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7 (Maintenance Management)


The functions of production management that is concert with day to day problem of keeping the physical plant
in good working condition. It mean to maintain the facility in a system up to some desired level of efficiency or
to keep the assets in a satisfactory condition or to restore there to that conditions. Maintenance management
concerned with planning, organizing and directing the recourses in order to control the availability and
performance of the industrial plants to some specified level. Maintenance can be defined as to keep the assets in
working condition or restore to that condition or to keep factory in an optimum working condition.

Maintenance Management

Planning, organizing resources to maintenance all assets of the organization. Or management of all activities for
smooth working of factory.

Objective of Maintenance / Importance of maintenance

 To keep the factory, plant, equipment, machine tools etc in an optimum working condition.
 To ensure specified accuracy to product and time schedule of delivery to customers.
 Reduction in production time, cost and energy.
 Greater safety to employees
 Minimize the number of accident and breakdown.
 Increase productivity of machine and labor.
 Improve and maintain quality of product.
 Smooth Production.
 To proving the life the assets like factory machine.
 It minimizes the wastage.
 It is important factor in quality assurance.
 Ii help to control company cost.
 It help to increased customer satisfaction.

Function /Scope of Maintenance

 Proper cleaning of the parts

 Inspection or check-up
 Lubrication
 Serving
 Proper handling
 Proper use of Assets/machine
 Record keeping
 Proper storage
 Replacement of the parts
 Training to maintained personnel
 Complete to machine/ making arrangement of standby products.
 Plant protection from external environment.
 Insurance administration against fire, theft.

Type of Maintenance System

(a) Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance activities under taken before the machine or equipment fail. Aims to minimize the possibility of
unanticipated or major break down. It refers to predicting failures based on the records of previous maintenance
tasks and implementing necessary action to prevent those mistakes form occurring again. Preventive
maintenance consists of

- Proper design and inspection of equipment.

- Periodic inspection of plant and equipment to prevent break do wn before they occur.
- Repetitive servicing, upkeep and overhaul of equipment.
- Adequate lubrication, cleaning and painting of building and equipment
(b) Breakdown Maintenance

Corrective or remedial maintenance that occurs when equipment or machines fail and must be repaired on an
urgent basis. Breakdown maintenance practice allows a machine any other facility to sun without much of
routine attention till it actually breakdown to be then put back into commission. Breakdown maintenance seeks
to achieve the following objectives.

 To get equipment back into operation as quickly as possible in order to minimize interruption to
 To control the cost of repair crews, including regular time and overtime lab our cost.
 To control the cost of operation of repair shops.
 To control investment in replacement spare parts that are used when machine are repaired.
 To control the investment in replacement spare machine which are also called standup or backup
 To perform the appropriate amount of repair at each malefaction.

Planning of Maintenance

Maintenance planning seeks answer for the following questions.

(i)What maintenance activities are to be carries? (Machine, plants, building, assests)

(ii)How these activities are to be carried out.(method,techniques,approach)

(iii) Where these activities are to be performed.(inside or outside of plants)

(iv)Why these activities are to be performed (importance of maintenance)

(v)When these activities are to be performed. (Frequency of maintenance, yearly, monthly, weekly, daily)

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total Productive Maintenance combine total quality management concept with strategic view of maintenance
from process and equipment design to preventive maintenance. It is a method designed to eliminate the losses
caused by breakdown of machine and equipment by identifying and attacking all caused of equipment
breakdowns and system downtime. It places a high value on team work, consensus building and continuous
improvement.TPM aims at zero breakdowns or zero down time.TPM focus on improving the reliability of the
complete manufacturing. Total in Total Productive Maintenance means:

Total employee involvement

Total equipment effectiveness (zero breakdowns)

Total maintenance delivery system.

The crux of TPM is that production equipment operators share the preventive maintenance efforts, assist
maintenance mechanics with repairs when equipments breakdown and they work together on equipment and
process improvement in team activities.

Objective of TPM

 Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment

 Producing goods without reducing product quality
 Reduced cost
 Produce a lot batch quantity at the earliest possible time
 Goods send to the customer must be non – defective.

Impact of poor maintenance

 Production capacity will be reduced

 Production cost will be increased
 Production quality will be decreased
 Machine and lab our will be idle
 Delay in delivery of product
 Productivity will be reduced
 More defective item

Economics of Maintenance

At the optimal level of maintenance preventive maintenance cost equals to the breakdown maintenance cost and
total cost is minimum.

Annual cost Total cot

Preventive maintenance cost

Breakdown maintenance cost

Degree of preventive maintenance

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