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Previously, we have explored real strides in air- foil is a NACA 22 13, transitioning

the aerody namics of modern

homebuilt aircraft. Here, we
will instead look at a different
G craft design were
made in the era of
1935-1945. and this
is most evident in the
design offighter aircraft of this
period. For this reason, an evalu-
ation of three prominent fighter
to a NACA 2209 .4 at the tip rib.
The Fw 190, which was designed
at the end of the I 930s, used the
N ACA 23000 series of airfoils .
The wing root airfoil is a NACA
23015.3 and the tip airfoil a NACA
23009. The P-51 's wing, designed
aircraft of this era, the North in the early 1940s, uses an early
class of aircrafi - World War 11 American P-51 Mustang, the Su- laminar flow airfoil which is a
permarine Spitfire and the Focke NACA/NAA hybrid called the 45-
Wulf Fw 190 is presented here. 100. The wing root airfoil (of the
fighters. As time progresses, As so much misinformation ha:, basic trapezoidal wing, excluding
appeared on these aircraft, refer- the inboard leading edge exten-
many of the valuable lessons ences will be cited to support the sion) is 16% thick, while the airfoil
data discussed here. at the tip rib is 11.4% thick. With
learned in the original design the inboard leading edge exten-
sion, the wing root airfoil on the
Wing Geometry P-51B is 15.2% thick and on the
of vintage aircraji are being P-51 D 13 .8% thick. The later
In a sense, these three aircraft model P-5 IH used a NACA 66,2-
lost. lt is the purpose of this types represent three stages within (1.8)15.5 a= .6 at the wing root and
a single generation of fighter de- a NACA 66,2-( 1.8) 12 a= .6 at the
study to use modern aerody- velopment. This can be most easily tip and has no inboard leading
seen in the wing airfoils used on edge extension.
namic analysis tools to recover the aircraft. The Spitfire, designed It is interesting to note that ap-
in the mid 1930s, used the NACA proximately 2 degrees of washout
2200 series of airfoils, which was was used on all three aircraft.
some of this lost knowledge. new at the time. The wing root air- However, the distribution of twist

