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Child's Nervous System (2020) 36:73–86


Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in pediatric pseudotumor

cerebri syndrome
Afroditi-Despina Lalou 1,2 3 1 2
& James S. McTaggart & Zofia H. Czosnyka & Matthew R Garnett & Deepa Krishnakumar &

Marek Czosnyka 1

Received: 22 May 2019 / Accepted: 17 June 2019 / Published online: 19 July 2019
# The Author(s) 2019

Purpose There is a growing body of evidence highlighting the importance of comprehensive intracranial pressure (ICP) values in
pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (PTCS). Due to the highly dynamic nature of ICP, several methods of ICP monitoring have been
established, including the CSF infusion study. We have performed a retrospective review of the CSF dynamics measurements for all
pediatric patients investigated for PTCS in our center and examined their diagnostic value compared with clinical classification.
Methods We retrospectively recruited 31 patients under 16 years of age investigated for PTCS by CSF infusion test. We used the
clinically provided Friedman classification 13/31 patients with definite PTCS (group A), 13/31 with probable PTCS (group B),
and 5/31 not PTCS (group C), to compare CSF dynamics in the 3 groups.
Results CSF pressure (CSFp) was significantly increased in group A (29.18 ± 7.72 mmHg) compared with B (15.31 ±
3.47 mmHg; p = 1.644e-05) and C (17.51 ± 5.87; p = 0.01368). The amplitude (AMP) was higher in the definite (2.18 ±
2.06 mmHg) than in group B (0.68 ± 0.37; p = 0.01382). There was no in either CSFp or AMP between groups B and C. No
lower breakpoint of the AMP-P line was observed in group A but was present in 2/13 and 2/5 patients in groups B and C. In group
A, sagittal sinus pressure (SSp) and elasticity were the only parameters above threshold (p = 4.2e-06 and p = 0.001953, respec-
tively), In group B, only the elasticity was significantly higher than the threshold (p = 004257). Group C did not have any of the
parameters raised. The AUC of CSFp, elasticity, and SSp for the 3 groups was 93.8% (84.8–100% CI).
Conclusions Monitoring of CSFp and its dynamics, besides providing a more precise methodology for measuring CSFp, could
yield information on the dynamic parameters of CSFp that cannot be derived from CSFp as a number, accurately differentiating
between the clinically and radiologically derived entities of PTCS.

Keywords Idiopathic intracranial hypertension . Pseudotumor cerebri . Intracranial pressure . CSF dynamics . CSF infusion

Introduction raised BMI and its accurate diagnosis is particularly challeng-

ing in the pediatric population. The current intracranial pres-
The pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (PTCS) has been princi- sure (ICP) thresholds in the pediatric spectrum of the disease
pally described as a disease of post-pubertal females with (28 cm CSF for obese and/or sedated children, 25 cm CSF for
normal weight and non-sedated children for definite PTCS)
[1–3] have been established epidemiologically, being set at the
* Afroditi-Despina Lalou 90th percentile level of ICP recordings obtained in a “normal” pediatric population [4]. There are no adequately powered,
randomized studies to reliably confirm that the thresholds
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Division of Neurosurgery, are clinically relevant [1, 5–7].
University of Cambridge, Hills Road, Cambridge CB20QQ, UK There is a growing body of evidence highlighting the im-
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Division of Neurosurgery, portance of long-term ICP monitoring against single “snap-
Cambridge University Hospital, Cambridge, UK shot” manometric measurements. For example, it is well-
Department of Pediatric Neurology, Cambridge University Hospital, known that standard lumbar puncture (LP) measurements
Cambridge, UK can be affected by posture, movement, emotion, anesthetic
74 Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86

