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Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

The US fashion industry: A supply chain review

Alper S- en
Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey
Received 7 September 2006; accepted 6 May 2007
Available online 11 February 2008


The fashion industry has short product life cycles, tremendous product variety, volatile and unpredictable demand, and
long and inflexible supply processes. These characteristics, a complex supply chain and wide availability of data make the
industry a suitable avenue for efficient supply chain management practices. The industry has also been in a transition over
the last 20 years: significant consolidation in retail, majority of apparel manufacturing operations moving overseas and,
more recently, increasing use of electronic commerce in retail and wholesale trade. This paper aims to review the current
state of operations and recent trends across the fashion supply chain in the US. We use industry-wide data, articles from
business journals, industry reviews and extensive interviews with an apparel manufacturer in California, and a major US
department store chain to describe the current operational practices and how the industry is restructuring itself during the
transition, focusing at the apparel manufacture and retail segments of the supply chain.
r 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fashion industry; Industry review; Supply chain management

1. Introduction researchers, educators and practitioners. Our pri-

mary focus is the fashion industry in the US, for
The fashion industry is characterized by short which we will provide an overview in the remainder
product life cycles, volatile and unpredictable of this section.
demand, tremendous product variety, long and The textile and apparel supply chain in the US
inflexible supply processes, and a complex supply consists of about 22,000 companies and employs
chain. In such an environment, efficient supply about 675,000 people (excluding retailing channels)
chain management (SCM) practices can spell the in four segments (US Census Bureau 2004a, NAICS
difference between success and failure. Despite this codes 313, 314 and 315). At the top of the supply
potential and the vast availability of transactional chain, there are fiber producers using either natural
data, we see that the industry has been neglected in or ‘‘man-made’’ (synthetic) materials. Raw fiber is
terms of SCM research and practice. The main spun, woven or knitted into fabric by the second
objective of this paper is to review the operations segment: the textile mills. The third segment of the
and identify major supply chain issues in the fashion supply chain consists of the apparel manufacturers
industry in order to provide a background for or the manufacturers of industrial textile products.
The final segment consists of the retailers that offer
Tel.: +90 312 290 1539; fax: +90 312 266 4054. the apparel and other textile products for sale to
E-mail address: consumers. Below, we briefly outline each segment.

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
572 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

The discussion for this section builds heavily on the fabrics (there are 92 companies that employ more
US International Trade Commission (1999), Brown than 500 employees).
and Rice (1998), Ostic (1997), Hammond and Kelly
(1991) and the National Academy of Engineering 1.3. Apparel manufacture
Apparel manufacturing starts with the design
1.1. Fiber and yarn production of the garment to be made. Pattern pieces are
created from the designs, which are then used to
Fibers are usually classified into two groups: cut the fabric. The cut fabric is assembled into
natural and man-made. Natural fibers include plant garments, labeled and shipped. The apparel
fibers such as cotton, linen, jute, cellulosic fibers and segment is the most labor-intensive and fragmented
animal fibers such as wool that are produced by segment of the supply chain. Capital and knowledge
agricultural firms. Agricultural firms are scattered requirements are not significant, making it attrac-
all around the US and are usually small in size. tive for new entries. There are currently about
Synthetic fibers include nylon, polyester and acrylic. 12,000 companies in this segment (US Census
Synthetic fiber production usually requires signifi- Bureau, 2004a, NAICS code 315). The firms in
cant capital and knowledge, and thus synthetic the women’s and girl’s categories tend to be
fiber producers, such as DuPont and DAK, are smaller, while firms in the less fashion-sensitive
large and sophisticated. There are 77 such producers men’s and boy’s clothing, knit-wear and under-
in the US and the top eight producers share 76.9% wear categories can utilize economies of scale and
of the US synthetic fiber production (US Census tend to be larger in size. The average number
Bureau, 2002, NAICS code 32522). Natural of employees in men’s apparel companies is about
and synthetic fibers of short lengths are converted 71, compared with only 33 in women’s apparel
into yarn by spinners, throwsters and texturizers. companies (US Census Bureau, 2004a). Apparel
This conversion process is also capital intensive companies usually specialize in narrower product
and is considerably different for each type of categories and rarely produce garments of both
fiber. Blending different fibers may need additional genders.
sophistication. Traditional apparel manufacturers and integrated
knitting mills for knit-wear are engaged in all phases
1.2. Fabric production of apparel manufacturing: product design, material
sourcing, apparel manufacturing and marketing of
This segment of the supply chain transforms the the finished goods. Jobbers perform all of these
yarn into fabric by weaving, knitting or a non- activities except apparel manufacturing, which they
woven process. In a weaving process, yarns are outsource to contractors in either the US or
interlaced lengthwise and widthwise at right angles. overseas. Contractors are engaged in the manufac-
Yarn may be woven by a simple procedure to turing of garments and are not responsible for
produce generic goods and then dyed for a specific sourcing raw material or the design and marketing
fabric. Alternatively, dyed yarns may be woven. In of these garments. The distinction between manu-
knitting, yarn is interlooped by latched and spring facturers and contractors may not be very clear as
needles. The process may generate rolls of knitted manufacturers may contract out their work or
fabric or may specialize in a particular apparel such perform contract work for other manufacturers,
as sweaters or hosiery. Non-woven processes and contractors sometimes may start their own
involve compression and interlocking fibers by private labels. Some US manufacturers cut fabrics
mechanical, thermal, chemical or fluid methods. in the US and send cuts to a low wage country
The fabric production segment consists of about to be assembled. The assembled garments are then
1335 companies of mainly two types (US Census shipped back to the US for finishing. Manufacturers
Bureau, 2004a, NAICS code 3132). Many small and pay tariff only on the value added outside the
medium companies are engaged in the production US with this type of production, which is often
of a limited range of fabrics (there are 811 called 807 sourcing. A profitable choice for such
companies that employ less than 20 employees) production sharing is the Caribbean Basin region
and a small number of huge firms such as countries because of their proximity to the US
Burlington and Milliken produce a wide range of market.
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 573

1.4. Retail under the name Ultraknits. Ultraknits has two

brands: Fifi, targeting younger consumers, and
Fashion products are sold in a variety of retail Loop, targeting consumers looking for distinctive
channels. Specialty stores, such as The Limited and fashion. All production in this category is per-
Gap, offer a limited range of fashion products and formed by independent contractors. Currently,
related accessories specializing in a particular Paugal contracts its production out to four factories
market segment. Specialty stores accounted for in China and Bangladesh. Major customers of
28.5% of all retail sales in dollars in 2003 (EPM Paugal in this category are department stores and
Communications, 2004). Department stores, such as specialty chain stores. The production volume for
Macy’s, Nordstrom and Bloomingdale’s, offer a sweaters is about 40,000 units per month. In the
large number of national brands in both hard and second category, Paugal acts as an intermediary
soft goods categories. The market share of these between the local contractors and mail order
stores in apparel amounts to 19%. Another 18% of companies for women’s dresses under the brand
the apparel sales took place in discounters or mass name Olive. Paugal is not responsible for the design
merchandisers such as Wal-Mart, Kmart and of these dresses and uses two contractors that are
Target. These retailers offer a variety of hard and located in the Los Angeles area for their manufac-
soft goods in addition to apparel using an ‘‘every- turing. The production volume for women’s dresses
day low prices’’ strategy. Apparel chains, such as is about 5000 units per month. We selected Paugal
J.C. Penney and Sears, offer a wider range of for our research contact as it is a small manufactur-
products and command a market share of 16%. ing company reflecting the current situation in the
Off-price stores, such as Marshalls and T.J. Maxx, women’s fashion business and it is working with
buy excess stock of designer-label and branded major retailers and contracts some of its business to
apparel from manufacturers and other retailers and off-shore companies.
are able to offer considerably low prices but with In fashion retailing, we talked to a former buyer
incomplete assortments. Other companies that are of a major retail chain: Ms. Jennings and a buyer/
engaged in apparel retailing are mail order compa- owner of an independent boutique: Ms. Massou-
nies, e-tailers and factory outlets. dian. Ms. Jennings worked for 6 years as an
This paper aims to review the current state of assistant buyer, department manager, group sales
operations and recent trends across the fashion manager, cosmetics and fragrance manager, and
supply chain. The review uses a variety of literature operations manager for a large department store,
including academic and trade journals, government which we will call LDS throughout the paper, and
statistics, industry reviews and case studies. In for 2 years as store manager for Gap. Ms.
addition, we have conducted extensive interviews Massoudian owned an independent high-end wo-
with the owner of a US apparel manufacturer, a men’s apparel store in Palos Verdes, California, and
former fashion buyer for a large department store, was mostly involved with purchasing decisions. We
and an independent specialty retailer. Next, we selected buyers for our research contact, since the
provide some background information for these buyer is the person who directly makes the decisions
sources. for what to buy, whom to buy from, how much to
In apparel manufacturing, our contact is Paugal buy, how much to price, when to mark-down and
Industries. Paugal Industries is an apparel manu- how much to mark-down, whereas the store
facturer located in the Fashion District in down- manager of a store in a chain has responsibilities
town Los Angeles. Mr. Pierre Levy, originally from in the daily maintenance of the store operations
France, founded Paugal in 1983, after working as a (both personnel and merchandise), and the chain
sales representative for a large apparel retail chain executive is more concerned with financial control
where he accumulated intimate knowledge of the and administrative policy making.
design, manufacture and retailing of apparel. The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Paugal is a women’s apparel manufacturer specia- Section 2 reviews the operations in the last two
lizing in products in the ‘‘fashion’’ category. Like segments of the supply chain: apparel manufacture
many companies in the women’s category, Paugal is and retail. This section details the major operational
a small company with 18 regular employees. Paugal decisions faced by the apparel manufacturers and
has two types of operations. In the first category, retailers and shows how these decisions are cur-
Paugal designs and develops women’s sweaters rently taken in practice through a rich review of the
574 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

