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RESTRICTED. SECTION T AN O1-40AL.2 Par. 1 1. DESCRIPTION. a. The Douglas model A-20G attack bomber is 2 twin-engined, all-metal, midwing monoplane, in- corporating a tricycle landing gear. ‘The airplane has tan over-all span of 61 feet 4 inches, an over-all length of 47 feet 4 inches, and an.over-all height at rest of 16 feet 1 inch, It is designed as an attack bomber, provisions are made for a crew of three: pilot, upper rear gunner, and lower rear gunner. RESTRICTED 1 RESTRICTED AN 01-40AL-2 SECTION I Par. 1 ee CO Oe WVUOVIC NOILVLS - 4 9mn3Td Serger Z1Z'eRe S28e Eres cr “LIV “sti ese ae ve eve Uz 9PVOLL “LOL 16 es aw (| ter | Meese 60r WeLe WzEE Wrez YIS™ Yet | Si vsi] ves OSL ESYELI gf fe 0 at A ee LL Tr UR *Y Sessa | %o1 eS yon “5! ez ri [fF te 9% YE ee usr 1+ FP ere %r9 TT “ {a wi —V “ee AH ee zw aa z tot Ye ‘ot zt Let zu uvds uvaa W-( avae LNOU TW 19886 LOE PL | VT ONIN? LN I 4 NETS ‘ ATT a , NEY aNVid 5 | a om 7 | C4 L9e9e AUS 667671 lWwer 19ESZ Ugy'rOL loess liss9 TT r iipinil LO = (=l=-L2 Ptr = [| A = eo aS Mt “- PE EE EEE or” ANN “434 3OVTISNI YLLL | eer %66 HOS | “Olt 901 ‘Wis 3OVIASNS Kost vel %eL «MEP O-VIS 3TDYN 8 “9 Lk L£vL or'ezt “ee2t SLUte viz? os'tze 5 3903 0 me ONTIVEL a ww a 3ONIH avid 5 eam aVaHS BV3a avds NIVW aam avaHS INOYd 3043 ONIGVa) oorott 297 BSA acest 9VR0E —«OFEVE JONIH NOwaIIV 3 ao RESTRICTED AN 01-40AL-2 2, DIMENSIONS. a, PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS. - (Aircraft in level flight position unless otherwise stated.) Span ......ceeeeee teeeenseeteree eres Length over-all ..,....... Height over-all (at rest) . Height propeller hub (at rest) Clearance - propeller tips to ground .., propeller tips to fuselage .... Fuselage Length over-all .. Height... Width ..... Inboard wing flap Area aft of hinge center line ................006 Area of balance ............... Area of split-type section . Total area .........cccceeeeeeeee Outboard wing flap Area aft of hinge center line . ’ Area of balance .. Total area Horizontal stabilizer (tail plane) Area less fuselage area .............. pesos se eeeeee Total area (including elevators and fuselage) Elevators (each) Area aft of hinge center line (including tab) .. Area of balance ... Total area ..... Trim tab area Vertical stabilizer (fin) Total area (including rudder, tab and fairing) ......... Area less fairing but including rudder ..,....... Area of fin (less rudder and fairing) ....... wees Rudder Area aft of hinge center line (including tab) .. Area of balance Total area ..... Trim tab area Wing tip .. Taper ratio . Incidence - inner wing outer wing - root . outer wing - tip Dihedral (leading edge).. Sweepback (leading edge) ...... Horizontal stabilizer (tail plane) Span .......seeeeeeee staeeseeeeeee Chord (maximum) ..... ons Incidence (fixed setting) Dihedral ...........sc0cceer RESTRICTED SECTION I Par. 2 61 ft 4 in. 47 ft 4 in, 217 in. 82-1/2 in, 15 in. 47 ft 4 in. 82 in. 49 in, 5.85 sq ft 1.41 sq ft 2.35 sq ft 9.61 sq ft 8.31 sq ft 1.76 sq ft 10.07 sq ft 81.70 sq ft 100.00 sq ft 15,14 sq ft 4.44 sq ft 19.58 sq ft 1.12 sq ft 63.35 sq ft 59.90 sq ft 24,81 sq ft 27.36 sq ft 7.72 sq ft 35.08 sq ft 2.55 sq ft NACA 23018 NACA 23010 138.5 in. SECTION I Par. 2 FUS. REF, LINE RESTRICTED AN 01-40AL-2 11FT. 3 IN, DIA. PROPELLER CHORD LINE AT LE. 4° 7' DIHEDRAL 47, AN. (568 IN) $$$ $$ A 4 341% TO ¢ ELEVATOR HINGE AT ¢ AIRPLANE 338% TO ¢ RUDDER HINGE + 100.23 (M.A.C.) — 12 —— ~7N-- > | +. _---> 1219) Z 2° “= ‘3° INCIDENCE (ROOT TO OUTER WING JUNCTION) THRUST|~ ~~~ 7 De Daeg k-1° INCIDENCE AT TIP (4° WASHOUT) ‘1 aad : . — 82 a} 82% 2 [107% STATIC j \ 91% STATIC 7m f * ee STATIC GROUND LINE 10.1 RR, 187 RR 26 IN. DIA. SMOOTH CONTOUR TIRE 20! 