agents, and hypercapnia, which can lead to unreliable estima- Using this technique, children with optic disc edema at our
tion of ICP (CSF pressure (CSFp) if it is derived from center can be diagnosed accurately with a raised CSFp (defi-
connecting to the spinal canal rather than the parenchyma) nite PTCS) and normal CSFp (probable PTCS more reliably
[8–11]. It is particularly important to bear in mind that ICP than with standard LP), and we can also characterize the CSF
levels are dynamic [7, 9–11] so a “normal” recorded ICP at a dynamics of each child.
single timepoint may not be a representative value. In adults The methodology described has been used in our
and children, the assessment of average ICP over more than center and others to report on the profiles of CSF dy-
20 min (“steady state”) is reported to be more reliable than a namics that are seen in various types of pediatric and
single opening pressure measurement [5, 10, 12–14] (Fig. 1). adult hydrocephalus [5, 27–30]. By contrast, there is
Although it is important to estimate ICP more reliably, base- little reported information on the profile of CSF dynam-
line ICP as a solitary number cannot provide a full assessment ics that characterizes PTCS. In adults with PTCS, it has
for the diagnosis and understanding of the CSF circulatory been reported that there is a dynamic coupling between
disorders. This is because it is the production, circulation or CSFp and sagittal sinus pressure (SSp), which was dem-
reabsorption of CSF that makes ICP dynamic and is likely to onstrated by performing infusion studies simultaneously
be deranged in PTCS. Historically, only around 30% of these with direct cerebral venous pressure monitoring via a
disturbances have been shown to be reflected on steady-state catheter [31]. Our previous paper [32], which reported
ICP values [7, 15–20]. For these reasons, monitoring of ICP in on children referred to our center from 2006 to 2009,
conjunction with CSF dynamics has long been established in remains as the only report on CSF dynamics in pediatric
the field [9, 11, 21–23]. PTCS.
At our center, children with suspected PTCS routinely un- We aimed to investigate the profile of CSF dynamics in
dergo a lumbar infusion study. During the infusion test, they pediatric PTCS and to see if it could provide additional, clin-
have a LP with measurement of a baseline, longer term CSFp ically useful insights. For this purpose, we performed a retro-
monitoring, and, if the pressure is below approximately spective review of the CSF dynamics for all patients referred
30 mmHg, sterile artificial CSF fluid is infused via the spinal to our tertiary pediatric services (≤ 16 years old) for consider-
needle. The resultant pressure-volume data can be analyzed to ation of a diagnosis of PTCS from 2006 to 2016. We have re-
give the CSF dynamics variables such as the pulse amplitude analyzed their original CSF infusion study data in an up-to-
of ICP, the compensatory reserve, assessed mainly as the mov- date mathematical model and investigated the CSF dynamics
ing correlation coefficient between mean CSF pressure and disturbances in definite and probable pediatric PTCS. We
pulse amplitude (RAP), and the magnitude of slow waves of have also tested their diagnostic yield compared with the tra-
CSFp [24–26]. ditional investigations that these children undergo.

Fig. 1 Variability of CSF pressure. Upper panel: pediatric patient after a 20 min of monitoring. CSFp cerebrospinal fluid pressure, AMP
LP and connection to the computer for monitoring, showing initially fundamental amplitude of CSFp, HR heart rate
raised CSFp of 32 mmHg, spontaneously receding to 20 mmHg after
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86 75

Methods Our local procedure involves attempting the infusion test in

awake children who can cooperate, with local anesthetic (li-
Patient selection docaine and prilocaine cream) applied at the puncture site
45 min to 1 h before the LP. Most children inhale a 50%
Seventy-two children were referred to the pediatric neurology nitrous oxide 50% oxygen mixture during the LP only. If a
team at Cambridge University Hospital for consideration of a child is not able to tolerate the above, the procedure is carried
diagnosis of PTCS from 2006 to 2016. Thirty-two children on under GA under stable conditions (MAP, ETCO2, and
from the cohort were excluded from this paper as they did not temperature) and with the use of mainly propofol and
undergo an infusion test and/or received a diagnosis other than remifentanil, with a muscle paralyzer, predominantly
PTCS. Nine children were excluded (some of whom rocuronium. We analyzed the results in conscious vs GA chil-
underwent infusion) because they had PTCS due to a host of dren to identify potential differences.
medical conditions or medications that had previously been All raw infusion test data was re-analyzed in a single uni-
reported to be associated with raised ICP (“secondary fied model for this paper.
PTCS”). In this study, we report the results of the remaining In all children who had a standard LP (at their local center)
31 children from the cohort, all of whom underwent CSFp followed by an infusion study (at our center), we sought the
monitoring with or without infusion. The results of 7 of these relationship between the two values if the tests were carried
patients have previously been reported [32]. out within 3 months of each other.
ICM+ software (Cambridge enterprise) [35] was used to
calculate the CSF dynamics and compensatory reserve param-
Patient classification
eters: RAP which is derived from the moving correlation co-
efficient between ICP and the fundamental amplitude of ICP
All the children who underwent CSF infusion study had
(AMP) and values > 0.6 represent depleted compensatory re-
papilledema confirmed or excluded by an expert ophthalmol-
serve [36–38] and elasticity with values > 0.18 1/ml
ogist and their neuroimaging reported by an expert neuroradi-
representing depleted compensatory reserve [39, 40].
ologist. We have used here the results of that detailed analysis
Different thresholds were also explored for these patients.
using the Friedman classification (see Table 1).
The sagittal sinus pressure (SSp) is calculated from the theo-
Thirteen out of 31 patients were classified as definite PTCS
retical model and does not necessarily reflect the individual’s
(group A), 14/31 as probable PTCS (group B), and /31 as not
real SSp. Thresholds for SSp and AMP have been reported as
PTCS (group C) [1]. In groups A and B, all children had
7 mmHg and 2 mmHg, respectively [2–7]. All calculated pa-
papilledema (one of the requirements) and fulfilled criteria
rameters derive from known mathematical models [10, 35, 41,
1–5 and 1–4 in the Friedman classification (see Table 1),
42], integrated into the software. For PTCS, infusion test can-
whereas none of the children in group C had papilledema.
not reliably estimate resistance to CSF outflow, as sagittal
We compared the CSF dynamics in these 3 different
sinus pressure usually rises with CSF pressure, making the
groups. Because some patients did not have a fluid infusion
value of this parameter overestimated [6].
due to safety reasons (when baseline CSFp was too high;
The lower breakpoint (LBP) and upper breakpoint (UBP)
above 30–40 mmHg), we studied both the baseline and the
of the amplitude–pressure (AMP-P) regression line was iden-
infusion-derived parameters separately.
tified, when in existence, in the pediatric PTCS children and
the control groups. LBP has mainly been described in NPH, as
Infusion test the breakpoint above which the AMP-P relationship starts
becoming linear. The resulting slope of the AMP-P line cor-
Access to the intrathecal space was gained via LP using a 18- relates with elasticity and is a marker of depleted compensa-
gauge Quincke needle, to minimize the effect of the resistance tory reserve, if it is > 0.16 [43, 44]. The UBP represents a
of the needle on measured CSFp. Connection of a fluid-filled second breakpoint, above which the same linear regression
pressure transducer (Edwards Lifesciences™) and pressure becomes negative and possibly represents a critical point of
amplifier (Spiegelberg or Philips) allowed for datapoint re- CSFp, above which cerebral perfusion pressure reaches the
cording at a frequency of 30–100 Hz, with the following pro- lower limit of autoregulation; therefore, ischemia starts to de-
cessing by ICM+ (University of Cambridge Enterprise Ltd). velop, and the pulsations transmitted from the vascular bed
Baseline CSF pressure was monitored for 7–15 min, followed decrease.
by infusion of Hartmann’s solution until the ICP plateaued for
10–15 min or CSFp increased to 40 mmHg or above (at which Ethical approval
point infusion was stopped for safety reasons). Details of the
computerized CSF infusion test have been reported in various Health Research Authority approval was sought and granted
publications [10, 33–35]. and, in line with this approval and the protocol in the