industry and specific examples. Section 3 reviews the batches and tend to be smaller in size. Flexibility is
recent trends in apparel manufacture and retail: the key to success for such companies (Taplin,
retail consolidation, vertical integration and emer- 1997).
gence of private labels; import penetration and Companies’ involvement in apparel manufactur-
production sharing; Quick Response systems; and ing varies. Traditional manufacturers are responsi-
supplier selection for apparel retailers and electronic ble for all phases of manufacturing. But most of the
commerce. This section demonstrates by figures industry is organized in the form of jobbers and
how the industry is restructuring and its impact on contractors, jobbers being responsible for the de-
operations of apparel manufacturers and retailers. sign, cutting and marketing, and contractors being
Section 4 summarizes our findings along with some responsible for the sewing and assembly.
suggestions for future academic research. The operations of an apparel manufacturer are
aligned with the sales seasons of different apparel
2. Apparel manufacture and retail operations items it produces. Fashion products usually have
4–5 seasons in a year, while for seasonal items with
This section aims to give an overview of more stable year-round demand, there can be only
important issues and decision making in the last two seasons. For example, Paugal delivers its
two segments of the textile and apparel supply fashion products in five different seasons given
chain. We analyze the manufacturing and retailing below:
operations separately, although vertical integration
taking place in the recent years makes it difficult Season Delivery times to Retailers
to distinguish the retailers from manufacturers
(see Section 3.1). Fall 1 July – August
Fall 2 September – October
2.1. Manufacturing operations Holiday October – Mid November
Spring Late January – March
Domestic apparel market can be divided into Summer March – Mid April
three different categories (US Office of Technology
Assessment, 1987):
At LDS, there are four seasons for women’s
 ‘‘Fashion’’ products, with a 10-week product clothing, but many categories also have special sales
life—approximately 35% of the market. seasons such as Christmas.
 ‘‘Seasonal’’ products, with a 20-week product
life—approximately 45% of the market. 2.1.1. Design
 ‘‘Basic’’ products, sold throughout the year— Design is either completed in-house or commis-
approximately 20% of the market. sioned to smaller design companies. The first step in
design is analyzing the consumer that the company
Men’s and children’s merchandise usually fall is targeting. The design process is influenced by the
into the basic category, while women’s merchandise works of other designers presented in collections in
dominates seasonal and fashion categories, showing cities like Paris, Milan and New York, or trade
the importance of fashion and resulting frequent shows of the earlier seasons. Some apparel compa-
design changes in the women’s market. A similar nies also use fashion-consulting services, which go
categorization is made in Abernathy et al. (1995). out into the streets to find out the emerging styles
Manufacturing companies usually specialize in (The Wall Street Journal, 2007b). More important is
narrower product categories. The type of product the feedback gained from the sales of the similar
the company focuses on defines not only the products that were developed earlier, which requires
manufacturing cycle and the intensity of the design a collaboration between the retailers and the
in its operations but also the manufacturing strategy manufacturer. Usually, prototype garments are
as suggested by Fisher (1997). Companies manu- made for internal decision making. These tasks
facturing basic products can utilize larger batches take a considerable amount of time. The design
and tend to be larger in size. Cost reduction is a process usually starts while the previous year’s
priority for these companies. Companies manufac- garments are still retailed. The design process at J.C.
turing fashion products have to live with smaller Penney, the nation’s third largest department store,
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starts as early as 40 weeks before the season. The usually the time that Paugal checks to see whether
company’s goal is to take this down to 17 weeks, the the cumulative orders in each style exceed minimum
average for fast turnaround companies such as Zara production quantities. Rarely, Paugal has to cancel
and H&M (The Wall Street Journal, 2007a). At the orders, if the cumulative demand in a particular
Paugal, the design efforts for Fall 1 (2006) style is not enough to carry out a cost-efficient
merchandise to be delivered to retailers at the end production. Trading off the cost of such cancella-
of July 2006 should start as early as early October tions against the cost of failing to capture enough
2005. At this time, the designers working for Paugal market share, Paugal has to plan its initial
are able to observe any particular trends popular merchandise assortment (samples to be shown to
with the consumer in the Fall 1 (2005) season. the retailers) very carefully. Note that the customer
Design takes place until January 2006 and sample (and thus the retailer) preferences are highly
production begins at Paugal’s own facilities. unpredictable when Paugal decides its assortment
Responsiveness may be greatly enhanced by and starts to collect its customer orders. This is
reducing the time required for design development. probably the only stochastic problem faced by
Computer-aided design (CAD) systems are recently Paugal in its operations.
being used for such reduction efforts. Besides As a result of capacity constraints in peak
reductions in the actual design time, CAD systems periods and recent trend of retailers willing to order
also reduce the time for making the pattern and much closer to and even during the selling season,
enable electronic storage of the design, which makes some other companies have to commit them-
later modifications and transmissions easy (Black- selves to some or all of their production volume
burn, 1991). Recently emerging product lifecycle prior to gathering all their actual orders. For
management (PLM) technologies are targeting to example, Sport Obermeyer’s initial production
improve communications throughout the supply order before any order collection is as much as
chain during the product development process. The half of its annual production (Hammond and
primary benefit of these new technologies is to Raman, 1996).
shorten the concept-to-production cycle time, which
is taking on average 26 weeks for the apparel and 2.1.3. Production
footwear industry according to a research study by A strategic question for the apparel producers at
Deloitte and Touche (Daily News Record, 2005). this point is where to carry out the manufacturing
The same study estimates that the PLM systems operations. Some companies operate their own
lead to 30% reductions in product development facilities for manufacturing. Some others use con-
time. Many apparel manufacturers including VF tractors. The trade-offs for this decision are typical
Corp., Gap and Liz Claiborne are using such of any manufacturing operation. Some of them are
software. more control over quality and time, fewer commu-
nication problems with in-house production, less
2.1.2. Production of samples and order collection capital investment and more flexibility with out-
The next step after the design in the fashion sourcing (Brown and Rice, 1998, p. 3). Whether this
calendar is the production of samples. At Paugal, decision is out-sourcing or in-house production,
the first samples are produced and approved by mid another important issue is the venue of the
February for the Fall 1 season. The samples are production. Now the major trade-off is between
shown to the buyers from retailers by market the responsiveness and cost efficiency. Many appa-
representatives at major trade shows (e.g., Las rel producers choose lower-cost off-shore produc-
Vegas Magic Show) or at the retailer sites. Some tion in Asia and Latin America. The percentage of
major customers may be also invited for on-site imports in units exceeds 70% in all major product
exhibitions. Paugal, like most small manufacturers, categories (US Census Bureau, 2005b, Table 5).
accumulates all of their orders and then proceed Paugal also uses off-shore contractors for manu-
with the production. Order quantities from retailers facturing its apparel. When the collection of orders
are usually economically feasible. However, even if is complete, cumulative orders in each style is
a particular retailer asks for a non-economic assigned to one of four contractors in China and
quantity of a particular design, the tendency is to Bangladesh. The assignment is usually based on the
accept the order, considering the long-term relation- production volume of each style. For all of these
ships with the retailers. The fourth week of April is factories, the production and transportation lead
576 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

