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School of Biomedical and Sports Science, Edith Cowan University, Joodalup, 6027 Western Australia, Australia

ABSTRACT KEY WORDS bench press, testing, NFL 225

Baker, DG. Ability and validity of three different methods of
assessing upper-body strength-endurance to distinguish play- INTRODUCTION
ing rank in professional rugby league players. J Strength Cond

esistance training may be undertaken to improve
Res 23(5): 1578–1582, 2009—To date, little study has been a number of different muscular force outcomes
performed to determine the importance of upper-body strength- (11). Typically, these outcomes have been
endurance (S-E) to success in rugby league football. Further- identified as maximal strength, hypertrophy of
more, debate exists as to which type of S-E testing, absolute muscle, power, and strength-endurance (S-E), also known as
resistance or relative percent S-E testing, where performance is local muscular endurance (11). Over the past few decades,
gauged with an absolute resistance in kilograms or with a set the majority of studies have focused on the training or testing
percentage of 1 repetition maximum (1RM), respectively, would of maximal strength, power, and hypertrophy (1–5,8,12,13).
garner more informative results. To this end, 3 different methods Less research in comparison has looked at S-E, either in
of assessing S-E (1 relative and 2 absolute S-E) were training methodologies aimed at improving it or in the
development of appropriate and valid tests for assessing it
investigated to determine their effectiveness and validity for
(14). This may be due to the great difficulty that lies in
distinguishing between rugby league players of different
choosing the appropriate resistance or exercise to assess this
ranking. In study 1, 26 players of similar strength, but different
factor and the fact that the nature of S-E can vary between
playing ranking, performed a bench press test with a resistance sports (e.g., rowing vs. wrestling) (14). For a set of resistance
of 60% of their 1RM to determine if any differences existed training to be considered as S-E ‘‘oriented,’’ the American
between the groups in how many repetitions could be College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Position Stand
completed with the same relative percentage resistance. The concerning progression models in resistance training deems
fact that no significant difference existed between the groups in that it must consist of at least 10 progressing to 25+
repetitions performed indicated that this test of relative S-E did repetitions (11). This may occur across a broad spectrum of
not differentiate playing rank in rugby league. In study 2, 38 resistances with more advanced trainers (11).
subjects performed tests with absolute resistances of 60 and The aim of physical testing is to identify the physical
102.5 kg (bench press repetitions-to-fatigue (BP RTF) 60 and performance characteristics associated with elite athlete
performance and consequently identify whether athletes
102.5, respectively) in an effort to determine the merits of
may improve their physical training to improve their sports
absolute S-E testing. Both tests significantly differentiated
performance. For example, testing of a broad range of athletes
playing rank, but on the basis of how many repetitions were
in a sport may indicate that higher ranked athletes tend to
performed, only the BP RTF 60 could be considered a valid test possess higher strength or power scores than less successful
of S-E. Absolute S-E testing with a moderate resistance of 60 athletes, and therefore, lower level athletes may train to
kg appears to be a valid and effective test for discriminating improve those aspects in an effort to improve sports
playing rank in rugby league players. performance. Accordingly, S-E testing may only be of value
to sports where S-E is desirable in achieving a positive sports
outcome. One such sport may be rugby league football, which
Address correspondence to Daniel Baker, is a collision sport played worldwide (9). In particular, due to
23(5)/1578–1582 the number of collisions with large opponents that occur
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research during a game, S-E as manifested against heavy resistances is
Ó 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association of interest. Previous studies have illustrated the importance of
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maximum strength and power in determining playing rank in of 102.5 kg (i.e., the NFL 225 test) and a more moderate
rugby league (1–5,9,13) and American college football (8); resistance of 60 kg. These markedly different resistances may
however, S-E has not yet been included as an outcome distinguish differing S-E qualities—high-intensity S-E or low-
measure. intensity S-E (14)—it is unknown if either is more important
The purpose of this study was to compare the 3 different for rugby league success.
measures of upper-body S-E to determine (a) if they could The relationship between playing rank and physical
distinguish between professional rugby league players performance data can be analyzed by assigning the groups