2.& ~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
upper surface extends fairly far back
on the wingis chord. Th is indicates
20 +-----
that the wing should be capable of
supporting a fairly large amount of
lam inar flow. The P-5 1 Mustang is
renowned for being one the first air-
craft to make use of airfoils designed
to be capable of having extensive runs
of laminar flow. Both the Spitfire and
Fw 190 use airfoils that do not support
substantial amounts of laminar flow.
Figure 1- A. two-dimensional cut through the
Wlng twist distrib- wing pressure and skin friction distri-
utions for the P -
00 OI 02 03 0~ 05 08 0.7 08 09 10 51 B, P-510, butions calculated by VSAERO on
Semispan Fraction Spitfire and Fw the Mustang (Fig. 5) show that, at a
190. representative cruise condition, the
wing was capable of sustaining long
varied for each aircraft. The Spitfire low . This depth was necessary to laminar boundary layer runs, with
wing has a constant incidence (2 de- house the outward retracting landing transition occurring at roughly 4 7% of
grees) to the dihedral break, where gear and wing gun ammunition boxes. chord. However, this calculation is for
the twist starts. This aircraft actuall, an ideal case, for a wing without fas-
has 2.25 degrees of washout, distrib- P-51 MustangAnalysis teners, gaps, misalignments or surface
uted linearly (Fig. I). The F w 190 waviness. During World War LI, a
wing is unusual in that 2 degrees of The original North American Avia- Mustang was night tested by NACA
washout exists between the root and a tion drawing set for the Mustang are with a wake rake behind the wing at
point at 81.5% !,emispan. Outboard of available from the National Air and roughly 66.7% semispan (Ref. 1). The
th is locat ion t here is no more Space Museum. A friend of mine liv- resu lts of this test show that, in ser-
washout, the incidence holding fixed ing in England, Arthur Bentley, had vice the aircraft was unlikely to have a
at zero degrees. The basic trapezoidal obtained the set and was kind enough substantial laminar flow on the wing
wing of the P-51 B and P-51 D has 2 to s011 through it for the drawings that and transition occurred in the first
degrees of washout, with the tip rib at were of relevance to my endeavor. It 15% of the chord. Testing in an as-
-.85 degrees of incidence. However, was found that models of the P-5 18 /C manufactured condition showed
addition of the drooped inboard lead- and P-51 D IK were relatively easy to slightly lower drag and further, when
ing edge extension modifies the prepare, as the North American Avia- the wing was refined to remove wavi-
appearance of the twist distribution. tion drawings contained surface ness and surface imperfections, a drag
Lift distributions for the three aircraft coordinates, in a familiar Fuselage level was measured indicative of a
show the results of these twist distrib- Station/ Butt Ii ne/ Waterli ne system. substantial region of laminar flow.
utions (Fig. 2). These lift distributions However, the NASM drawing set did Wartime windtunnel tests of the Mus-
were calculated, using VSAE RO. not appear to contain the wing defini- tang's w ing airfoil in Germany gave
with the aircraft trimmed at 360 kts tion. After quite a bit of searching. I ~imilar results (Ref. 2).
and 15,000 feet of altitude to repre- was put in touch with the Ed Horkey. Early models of the P-51 experi-
sentative Gross Weights a n d en who had been the C hief Aerodynami- enced boundary layer separation in
locations. cist on the P-51 at North American. Ed the radiator inlet duct. Pilots reported
The Spitfire wing is famous for was kind enough to supply the \\ ing a rumbling noise emanating from the
having an elliptic planform. Indeed. definition drawings
the chord distribution is e ll iptical. An for both the P-51 B Figure 2 - Calculated wing loading comparison with the air-
examination of the resulting circula- and P-5lD. craft trimmed at 360 kt and 15,000 feet altitude to repre-
tion distr ibution for a trimmed The pressure dis- sentative gross weights and CG locations.
condition mentioned above, shows
that the loading d istribution is not el-
tributions calculated
by VSAERO on the
'e ... -----,
liptical, though it is probably the most P-51 B and P-5 ID
optimum of the three aircraft from the are shown in Fig. 3
induced d rag standpoint. The reason and 4. Particularly
for deviation from elliptical is the 2 noteworthy is the re-
degrees of washout that have been gion of strong suction
added to the elliptical planform. on the P-5 ID bubble
which shifts the loading inboard. The canopy. This region
elliptical wing planform appears to is not present on the
have been chosen primarily to pro- less bulged P-51 B
vide greater wing depth in the inboard canopy. On both air-
portion of the wing, while keeping craft the suction 03 05 oe 07 08 00 1 0 1 t
the airfoil thickne<:,-to-ch0rd riitioc: region on the wing Sem1span Fracbon