Table 1 Friedman classification of our 31 patients. If 5/5 criteria are fulfilled, then patients are the demographic details and criteria of all our patients in each group. All patients fulfilled criteria 2
diagnosed with definite PTCS: (1) papilledema. (2) Normal neurological examination except for and 4 (not shown in the table). There was only one patient who fulfilled criteria 2–5 without
cranial nerve abnormalities (3) neuroimaging: normal brain parenchyma on MRI for typical patients papilledema, in which case 3/4 neuroimaging characteristics shown on the right columns are
(female and obese) and MRI ± magnetic resonance venography for others. (4) Normal CSF com- required for a diagnosis of PTCS, and they only had 2
position (5) CSFp > 25 cm H2O (20 mmHg) of 28 cmH2O if obese/anesthetized. We are showing


Obese? Anesthetic for Pressure > 18.4 mmHg Pressure > 20.6 mmHg Sex Puberty status (Prepubertal Venography
(BMIpercentile LP/CSFIS? (≅25cmCSF)? (≅28cmCSF)? if age < 11 girls or < 12 boys) required?
Definite PTCS Y LA Y F Pubertal N
Y GA Y F Prepubertal Y
Y LA Y M Pubertal Y
N LA Y F Pubertal Y
Y LA Y F Pubertal N
Y LA Y F Pubertal N
n/a LA Y Y F Pubertal Y
N GA Y M Pubertal Y
N GA Y F Prepubertal Y
Y GA Y F Pubertal N
Y GA Y F Pubertal N
Y GA Y F Pubertal N
Y LA Y F Pubertal N
Probable PTCS Y LA N M Pubertal Y
Y LA N F Pubertal N
Y LA N F Pubertal N
Y LA N F Pubertal N
N GA N F Pubertal Y
N LA N F Pubertal Y
Y GA N M Pubertal Y
n/a GA N F Prepubertal Y
N GA N F Pubertal Y
N LA N M Prepubertal Y
Y LA N F Pubertal N
n/a LA N N F Prepubertal Y
Y LA N F Pubertal N
Not PTCS Y GA Y M Prepubertal Y
Y LA N F Pubertal N
Y LA N F Pubertal N
n/a LA N N F Pubertal Y
Y LA N F Pubertal N


Venography performed? Friedman Classification Empty sella Flattening of posterior Transverse venous Optic sheath dilatation
sclera sinus stenosis
Definite PTCS Y Definite PTCS
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86
Table 1 (continued)


Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86

Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
N Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Y Definite PTCS
Probable PTCS Y Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
N Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
N** Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
N Probable PTCS
Y Probable PTCS
N Probable PTCS
78 Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, this retrospective CSF dynamics in definite, probable, and excluded
study was conducted without separate approval from an ethics PTCS diagnosis
committee. All patients were investigated with infusion test
within the pediatric neurology clinic and neurosciences de- The baseline features of CSF dynamics in the 3 groups are
partment, as a part of routine clinical assessment. They (chil- reported analytically in Table 2.
dren/parents) all consented for these studies. Figure 3 shows a representative example of CSF infusion
test results in Definite PTCS vs probable and not PTCS.
Statistical analysis CSFp was by definition increased in definite PTCS (group
A) (29.18 ± 7.72 mmHg), and significantly higher than the
After testing for a normal distribution, non-parametric probable (group B) (15.31 ± 3.47 mmHg; p = 1.644e-05) and
Wilcoxon’s test was used to compare differences in CSF dy- not PTCS (group C) (17.51 ± 5.87; p = 0.01368). The AMP
namics parameters between the pediatric PTCS groups. The was also higher in the definite (2.18 ± 2.06 mmHg) than in
single-sample Wilcoxon test and t test were used to compare group B (0.68 ± 0.37; p = 0.01382). However, there was no
CSF dynamics to their reported normative values from the difference in either CSFp or AMP at baseline between groups
literature. The correlations between different CSF dynamics B and C (p = 0.7028 and p = 7673, respectively).
parameters were sought using Pearson’s or Spearman’s corre- In 2 of the children with definite PTCS, the upper
lation coefficient, where appropriate. Multiclass ROC was breakpoint of the amplitude–pressure correlation was ob-
performed to test the diagnostic value of CSF dynamics vs served at baseline (UBP at 36.36 ± 5.01 mmHg), a phenome-
the 3 clinical groups using the package pROC [45]. Plots were non not observed in the other 2 groups. The observed pattern
created, and data analysis was performed with R version 3.5.2. of CSF dynamics in these 2 cases is demonstrated for one of
the patients in Fig. 4. Slow waves, as well as the AMP at
plateau and amp-p slope, were similar in all groups. No LBP
Results was observed in group A, but it was present in 2/13 and 2/5
patients in groups B and C accordingly. An UBP was present
Demographics in all groups, with no difference in its value.
There was a significantly higher SSp in definite PTCS vs
Detailed demographics, of interest beyond our current focus, the other groups (p = 0.0014 and p = 0.007992). In pairwise
such as ethnicity and BMI, are not analyzed in the current comparisons of elasticity between the groups, the only signif-
paper. All groups were composed of a majority of female icant difference was that elasticity was significantly higher in
(f:m approximately 5:1 in all 3 groups), adolescent, White, group A than in group C.
pubertal (mean age 12 ± 3 years, similar in all 3 groups), obese All parameters except for SSp did not follow a normal
individuals. There was no obvious difference in the proportion distribution. In group A, SSp and elasticity were the only
of severely obese patients between the probable and definite ones above their reported threshold (thresholds 7 mmHg;
PTCS groups. There were more prepubertal, fewer severely p = 4.2e-06 and 0.18 1/ml; p = 0.001953, respectively
obese, and more normal weight patients in the group not di- [2–7]). AMPb was not higher than 2 mmHg (p = 0.6848).
agnosed with PTCS. In group B, only the elasticity was significantly higher than
the threshold (p = 004257). For group C, all values were
Infusion test CSFp and LPs not significantly different from the published normal
range. These main CSF dynamic parameters of the 3
Three out of 13 definite PTCS children only had baseline groups are illustrated in Fig. 5.
CSFp measurement and drainage, due to significantly raised
CSFp (around 40 or more mmHg). One patient, who did not Relationship between the CSF dynamics parameters
have papilledema or sufficient neuroimaging features to make in groups A–C
a diagnosis of possible PTCS, was diagnosed with chronic
migraine with raised CSFp. These children did not undergo SSp tended to show a correlation with baseline CSFp in
the infusion portion of the test for safety reasons, and as a groups A (R = 0.60; p value = 0.05034) and B (R = 0.59; p
result, only baseline CSFp and AMP (AMPb), together with value = 0.03403), but not in group C (R = −0.016; p val-
RAP variables, could be calculated. ue = 0.9833). Similarly, elasticity showed a significant cor-
For the 10 children that had a CSFp measured via standard relation with SSp in group A (R = 0.67; p value = 0.02807)
LP prior to the infusion, the correlation between the LP CSFp and group B(R = 0.59; p value = 0.03193), and not in
and the baseline CSFp measured was weak and non- group C (negative correlation, not significant). There was
significant (R = 0.30; p = 0.3977, Fig. 2). All LPs had been no correlation between CSFp and RAP or AMP with SSP
done 2–12 weeks prior to the infusion test. and elasticity.
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86 79

Fig. 2 Discordance between

CSFp derived from LP performed
either right before the CSF
infusion study or within 3 months
before the infusion study

ROC analysis between clinical classification and CSF and elasticity, and secondarily in AMPb and CSFpp, the
dynamics in pediatric PTCS best AUC was when the correlation between CSFpb, SSp,
and elasticity was integrated into a linear model, with a
No baseline or infusion-derived parameter on its own resulting AUC 93.8%, with 84.8–100% CI (95% CI) in
could give a satisfactory separation between the 3 groups. multiclass ROC analysis among the 3 different groups
However, given the significant differences in CSFpb, SSp, (Fig. 6).