time is about 3 months. The finished merchandise is retailer’s order to the consumer’s purchase of the
delivered to retailers at the end of July. apparel, several practices are gaining popularity.
Kurt Salmon Associates reports that some First, there is increased automation and use of
companies are pursuing blended sourcing strategies electronic processing in the warehouses of both
(Apparel Industry Magazine, 1997). Domestic manufacturers and retailers. Manufacturers are
production is used for fashion items, while basic assuming responsibility in many functions, once
products are produced in off-shore facilities. The considered to be part of retailers’ services. Among
report also includes an example of an apparel them are labeling products with the retailer’s price
manufacturer that uses three contractors for tags, preparing them on hangers and shipping them
the very same product: a low-cost high lead-time directly to stores.
(90 days) Far East contractor, a medium-cost
medium lead-time (21 days) Latin American con- 2.2. Retail operations
tractor and a high-cost low lead-time (3–5 days)
domestic contractor. Another example is Griffin A retailing organization is responsible for the
Manufacturing, which survived the initial loss of following tasks:
work to overseas by successfully aligning its strategy
to offer a combination of low-cost overseas and  buying merchandise for sale in stores
fast-response local manufacturing to its customers  operating stores for the selling of merchandise
(Stratton and Warburton, 2003).  operating warehouses and trucks for receiving,
The new designs are used to make patterns by storage and trans-shipment of merchandise
which the fabric is cut. An efficient layout of the
patterns on fabric is crucial in reducing the wasted in addition to the usual tasks such as finance,
material. CAD systems may be used for pattern marketing and personnel management. Most large
layout and be further integrated to computer-aided retailers are organized in a way that these three
cutting systems (Abernathy et al., 1995). The later tasks are separated: a general merchandise manager
stages of apparel manufacturing are quite labor responsible for buying, a manager of stores respon-
intensive as they are not appropriate for any kind sible for store operations and an operations
of automation. Whether it is in a large or manager responsible for logistics (Bell, 1994). It
small manufacturing facility, garment is usually should be noted that a close contact between the
assembled using the progressive bundle system buying and sales organizations is required to better
(PBS). In PBS, or batch production with its general understand the point of view of the customers and
name, the work is delivered to individual work- merchandise assortments accordingly.
stations from the cutting room in bundles. Sewing
machine operators then systematically process them 2.2.1. Fashion buying and replenishment
in batches. The supervisors direct and balance the Mass merchandisers, department stores and
line activities and check quality. The result of such a specialty stores are the major outlets for apparel.
system is of course large work-in-process inven- Merchandising practices vary depending on the type
tories and minimal flexibility (Taplin, 1997). In of outlet and the fashion content of the apparel.
order to move the apparel faster through the Large organizations manifest different levels of
successive sewing operations, some apparel produ- centralization in their buying organizations. Com-
cers began to use unit production systems, which petitive deals with the vendors are possible with
reduce the buffer sizes between the operations. consolidated buying. However, a decentralized
Another way is to use modular assembly systems, buying better addresses the different tastes and
which allow a small group of sewing operators to different size needs of the customers in different
assemble the entire garment (Abernathy et al., 1995; geographic areas. Nordstrom, for example, used
Blackburn, 1991). this strategy to expand its operations in the 1970s
(Parpia, 1995; Spector and McCarthy, 1995). How-
2.1.4. Distribution ever, Nordstrom is now using a hybrid system where
Assembled garments are labeled, packaged and it employs decentralized buying for some items and
usually shipped to a warehouse. The garments are centralized buying for others (Women’s Wear Daily,
then shipped to the retailers’ warehouses. In an 2006). Federated Department Stores, on the other
effort to compress the time from placement of the hand, had adopted a centralized buying approach in
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 577

the 1990s and now has improved its economies of vendors and buy a huge variety of products in large
scale in purchasing even further through its quantities (Chain Store Age, 1996). Some buyers
acquisition of May Department Stores in 2005 (e.g., a Macy’s buyer) are only responsible for
(DSN Retailing Today, 2005). After 100 years of buying merchandise from one vendor (e.g., Liz
decentralized buying, J.C. Penney also shifted to Claiborne).
centralized buying, which proved to be a financial The buyer’s decisions are controlled by a budget
success by significantly reducing the number of set by the merchandise managers (or an adminis-
items carried (Discount Store News, 2003; Women’s trator as it is called at LDS). A buyer’s budget is
Wear Daily, 2005). usually updated each season based on his/her
At LDS, about 10 buyers cover women’s wear for performance and consumer trends in the apparel
the Western US. Each buyer is responsible for a line he/she is buying. The maximum amount of
separate category of apparel items and all merchan- funds the buyer can allocate for new purchases is
dise under a buyer’s responsibility would potentially often called open-to-buy (OTB). OTB is calculated
generate similar profit margins. This system ensures using the following formula:
that the buyers would not only buy those items that
OTB ¼ budgeted closing stock þ budgeted sales
are believed to generate more margins as most of
their compensation is determined by the total þ budgeted reductions ðmark-downs; theftsÞ
margin of their purchases. Successful buyers are  opening inventory  purchases already received
generally among the highest paid employees of the  purchase orders placed but not yet received
chain, rivaling executives and store managers. The
buyers have tremendous power in representing the The budgeted components of OTB are derived
chain to the vendors and are responsible for a large before the start of the season from the corporate
portion of the chain’s profit. Since the buyer’s merchandising budget (first, demand forecasts are
performance evaluation criterion (and his or her used to determine budgeted sales, which is then used
bonus) is the total profitability (total margins) of the to calculate the budgeted closing stock level, which
apparel lines he or she buys (which depends on the will maintain a specific inventory to sales ratio).
purchase cost, the initial selling price, the subse- During the season, the opening inventory is updated
quent mark-downs and the units sold under each by the flow of merchandise that occurred since the
price point), it is in the buyer’s interest to ensure start of the season. This updates the OTB figure,
that she buys the right items generating the best which drives the new purchases, sales or reductions
financial results for the chain as a whole. (Goodwin, 1992). The purpose of the system is to
Merchandising activities start as early as the end control the sales in order to keep the inventory in
of a comparable season in the previous year. At budgeted levels. Such a system has two potential
LDS, for example, buying decisions are made problems. First, the calculation of OTB (which in
usually 6–9 months before the start of each selling effect determines the purchase quantities) uses only
season. The planning process at J.C. Penney starts the point estimate of demand (i.e., budgeted sales),
with the estimation of individual store sales for the ignoring the uncertain nature of the apparel
next year (Blasberg et al., 1996). Initial wholesale industry. Second, most retailers do not update their
purchase quantities are then established by buyers. budgeted sales (thus budgeted closing stocks) during
Fashion direction for the season is developed based the season. Therefore, especially when the pre-
on a variety of sources including the past records of season forecast is conservative, the service level
the organization, competition, market research, deteriorates since new orders are placed only if OTB
fashion and trade shows and magazines (Bohdano- becomes available. With an empirical study, Good-
wicz and Clamp, 1994, p. 95). About 9 months win (1992) verifies that the OTB system constrains
before the start of the season, buyers shop at major the performance of buyers and suggests that it
markets and start developing their merchandise should incorporate the updates in demand forecasts.
plan. Five months before the season, buyers visit the Goodwin also suggests that mark-downs should
markets and make their preliminary orders with the be based on sales activity rather than budgeted prior
vendors. The contact with the vendors often takes to season.
place at trade shows. Prior personal contacts and At the start of the season, some buyers choose to
recommendations also play an important role. Most spend all of their OTBs. Some others choose to hold
larger retailers have strategic alliances with their back some of their OTBs for opportunistic buys
578 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