dlli.:twork bt:hind aud bt:ut:ath t he base of the windscreen .
the cockpit on early model The computation indicates
Mustangs. To investigate this that the boundary layer sepa-
phenomena, a complete Mus- rates approximately 6 inches
tang fuselage was installed in in front of the windscreen,
a wind tunne l at the newly due to the increasing pres-
opened NACA Ames Re- sure in this region (Fig. 8).
search Center. It was fo und The boundary layer traces
that the rumble was the result that stop at separation have
of the separated flow in the been restarted on the wind-
cooling inlet duct striking the shield at the point where the
radiator (Ref. 3 ). Changes, static pressure is the same as
both in duct shape and the that at separation. Such a sep-
addition of a deep boundary aration is not present on
layer splitter on the inlet either of the other two air-
eliminated the rumble and craft reviewed here.
improved the aircraft's cool- However, this is a feature
ing. The results of these Figure 3 • Press ure distribution calculated on the P-51B quit e common on automo-
changes can be seen in the MuSt ang. bi I es and is related to the
VSAERO boundary layer calculation, were present on the drawings, b ut slope of the windscreen . The Spit-
which shows that boundary layer on preparation of the fuselage proved to fire's windscreen is at a 35-degree
the upper surface of the cooling sys- be difficult as a global coordinate sys- angle to the forward deck, while the
tem does not separate until far back in tem was not used . For instance, Fw 190's is at a 22-degree angle and
the duct (Fig. 6). The boundary layer bulkheads could only be located by ae- the P-51 'sis at a 31-degree angle. Ev-
on the lower surface of the duct, start- cumulating
ing fresh behind the oil cooler makes it distances from a
to within inches of the water radiator known reference,
and intercooler before separating. The in a system more
losses in this system are much lower akin to that used in
than that of the Spitfire. This efficient the design of ships.
cooling system arrangement is credited The swface pres-
with much of the Mustang's superior sure d istribution
performance over the Spitfire. calculated for the
The Mustang has long had a repu- Spitfire IX is shown
tation for being longitudinally in Fig. 7. Unlike the
unstable at aft CG locations resulting Mustang, the chord-
from the addition of a long-range wise extent of suc-
fuel tank added behind the pilotis tion on the wing
seat. Results of a wind tunnel test of upper surface can
a P-51B (Ref. 18) place the aircraftis be seen to be rela-
power-off stick-fixed Neutral Point tively small, limit-
at 39.11 % MAC, which agrees quite ing the amount of Figure 4 • Pressure distribution calculated on the P-51D Mustang.
we ll with the VSAERO results , laminar flow the
which places this point at 38.97% wing can support. lt -1.00
MAC. P-51 Bs could be flown at CGs is interesting that the
/ Upper Surface Transition
as far aft as 31.55% MAC (Ref. 4). greatest suction on
Stick-fixed to stick-free effects and the entire aircraft ap- ,Ik/ Lower Surface Transition
power effects account for roughly pears on the bulged -0.50
.,,.-- , '
7.5% MAC difference. canopy. Other strong
suctions appear at