44 IN, DIA, SMOOTH CONTOUR TIRE Figure 9 - SIDE VIEW, SHOWING PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS STRICTED “ RESTRICTED AN 01-40AL-2 Vertical stabilizer (fin) Span ..... a eeseneeneees: Chord (maximum) Incidence (fixed setting) 0° b, AREAS. Wing Total area (including ailerons and flaps) . 464'8 sq it Ailerons Area aft of hinge center line (including tab) 16.49 sq ft Area of balance 4.57 sq ft Total area .... 42.1 sq ft Trim tab area 1,32 sq ft 21 FT.—2 IN. ee 128%" = oaF 104h* ELEVATOR MOVEMENT 31.08. % FLAP MOVEMENT 45° MAX. DOWN ¢ AILERON HINGE SECTION I Par. 2 AILERON MOVEMENT NOTE: DIMENSIONS MARKED THUS * ARE MEASURED IN CHORD PLANE ee 61 FT.—4 IN. Figure 10 - PLAN VIEW, SHOWING PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS RESTRICTED ‘SECTION 1 RESTRICTED Par. 2 AN O1-40AL-2 Figure 11 - EXPLODED VIEW OF MAJOR ASSEMBLIES 8 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AN 01-40AL-2 3. LEADING PARTICULARS. GENERAL, a. SECTION I Par. 3 Douglas A-20G-1D0 airplane Attack bombardment Three-place, two-engine, land monoplane SETTINGS AND RANGES OF MOVEMENT OF CONTROL SURFACES. Stabilizers . Fin oo... ceeeeeeeee Ailerons UP travel .......ceseccceseccseseccesseseraesereeeseesneees oe DOWN travel .. Droop .......... “ Aileron tabs UP travel .... DOWN travel Elevators UP travel .. DOWN travel ., Elevator tab UP travel .... DOWN travel Rudder RIGHT travel . LEFT travel .. Rudder tab RIGHT travel . LEFT travel ......csccccsseseeeeees Wing flaps Inboard ..... Outboard .. ALIGHTING GEAR, Main landing gear TYPC.....ccssccesescreenccnsscconeesscossssorscesconenes seeeeeeneee Shock absorber struts .............. a eteaeecsecaeeaeneoeeeaee Wheels and. brakes Type ... Tires .. Air pressure of tires Tread... ececeececceseeeees Axle center line aft of wing leading edge (along nacelle center line) ..........cssssssssesececeseesees Nose wheel gear Type ...... seasevsceeceeeeeeeeueeceseesscecenaeseasaesessueneeeeee Shock absorber strut ...............00008 Wheel Type . Tire . Air pressure of tire Axle center line to center line of main whee! le Axle center line to nose of airplane ................ wee RESTRICTED Fixed Fixed 30° + 20 or 9-11/16 in. + 5/8 in. 200 + 20 or 6-1/2 in, + 5/8 in. 0° or 0 in. 90 + 1-1/20 or 11/16 in. + 1/8 in. 90 + 1-1/20 or 11/16 in. + 1/8 in. 300 + 10 or 14-1/8 in. + 15/16 in. 20° + 10 or 9-7/16 in. + 5/16 in. 8° + 1-1/2° or 3/4 in. + 5/82 in. 14° + 1-1/2 or 1-11/32 in, + 5/32 in. 22-1/20 + 0 or 19-1/2 in. + 7/8 in. 22-1/2° + 1° or 19-1/2 in. +7/8 in. 109 + 1-1/20 or 1-8/4 in. + 1/4 in, 10° + 1-1/2° or 1-3/4 in. + 1/4 in. 450 + 20 or 17-8/4 in, + 3/4 in. 45° + 2° or 16-7/16 in, + 11/16 in. Two individual, retractable single oleo leg and wheel units Bendix oleo-pneumatic Goodyear 731851 44-inch smooth contour, non-skid 42 pounds per square inch 16 ft. 11-1/2 in. 4 ft. 6 in, Retractable, single oleo leg and wheel unit . Bendix oleo-pneumatic Hayes G-3-53M, type IT 26-inch smooth contour 53 pounds per square inch 13 ft 7-3/4 in. 5 ft 3-3/4 in. | | | SECTION I RESTRICTED Par. 3 AN 01-40AL-2 d. ENGINES. ; Wright Cyclone GR-2600-23 Supercharged, geared, air-cooled radial Clockwise (view from aft end) Direction of rotation, propeller shaft Fuel ........... .. Not less than 90 octane, Specification AN-F-28. OI] oe cecceceseesccccecesccecesenseeseeeenecees dsssssasssesssssseseee Specification AN-VV-O-446a, grade 1120 e. PROPELLERS. Name .. Hamilton standard hydromatic - 3-bladed, constant-speed, full-feathering 11 ft 3 in, Diameter Pitch (measured at 42: Low pitch setting Fuli-feathered position . f, TANK CAPACITIES. ~ Fuel containers Inboard wing fuel containers (each) ..............ce00008- 136 U.S. gallons (113 Imperial gallons) 64 U.S. gallons (53 Imperial gallons) . Station) Outboard wing fuel containers (each) ...... Bomb bay (fuselage) self-sealing fuel containers (total .......... seeeeeeaee sen veseneceesarseeeeeessoncoess 144 U.S. gallons (120 Imperial gallons) Total capacity (6 fuel containers) ....... deeeeeeeees wee. 544 U.S. gallons (452 Imperial gallons) Optional equipment: 4 bomb bay steel fuel containers (replacing self- sealing fuel containers) (total wo... sesesevensecensaeren deen stsseeeressceeseseese 676 U.S. gallons (564 Imperial gallons) Belly fuel container .................. desecesseseeeeeseceeee 342 U.S. gallons (285 Imperial gallons) Hopper type oil containers (each) .........../.....:0.-. 23 U.S. gallons (19 Imperial gallons) Total capacity (2 oil containers) ..............ceeeeee .. 46 US. gallons (38 Imperial gallons) Hydraulic reservoir............ de beceoeeeccoeceaeeeateres a. 3.6 U.S, gallons . (3 Imperial gallons) Propeller anti-icer fluid container ................. ww. 3 US. gallons . (2-1/2 Imperial gallons) Carburetor. anti-icer fluid container ........ vecseeeee 10 U.S, gallons (8.3 Imperial gallons) 8 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED SECTION T AN O1-40AL-2 Par. 1 Shipment, Erection, and Storage Procedure 1, SHIPMENT OF AIRPLANE. a, FERRYING. - The A-20Gattack bomber can be equipped with auxiliary fuel containers providing suf- ficient range to be flown to destination, b, PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT. () ENGINES AND PROPELLERS. (a) Clean exterior of the engines and ac: cessories with an approved solvent, and dry with an air blast (&) Drain leaded fuel from all fuel con- tainers, then connect a fuel container, free of leaded fuel, directly to the carburetors, Run the engines at east 15 minutes at 1000 rpm on an unleaded fuel such as 73 octane, Specification AN-VV-F-761 (clear), to prevent corrosion, Ina tropical zone or near tidewater, ‘operate the engine on the unleaded fuel within 12 hours after any previous run on leaded fuel. Before stopping the engine, make sure that cylinder head temperatures have egoled. Stop the engine by moving the mixture control into the IDLE CUT-OFF positionand then turn the ignition switch OFF. RESTRICTED. 9 SECTION I RESTRICTED Par. 1 : AN O1-40AL-2 (¢) Drain remaining fuel from the system. (@ Remove all engine cowling. (ge) Remove both front and rear sparkplugs while the engine is hot to permit escape of vapors. SAY BUDOY-1 LOST SOME PARTS! CAN ‘BORROW YOUR RETAINING RINGS? (f) Remove both screened and magnetic drain plugs from the sumps, and drain the oil, Flush the plugs in compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576, and feinstall in the sumps. . (g) Remove the Cuno automatic strainer, Wash it in solvent and dip in compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576. Spray the compound through the cut- away portion of the Cuno cavity. Spray through each opening. Turn the crankshaft slowly by hand during this operation. Replace the Cuno strainer. th) Remove inlet line to the fuel pump. Attach a funnel to the inlet and fill the funnel with a pint of compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576, and drain into the pump, turning the crankshaft several revolutions, Drain excess compound by turning the crankshaft in the opposite direction to normal rotation. Do not use fuel line for this operation as the compound would damage the line. Replace fuel lines. “(i Slush the carburetor with spindle oil. (j) Remove rocker box covers. Wash valve rocker assembly and spray with