after they know more about the popular styles, subject to longer life cycles and are mostly on
colors and fabrics of the current season. Initial automatic replenishment plans. Electronic data
orders constitute anywhere between 60% and 100% interchange (EDI) systems enabling these plans are
of the total order in a given product category gaining popularity as the vendors are compressing
(Subrahmanyan, 2000). For example, suit buyers their cycle times by Quick Response systems. These
spend 80% up-front and keep the remaining 20% plans are usually based on strategic alliances and are
for on-season buys (Daily News Record, 1993). taking over the responsibilities of buyers. One such
Filene’s Basement buys 60% of its merchandise alliance is between J.C. Penney and TAL Apparel
before the season (Chain Store Age, 2006). A Group, which reduced the cycle times from 6
traditional practice is to receive all bought mer- months to 30 days and reduced J.C. Penney’s
chandise before the season. However, recently, more inventory levels from 6-month supply to 7-week
and more retailers are using different windows of supply (Apparel Magazine, 2006).
delivery through the season. This helps to maintain Ideally, past sales data should be a major factor
a fresh look of the store over the entire season. Suit in buying and re-ordering decisions. Recent ad-
retailers, for example, typically use two or three vances make enormous amounts of point-of-sales
delivery windows (Daily News Record, 1993). (POS) data available to buyers. However, this is not
For J.C. Penney, preliminary orders constitute quite the fact, as the CEO of Federated’s Logistics
50–75% of the anticipated total orders. The and Operations division states, ‘‘Where we have
selections are reviewed by the stores and the made little progress,y, is in changing the way
merchandise commitment is finalized after collect- our buyers go to market and buy. I don’t see them
ing individual store orders 2.5 months prior to the using this data nearly as much as I expected.’’ In
season. The above merchandising cycle is typical for some departments, buyers are far away from
nationally branded apparel. For companies that are efficient use of sales data in their merchandise
marketing their own private labels, the merchandis- selections, ending up with inventory turns less than
ing activities are more complicated and may involve once per year. The result is a huge number of SKUs,
the coordination of manufacturing activities such as most of them moving fairly slowly. Macy’s Herald
design and fabric sourcing. For such companies, Square store carries 5.5 million SKUs (Apparel
buyers and merchandise managers have to work Industry Magazine, 1998). Even if the product in
closely with brand managers responsible for the consideration is a brand new item to be offered in
private-label apparel, in order to maintain a profit- an upcoming season, the past record of similar
able mix of branded–private-label merchandise in products can be used to improve its buying and
their assortments. pricing decisions. Motivated by a number of
Throughout a selling season, merchandise display companies in Asia, Choi (2007) shows that the
on the store floor is periodically updated, with two market information of a related pre-seasonal
or three apparel groups marked as new arrivals at product may be effectively used to update the
one time. There can be 8–10 apparel groups in total demand forecast of a seasonal product at the
within a selling season. Arrangements are made, succeeding stages and this may lead to considerable
especially with domestic suppliers, to have the increase in the profits of fashion retailers. Quite
merchandise delivered to the stores (or the retail recently, major retailers started improving their
chain’s distribution center) monthly. Such a stag- forecasting and fulfillment through the use of
gered schedule has two major effects: (1) smoothing massive software solutions. Dillard’s, for example,
out production for the vendors and (2) keeping the started using i2 Technology’s Demand Planner
retail store constantly refreshed in merchandise and Replenishment Planner solutions to create
display with new items. This is done to capture replenishment orders for 2.9 million SKUs every
shoppers’ attention who are usually attracted to week. Dillard’s inventory turnover rate was 3.7,
newly arrived items being put on prominent display; while the industry average was 4.9 in 1998 before
a shopper who sees the same few items on display implementing i2’s solution. Dillard’s was able to
would assume that the store has nothing new to increase its inventory turnover rate to 5.2, slightly
offer and would therefore quickly lose interest in above the industry average, through the use of the
the store. solution and is planning to roll it off to 15 million
While this merchandising cycle is repeated for SKUs that it is currently merchandizing (Baseline,
each season for fashion apparel, basic items are 2003).
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 579

For many companies like LDS, a buyer is the sales. As an example, custom printed and
responsible for many stores in a particular sales embroidered sporting merchandise are called to
region. When a buyer decides on what to buy and mark-on 100–150% for quantities of under two
how much to buy, the buyer is deciding for all the dozen pieces and 80–100% for quantities two to six
stores in aggregate. A ‘‘planner’’ works closely with dozen (Sporting Goods Business, 1998). Also, as a
the buyer to distribute the assortment and purchas- general rule, fashion items with higher risks and
ing quantities across different stores, accounting for items with small volume command higher mark-ons
differences in store locations such as area income (Bohdanowicz and Clamp, 1994, p. 110). Some
level or demography. The ‘‘allocations’’ across retailers (usually discounters) try to group different
stores are generally not even; a store may not styles around different prices and charge the same
‘‘get’’ any allocation of a particular item at all. price for the styles in the same group (price lining).
When a vendor delivers a batch of garments, the Some retailers such as One Price Clothing Stores
shipment can go to a central warehouse or (Discount Merchandiser, 1997) went as far as
distribution center first and then be broken down charging a single price for all of its merchandise
and re-shipped to individual stores. Alternatively, (singular pricing). Overall, initial pricing is a part of
the shipment can go directly to individual stores retailer’s marketing strategy rather than micro-
without ever entering a central warehouse or managed at the product level. In fact, retailers in
distribution center (this is called drop-ship); in this the same category tend to follow similar pricing
mode, the vendor’s garments must be ‘‘floor ready’’ strategies (in the case of discount stores, price alone
(complete with the proper labels and price tags and is the reason for categorization). Department stores
hangers). have been known to charge high initial prices and
A buyer sometimes moves an item from one store offer deep mark-downs later in the season. This is
to another store; when this occurs, a direct trans- contrary to apparel specialty stores, offering med-
shipment between the two stores may not always ium prices throughout the season. According to
occur. At LDS, a transfer between two stores has to W.J. Salmon, professor of retailing at the Harvard
go to a distribution center, for it was found that the Business School, pricing policies of department
potential costs of miscounts and mishandling of stores that he refers to as ‘‘usurious prices followed
goods in direct trans-shipment between two stores by illegitimate sales’’ are one of the major reasons
can offset the additional transportation cost of for department stores’ declining performance in the
moving merchandise through the DC. early 1990s (Discount Merchandiser, 1994). Realiz-
ing this, Dillard’s Department Stores began to
2.2.2. Pricing practice every day low pricing or every day fair
Apparel retailers usually employ cost-based pri- pricing (EDLP/EDFP) (Chain Store Age, 1994).
cing techniques for the initial prices for their Most retailers change the prices of their merchan-
merchandise. Typically, the initial price is the cost dise during the season usually by offering discounts.
of the product plus a percentage mark-on. This Several factors distinguish the apparel industry
mark-on percentage is such that the revenue from other industries in pricing decisions. First,
obtained from the sales will be adequate to cover the value of fashion merchandise deteriorates at an
all expenses incurred in the business plus a reason- enormous speed. Left-over merchandise would have
able profit. Rather than detailed item-specific little or no value at the end of the season. Second,
pricing based on expected sales activity, most there is a considerable amount of uncertainty
retailers choose to follow company-specific simple involved in consumer taste, and hence in demand
rules, or other retailers in the same category (i.e., for a particular fashion merchandise. Part or all of
department store, discount store and specialty store) this uncertainty can be resolved as the retailer starts
offering similar merchandise. At LDS, the buyer to observe the sales after the start of season. Finally,
sets the initial price, but more or less based on a retail space is highly competitive in the fashion
company-wide price schedule. Corporate manage- industry. Ideally, a retailer should consider all of
ment uses pricing guides and schedules to achieve these factors in its sales decisions, maximizing its
control and uniformity of items bought by different revenues over the entire season, preferably selling all
buyers. Small stores sometimes multiply their cost inventories by the end of the season to allocate the
by 2 or 2.2 as a general rule in setting prices. Mark- entire retail space for fresh merchandise of the new
on percentages may also depend on the volume of season.
580 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

The sales fall into three categories: pre-season categories. A more rigorous analysis should include
sales, within-season promotional sales and end-of- a probabilistic treatment of demand and allow
season clearance sales (Pashigian, 1995). In some dynamic pricing based on remaining inventory and
merchandise categories, retailers charge introduc- time before the end of the season.
tory low prices for a short period of time before the At LDS, there are company-wide guidelines as to
start of the season. For example, at LDS, the pre- when and how much to mark-down. There are a few
season sale for the winter season is held in late pre-set mark-down levels: 25%, 30%, 50% and
August, and each garment is marked 25% of regular 60%. The first mark-down occurs in approximately
price, or comes with two price tags: one with the the sixth week. Once an item is marked down, its
regular in-season price and another with a 25% shelf space is consolidated (for example from two
marked down price with a purchase date limitation. shelves to one shelf) or it is moved to a less
The resulting increased store traffic allows the prominent display area. For ‘‘hard’’ mark-downs
retailer to gather information about the popular like 50% or 60% off, the garments are moved to
colors, styles and garments early enough for special racks organized by garment size so that a
appropriate replenishments within season. Within- shopper can go directly to the right rack to find all
season promotional sales, on the other hand, use styles of her size. Since two new groups arrive every
discounts on particular merchandise to increase 2 weeks throughout the same season, the stores can
store traffic for improving sales not only on constantly refresh their display and inventory.
discounted items but also on other slow-moving Almost never will the stores mark the price up, no
items. These temporary POS discounts are usually matter how hot an item is selling. We can conjecture
applied at the cash register, and price tags are not that if the retailers had practiced mark-ups during
physically changed to reflect the temporary price. the season, the initial prices would not be this high,
The most common form of sales is end-of-season a problem well known in department stores. The
clearance sales aimed to liquidate all stocks before ‘‘no-mark-up’’ rule applies also to vendors. If a
the end of the season. Clearance sales are compara- vendor has a ‘‘hit’’ item and the buyer screams for
tively more tactical in nature and should be based more of it, the vendor will usually charge the same
on detailed analysis of individual item’s sales price, but may bundle the item with some less
activity. The timing and depth of these mark-downs popular items or attach some other sales conditions.
are crucial decisions as early and deep mark-downs While mark-downs are quite frequent, store-wide
may result in revenue losses, and late and not sales are relatively infrequent as it is feared that
sufficiently deep mark-downs may result in obsolete consumers may act strategic and ‘‘wait for the
inventories at the end of the season. Factors such as sales’’. Store-wide sales are twice a year at LDS, one
customers substituting regular priced items by of them after Christmas. At those events, the whole
marked down items (cannibalization) should also store space is organized for the sales (whereas for
be considered. Despite the importance of this smaller sales, the items marked down are put in
difficult problem, mark-down decisions in practice special corners or back space). Sales also tend to
do not follow any scientific rule. This is again in occur before annual or semi-annual inventory
spite of the fact that required POS data are easily counts, so that the store personnel have fewer items
available to decision makers. Mark-downs are to count.
usually subject to the buyer’s budget, limiting the Recently, the fashion industry has seen some
responsiveness of these decisions to sales activity efforts to implement analytical methods for mark-
(Chain Store Age, 1999; Goodwin, 1992; Women’s down decisions. Several software companies intro-
Wear Daily, 1999). For some companies, mark- duced price optimization or mark-down optimiza-
downs are completely sales driven and automated. tion solutions for the retail industry and applied
At Filene’s Basement Store, all merchandise not successfully to apparel retailers. Examples include
sold within 2 weeks is marked down by 25%; the ProfitLogic, whose customers included J.C. Penney,
remaining merchandise after 4 weeks is marked Casual Male, Old Navy, Marshall Fields and
down by an additional 25% and the remaining Bloomingdale’s (Stores, 2003; Bobbin, 2002b;
merchandise after 6 weeks is marked down by Girard, 2003) and Spotlight Solutions, whose
another 25% (The Boston Globe, 2006). While this customers included ShopKo, Saks Inc. and Dillard’s
policy is easy to implement, it is questionable that it (Stores, 2002; The New York Times, 2002a).
gives the maximum profit across all merchandise In 2003, Spotlight Solutions were acquired by
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 581