--- __._ - ---- -- ~
Supermarine Spitfire the corners of the 0.00
{ "'-
- ''-
Analysis w indshie ld, which -- '-~
was made up of
Arthur Bentley also was able to sup- panels of flat armor
ply me with the original Supermarine glass and had sharp
drawings for the Spitfire. The Spitfire corners.
0.50 v--

~ ~

-~- -- ~

drawing set contained definition for One of the first

various models, ranging from the Spit- things to come to 1.00
fire I to the Seafire 47. It was decided light in the VSAERO 0.0 0.2 0.4 X/C o.6 0.8 1.0
to build the panel model to represent a analysis of the Spit-
Spitfire IX, which could be fully de- fire is a region of Figure 5 • Calculated Mustang wing airfoil pressure distribu-
fined from the drawings. Coordinates separated flow at tion and boundary layer transition locations in cruise, for ideal
surface conditions.
idently, the Spitfire's the boundary layer separates shortly
windscreen is too steep . after entering the duct, resulting in a
An experimenta l wind- large drag penalty (Fig. 9). Experi-
screen, rounded and of mentally, it was determined that the
shallower slope, was fitted Spitfire coo ling system drag, ex-
to a Spitfire IX in 1943 pro- pressed as the ratio of equivalent
duced a speed increase of cooling-drag power to total engine
12 mph, at a Mach number power, was considerably higher than
of .79 (Ref. 5). A similar that of other aircraft tested by the
windscreen introduced on RAE. This was attributed to "the pres-
the Seafire XVII, is cred- ence of a boundary layer ahead of the
ited w ith a speed gain of7 duct tends to precipitate separation
mph, at 400 mph (Ref. 6). and makes the ducting problem more
Supem1arine is often re- difficult" (Ref. 8). Similar problems
garded as being one of the are present on the early model Messer-
Figure 6 - Calculated boundary layer separation in the
first companies to make schmi tt Bf 109, up through the E
Mustang cooling system use of the breakthroughs model. A complete redesign of the
made by Meredith at RAE cooling system, during development
Farnborough in of the Bf 109F, resulted in the use of a
the des ign of boundary layer bypass duct, which
ducts for cooling significantly improved the pressure
systems (Ref. 7). recovery at the radiator face (Ref. 9).
In fact, the Sp it- The Spitfire has long had a reputa-
fire's radiator ducts tion of being longitudinally neutrally
were designed us- stable. Results of wartime flight tests
ing these guide- of a Spitfire VA by NACA (Ref. 10)
lines. However, confirm that the aircraft was indeed
the VSAERO cal- longitudinally neutral ly stable at a
culation indicates typical CG location. The NACA re-
the bmmdary layer port mentions that no change in
on the lower sur- elevator position was necessary to
face of the wing maintain longitudinal trim when
is ingested by the changing airspeed, implying that the
cooling system CG was positioned at the location of
inlet. Running into the stick-fixed lo ngitudina l Neutral
the severe adverse Point. The CG location in this test
(increasing) pres- was at 31.3% MAC. VSAERO analy-
sure gradient ahead sis of the Spitfire p laces the power-off
Figure 7 - Pressure distribution calculated on the Spitfire IX.
of the radiator, stick-fixed Neutral Point at 36 .66%