Table 2 Baseline and infusion-based CSF dynamics parameters of the 3 AMP and ICP. CSFpb, CSF pressure at baseline. AMPb, fundamental
clinically classified pediatric PTCS groups. Values are represented as amplitude of ICP at baseline. SSp, sagittal sinus pressure. CSFpp, CSFp
mean ± SD. A different number of patients (N) is shown in each row at plateau. AMPp, AMP at plateau. AMP-P slope, slope of the amplitude–
for group A, since only baseline parameters were monitored in 3/14 pressure line. LBP, lower breakpoint of the amplitude–pressure line. UBP,
patients. RAP, index of compensatory reserve, from the correlation of upper breakpoint of the amplitude–pressure line

Variable A: definite PTCS B: probable p value A and B C: not PTCS (N = 5) p value A–C p value B and C
PTCS (N = 13)

Baseline CSFp (mmHg) 29.18 ± 7.72 15.31 ± 3.47 1.644e-05 17.51 ± 5.87 0.01368 0.7028
(N = 13)
AMPb (mmHg) 2.18 ± 2.06 (N = 13) 0.68 ± 0.37 0.01382 0.89 ± 1.03 0.1433 0.7673
Baseline RAP 0.58 ± 0.3 (N = 13) 0.46 ± 0.18 0.2813 0.37 ± 0.12 0.2075 0.4016
Elasticity (1/ml) 0.36 ± 0.19 (N = 10) 0.39 ± 0.26 0.9505 0.15 ± 0.06 0.002671 0.1031
SSp (mmHg) 18.99 ± 4.08 9.55 ± 11.9 0.0014 8.65 ± 1.17 0.007992 0.6928
(N = 10)
CSFpp (mmHg) 32.89 ± 2.92 25.42 ± 4.47 0.0002243 25.25 ± 6.1 0.03996 0.775
(N = 10)
AMPp (mmHg) 2.1 ± 1.11 (N = 10) 1.55 ± 0.86 0.2264 2.13 ± 1.86 0.953 0.8436
CSFpp–CSFpb (mmHg) 7.44 ± 2.73 10.11 ± 4.06 0.1661 7.74 ± 2.9 0.953 0.3873
AMPp–AMPb (mmHg) 0.93 ± 0.7 0.88 ± 0.7 0.99 1.24 ± 1.15 0.6787 0.775
Amp-p slope 0.15 ± 0.09 (N = 10) 0.09 ± 0.05 0.1621 0.13 ± 0.08 0.8539 0.3233
LBP (mmHg) NA (N = 0) 10.5 ± 2.12 (N = 2) NA 15.5 ± 3.53 (N = 2) NA 0.3333
UBP (mmHg) 36.36 ± 5.01 (N = 8) 34.5 ± 11.39 (N = 4) 0.99 29.5 ± 7.78 (N = 2) 0.5714 0.8
Slow waves at baseline (mmHg) 1.16 ± 1.43 (N = 13) 0.83 ± 0.85 0.8798 0.79 ± 0.56 0.99 0.99
Slow waves at plateau (mmHg) 3.21 ± 2.51 (N = 10) 4.9 ± 7.07 0.7501 1.5 ± 1.33 0.2828 0.5427
80 Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86

Fig. 3 Representative example of a CSF infusion study and analysis of time—baseline, during infusion and plateau. The dotted data points
CSF dynamics on a pediatric patient with definite, active PTCS. a represent the calculations performed by the interpreter of the CSF test
Infusion study recording. A 10–15-min baseline is monitored to ensure and which should optimally fit the theoretical mode. Right curve: The
stable baseline pressure. The start of infusion is indicated with an arrow solid line represents a similar model, where the calculations of the user
and the infusion period is highlighted after the start on the right end. CSFp should fit the pressure-volume curve as proposed by Marmarou ([46]) and
is elevated, usually > 20 mmHg, with low resistance to CSF outflow integrated in ICM+. The dotted data points result from the user-performed
demonstrated from the generally low plateau of CSFp during infusion. analysis of the test. CSFp CSF pressure, AMP fundamental amplitude of
AMP is linearly related to CSFp, with a high correlation coefficient at CSFp. The pressure of the sagittal sinus and elasticity among others is
baseline (RAP > 0.4), indicating depleted compensatory reserve. RAP is calculated from this mathematical model and are most reliable when the 2
not always reliable in such short recordings, as shown by the artifacts in curves coincide. RAP, the correlation between AMP and CSF pressure,
AMP, corresponding to gaps in RAP calculation. b Analysis of CSF when available reliably at baseline, is typically elevated, showing deplet-
dynamics in ICM+. Left curve: the solid, curved line represents the ed pressure-volume compensation
theoretical model representing the response of CSFp to infusion at each