ProfitLogic. ProfitLogic, itself, was acquired by for fashion retailing. The apparel sales are far away
Oracle in 2005. from sustaining a productive use of retail space as a
Other niche software companies in the RRM result of consumers’ preference for comfort over
market include KhiMetrics (acquired by SAP in fashion and a casual work place. As a result,
2006), DemandTec and 4R Systems (Stores, 2003). apparel and accessory stores have experienced very
Major SCM software vendors such as i2 and high failure rates, the highest among all retail sub-
Manugistics are also offering pricing optimization sectors (Standard Poor’s, 1998). Between 1999 and
tools emphasizing the importance of integration 2004, the number of firms in men’s clothing retailing
(, 2002). While mark-down optimi- and women’s clothing retailing went down to 5098
zation is the most mature segment of the RRM and 13,015, respectively, from 5902 and 15,977, two
market (Girard, 2003), these software companies of the sharpest declines in the retailing sector in the
are also offering solutions for initial price optimiza- US. During the same period, the number of
tion and promotion optimization (Achabal, 2003). department stores, a major channel for apparel
Despite the reported success of software solutions sales, declined to 100 from 141 (US Census Bureau,
on price optimization (Girard, 2003; Stores, 2002), 1999b, 2004a). The domestic apparel market is
adaptation of price-optimization tools in retail has dominated by 12 major retail groups, representing
been slow. According to AMR Research, only almost two-thirds of the sales (US Department of
5–6% of retailers and no more than 100 chains are Commerce, 1999).
using use price-optimization technology (Informa- Retail consolidation shifted the industry power
tionWeek, 2005; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2006). from apparel manufacturers to large and powerful
However, the market for price optimization in retail retailers. Fewer and stronger retail firms are in a
is expected to grow and many software vendors position to mandate favorable terms in their
(including big players such as SAP and Oracle with contracts with manufacturers involving price, ser-
their recent acquisitions of KhiMetrics and Profit- vice, delivery, and product diversification and
Logic, respectively) are trying to grab a share. differentiation (US International Trade Commis-
According to a report by Yankee Group, retailers sion, 1995). Mass retailers are willing to order closer
are expected to spend $218 million for these to the actual sales and shrink their inventories by
solutions in 2007 (InformationWeek, 2005). continuous supplier replenishment throughout their
selling seasons. The result is higher inventory risk
3. Trends in apparel manufacture and retail assumed by manufacturers. Several services once
considered to be part of retailer operations, such as
3.1. Retail consolidation, vertical integration and pre-ticketing the retailer’s price tags and storing the
emergence of private labels apparel on hangers, are now part of manufacturers’
operations (US International Trade Commission,
3.1.1. Labels 1998). The financial penalties in case of errors and
The retailing space per capita increased from failure to meet vendor compliance standards further
8 square feet to 19 square feet in the last 20 years, increase the costs of manufacturers. As an example
reflecting the increased demand created by baby of these standards, since 1994, Sears expects all of
boomers. However, aging of the same population, its vendors to use EDI and bar code shipping labels,
changing consumer priorities and introduction of and ship merchandise as close to floor ready as
non-traditional retailing outlets decreased the con- possible meeting the company’s Floor Ready
sumer interest in many sub-sectors of the US Product standards (Apparel Industry Magazine,
retailing industry. The over-stored US retailing 1998). These and other requirements are difficult
industry in general has faced a considerable number to satisfy for small and medium-sized companies.
of bankruptcies and acquisitions in the recent years. Paugal also struggled with the restructuring and
As a result, the total US retail sales are concentrated increased import penetration in the apparel indus-
in a few major retail companies. The top three try. The company’s production volume decreased
retailers, Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Kroger, substantially. Pierre Levy, the chairman of the
account for $457 billion annual sales in 2005, about company, explains that the retailers now are the
12.3% of all sales in the industry, while the top 100 price setters in the industry. Before even arranging
retailers account for 38.9% (US Census Bureau, an appointment with a large retailer, Paugal has to
2005a; Stores, 2006). The scene is not very different show the proof of its financial stability, its costs and
582 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

sources. Pierre Levy says that this is the kind of The industry also experiences a forward vertical
information he would never reveal 10 years ago. integration of large manufacturers. In an effort to
Using this crucial information, some retailers now increase efficiency, eliminate intermediary and
began to remove the intermediaries between them better understand the consumer needs, an increasing
and the contractors. Mr. Levy explains that a major number of textile mills and apparel firms is involved
retailer initiated a direct business with a factory he in retailing. Some of these companies only operate
put a lot of effort to find in Mexico, after a year of factory outlets where they dispose their excess or
business with Paugal. Increased pressures to de- second-quality merchandise without damaging their
crease costs force Paugal to use contractors in brand image with merchandise sold in the off-price
China, Bangladesh and Mexico. Moreover, the retailers.
company has to focus on sweaters, where a great
deal of expertise is required for production and 3.2. Import penetration and production sharing
dresses for large-size women where the consumers
are still price insensitive. Limited capital requirements and labor intensity
Consolidation also helped the retailers to reach the of the apparel and other textile products manufac-
economies of scale for participating in manufacturing turing have made the industry a primary industry in
activities. Mass merchandisers, department stores, low-waged underdeveloped and developing coun-
specialty retailers and up-scale retailers are now tries starting as early as the 1960s. Changes in trade
offering private labels with competitive prices. For regulations and advances in transportation and
example, Sears sells casual apparel under its private communication helped to increase the global trade
label, Canyon Rivers Blues, as well as national in apparel. As a result, an increasing portion of
branded apparel such as Levi’s and Wrangler. apparel production is moving to less developed
Besides cost reductions through the elimination of countries and apparel industries in developed
intermediaries, retailers with manufacturing opera- countries are experiencing increasing import pene-
tions are able to respond quicker to changes in tration in almost all apparel categories. The trend is
consumer demand and have a better control on the similar and a substantial amount of restructuring is
quality of products that they sell. Uniqueness of taking place in almost all developed countries
private-label apparel also helped to attract consu- including the UK (Bruce and Daly, 2004), the rest
mers who have been complaining about the sameness of the Europe (Keenan et al., 2004) and Japan
of the merchandise in different retail outlets. (Taplin and Winterton, 1997).
Retailers can also exploit their closeness to the The US apparel industry was not immune to such
consumers in the design and marketing of their globalization. Apparel imports reached $71.6 billion
private labels. Private labels especially helped depart- in 2006, up from $27.7 billion in 1991. The imported
ment stores to regain the market share they lost over apparel now constitutes more than half of the $100
the past several years. Most of the retailers with billion industry (US Department of Commerce,
private labels are likely to source their private-label 1999; US Office of Textiles and Apparel, 2006).
apparel overseas, eliminating the need for US agents With reduced trade regulation under preferential
to develop marketing expertise in foreign markets trade agreements (such as North American Free
and to improve their responsiveness to consumer Trade Agreement and Caribbean Basin Trade
demands. Imports of private-label apparel accounted Partnership Act) and the elimination of quotas as
for 15% of the US apparel market in 1997 (US required under the WTO Agreement on Textiles and
International Trade Commission, 1998). The retailers Clothing, we now see the same increasing trend in
continue to invest in private labels. J.C. Penney all apparel categories. Traditional suppliers of
already has 40% of its sales on private labels such imported material to the US: Taiwan, Hong Kong
as Arizona, Stafford and Bisou Bisou (while its and Korea, are losing their market share in the US
competitors average 20%) and is still expanding market since the beginning of the 1990s, as the
its private-label offerings with new brands such as companies are seeking even lower-cost production
American Living (Financial Times, 2007). Analysts in countries such as China, India and Bangladesh.
identify private-label development as a major means For example, in a single year after the elimination of
to improve profitability and expect that increases in quotas, US imports from China rose by 69.6%,
private label will lead to further consolidation in reaching $15 billion. In order to moderate the
retail (Apparel Magazine, 2003). soaring imports from China, the US government
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 583