88 JANUARY 1999
.tvlAC . Standard c~llmc1t c~ ut puwcr lht: purr wtr1~ drup-
effects show that the Neutral Point p i ng so violently
will shift forward 4-5% due to these that the aircraft al-
effects, which accounts for the differ- most inverted itself
ence between the VSAERO and flight In fact, if the Ger-
test results. The NACA testing also man fighter was
found there was a stable gradient of pulled into a g stall
stick force with increasing airspeed. in a tight turn, it
This means that the Spitfire was stick- would flick out into
free longitudinally stable. Bobweights the opposite bank
in the elevator control circuit helped and an incipient
turn the stick-fixed neutrally stable spin was the in-
airplane into an airplane with a small evitable outcome if
degree of stick-free stability. As the the pilot did not
pilot mostly is aware of st ick-free sta- have his wits about
bility and low margins of stability are him. The stall in
associated with high maneuverability, landing configura-
this was a satisfactory situation. tion was quite Figure 8 • Calculated Spitfire windshield boundary layer sep-
aration. Separation is calculated to take place at the base of
different, there be- the windshield where the streamline traces end. The location
ing intense pre-stall where the separated flow is estimated to reattach higher up
Focke Wulf Fw 190 Analysis buffeting before the the windshield is shown by where the streamline traces
starboard wing resume.
dropped compara-
Arthur Bentley was once again the tively gently at 102 mph (164 km/h). engine, an inline, is much longer than
source of my geometrical informa- The results of an USAAF evalua- the BMW engine, giving the D-9 a
tion. In this case, several years ago he tion of the Fw 190 (Ref. 12 and 13) elongated nose, ,vhich was counter
had prepared a set of Fw 190 draw- report the aircraft to have a gentle balanced with a 500mm plug added to
ings for a modeling magazine, stall. However, these reports admit the aft fuselage. The VSAERO model
working from the original Focke Wulf that the Fw 190 stalled abruptly when was modified to represent a D-9 by
drawings. lnitially, I first modeled a maneuvering. The reason for this re- making these changes and by adding
radial engined Fw 190 A-8, but I later ported difference in non-maneuvering the bulged canopy found on Fw 190
modified this model to represent an stall behavior is unknown. A compar- D-9s. Tt was found from the VSAERO
inline engined Fw 190 D-9, in this ison of the local wing lift coefficients, results that the fuselage stretch de-
case using actual Focke Wulf draw- calculated by VSAERO, at stall with signed by the Focke Wulf engineers
ings. Despite sparse fuse lage cross the estimated stalling lift coefficients resulted in a slight increase in stick
section information, this model was of the airfoi ls two-dimensionally fixed stability, with the Neutral Point
constrncted with relative ease. (Fig. 12) shows that approximately moving from 35.8% MAC on the A-8
The pressure distribution calcu- the inner 40% of the wing reaches to 40.4% MAC on the D-9. It should
lated on the Fw 190 A-8 and Fw 190 C1max at the same aircraft angle of at- be noted these results do not contain
D-9 are shown in Fig. 10 and 1 1. tack. A wartime Focke Wulf report propeller effects, which were not
Here, like on the Spitfire, the chord- (Ref. 14) indicates that at higher load- modeled . Flight testing of an early
wise extent of suction on the wing is ing conditions (i.e., when pulling model Fw 190A indicated that the air-
limited by the choice of airfoils and more gs) elastic deformation of the craft was "just statically stable; stick
not much laminar flow is supported. Fw 190 outer wing shifts the load dis- fixed and free, engine off; and stati-
Also, as on the Spitfire, the bulged tribution outboard. This would cause cally unstable to a slight degree.
canopy of the Fw 190 D-9 has a re- even more of the wing to reach its engine on" (Ref. 11 ). During the con-
gion of strong suction, not present on stalling lift coefficient simultane- tinued development of the Fw 190
the Fw 190 A-8. ously. Combined with the sharp series, t he aircraft's CG moved rear-
At the time that the Fw 190 first stalling features of the NACA 230XX ward as fuel tanks and other
appeared in combat, in 1941, it was airfoils, this would produce the harsh equipment was added to the aft fuse-
superior to the contemporary fighters stall found in by Capt. Brown. A gen- lage (Ref. 15). This Neutral Point shift
on nearly every count. When the RAF t le stall wou ld be evidenced by a during development of the Fw 1900
captured the first flyable Fw 190 in more gradual progression of the 2D model would have been quite valuable
l 942, a thorough evaluation revealed stall spanwise. in maintaining the continued growth
the Achilles Heal to be a harsh stalling Initial VS AERO calculat10m ~ ere of the design.
characteristic, which limited its maneu- made on a model of the Fw 190 A-8.
ver margins. Captain Eric Brown states This version of the aircraft was pow- Drag Comparison
(Ref. 11 ): ered by a BMW 80 ID radial.
The stalling speed of the Fw 190A- Naturally, the question arose as to There are many conflicting claim~
4 in clean configuration was 12 7 mph how the aerodynamics of this aircraft as to the equivalent flat plate drag
(204 km/h) and the stall came sud- differed from the later, Junkers Jumo area (f) of these fighter aircraft. Based
denly and virtually without warning, 213A powered Fw 190 D-9. The Jumo upon my research, what I believe are
Mustang ree n gined by
Rolls-Royce with a Merlin Conclusion
65. The P-5 1B, with an
improved cooling system Important design features of three
configuration is even prominent World War ll fighter aircraft
faster than the Spitfire IX. have been examined by the use of a
I/ Radiator/lutercooler ... ,_ r i:::::- i---
The difference in perfor- modern Computational Fluid Dynamics
r--. I_,... mance between the method. It is hoped that the results pre-