Influence of GA Within the groups, CSFpb was higher in the definite PTCS
group that received GA (34.8 ± 7.44 vs 23.06 ± 5.43; p =
Overall, CSFp monitoring with or without infusion was per- 0.0452); however, when the 3 children with very high baseline
formed under GA on 6/13 patients in group A, 4/13 in group B pressures (who underwent drainage and no infusion study)
and 1/5 in group C. were removed from the analysis, the difference was no longer
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86 81

Fig. 4 Upper panel: critically high CSFp (42 mmHg), monitored in observed that CSFp, AMP, and HR signals after the start of drainage
operating theaters under general anesthesia. Note that RAP is initially contain a lot of artifacts. Lower panel: the transition CSFp point
lower, representing possible ischemia cause by low cerebral perfusion between low CPP and restoration of normal CPP represents the upper
pressure (CPP). Mean arterial blood pressure was 65 mmHg; therefore, breakpoint of the amplitude–pressure regression line, above which the
CPP was 23 mmHg. During CSF drainage, the positive correlation linear correlation between AMP and CSFp is lost and tends to become
between AMP and CSFp was restored, and RAP became positive at the negative, as shown by the negative RAP in the upper panel
higher end, representing depleted compensatory reserve. It can be

present. There were no other differences in the definite PTCS CSFp that are not obvious from CSFp as a solitary number,
group. In the probable PTCS group, only SSp and elasticity accurately differentiating between the clinically and radiolog-
appeared to be lowered by GA (0.12 ± 3.48 vs 13.16 ± 6.59; ically derived entities of PTCS.
p = 0.006851 and 0.11 ± 0.08 vs 0.53 ± 0.16; p = 0.006774. We have highlighted that (A) a single recording of a raised
The amplitude of slow waves was consistently suppressed CSFp is not necessarily a representative value for a patient’s
by GA at baseline and plateau within all groups. ICP and (B) a raised CSFp value does not give a full under-
standing of a patient’s CSF circulation, including venous drain-
age. Despite its limitations, we acknowledge that CSFp is a
Discussion diagnostic criterion in current guidelines and we have therefore
described our precise methodology for maximizing the reliabil-
The diagnostic implications of measuring the full set of CSF ity of this single CSF dynamics variable. This methodology
dynamics parameters in pediatric PTCS are highlighted in this includes the measurement of “steady-state” CSFp ([8, 9, 42])
paper, in order to provoke further investigation and to encour- and simultaneous measurement of the blood circulation with
age the use of this approach more widely in clinical practice. CSF pressure recordings, as it is known that there is a compli-
CSF dynamics could provide information on the contents of cated interaction between the CSF circulation and the cerebral
82 Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86

Fig. 5 CSF infusion study results. Summary data of CSF infusion study groups and from the normal threshold, double asterisks indicate
results according to final diagnosis. Values are represented as mean ± significantly higher than the other groups but not from the threshold,
SEM. Normal thresholds for each parameter are indicated with the and triple asterisks denote the difference in the number of patients in
horizontal black lines. a CSF pressures: CSFp at baseline and plateau group A (N = 14 vs N = 11), due to the fact that 3 patients only had
and SSp, as calculated during infusion. b AMP at baseline and plateau, baseline values; hence, AMPb is higher than AMPp in that group.
as well as compensatory reserve coefficients RAP and elasticity. The CSFpb CSF pressure at baseline, CSFpp CSF pressure at plateau, SSp
threshold for AMPp, 4 mmHg, is not shown since it is much higher sagittal sinus pressure, AMPb fundamental amplitude of ICP at baseline,
than the average in the image and outside the scale for our calculations. AMPp AMP at plateau (mmHg), RAP compensatory reserve index
The single asterisk indicates significantly higher mean than the other

blood circulation in CSF disorders ([7, 9, 43]). We also aim to Studies have already shown that there is a lack of reliability
minimize the impact of other confounding factors such as in the manometry reading of a CSFp [8, 11], something which
stress, position, and sedation [1, 4, 11, 47]. These factors and is also partially shown by the lack of correlation between
how they influence the CSFp cannot be studied and manometry and baseline CSFp from a computerized infusion
comprehended without analysis of the CSFp components, pref- test in our cohort. However, these readings were not taken at a
erably with cerebral multi-modality monitoring [11, 25, 42]. very close time, but up to 3 months apart. Nonetheless, they