started to impose safeguards on certain apparel Mexico and the Caribbean and 38% from the rest of
categories in 2006. These safeguards will be in force the world (Women’s Wear Daily, 2003). Ashworth
until 2008. Inc., a golf apparel company, sources almost all of
A relatively new trend is production sharing in its production off-shore now, a quick shift from
the Central and South American countries. Chapter 1999, when it was sourcing 100% from the US
98 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the US (Bobbin, 2003a).
(formerly item 807 of the tariff schedule) permits cut
fabric to be shipped to low-waged countries and 3.3. Quick Response systems
returned to the US with duty applied only to the
value-added part of the production. Imports under Consolidation, vertical integration and low-cost
production sharing account for $12.5 billion in 2005 imports in the apparel industry began to eliminate
or 18.2% of all apparel imports in 2005, up from the weaker players in the apparel manufacturing
9% in 1990. Under the NAFTA agreement, there industry. Although there are no significant barriers
are no duties for apparel cut in the US and to enter and expand in the industry with low capital
assembled in Mexico. This and proximity to the requirements and use of contractors, remaining
US markets further advantaged Mexico (7.4% of all competitive is becoming extremely difficult. The
imports), making it the second largest supplier of failure rate for apparel and other textile manufac-
US imports following China (25.8% of all imports) turing businesses was 136 out of 10,000 in 1997, the
(US Office of Textiles and Apparel, 2006). However, highest rate among all other manufacturing sub-
since 2000, US imports from Mexico are declining sectors. A total of 364 businesses that failed in 1997
steadily, reflecting the increased competition from had about $1 billion liabilities (The Dun &
Asia and the countries in the Caribbean Basin. Bradstreet Corp., 1999). The total number of
Generally, US apparel imports concentrate on employees in apparel manufacturing dropped to
basic styles and fabrics for which design changes 316,900 in 2003, down from 892,900 in 1997 (US
are minimal from one season to the other. The Department of Labor, 2003).
market share of imported apparel is especially high In order to compete with foreign manufacturers
for all men’s and boy’s clothing, knit-wear, and that are able to meet the increasing demands of big
women’s coats and jackets (US Census Bureau, and powerful retailers, the industry initiated a series
1999a). of technological innovations and business practices
US apparel imports under Chapter 98 of HTSUS called Quick Response in 1985 (Hammond and
from Central and South American countries are Kelly, 1991). Quick Response intends to tie the
concentrated in fewer products, with high but apparel and textile manufacturing and retailing
unskilled labor content. The major apparel cate- operations to provide the flexibility to quickly
gories that are manufactured through production respond to consumer needs in a volatile industry.
sharing operations include trousers and shorts, In 1986, Kurt Salmon Associates estimated that the
shirts and blouses, foundation garments, under- inefficiencies in the supply chain cost the industry
wear, and coats and jackets (US International Trade about 24% of net retail apparel sales annually or
Commission, 1995). While US manufacturers are $25 billion in the form of forced mark-downs, excess
mostly importing from Central and South American inventory and stock-outs (Frazier, 1986). As a result
countries through production sharing operations, of various process changes that link the retailing
US retailers tend to import the full package from and manufacturing operations, responsiveness can
Asian countries since they do not have the expertise be used to effectively substitute for fashion sense,
to coordinate manufacturing processes (US Inter- forecasting ability and/or inventory required for
national Trade Commission, 1998). operating under uncertainty (Richardson, 1996).
Retailers and manufacturers are still restructuring Ideally, a Quick Response system would enable the
themselves to increase their foreign sourcing. For manufacturer to adjust the production of different
example, V.F. Corporation, producer of Wrangler styles, colors and sizes in response to retail sales
and Lee jeans, Vanity Fair intimate apparel, during the season. The immediate objective is to
sourced 50% of its sales globally in 1998 (US reduce the cycle times and be able to produce as
International Trade Commission, 1998). This ratio close to the consumers’ needs as possible, decreasing
increased dramatically to 70% in 2000. Now, V.F. risks and inventories at each stage of manufacturing
sources 94% of its apparel from overseas: 56% from and retailing operations.
584 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

A number of technologies are used to help reduce marked with computer-scannable symbols con-
the cycle times in manufacturing and retailing. cerning contents; shipments of products ready
CAD/CAM equipment is used to reduce the cycle for display in retail stores).
time from design to production. POS scanners at the
checkout counters read the bar code attached to While these standards are currently met mostly by
each item and record the merchandise sales by its increased inventory levels of finished goods, further
price, style, color and size. EDI systems then can be manufacturing responsiveness may be achieved by
used to transfer this real-time information to establishing or improving the following internal
different stages of the supply chain, facilitating practices at the manufacturer level:
automatic re-ordering or even allowing the manu-
facturer to manage its retailers’ inventories. A
successful quick-response implementation also de-  The ability to forecast and plan future produc-
pends on substantial information sharing and tion needs based on sales data provided by the
coordination between the manufacturer and the retailer.
retailer.  Distribution centers capable of providing logis-
In addition to information technologies men- tical support to efficiently process shipments to
tioned above, a number of business practices are multiple retailers.
required for an ideal Quick Response system. In the  Manufacturing practices adapted to producing a
logistics arena, just-in-time shipping policies with variety of styles, sizes and colors under shorter
frequent and small lots, pre-ticketing and drop lead-time requirements.
shipments are necessary. On the manufacturing  Agreement with key suppliers to provide shorter
side, flexible, short-run and high-speed processing, procurement lead times and smaller minimum
automated material handling and modular produc- orders for textiles and other suppliers to accom-
tion concepts are commonly practiced by Quick modate changing demand requirements.
Response manufacturers (Hunter, 1990).
Abernathy et al. (1995) reports that a Quick Abernathy et al. (1995) reports that between 1988
Response retailer should be able meet the following and 1992 there is a substantial growth in the number
standards: of retailers requiring suppliers to meet their Quick
Response related standards such as bar coding, EDI
 Track sales in individual styles, colors and sizes and automated distribution centers. More and more
on a store-level and real-time basis. manufacturers are now changing their internal
 Replenish products at the store quickly. practices related to manufacturing and performing
 Hold minimal excess inventories at the store level activities such as bar coding, preparing the mer-
beyond what is on the sales floor. chandise for selling and distribution to retail outlets
 Provide logistical support for the above practices. that are not once considered the responsibilities of
 Create manufacturer performance standards for manufacturers. Kurt Salmon Associates notes the
replenishable products, specifying standards for 10 years of Quick Response implementation a major
order-to-replenishment lead times, shipment ac- success, saving $13 billion through a combination of
curacy and delivery information, and setting out removing excess stocks from the system and
penalties for non-compliance. enabling wider and more accurate assortments
(Bobbin, 1997b). Quick Response systems are still
These standards will then establish the following in use as retailers are demanding more responsive-
standards for the Quick Response manufacturers: ness from their manufacturers. Liz Claiborne, for
example, uses two Quick Response programs, Liz
 Label units, track sales and respond in real time Quick and Liz Chase, to react faster to changes in
to product orders at specified style, color and size consumer demand (Bobbin, 2003a). Significant
levels. improvements due to Quick Response initiatives
 Exchange electronic information concerning cur- are observed also for other countries. For example,
rent sales and related information with retailers. Perry et al. (1999) report that a government-
 Provide goods to retailer distribution centers in initiated Quick Response program in Australia
ways that allow goods to be moved efficiently to resulted in considerable benefits to the program
stores for distribution (for example, boxes partners, doubling metrics such as annual sales,
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 585