compound, Specifi- cation AN-VV-C-576, (&) Install rear dummy spark plugs and connect ignition wires in rear spark plug bushing of each engine cylinder. @ Spray inside of each cylinder withcom~ ‘pound, Specification AN-VV-C-576, while rotating the propeller slowly. (m) Install front dummy spark plugs and connect ignition wires. (a) Fog inside of the crankcase through the drain plugs with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576. Clean the oil screens, then replace screens and plugs. (o) Remove the propeller. (p) Spray inside of propeller shaft with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576. Install plug in the propeller shaft hydro-oil connection and install propeller thread protector on the end of the shaft. (q) Coat the propeller shaft with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576; wrap with wax paper and cover with oilcloth securely tied. (x) Spray the complete engine section and accessories forward of the fire wall with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576. Be sure to spray all bright metal parts even though not readily accessible. Spray inside of the cowling and install on the engine. (2) DISMANTLING AIRPLANE, (a) Place tag, listing the airplane serial number, on all removed parts for ease of reassembly. ‘Any screws removed from doors, etc., should be bagged and tied to their respective units. (b) Remove the outer wings. (c) Remove tail cone. (@ Remove elevators. (e) Remove rudder. () Remove horizontal stabilizers. (g) Remove vertical stabilizer and reinstall rudder tab fairing. (h) Remove nose wheel doors. q@ Remove main landing gear nacelle doors, q) Remove antennas. (k) Remove rubber door seals from mag- nesium retainer strips around main and nose wheel compartments. @ Install landing gear locks and remove landing gear bungee cords. Wrap the bungees to protect them from moisture ; tag and store in their respective wheel nacelles, {m) Remove bead sight. 10 RESTRICTED ha te ne RESTRICTED. AN O1-40AL-2 BURLAP WEBEING TAIL CONE BOXED SMALL PARTS SECTION I Par. 1 PROPELLER SHIPPING BOX PROPELLER SHIPPING BOX Figure 12 - WING BOX CRATING - FIRST LAYER (9) PREPARING AND PACKING WINGS AND OTHER REMOVED PARTS. (@) To save time, pack the wing boxas it is constructed. When finished it should contain wings, propellers, horizontal stabilizers, vertical stabilizer, elevators, rudder, tail cone, actuating arms of landing gear doors, main landing gear nacelle doors, nose landing gear doors, spark plugs, radio antennas, bead sight, and one set of self-sealing fuel lines (fuel lines lashed to boards to prevent bending). Before packing, clean these parts withnaphtha and spray all bare metal surfaces with Paralketone, Specification AN-VV-C-576, Coat all surfaces of the propeller with compound. Specification AN-VV-C-876. Seal propeller hub and dome openings with oileloth and waxed paper, Then ppack the propeller in a propeller-shipping box. See figure 12.) Coat eachspark plug contact with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-516. Install brass threaded protector cap, wrap each individual plug in waxed Paper, and pack in a cardboard container marked with the engine serial number and number of the air- plane. (b) Construct and pack the wing box as follows: 1, Nail 2- by 8-inch flooring to three 6- by Grinch skids. 2, Build an inner crate of 2- by 4-inch studding and bracing. 