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I agree with you when you talk about parents, maybe most of people would have liked to modify
some characteristics of their parents, me included. That is life, and maybe that is the secret, to go
on and do the best with what we have at the moment. This is, however hard to achieve nowadays
when we think that we can buy everything, so we forget our capacities, especially our reflection
to solve problems, to do better as parents or children or just behave adequately with any kind of
people in whatever situation we could find ourselves. .

At the end, it would be very useful to start knowing ourselves, not just what we can do and can
buy, but also who we are.

Oh, about killing innocent people in whatever situation they encounter, I am totally against it. I
could explain my points in other messages, if you want to continue writing to me.

I taught high school level mathematics for college bound inner city students for a summer and
5th grade (nine to eleven year olds) for a year.

You teach language. Language evolves incredibly quickly. You can make inferences from how
people communicate that are independent from the intended coded communication.

As a point of empathy, it must seem very overwhelming. I understand many people are no longer
habituated to using complete sentences - perhaps due to social and technological factors.

What I mean by the significance of a cultural artifact is this that by consuming pop culture
through a given medium one can deduce many of the technological, social, and political
components of it. Imagine what it means if you can listen to Justin Bieber over a cell phone. It
seems banal and stupid. Superficial. Questionable values. However, it is also mass communication
made capable by astounding advances is rocket technology for the satellites, computer
technology for the phone itself, music technology for the instruments, etc. By listening to one
song through such a medium, an astute person can appreciate it and if they were exceptionally
capable with some help, could approximately replicate it.

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