inventory turnover rates and percentage of orders study by Prudential Securities Inc., delivery lead
by the due date. times for leading branded women’s apparel firms for
imports from Asia are as high as 35 weeks, as
3.4. Supplier selection: off-shore versus compared with 35 days for imports from Mexico
domestic sourcing and the Caribbean (US International Trade Com-
mission, 1999). According to a survey of US and
Retailers and manufacturers consider a number UK consumer goods retailers, the average lead time
of factors when deciding where to supply their for orders from Asian and Central American
merchandise. The first group of factors includes the vendors is as much as 48–60 and 24–36 weeks,
production or purchase costs, inventory storage respectively, while the average lead time for orders
costs and transportation costs. These are related to from North American vendors is 12–24 weeks
the efficiency of the supply chain. Fisher (1997) (Lowson, 2001). According to the same study,
classifies them to be the physical costs of the supply 61% and 53% of the retailers are able to change
chain. The other group is related to the responsive- the mix and volume of their orders, respectively, if
ness of the supply chain; how accurate and fast they source from North American vendors. Corre-
supply is able to match demand. If supply exceeds sponding percentages are only 30% and 14% for
demand, the merchandise has to be marked down, Asian vendors and 48% and 37% for Central
and sold at a price possibly less than the cost. If American vendors. North American vendors are
supply is less than demand, the company loses sales also providing more flexibility over their Asian and
opportunities and dissatisfies its customers. Fisher Central American counterparts for excess stocks. In
calls resulting costs market mediation costs. For all, 76% of the retailers say that their North
products that satisfy basic needs, with long life American vendors agree to returns or discounts
cycles, and thus stable demand (functional products for surplus goods, while corresponding percentages
as called by Fisher), physical costs should be the are only 50% and 27% for Asian and Central
focus. For products with high fashion content, American vendors, respectively. It is clear that it is
short life cycles and thus hard-to-predict demand primarily domestic manufacturing that can provide
(innovative products as called by Fisher), compa- the responsiveness demanded by apparel retailers.
nies should rather try to minimize market mediation An individual retailer’s choice may be to source its
costs. particular merchandise from overseas or from a
The apparel market consists of many products manufacturer in the US, whichever minimizes its
with varying levels of fashion content (innovation or total costs (physical and market mediation). For a
functionality). Fashion content not only defines the particular merchandise category, these individual
season length but also affects where retailers or decisions may be aggregated in one statistic: market
manufacturers source their merchandise. Basic share of imports. Table 1 lists the market share of
apparel merchandise generally has longer selling imports and import/domestic costs for selected
seasons, and physical costs are likely to represent a apparel categories in 2005.
major part of potential total costs. Like most labor- In all categories, imports capture more than half
intensive low-technology industries in the US, a of the market share as imports are providing
natural choice of production venue for basic significant cost benefits. For example, the import
products is developing or underdeveloped countries cost for men’s swimwear is approximately 57% less
where wages are substantially lower. Fashion than the domestic cost, which leads to 99% import
products, on the other hand, have generally shorter penetration. It should be noted that cost alone is not
life cycles and market mediation costs play a major the only factor for sourcing decisions for apparel
role. For fashion products, apparel retailers seek retailers. Imported men’s suits cost 65.4% less than
responsiveness when making their sourcing deci- the suits manufactured domestically, which leads to
sions. A few factors define responsiveness. First of 88.8% import penetration. In women’s dresses,
all, order lead times play a major role. If the order which is a comparable category in women’s apparel,
lead times are long, apparel retailers need to order import cost is 60.8% less than the domestic cost.
much in advance of the start of the season, when However, import penetration in women’s dresses is
their knowledge of consumer demand is limited. only 71.7%. The low market share of imports for
Long lead times also prohibit the replenishment women’s apparel categories reflects the importance
opportunities within the season. According to a of fashion in women’s apparel. Apparel retailers
586 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

Table 1 margin return on investment (GMROI) as a per-

Market share and cost of imports in apparel in 2005 formance measure, which is basically the gross
Market share Average Average
margin to average inventory ratio (Bobbin, 1995).
of importsa domestic priceb import pricec Frequent replenishments advantage domestic man-
ufacturing over imports in this measure especially
Men’s when seasons are long. These two measures only
Suits 88.8 165.39 57.23
capture physical costs of the supply chain. Measures
Swimwear 99.0 10.17 4.41
capturing the market mediation costs include service
Women’s level: percentage of times a customer finds his or her
Dresses 71.7 24.55 9.60
Swimwear 81.5 16.47 5.78
first-choice SKU; lost sales: percent of customers
finding none of their SKU preferences; sell-through:
Data compiled from the US Census Bureau (2005b). proportion of a season’s merchandise that sells at
Derived by dividing imports for consumption to apparent first price; and jobbed-off: percentage of units
consumption in the US market.
b remaining at the end of the season, which must be
Average cost ($) per unit for manufacturers’ shipments.
Average cost ($) (cost+insurance+freight) per unit from disposed off. A computer simulation model devel-
imports for consumption. oped at North Carolina State University concludes
that the Quick Response strategy outperforms off-
shore sourcing strategy in these four measures and
need a higher level of responsiveness for women’s GMROI, but falls short of generating higher gross
apparel and domestic sourcing provides the respon- margin to sales ratio in all the scenarios created
siveness they need through shorter lead times. (Bobbin, 1997a). The same results are also reported
Fig. 1 shows the import and domestic unit prices in Hunter et al. (1996).
for men’s and women’s swimwear over the years
1991–2005. For both categories, imports have a 3.5. Electronic commerce
substantial cost advantage over domestic produc-
tion. In both categories, domestic prices first With the emergence of the internet and the
increased gradually between 1991 and 1997, after advancement of information technologies, many
which a decline is observed. Imports, on the other companies in the apparel supply chain began to
hand, maintain a steady average price. Fig. 2 shows conduct their business online. Electronic commerce
the domestic production, imports and domestic is divided into two categories. Exchange of in-
market for men’s and women’s swimwear over the formation, services and goods from business to
years 1991–2005 (the domestic market is derived by consumer is called business-to-consumer (B2C) and
subtracting exports from the sum of domestic from one business to another is called business-to-
production and imports. Domestic data for men’s business (B2B).
swimwear for years 1999, 2000 and 2001 and for At the B2C front, online sales of apparel started
women’s swimwear for year 2001 is interpolated in in the mid 1990s. In 1995, Eddie Bauer and Lands’
the graphs, as it is not disclosed by the Census End became the first major firms that started
Bureau). The market share of domestic production internet operations (Gertner and Stillman, 2001).
in men’s swimwear has virtually disappeared. While Apparel has been one of the favorite types of
the expanding market in women’s swimwear is products sold over the internet. According to a
exploited predominantly by imports, domestic research done by Jupiter Research, clothing and
manufacturers were able to maintain their produc- clothing accessories (including footwear) is the lead-
tion volume, until recently, in spite of considerably ing category of items purchased online (a projected
higher prices (US Census Bureau, 1991–2005). total of $10.2 billion online sales in 2006) by the US
An individual company’s sourcing decision is a consumers after personal computers (US Census
result of the performance measure it uses in Bureau, 2007).
evaluating different supplier alternatives. A tradi- Online apparel sales are mostly dominated by
tional measure has been the gross margin to sales retailers that initially have bricks-and-mortar op-
ratio, which has put the focus on low-cost imports. erations. Early pure players (those only have
However, this measure totally ignores the costs internet operations) had difficulty in competing
associated with holding inventory. Advocates of with online operations of established brands in
Quick Response systems suggest the use of gross apparel (DSN Retailing Today, 2000; Chain Store
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 587

Average Domestic and Import Prices for men’s Swimwear

Domestic Price
16 Import Price




1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Average Domestic and Import Prices for Women’s Swimwear

Domestic Price
16 Import Price




1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Data compiled from U.S.Census Bureau (1991–2005)

Fig. 1. Average domestic and import prices for men’s and women’s swimwear (1991–2005).

