals that are
recognised as sound by the brain.

•The outer ear catch sound waves, leads them through

the ear canal to set the ear drum into vibration.

•Located in the air filled middle ear inside the ear drum,
are the three small bones, the hammer (malleus), the
anvil (incus) and the stirrup (stapes).

•These are jointed together, and serve to transfer the ear

drum vibrations to the oval window, via the foot plate of
the stirrup, located in the wall between the middle ear
cavity and the fluid filled inner ear - the cochlear.

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The Principles of Hearing

The piston like movement in the stirrup give rise to

pressure waves in the inner ear fluids, pressure waves
that in turn puts hair like sensor cells in the inner ear
cochlea into movement.

•In the cochlea, the mechanical energy of movement –

the movement of the hairs – is translated into the
electrochemical signals communicated by the nerve

•Nerve signals are lead through the hearing nerves to the

hearing area in the cortex, and we hear sound.

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The Peripheral and the Central Parts



Peripheral Peripheral

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The Middle ear

Tympanic Membrane

Eustachian tube

The middle ear cavity

and the ossicular chain: MalleusIncus Stapes
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Getting sound into a different medium

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The acoustic reflex

Stapedius Muscle

Tensor Muscle

•Stabilises the mechanical system and protects the cochlea from

excessive low frequency vibration
•Very loud sounds make the stapedius muscle contract. This makes
the middle ear system stiffer and less low frequency sound can get
through the middle ear
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The Eustachian tube

Air pressure must be near equal

on both sides of the ear drum in
order to optimise mobility


The Eustachian tube (ET) ventilates the middle

ear and allows pressure equalisation
The ET opens when swallowing or gasping

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The Inner ear


• Approx. 2 1/2 turns

• 35 mm long when uncoiled

• three fluid filled channels

o = oval window
r = round window

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The Hair cells (in organ of Corti)

Outer hair cells

• About 12.000 in each ear
• Organised in three rows along the cochlea
• Actively sort out waves of specific frequencies (decomposition)
• Actively amplify the specific waves

Inner hair cells

• About 3.500 in each ear
• Organised in one row along the cochlea
• Send the decomposed signal to the brain
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Outer Hair Cell hairs

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Inner Hair Cell hairs

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Inner and outer hair cells


Tectorial membrane removed

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Organ of Corti
Cross section


Sound waves make the Basilar Membrane (BM)

move up and down skewing motion against the
Tectorial Membrane (TM) the hairs of the hair cells bend
and create neural signal
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Outer hair cell function
The outer hair cells actively enhance
the movement

Each outer hair cell responds to“its own” frequency.

The “echo” of this additional movement
can be measured in the ear canal.

Otoacoustic emission - OAE

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Pure Tone and Speech

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The Main Audiometric Tests

ENG/ VNG Balance/Vestibular

Brain Stem

Thresholds Impedance OAE Evoked potential

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Pure Tone Audiogram Threshold - Bone conduction

Should be
better than
(below) 20dB

Threshold Air


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Audiogram Characteristics
Normal Hearing

20dB or better


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Types of Hearing Loss

• Conductive Loss

• Sensorineural Loss

• Mixed Hearing Loss

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The Middle ear - Typical causes
Conductive hearing loss
• Wax or foreign body
• Bony narrowing
• Perforated eardrum
• Fluid in the middle ear (effusion)
• Fixated middle ear ossicles (otosclerosis)
• Interrupted ossicle chain (ossicular discontinuity)

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Conductive hearing loss can be cured

•Non surgical
•Syringing with water
•Drug treatment
•Surgical treatment
•Seal perforations
•Repair / replace ossicles

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The Middle ear - Pure tone audiometry
Conductive hearing loss in right ear

Bone conduction

- tones pass Air conduction

directly to the thresholds
inner ear
- tones pass
through the
middle ear

The difference is the “air-bone gap”

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The Inner ear - Typical causes
Sensorineural hearing loss (Cochlear)

Hair cell damage owing to

• Increased intracochlear pressure (Mb Ménière)
• Noise exposure
• Drugs (e.g. ototoxic antibiotics and cytotoxins)
• Age
• Genetics

Sensorineural hearing loss CANNOT be cured

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The Inner ear - Associated problems
Sensorineural hearing loss (Cochlear)
• Altered loudness
– Poorer sensitivity to soft and intermediate sounds
– Some times increased sensibility to loud sounds

• Distortion (missing frequencies)