" II
~L-= b.-- Mustang and the Spitfire sented here will help demonstrate some
' \ Separation
is attributed to several fac- of the valuable lessons learned from an
t ors. These include the important era in fighter aircraft design.
superior configuration of This information, while h istorical, still
the Mustang's cooling sys- has relevance in today's worl d of air-
tem and the Spitfire's craft design. Important lessons to be
relatively high level of ex- learned are:
Figure 9 • Fw 190 calculated lift coefficient distribution crescence drag, generated • Airfoil choice and surface quality are
at 1g stall. by open wheel we lls, a important in achieving the advantages of
nonretractable tail laminar flow.
whee l and other • Cooling system duct design for
design detail5- liquid cooled engines must be con-
(Ref. 17-19). ducted carefully to avoid losses.
One popular • Attention to aerodynamic deta il.
piece of aerody- such as windshield slope, can overcome
namic folkl ore is the disadvantage of excess wetted area.
the low CDswet • An abrupt stall can be avoided if at-
value achieved with tention is paid to airfoil selection and
the Mustang. Vari- wing twist.
ous sources q uote • As seen with all three of these air-
this va lue as rang- planes, longitudinal stability and control
ing from .0038 to problems are common, but can he
.0043. A review of avoided by the resourceful designer.
available wind tun-
nel and flight test Author's Note
drag data for the
Mustang demon- This article is dedicated to Edward
Figure 10 - Pressure distribution calculated on the Fw 190 A-8.
strates the need for Horkey and Jeffery Ethell, who both
having all details of contributed informat ion vital to thi~
the aircraft present work. Ed died as a result of injuries sus-
the most accurate values are shown in if the drag is to be accurately mea- tained in traffic accident in July 1996.
Table I. sured . Subscale wind tunnel tests of Jeff was killed in the crash ofa Lock-
The wetted areas of the aircraft are the P-5 lA and P-51 B resulted in val- heed P-38 Lightning in May 1997.
calculated by VSAERO, and exclude ues of Coswct• a t a representative Far too young to have pa11icipated in
the ducts for cooling systems. cruise lift coefficient, in the range of World War 11, 1 have long been fasci-
Notable is that the Mustang has .0046-.0047 (Ref. 20-22). However, nated about finding out how the famous
the largest wetted area of this group these tests u sually were of models aircraft of this war were designed. The
of aircraft, but has the lowest drag. lacking exhaust stacks, surface discon- deeper J have gotten into this pursuit, the
Evidence of this is that with the same tinuities, etc. Measurements made in more information I have uncovered that
version of the Rolls-Royce Merlin full-scale wind tunnel tests of the P- has proven to be valuable in my daily
and propeller installed, the Mustang 5 lB (Ref. 23) and flight tests of the work as an aerodynamicist. l have be-
X was measured to be 23 mph faster P-5 l A (Ref. 24) and P-51 B (Ref. 21) come convinced that a study of
than the Spitfire IX (Ref. 16). The resulted in a value o f C o," e' of ap - lhistorical aerodynamics\' is an important
Mustang X was an Alli son powered proximately .0053. part of an aerodynamicistis ongoing edu-