Age, 2002b). Electronic commerce pioneer Ama- over pure players by leveraging from their bricks- has started its online apparel sales only at and-mortar stores for fulfillment and reverse logis-
the end of 2002 and had to partner with other tics. According to a study by Forrester Research,
retailers such as Nordstrom and Old Navy (Chain out of 63 multi-channel retailers, 52 accept in-store
Store Age, 2002b). Dominance of established returns of items purchased online and 13 allow store
bricks-and-mortar companies in online apparel sales pickup of online orders. Companies like Gap are
shows the importance of multi-channel retailing, using their online stores exclusively to sell slow-
i.e., integrating three channels: bricks-and-mortar moving items and to test new products (The Wall
stores, websites and catalogs. Multi-channel retai- Street Journal, 2003).
lers use their websites to increase the number of While multi-channel retailing is vital for success
trips to their stores and vice versa. According to a in fashion retailing, many companies are finding it
survey, 22 of the 23 major retailers achieved higher difficult to integrate multiple channels and offer
store traffic among shoppers who also visited the consistency in pricing, quality and customer experi-
company’s retail website (Stores, 2001a). Multi- ence across different channels (Chain Store Age,
channel retailers further advantaged themselves 2001). Federated Department Stores, for example,
588 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

Domestic Production, Imports and Domestic Market for Men’s Swimwear

Domestic production
60000 Domestic market






1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Domestic Production, Imports and Domestic Market for Women’s Swimwear

Domestic production
120000 Domestic market






1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Data compiled from U.S. Census Bureau (1991–2005)

Fig. 2. Market share of domestic and import men’s and women’s swimwear (1991–2005).

scaled down its internet business on the blooming- Despite an enormous potential, online apparel and websites (Bobbin, 2002a). sales are only a small fraction of total apparel sales.
Some bricks-and-mortar retailers also find it diffi- Online apparel and footwear sales were only 4.3%
cult to handle fulfillment of online orders. Catalog of total apparel sales in 2006 (Fig. 3). However,
retailers, such as Lands’ End and L.L. Bean, are online sales of apparel are growing significantly
utilizing their experience and existing infrastructure each year (online sales were only 2.3% of total sales
in order fulfillment and have been very profitable in in 2002) and are expected to grow even faster,
their internet operations (The Wall Street Journal, especially as more women are getting used to shop
2001). Sears has recently acquired Lands’ End to online (The New York Times, 2002b).
leverage its strengths in multi-channel retailing Like any other industry, the apparel industry was
including excellence in order fulfillment. As a result also greatly influenced by the B2B marketplaces
of the merger, Lands’ End customers are able to starting in the late 1990s. Firms across the apparel
order apparel online or by phone and pick them up supply chain perform a variety of activities using the
at the local Sears store (Time Magazine, 2002). internet including sourcing direct and indirect
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 589

12.0 4.50
Online Sales
Percentage of Total Sales 4.00

Percentage of Total Sales

Online Sales ($ Billion)

8.0 3.00


4.0 1.50


0.0 0.00
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Fig. 3. Online clothing purchases.

material, bidding and negotiation, forecast colla- joined forces to form Agentrics (Supermarket News,
boration, design collaboration, inventory and order 2005). Private exchanges are usually run by a single
tracking and selling off excess stock (for an over- firm and members are that firm’s suppliers and
view of B2B marketplaces and why they are partners. This model of B2B is appropriate for giant
efficient, see US Federal Trade Commission, 2000). retailers that do not want to share their buying
B2B exchanges came to existence during the dot- power with other retailers. An example is Wal-Mart
com boom at the end of the 1990s. According to an (Stores, 2001b; InformationWeek, 2000). B2B mar-
estimate by Kurt Salmon Associates, there were ketplaces are also used for liquidating excess
more than 80 B2B exchanges that focus on the inventory by apparel retailers and manufacturers.
apparel industry in 2000 (Apparel Industry Maga-, and clo-
zine, 2000); however, most of these exchanges have are among the electronic marketplaces
since gone out of business in the early 2000s that allow excess apparel items to be sold through
(Bobbin, 2002d). Surviving exchanges were those auctions (DSN Retailing Today, 2001; Retail
with powerful retailer members. GlobalNetXchange Merchandiser, 2002).
(GNX) and WorldWide Retail Exchange (WWRE) In 2000 many analysts were predicting that the
are two such exchanges. These are public exchanges, B2B exchanges would dominate the economy in a
i.e., they are independently owned and companies short period of time. Jupiter Communications, for
may participate through a subscription or a mem- example, was predicting that the total US B2B
bership process. GNX’s members included Sears, market would reach more than $6 trillion in 2005 or
Federated Department Stores and Carrefour. about 60% of the total non-service market (Dem-
WWRE’s members included Target, Kmart, J.C. beck, 2000). Despite all the heat, the growth in B2B
Penney and Gap (Bobbin, 2002d). The initial focus has been rather slow and the apparel industry was
of the public exchanges was auctions and reverse not an exception. According to a survey by the US
auctions. GNX conducted 2550 auctions in the first Census Bureau, 21.30% of the wholesale trade in
half of 2002 for a transaction volume of $1.6 billion. apparel (NAICS code 4223) was through e-com-
Apparel/soft goods transactions accounted for 16% merce in 2004 (‘‘The Census Bureaus e-commerce
or $256 million performed by 11 members (out of 35 measures report the value of goods and services sold
total members) of the GNX. GNX stated that the online whether over open networks such as the
exchange derived savings of $270 million out of a Internet, or over proprietary networks running
transaction volume of $2.1 billion (Chain Store Age, systems such as Electronic Data Interchange
2002a). At the end of 2005, GNX and WWRE (EDI).’’). Without EDI, e-commerce constitutes an
590 A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593

Table 2 more of their merchandise from overseas with the

2000 and 2004 US wholesale trade in apparel cost of having to make risky inventory decisions.
2000 2004
Advances in information technology also made
an enormous amount of point-of-sales data avail-
$ billion % $ billion % able to decision makers in retailing. Decision
makers (mostly buyers) are able to learn more
Total 96.501 100.00 108.432 100.00
Total E-commerce 13.103 13.58 23.092 21.30 about consumer preferences over styles and colors,
EDI 11.482 11.90 21.021 19.39 their size distribution and the dynamics of sales.
Internet and other 1.621 1.68 2.071 1.91 However, re-quoting the CEO of Federated:
‘‘Where we have made little progress,y, is in
Source: US Census Bureau (2004b).
changing the way our buyers go to market and
buy. I don’t see them using this data nearly as much
as I expected’’, this had little effect on their ordering
insignificant 1.91% of the total wholesale trade in and pricing decision. These decisions are still
2004 (Table 2). B2B commerce in apparel is considered as a form of art. While most of retailers
growing, although not with the enormous speed are still foreign to quantitative models, some have
that was initially predicted. only recently started to explore such models.
B2B applications are not only limited to trading Quoting a business consultant working on an
online. Companies are also looking for ways to apparel pricing implementation: ‘‘For many of our
collaborate with their supply chain partners over the merchants, this is the first exposure they’ve had to
internet. For example, i2 Technologies develops intelligent systems’’ (Chain Store Age, 1999). The
software that allows sharing forecast information result of such ignorance is obviously not impressive.
among different members of the apparel supply Inventory turnovers in some departments are less
chain. V.F. Corporation uses this software for than once a year. While we expect that point-of-
collaborating with its fabric suppliers. WWRE sales data would have the easier impact on figuring
(now Agentrics) also used this technology from i2 out the size choices of the customer base given the
Technologies to enable its members collaborate over geographical area, we continue to see only exces-
the exchange (Transportation & Distribution, sively small or large sizes on clearance racks. There
2003). Recently emerging PLM applications allow is an apparent and urgent need for practical
supply chain partners to collaborate on product quantitative models that effectively use the data
design over the internet. Three companies: Gerber, that are already available in the apparel industry.
Lectra and Freeborders, have developed web-based Several problems are worthy to note for future
PLM applications specifically for the apparel research. Dynamic pricing of apparel items has been
industry (Bobbin, 2003b). Liz Claiborne Inc., for recently popular in practice after significant success
example, uses solutions from FreeBorders to com- of revenue management applications in service
municate designs of 44,000 items to its upstream industries. Advances in information technology also
suppliers (Bobbin, 2002c). B2B exchanges also helped companies gather the customer demand
offered PLM solutions to the apparel industry as information that they will need for analytical
part of their services (Bobbin, 2003c). pricing solutions. Dynamic pricing has also received
considerable attention in academia in the last
4. Conclusion decade. Three aspects of pricing need further
attention. First, almost all of the models in the
The US apparel industry has been in a transition academic literature assume that the customers are
over the last 20 years. Imports from lower-wage myopic, i.e., their buying decisions are based on
countries and retail consolidation forced US man- current prices only without considering future
ufacturers to look for other ways to remain prices. However, we know that consumers of
competitive: quality and flexibility. Physical proxi- apparel items are increasingly aware of the pricing
mity and advances in information and manufactur- practices of apparel retailers (see, for example, The
ing technologies enabled US manufacturers to Wall Street Journal, 2002) and they may act
accept retailer orders closer to the season and strategically and hold back their purchases in
replenish their stocks frequently during the season. anticipation of declines in prices. The only study
However, retailers continue to source more and with strategic consumers that we are aware of is
A. S- en / Int. J. Production Economics 114 (2008) 571–593 591

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