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I would like to start saying that I am straightforward which does not mean I do not respect others.
It's just that I need to say what I think, not disguising my opinion to avoid others to feel bad about
what really is bad. So, I totally agree with you in this: I hope nothing I wrote is offensive, really. I
am just being sincere and showing you what I think.

I appreciate this opportunity to discuss with people.

I prefer to write so I can practice it. I am sure there are going to be some mistakes, that I hope do
not prevent understanding. I believe reading can be easier than writing for a user of a foreign

So, let’s start, I am not so sure I have understood all what you wrote. For example, when you say:
…a given society arranges itself politically and replicates itself through a cultural artifact that…You
mean societies replicate themselves in a certain way? Are you talking about traditions? Do they
need a cultural artifact to do so?

I doubt that replicating could be a feature of the society nowadays. It seems to me that the goal or
the flow nowadays is to erase every single good idea of the past and just do or implant something
completely new or in some cases, opposite to what has been done or said. (For instance, even in
education we talk about disruption). Here I am talking about ideologies, I am not certain how they
expand and manage to have followers and defenders. I mean there are many ways to explain and
analyze it, but action is faster and more and more things happen each day as product of ideologies.

Well, when you say people as other animals are mimetic …, I agree just in a certain extent. I feel
that ration makes us more superior that other species. If we would like, we could be further
developed, I mean better teachers, better students, better in whatever job we do, or as mother,
father, wife, etc. Maybe this sounds too fanciful and I am not putting myself superior than
anyone else but I really think that saying that we are determined about what we know
scientifically of ourselves (instincts, history, etc.) is like dismissing all the human capacities of
understanding, will and effort to do better.

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