Fig. 6 Area under the curve

(AUC) and 95% CI among
Friedman classification of groups
A–C and CSF dynamics, in par-
ticular the linear model of inter-
action of CSFp at baseline, elas-
ticity, and sagittal sinus pressure
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86 83

represent the clinical reality of trying to make a diagnosis and exceeded 1.5 mmHg in groups A and B, but not in group C.
a treatment plan from separated LPs and/or drainages, often Also, the absolute rise in CSFp during infusion was the same
weeks and month apart from each other. in all groups. This rise, divided by infusion rate, denotes the
The CSFp at baseline was by definition raised > 20 mmHg resistance to CSF outflow. As PTCS SSp follows the rise in
in pediatric PTCS and on average in our group > 25 mmHg. In CSFp, this way of estimation gives an overestimated value of
the group of children with definite PTCS, there were 3 children resistance. Nevertheless, in PTCS, CSF circulation is probably
with a CSFp > 30 mmHg, and 2 of them had critical levels of normal, as the gradient CSFpp–CSFpb is low [15].
CSFp with compromised cerebral perfusion. Although infusion For slow waves in particular, there is no well-described
was not possible in these children, the CSF dynamics parame- threshold in any of the CSF disorders [24, 26, 48]. Although
ters that could be measured were revealing; a pattern of negative the differences in the magnitude of slow waves between groups
AMP-CSFp relationship was observed, indicating low-cerebral were not significant, there seems to be a tendency of higher
perfusion pressure. It has been reported in traumatic brain injury magnitude in group A than in groups B and C, group C possibly
that when ICP reaches critical levels (usually > 25 mmHg in having the lowest magnitude. Perhaps an increased magnitude of
head injury), the AMP-ICP relationship becomes negative [9, slow waves when the CSF circulation is challenged could reveal
11], which appears to also be the case with these 2 patients. a disturbed CSF circulation and assist in differentiating between
However, more data are needed in order to confirm this pattern definite, probable PTCS and mimics. This will need further con-
and association in pediatric PTCS. These cases, although seem- firmation. Another finding that could provide interesting infor-
ingly rare, highlight the importance of an extended multi- mation in excluding or confirming PTCS is the presence or ab-
parametric monitoring of the cerebral circulation, including sys- sence of a LBP in the AMP-P line. None of the children in the
temic arterial pressure and possibly cerebral autoregulation, definite group presented with such a breakpoint, whereas it was
blood flow, and oxygenation. It would be interesting, for future observed in 2 children for each of the other groups.
purposes, to adopt at a research setting initially a multi- There was a correlation between CSFpb and SSp, but not
parameter monitoring approach, especially in suspicion of seri- CSFpp. This finding could be similar to what has been shown
ous disease and explore the clinical implications of possible in adults with PTCS [31], whereby SSp and CSFp are coupled
cerebral hypoperfusion. at baseline and during infusion. This relationship, however,
The difficulty in diagnosing and classifying pediatric PTCS cannot be validated in children without direct SSp measure-
lies in the probable group, where the CSFp was not raised ment and there is ethical equipoise currently between the risks
(average 15 mmHg) and did not differ to the children in whom and benefits of exposing them to invasive cerebral venous
PTCS was excluded. In these cases, it is of significance to investigation. The correlation between SSp and elasticity
investigate the dynamics of the CSFp. Neither CSFp nor found mainly in our definite PTCS patients could also dem-
AMP at baseline seemed to help in differentiating between onstrate part of the pathophysiology of PTCS, whereby
those probable and not PTCS. However, both elasticity and “faulty” venous sinuses allow the transmission of the CSF
SSp were significantly lower in group C and could potentially pressure onto the sinuses, leading to a coupling of the two
provide a key in the differentiation between the two groups. pressure and thereby a “stiffer” brain. It is therefore possible
Both elasticity and SSp were elevated in children with definite in children with normal CSFp but abnormal CSF dynamics
as well as probable PTCS, showing further potential markers of (e.g., a depleted compensatory reserve) or an abnormal cere-
the disease besides CSFp. However, it is important to bear in bral venous sinus system [5] that CSFp levels can rise with
mind that both of these parameters are subject to calculation minimal perturbation of the current equilibrium state.
errors and SSp represents a value derived from mathematical It was intriguing to find out that no single CSF pressure or
modeling of the CSF circulation and not the patient’s actual dynamics parameter on its own could accurately differentiate
SSp. Unfortunately, it is not possible to understand or confirm between the 3 groups with an AUC > 0.80. Our findings from
what the probable PTCS group represents, as compared with the ROC analysis show a potential overlap between diagnosis
definite PTCS and normal children, until at least some further and classification from clinical examination and neuroradiology,
follow-up and perhaps investigations are performed. Higher with CSF dynamics parameters, in particular, CSFpb, SSP, and
SSp as well as higher elasticity could perhaps highlight a ten- elasticity. The main discrepancy between CSF dynamics and the
dency or the beginning of the syndrome that has not reached the Friedman classification lie in the patient in group C with no
severity of the definite group. papilledema and disturbed CSF dynamics and in group B, where
Besides elasticity and SSp, and partially RAP, none of the there is a lot of heterogeneity among the patients. We therefore
other infusion-derived parameters were above the reported could speculate that monitoring and infusion, not just baseline
normal thresholds (0.6 for RAP—lowered to 0.4 for the this parameters, are possibly essential for accurate patient classifica-
cohort of patients, 0.16 for the amp-p line, 4 mmHg for tion and characterization of the disturbance in the CSF circula-
AMPp, 10–13 mmHg*min/ml for Rout), with the exception tion. In this context, it is of interest to look into the case of one out
of slow waves of CSFp at plateau, the magnitude of which of the 5 patients without PTCS, whose CSFp was 27 mmHg and
84 Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86