3, Pack ail large parts except tail cone in the horizontal position. Securely attach the tail cone to the bottom of the wing box as follows: Cut 1- by 6-inch wooden blocks to the inside contour of the base RESTRICTED n SECTION IT Par. 1 Saas ic Lanons ca® 0008 RESTRICTED AN O1-40AL-2 ‘Sisuee igure 13 - WING BOX CRATING-TOP VIEW of the tail cone. Bolt the blocks to the bottom of the ‘wing box and attach the tail cone to the blocks with serews protected with fiber washers. Secure the tail cone to the bottom of the case with burlap webbing. (Gee figure 12.) Do not brace the tail cone against the side oF end of the wing box. Pack the parts in layers: propellers, landing gear doors, spark plugs, etc., in the first layer; right wing in the second layer; left ‘wing in the third layer; ete, (Gee figure 13.) 4, Complete the sides and ends of the box with 2- by 4-inch frames lined with waterproof paper (370 square feet required) and with 1- by 6-inch sheathing on the outside 5. Construct the top of 2- by 4-inch frame with two layers of 1- by 6-inch laid at a 90-de~ gree angle to each other with 58-pound roofing paper between the first and second layers of the sheathing. Cement all seams of the roofing paper. 2 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED SECTION It ‘AN O1-40AL-2 Par. 1 Figure 14 - WING BOX 8, Bolt together the sides, ends, and top of the box. . Cut a 16- by 22-inch hinged door for ventilation in one end of the box. Before the door is installed, place a heavy-mesh galvanized screen over thedoor opening, Closethedoor with a 4 1/2-inch safety-type hasp, 8, To prevent slipping of the hoisting slings, notch the outside box skids to a depth of 1 /2- inch near the corners. 8. Paint and label the box. (4) PREPARING FUSELAGE. G@ Remove the nose guns. (®) Clean fuselage with naphtha and touch ‘up with paint where necessary, (e) Secure all loose cables and controls to prevent movement, (@ Pack within the fuselageall loose items such as tool kits, engine cover plates, and spare as- sembly parts. (e) Coat the exterior of each engine cowling with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576, and cover with oileloth aft to the leading edge of the wing, and tape in place. Then install a waterproof engine cover. Lace the cover at the bottom, coat the lacing with RB ‘cement, or equivalent, and then cover it with water~ proof adhesivetape. Tape therear of the engine cover to protect from moisture. Cover the openings of the engine ex- hhaust tall pipes with waterproof plywood, then with olleloth tied in place. Tape over the openings in the nacelle fairing and the tail pipes. (@ Remove the main landing gear and the nose wheel nacelle doors, and wire waterproof plywood covers in place (i) Leave batteries in the airplane and ‘clean the batteries. Check each battery for water content and fill if necessary. Disconnect and clean both battery cables, Tie battery cables clear of the battery to prevent contact with terminals. Clean each battery post, and coat with compound, Specification AN-VV-C-516. Be sure that battery plugs and vents are unobstructed to allow escape of gases from the battery container. ® Clean wheel assemblies and touch up with paint where necessary. Spray with two heavy coats of compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576. Apply ‘compound, Specification AN-VV-C-576, to the interior surface. Use masking tape to keep the compound away from the brake disk assemblies on the wheel. Clean tires with naphtha after spraying the wheels. (D Seal with shipping tape all exterior ‘openings on the fuselage and inner wings. Wo Cover the outboard ends of the inner ‘wings with waxed paper, then with oileloth. Seal edges fof the ollcloth to the outer surface of the wing with shipping tape. Paint the oilcloth an olive-drab color. MAN LANOING GEAR Ustine COuAR Figure 15 - PLYWOOD DISKS INSTALLED ON WHEEL, RESTRICTED 13

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