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I am not philosophically in disagreement with you about killing. For example, I find the
Church of Euthanasia intolerable and it disturbing that the individuals involved with it have some
influence in a variety of world affairs and have confronted people involved in it.

However, in Chicago or Los Angeles I have been impacted by murderers. The thought occurs to
me that in several of the cases, the parents were unable to raise their children correctly and had
they exercised aggressive birth control, other peoples' parents who had a better understanding
of social obligations would not have been aggrieved. Though I do not like suicide and wouldn't
encourage it,
I feel it is more ethical than murder. Some people commit murder as an attempt at a solution for
their own personal misery. I hope it does not offend you but I do take some pride in Socrates'

Happy Valentine's Day to you. I hope we can shift the topics to something a little more pleasant.
What makes you smile? What was pleasant? What is something that you read or heard that you
imagine might make me smile?

Similarly, if you were to take a contemporary ear of corn, the advancements in agriculture and
logistics would be astounding if one were to analyze the genetics of it and trace minerals found
within its fibers -because corn has been domesticated in a similar way as dogs even before
agronomists started to work on it.
There is a Latin aphorism by Ovid: ars est celare artum. True art is to conceal art.

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