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Summary of CR Provisions

Under the CR, funding will continue at FY 2010 enacted levels for programs through March 4, 2011.
The CR includes some additional anomalies to extend authorizations or allow for continuous normal
operations through March 4, 2011, for certain programs that would otherwise expire or be severely

Summary of New Anomalies:

• Freezes pay of Federal civilian employees for two calendar years starting in 2011.
• Adjusts the amount available for operations of the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA) to prevent layoffs that would cause the agency to cease almost
all operations.
• Extends National Defense Authorization Act authorities for Department of Defense
programs including counterdrug and counterterrorism activities, military personnel
special pays, civilian special pays, intelligence commercial activities, and certain
overseas contingency operations.
• Includes the new Navy acquisition strategy regarding the Littoral Combat Ships.
• Provides (for DOD) an extension of eligibility to continue Federal Employee Health Benefits
for former employees enrolled in Temporary Continuation of Coverage.
• Ensures adequate funding to prevent significant scaling back of critical audits and
investigations of the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
• Prevents elimination of over $4.3 billion of reduced fee loans for small businesses that
would otherwise expire.
• Allows the SEC to make the usual annual adjustments in its fees under a 2002 statute.
• Prevents need for rate increase on telecommunications companies that would be passed
on to consumers in form of higher charges to consumer phone bills.
• Provides transfer authority for the Transportation Security Administration to sustain efforts to
improve defenses against terrorist attacks, such as the attack on Northwest Flight 253 last December
and the recent attempts against all-cargo aircraft.
• Provides transfer authority to the Coast Guard to address operational challenges, such as
military pay.
• Includes a provision related to the National Bio- and Agro- Defense facility.
• Makes a technical correction to the September 30 CR to allow the Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management (formerly the Minerals Management Service) to utilize all offsetting
collections. The amount available to the Bureau does not change.
• Provides the legal authorization for the Interior Secretary to undertake the reorganization
of the former Minerals Management Service by establishing budget accounts within the
Treasury and authorizing the reassignment of personnel.
• Re-establishes the formula for distribution of geothermal energy receipts to allow for the
payment of funds to the counties in which the energy is produced. The formula had been
inadvertently changed in a prior year bill.
• Ensures that HHS obligates the same amount for LIHEAP during the CR as it obligated
during the same period in FY10.
• Clarifies the definition of a “highly qualified teacher.”
• Ensures that the maximum Pell Grant award remains at the same level it was in FY10.
• Allows the U.S. Capitol Police to use previously expired funds to pay for the Truck
Interdiction Monitoring Program.
• Adjusts the current rate of operations for the Veterans Benefits Administration to $2.1 billion,
an increase of $460 million over the FY 2010 appropriation, to prevent layoffs of claims processers
and to support efforts in reducing the processing times of disability claims.
• Extends authority for current surface transportation programs to ensure that State departments
of transportation and local transit agencies will be able to continue their ongoing infrastructure

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