did not meet the criteria for PTCS from the Friedman classifica- thoroughly designed studies on the influence of GA on CSF
tion. Therefore, in the absence of papilledema, even a confirmed dynamics.
intracranial hypertension perhaps is not synonymous to the actual Connected to the above is the fact that to date we have no
syndrome and the venous compartment in such cases could merit definitive normative data for CSF dynamics in children. We only
further investigation. Moreover, it may be possible to distinguish performed an infusion test in 5 children without PTCS—initially,
between these two entities both clinico-radiologically, as well as they were considered to have a disc appearance that was consid-
with monitoring of CSF dynamics, and more patients will be ered to be borderline for edema, but this was later clarified and
needed to make these distinctions. confirmed to not be disc edema. As such, the “abnormal” thresh-
Finally, the influence of GA on CSF dynamics could not be olds for the CSF dynamics parameters have mainly been de-
clearly demonstrated in this small cohort. It has been reported in scribed in hydrocephalus and TBI. From this preliminary study,
NPH and TBI patients that GA possibly has no effect on base- thresholds appear similar; however, more studies, adequately
line CSFp or elasticity, but significantly dampens the magnitude powered, are needed to validate these parameters.
of slow waves [25]. This study was derived from the same RAP has got a calculation window of 4 min, and in the short
center and therefore included the same GA protocol as the time of the infusion test, the smallest artifacts could make the
NPH group (propofol + remifentanil and a muscle relaxant, calculation unreliable; however, calculation without artifacts was
usually rocuronium, naturally with different doses in adults vs possible in all 31 patients. Longer term monitoring is preferred,
pediatric patients). The fact that CSFpb was increased in defi- and RAP is most reliable then; however, a good 10-min baseline
nite PTCS under GA vs conscious children could be a random with stable variables could give us an estimation of RAP and the
finding, or show that anesthetic agents could increase CSFp in compensatory reserve. The magnitude of slow waves is strongly
pediatric PTCS patients, which is not justified from the litera- influenced by GA [25] and would require further investigation in
ture on the influence of anesthetic agents such as propofol on awake pediatric PTCS patients.
cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Additionally, this finding,
as well as similar previous reports [4, 25, 47], could highlight
that children needing GA are usually the ones with a higher
BMI, that in our experience is less likely to tolerate a LP, and Conclusion
could reflect the known relationship with BMI in PTCS sever-
ity as well as the influence of increased abdominal pressure on CSF dynamics in PTCS show a peculiar profile: baseline CSF
CSFp. Preliminarily derived from our set, 7/14 children needed pressure is elevated and estimated sagittal sinus pressure is
GA in group A, 3/3 with CSFp> 30 mmHg. In comparison, our elevated. Elasticity and compensatory reserve are depleted.
adult and pediatric hydrocephalus children normally require CSF circulation is probably undisturbed. Very high CSF pres-
GA when their symptoms are very prominent, which prohibits sure may contribute to low cerebral perfusion, exposing pa-
them from complying with investigations. Similarly, the lower tients to chronic sub-acute ischemia.
SSp and elasticity in anesthetized probable PTCS patients could
mean several things, but this study is not adequately powered to Compliance with ethical standards
identify if this effect is real. Notably, 14/39 (36%) of our total
Health Research Authority approval was sought and granted and, in line
children (including the ones diagnosed with secondary PTCS
with this approval and the protocol in the Cambridge University Hospitals
and were excluded from this analysis) that underwent an infu- NHS Trust, this retrospective study was conducted without separate ap-
sion test had GA during the investigation. This percentage was proval from an ethics committee. All patients were investigated with
lower compared with a reported national average of 45% [2], infusion test within the pediatric neurology clinic and neurosciences de-
partment, as a part of routine clinical assessment. They (children/parents)
and we utilized our longer term average CSFp technique that
all consented for these studies.
allowed for reliable CSF pressure measurement on a truly con-
tinuous scale. Conflict of interest Author MC has a partial financial interest in licens-
ing ICM+ software (Cambridge Enterprise).
Limitations Our main limitation is the small number of pa-
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
tients in each group and subgroup. Although we were able Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
to show statistically significant results with p < 0.001, sug-, which permits unrestricted use,
gesting that the effect sizes are large, analysis of a larger co- distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
hort is needed to generalize these results to all children with priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
PTCS. Even though we tried to avoid further confusion by
excluding secondary PTCS and selecting well-matched con-
trol groups, there were still a lot of different patterns and cases
that will need further elaboration in the future, as well as more
Childs Nerv Syst (2020) 36:73–86 85

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Modeling of CSF dynamics: legacy of Professor Anthony
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