Aircraft f W etted Area C o swet Ref.

Spitfire lX 5.40 ft2 83 1.2 ft2 .0065 16
P-518 Mustang 4.61 ft2 874.0 ft2 .0053 21
P-51 D Mustang 4.65 ft2 882.2 ft2 .0053 27
Fw 190 A-8 5.22 ft2 735.0 ft2 .0071 26
Fw 190 0-9 4.77 ft2 761.6 ft2 .0063 26

90 JANUARY 1999
cation. To this end, one of my goals has nautical Society, August 1944. 22) Staff or the RAE High-Speed
become to try and disseminate the 10) Phillips, W.H. and Ven~el, J.R., Wind Tunnel, "High Speed Wind-
knowledge I have unearthed, this article '·Measurements of the Flying Qualitiel> Tunnel Tests of Models of Four Single
being an effort towards this end. For of a Supe,marine Spitfire VA Airplane," Engined Fighters (Spitfire, Spiteful,
those seeking further information in this NASA WR L-334, September 1942. Attacker and Mustang), Parts 1-5,"
regard, I recommend taking a look at my 11) Brown, Capt. Eric, "Viewed Aeronautical Research Council R&M
ilncomplete Guide to Airfoil Usagei at: From the Cockpit; Tank's Second No. 2535, edited by W.A. Mair, 1951. Iron," Air International, Vol. 10 No. 2, 23) Lange, R.H., "A Summary of Drag
selig/ads/aircraft.html. February 1976. Results From Recent Langley Full-Scale
As mentioned in previous articles, l 12) Foster, John Jr. and Ricker, Tunnel Tests of Army and Navy Airplanes,"
am an aeronautical engineer, specializ- C hester S., "Design Analysis No. 9 NACA ACR L5A30 (WR L-l08), 1945.
ing in applied computational fluid The Focke-Wulf 190," Aviation, Oc- 24) Staffs of the High-Speed Tunnel and
dynamics. Based in Redmond, Wash- tober 1944. High-Speed Flight Sections, "Research on
ington, I work for Analytical Methods, 13) Van Wart, F.D., " Handbook High-Speed Aerodynamics at the Royal
(nc. My aerodynamic (and hydrody- For Fw I 90 Airplane," USAAF T-2 Aircraft Establishment from 1942 to 1945,"
namic) consulting projects at AMI have Technical Report F-TR-1102 ND, Aeronautical Research R&M No. 2222,
included submarines, surface vessels, March 1946. edited by W.A. Mair, September 1946.
automobiles, trains, helicopters, aircraft 14) Gross, P., "Die Entwicklung der 25) Anon., "Perfom1ance Calculations for
and space launch vehicles. I can be Tragwerkkonstruktion Fw 190," 1'vlodel P-51D-5-NA Aitplane (NAA Model
reached at: or: Bericht 176 der Lillenthal-Gesellschaft, NA-109)," North American Aviation Report
Analytical Methods, Inc., 2133 2 Tei!, Januaiy 1944. No. NA-8449, December 1, 1944.
152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052 15) Bentley, Arthur L., "Focke Wulf 26) Anon., "Widerstandaten von
Fighter," Scale Models, July 1978. Flugzeugen" (Drag Data for Aircraft),
References 16) Birch, David, Rolls-Royce and Focke Wulf data sheet. ♦
the Mustang, Rolls-
I) Zalovcik, J.A., '·A Profile-Drag Royce Heritage Trust
[nvestigation in Flight of an Experi- Historical Series No.
mental Fighter-Type Airplane - The 9, Derby, England,
North American XP-51 ," NACA re- 1987.
port, November 1942. 17) Private Commu-
2) Bussmann, K., "Messungcn am nication, J. Leland
Laminarprofil P-51 Mustang," Aero- Atwood, October 1994.
dynamisches Institut der Technischen 18) Anon, "Estima-
Hochschule Braunschweig, Bericht tion of the Increase in
43/4, January 1943. Performance Obtain-
3) Matthews, H.F., "Elimination of able By Fitting a
Rumble From the Cooling Ducts of a Continuously Variable
Single-Engine Pursuit Airplane," Radiator Flap," Rolls-
NACA WR A-70, August 1943. Royce Experimental
4) Morgan, Eric B. and Shack.lady, Department Report,
Edward, Spitfire The Histo1y, Key Pub- August 10, 1942.
lishing, Stamford Lines, England, 1987. 19) Private Commu-
5) Anon., "Aerodynamic Dimensional nication, Ed Horkey, Figure 11 Pressure distribution calculated on the Fw 190 0-9.
Data on P-51B-1-NA, P-51B-5-NA and November 1994.
P-51 C-1-NT Airplanes," North American 20) Anon., "Wind 2.0 , - -- - -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ,
Aviation Report No. NA-5822, August 6, 1943. Tunnel Data For XP-
6) Smith, J., "The Development of 51 B Airplane (NAA
16 .;
the Spitfire and Seafire," Journal of Model NA- 101 ),"
North American Avia- - -:-:~ = :::--,--=~ C1max
the Royal Aeronautical Society, Vol.
1.4 1

51 , April J947.
tion Report No. NA- -~ 1.2 - '"""' ...,,oo
7) Meredith, F.W., "Note on the 5548, October 9, 1943. !E
(I) 10
Cooling of Aircraft Engines With Spe- 21) Nissen, J.M.. (.) 0
Calculated c 1Distribution
cial Reference to Ethylene Glycol Gadeberg, B.L. and ¢:: 0.8
Radiators Enclosed in Ducts," ARC Hamilton, W.T., 06
R&M 1683, August 1935. "Correlation of the
8) Hartshorn, A.S. and Nicholson, Drag Characteristics
M.A., "The Aerodynamics of the of a Typical Pursuit O2 •

Cooling Aircraft Reciprocating En- Airplane Obtained o.o - - -

gines," ARC R&M 2498, May 1947. From High-Speed 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0~ 1C

9) Morgan, M.B. and Smelt, R. , Wind-Tunnel and Semispan Fraction

"Aerodynamic Features of German Flight Tests," NACA Figure 12 - Boundary layer separation calculated in the Spitfire
Aircraft," Journal of the Royal Aero- Report 916, 1948. cooling system.


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