• Poor discrimination (especially in noisy environment)

• Tinnitus

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The Inner ear - Pure tone audiometry
Sensorineural hearing loss (Cochlear)


- tones pass Air conduction

directly to the thresholds
inner ear
- tones pass
through the
middle ear

No air-bone gap rules out

conductive hearing loss
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The Inner ear - Pure tone audiometry
Sensorineural hearing loss (Cochlear)

Noise induced hearing loss

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The Inner ear - Pure tone audiometry
Sensorineural hearing loss (Cochlear)

Age related hearing loss

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The Inner ear - Pure tone audiometry
Sensorineural + Conductive
hearing loss

Mixed loss
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• Threshold - the level at which the patient can
correctly repeat 50% of test materials (phoneme,
balanced words (PB), syntetic sentences, etc.).
• Intelligibility- by convention, the percentage of
words or sentences a patient can correctly repeat
when presented at supra-threshold levels.
– Provides information about hearing handicap.
– Problem may be worse than indicated by pure
tone average for the speech frequencies.
Useful to determine candidacy for hearing aid.
– Very poor results, out of proportion to pure
tone average, suggests probable retrocochlear
cause of hearing loss.

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Equipment used in speech audiometry
• Audiometers are rarely stand alone instruments
• Any audiometer with separate speech channels
• Separate amplifiers (internal or external)
• Speakers (internal or external)
• Internal CD (PC hard drive) or external tape or
• Multimedia
• Free field (normal room)
• Sound booth
• Talk over / talk back patient communications
• Sound level meter
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Speech Audiometry – Graphical Mode

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The Middle Ear

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The Main Audiometric Tests

ENG/ VNG Balance/Vestibular

Brain Stem

Thresholds Impedance OAE Evoked potential

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The Middle ear - Tests


• Tympanometry

• Acoustic reflexes

• EFT – I

• EFT - P

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The Middle ear - Tympanometry

Air pressure sweep with

simultaneous recording of how much
sound is admitted into the ear

-200 daPa 0 200 daPa

Ear canal pressure

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The Middle ear - Tympanometry

Theoretically, the tympanometric peak tells where the

air pressure is equal on both sides of the ear drum

-200 daPa 0 200 daPa

Ear canal pressure

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The Middle ear - Tympanometry

Classifications of tympanometric
patterns according to Jerger
-200 0 200 -200 0 200
Type A: Normal Type Ad: Ossicular discontinuity
or age related hypermobility

-200 0 200 -200 0 200

Type As: Possible effusion Type B: “Flat” -Effusion or perforated
ear drum

-200 0 200
Type C: Abnormal negative pressure
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Normal tymp with 1000 Hz

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The Inner ear - Tests

- Acoustic reflexes

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The Middle ear - Reflex thresholds
The middle ear admittance change is
measured during loud stimulations

80 dB HL 85 dB HL
0.00 0.00
Deflection criterion
0.02 ?!
90 dB HL 95 dB HL
0.00 0.00
0.02 0.02

Stapedius reflex deflections are intensity

dependent - It is useful to study the growth
with intensity to confirm a reflex threshold
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The Middle ear - Reflex thresholds

• Stapedius muscle controlled by facial nerve (CN

• Network in brainstem consists of ipsilateral and
contralateral paths
• Reflex activated on both ears, even when
stimulation only occurs in one ear
• Comparison of ipsilateral vs. contralateral
acoustic reflexes helps to determine site of lesion

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The Middle ear - Reflex thresholds

Contralateral Ipsilateral

Stimulus Measure Stimulus

R L Measure

Audiogram notation example, probe in Left ear

Symbol color indicates stimulus ear!
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Acoustic Reflex Decay
Threshold+10 dB, 10 seconds stimulus time

5 10

No reflex decay present


5 10

50 % of Max Reflex decay present!

Half-Life Time (HLT), the time after stimulus onset

when the admittance deflection has decreased by 50%.
A half-life time value <5 seconds is indicative of tumour
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EFT-I test

• Tympanogram shows normal tymp

• Then ask the patient to do the Valsalva's
Maneuver (Blowing) and the Tympanogram will
move to the left.
• Then ask the patient to do the Toynbee's
Maneuver swallowing and the tymp will move to
the right.
• See example

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ETF-P test (Estucian tube function

• Normal ear with normal estucian tube testing,

you will build up an pressure, and the ear will
hold the pressure.
• Perforated ear will build up a pressure, but will
then loose the pressure. See example

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