participating in the elite National First Division (NRL) from a ranking of 2 for the NRL groups or 1 for the SRL groups.
state-based second division (SRL) players (1,5,8) and (b) were The individual scores in the various tests are then correlated
valid measures of S-E as determined by the criteria set down to player group ranking to determine the extent of the
by the ACSM Position Stand (11). In particular, the tests relationship between playing rank and S-E score, a method
comprised 1 test of relative S-E and 2 tests of absolute S-E that has been used before in this type of analysis (1–5).
with markedly disparate resistances (11,14).
METHODS For both studies, all subjects were members of the same
Experimental Approach to the Problem football club and performed similar strength training, relative
Two different studies were performed in separate years on to their different playing positions, strength levels, and
2 different groups of professional rugby league players to training experience in the 8 weeks leading up to testing. All
distinguish the appropriateness and validity of 3 different tests subjects were experienced in resistance training, with a
of upper-body S-E. Conceptually, these tests assess 2 different minimum of 3 years of participation. This included maximal
theories of the measurement of S-E—that being relative S-E strength, power, and S-E training. However, the full-time
and absolute S-E (14). The investigated resistances also professional NRL players performed additional training
spanned a wide spectrum, which is considered to be an sessions (fitness, skill, and tactics), but not additional
important factor in determining the relative importance of resistance training. All the athletes had performed a preseason
endurance activities (14). The bench press exercise was resistance training cycle immediately prior to testing,
chosen because upper-body pushing and pressing away of establishing them in peak condition at the time of testing.
opponents is a fundamental task in the sport. Previous The subjects were informed of the purpose and nature of the
research has shown that bench press strength and power tests and voluntarily consented to participate in the testing
tests discriminate athletes in rugby league (1–4)—whether procedures.
absolute or relative S-E also did was of interest.
Study 1. Twenty-six subjects, who were identified from a
In the first study, 26 subjects (NRL = 13, SRL = 13), who
much larger player pool as being of similar in maximum
were identified as possessing similar strength levels despite
strength and recent training history but different in player
participating in differently ranked leagues, were tested for 1
ranking, volunteered to participate in this study, which was
repetition bench press (1RM BP) strength. Three days later,
considered to be a normal part of their testing and training
they were tested by having to perform as many bench press
requirements. The 2 groups, comprising 13 NRL and 13 SRL
repetitions as possible until fatigue with a resistance of 60%
players, are described as being 94.4 (7.9) kg and 87.8 (8.6) kg in
1RM BP (BP RTF 60% 1 repetition maximum [1RM]). A
mass, 182.4 (6.5) and 184.8 (6.4) cm in height, and 24.9 (3.0)
figure of 60% 1RM was chosen as considerable research
and 20.0 (1.2) years of age, respectively. The groups were
indicates that around 20 or more repetitions can be performed
different in age and body mass but not height. There was no
at such a resistance (6,7,10,12), which would fulfill the ACSM
difference in 1RM BP strength between the groups (NRL =
Position Stand (11) concerning the validity of the test. This
125.0 6 15.4, SRL = 120.0 6 10.8).
study would give rise to determining if more elite players
could perform more work (repetitions) at the same relative Study 2. Thirty-eight subjects, comprising 19 NRL and 19
intensity as less successful counterparts and consequently is SRL players, volunteered to participate in this study, which
considered a test of relative S-E (14). was considered to be a normal part of their testing and
In the second study, 38 subjects comprising 19 NRL and 19 training requirements. They are described as being 97.4 (10.4)
SRL players were tested for 1RM BP strength. On 2 different kg and 92.5 (7.5) kg in mass, 186.1 (5.4) and 184.0 (4.8) cm in
days, they were tested by having to perform as many bench height, and 25.0 (3.3) and 19.5 (1.7) years of age, respectively,
press repetitions as possible till fatigue with 2 markedly of which only the age data were significantly different
different resistances of 102.5 kg (BP RTF 102.5) and 60 kg (BP between the groups. The groups were also different in 1RM
RTF 60). This study would give rise to determining if more BP strength (NRL = 143.0 6 15.6, SRL = 120.4 6 12.2).
elite players could perform more work (repetitions) at the
same absolute resistance as less successful counterparts and Procedures
consequently is considered a test of absolute S-E (14). The 2 Study 1. Athletes were assessed for 1RM BP strength using the
absolute resistances chosen were a high-intensity resistance methods previously outlined (1–4). Seventy-two hours later,

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Ability of Three Tests of Strength-Endurance to Distinguish Playing Rank in Rugby League

after warming up with their usual procedures, they were

required to perform a repetitions-to-fatigue test bench
pressing a relative resistance equal to 60% of their individual TABLE 2. Comparison of measures of absolute S-E
1RM BP (RTF BP 60% 1RM). This test was deemed a test of between NRL and SRL players.*†
relative S-E and was implemented to determine if more RTF BP 60 RTF BP 102.5
successful athletes could perform more work at the same
relative percentage intensity levels as similarly trained, NRL (n = 19) 36.1 (7.2) 12.5 (4.3)
SRL (n = 19) 28.0 (5.6)‡ 5.9 (3.9)‡
although less successful counterparts. As no difference
existed between the groups in 1RM BP strength, the 60% *S-E = strength-endurance; NRL = National First
1RM resistance was essentially the same for both groups. Division; SRL = state-based second division; BP = bench
Study 2. Athletes were assessed for 1RM BP strength using the †The tests entailed the performance of repetitions to
fatigue with 2 different absolute resistances, 102.5 kg (BP
methods previously outlined (1–4). After a further 10-minute RTF 102.5) and 60 kg (BP RTF 60). Values are expressed
rest, the athletes were asked to perform a repetitions-to- as mean (SD).
fatigue test bench pressing an absolute resistance of 102.5 kg ‡Significantly different between groups.
(RTF BP 102.5). This resistance was chosen because it is
a widely used test in American football, where it is known as
the NFL 225 BP test (7,12). Data suggest that while athletes
at college level may average 7 repetitions with this resistance
60% 1RM, BP RTF 102.5, and BP RTF 60 as well as 1RM BP.
(7), the more successful athletes at the National Football
In the event of a significant F ratio, Fisher post least squares
League Draft Combine testing camp typically perform 20 to
difference (PLSD) post hoc comparisons were used to
21 repetitions (12). These data suggest that this test may
determine where these differences existed. Pearson moment
distinguish between S-E capabilities of athletes within the
correlations were also calculated between individual S-E
same sport and that is why it was chosen.
scores and ranking as SRL or NRL level. Significance was
The second test of absolute S-E was performed 72 hours
accepted at an alpha level of p # 0.05.
later. After warming up with their usual procedures, the
athletes were required to perform a bench press test of RESULTS
repetitions to fatigue with an absolute resistance of 60 kg
Results for study 1 concerning the merit of relative S-E testing
(RTF BP 60). This lighter resistance was chosen to determine
are contained in Table 1. No difference existed between NRL
if a medium-intensity resistance (as opposed to the high-
and SRL groups in how many repetitions could be performed
intensity resistance of 102.5 kg) was more effective in
to fatigue with a relative resistance of 60% 1RM BP. Test
distinguishing NRL from SRL players (14). Furthermore,
scores in BP RTF 60% did not correlate significantly to player
the validity and appropriateness of both absolute tests of S-E,
ranking and were of an extremely minor magnitude. Results
according to the ACSM criteria (8), had yet to be determined
for the 2 absolute tests of S-E are contained in Table 2. Both
for this population group.
tests deemed to be measuring absolute S-E, which were
Statistical Analyses effective in distinguishing NRL from SRL players. The
Factorial analyses of variance were used to determine if significant correlation between BP RTF 102.5 and playing
differences existed between the groups in measures of BP RTF rank was moderate (r = 0.63, r2 = 0.4) and almost identical to
that for maximum strength (r = 0.64, r2 = 0.41), but higher
than that for the BP RTF 60 test (r = 0.54, r2 = 0.29).
TABLE 1. Comparison of relative S-E between NRL DISCUSSION
and SRL players.*†
The results of this investigation illustrate that the tests deemed
No. of repetitions to be tests of absolute measure of S-E significantly
at 60% 1RM BP discriminate between rugby league players of different grades
or achievement levels, despite those players possessing similar
NRL (n = 13) 20.5 (3.1)
SRL (n = 13) 20.7 (3.2) recent training experiences. However, a relative S-E test
measuring the ability of players to perform work at the same
*S-E = strength-endurance; NRL = National First relative intensity of 60% 1RM did not distinguish between
Division; SRL = state-based second division; 1RM BP = 1
repetition maximum bench press. players. The possible reasons for these results will be
†The relative S-E test entailed the performance of discussed below along with a discussion on the appropriate-
repetitions to fatigue with a resistance of 60% 1RM BP. ness and validity of these tests in assessing S-E in rugby league
Values are expressed as mean (SD). No difference existed
between groups. players.
As rugby league is a collision-based sport where players
attempt to push away or drive opponents backward
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throughout the game, it would appear that a test entailing of those subjects. So, while there was a significant difference
pushing or pressing resistance away from the body would between groups in the performance of this test, it would be
meet the basic upper-body movement specifications at least unwise to state that based on this test alone absolute S-E is
for assessing S-E. Certainly, 1RM BP and maximum power a potent discriminator of rugby league player ranking, given
(Pmax BT) during bench throw/pressing clearly distinguish that BP RTF 102.5 test was not measuring S-E in a large
NRL players from SRL and lower level players (1–4,13). section of this population.
Clearly, the choice of the movement was applicable for this The results of the BP RTF 60 test were also significantly
sport and population group—it is more of a case of choosing different between the groups; however, the high number of
the appropriate resistance and test methodology. repetitions performed by all subjects in both groups suggests
It could be expected that athletes with similar training that this test may be a more valid test, according to the ACSM
backgrounds within a sport score similarly at the same relative criteria, of measuring S-E for this population group. Based on
% 1RM level in an S-E test. Many studies exist that illustrate the results of the BP RTF 60 test, it could be more confidently
that 20 to 21 repetitions are typically performed with stated that absolute S-E does distinguish between rugby
resistances of around 60% 1RM in the bench press (and league players of different achievement levels. As rugby
other exercises), as was the case in this study (6,7,10,13). If league is a game where absolute work is important—large
differences do exist between athletes in relative S-E, then opposing players must be driven backward—it could be
conceivably they may be between athletes of markedly expected that an appropriate test would indicate the
dissimilar sports, such as rowing and power lifting, and these importance of absolute S-E in distinguishing between players
differences, if they exist, may occur at low % 1RM levels. It is of different caliber. As the results for the relative S-E test
conceivable, e.g., that the training that rowers perform would indicate that differently ranked players of the same maximal
afford them considerable advantage in buffering the high strength levels do not possess greater relative S-E abilities, the
muscle acidity associated with the performance of .25 to 30 reasons for the results in study 2 must be attributed to
repetitions (performed @ ,50% 1RM), resulting in them differences in absolute or maximal strength levels.
possessing an advantage over powerlifters who do not The overwhelming body of data clearly illustrates that
typically perform very high repetition training. It remains to rugby league players participating in higher levels of
be seen if this type of relative S-E testing could actually competition possess higher maximal strength levels com-
distinguish between similarly trained although differently pared with participants in lower ranked competitions, despite
ranked athletes within the same sport (e.g., higher and lower no or sometimes minor differences in body mass (1–5,13).
ranked rowers). The results of this investigation suggest not The superior maximal strength capabilities extend to greater
and as such tests of relative S-E are not recommended for use absolute S-E capabilities and the ability to perform more
in distinguishing between athletes within a sport. Stone et al. work at the absolute submaximal resistances, in this case
(14) have stated that relative tests of endurance have little ranging from 60 to 102.5 kg. Higher absolute 1RM BP levels
actual relevance to real-life situations. would mean that for the NRL players, the absolute
Consequently, appropriate tests of absolute S-E have been resistances of 60 and 102.5 kg would be at lower percentages
sought. The great difficulty lies in choosing the appropriate of the 1RM compared with the SRL players. Given the
resistance and methodology (e.g., 1-set S-E performance vs. results for study 1 and various other studies (6,7,10) that have
multiple-set S-E performance). In this investigation, only a 1- investigated repetition performance levels at submaximal
set methodology was used and the discussion will be limited resistances, it is to be clearly expected that the much stronger
to results from this type of methodology; however, future group would perform more repetitions with resistances
research may also need to look at multiple-set S-E testing equivalent to lower % 1RM levels. Thus, the significant
methods to determine if they garner more distinguishing differences that existed between the groups in study 2 may be
results between athletes of different ranking within a sport. attributed to the advantage that higher levels of maximal
On the surface, the BP RTF 102.5 test appears quite strength afford one group over another when the S-E test is
successful in distinguishing NRL from SRL players. However, based on absolute work performance.
on further investigation, it would also appear invalid as a test So, while absolute S-E scores correlated well with player
of S-E, according to the ACSM criteria (11). The ACSM ranking in study 2, these results appear predicted upon the
guidelines require S-E sets to have a minimum of 10 fact that maximal strength relates most highly to rugby league
repetitions. For the SRL group, only 4 of the 19 subjects player ranking. In study 2, the correlation between player
could perform 10 or more repetitions with this resistance and ranking and 1RM BP was of a similar magnitude to those
3 could not even perform 1 repetition. In the NRL group, 4 in previous studies (1–4). The 2 absolute resistance tests
athletes could not perform 10 repetitions with this resistance. also correlated well to 1RM BP scores (r = 0.94, r2 = 0.88 for
Consequently, the resistance of 102.5 kg must be considered BP RTF 102.5 and r = 0.82, r2 = 0.67 for BP RTF 60),
too heavy to represent a test of S-E per the ACSM guidelines although as already discussed, the higher 102.5 kg resistance
(11) for half of the subjects. Clearly, this test represented test is most likely a test of near-maximal strength, not S-E,
a feat of maximal or near-maximal strength for the majority and consequently could be expected to correlate well to

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Ability of Three Tests of Strength-Endurance to Distinguish Playing Rank in Rugby League

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