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Informatica PowerCenter 8.

x - Level I Developer


Duração: 4 dias ( 32 horas )

Formato: Aulas ministradas pelo instrutor
Localização: Informatica Training Center
Audience: PowerCenter developers
Pré-requisitos: Windows GUI, conceitos de RDBMS.

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Data Integration Concepts

• Integração de Dados
• Transformações e Mapas
• Tasks e Workflows
• Metadados

PowerCenter Components and User Interface

• PowerCenter Architecture
• SOA and PowerCenter Architecture
• PowerCenter Client Tools

Source Qualifier

• Source Qualifier Transformation

• Velocity Methodology
• Lab Project Overview
• Source Qualifier Joins
• Source Pipelines

Expression, Filter, File Lists and Workflow Scheduler

• Expression Editor
• Filter Transformation
• File Lists
• Workflow Scheduler

Joins, Features and Techniques I

• Joiner Transformation
• Shortcuts

Lookups and Reusable Transformations

• Lookup Transformation
• Reusable Transformations


• Debugging Mappings

Sequence Generator

• Sequence Generator Transformation

Lookup Caching, More Features and Techniques

Sorter, Aggregator and Self-Join

• Sorter Transformation
• Aggregator Transformation
• Active and Passive Transformations
• Data Concatenation
• Self-Join

Router, Update Strategy and Overrides

• Router Transformation
• Update Strategy Transformation
• Expression Default Values
• Source Qualifier Override
• Target Override
• Session Task Mapping Overrides

Unconnected Lookup, Parameters and Variables

• Unconnected Lookup Transformation

• System Variables
• Mapping Parameters and Variables


Mapping Design

• Designing Mappings
• Workshop about mapping designer and Velocity
Workflow Variables and Tasks

• Link Conditions
• Workflow Variables
• Assignment Task
• Decision Task
• Email Task

More Tasks and Reusability

• Event Raise Task

• Event Wait Task
• Command Task
• Reusable Tasks
• Reusable Session Task
• Reusable Session Configuration
• PMCMD Utility

Worklets and More Tasks

• Worklets
• Timer Task
• Control Task

Workflow Design

• Designing Workflows
• Workshop about complex Workflows
Informatica PowerCenter 8.x - Level II Developer


Este treinamento de 4 dias complementa o “PowerCenter 8 Level I Developer” através de técnicas

avançadas e exercícios práticos mais complexos. O curso se destina a desenvolvedores com mais de
6 meses de experiência em desenvolvimento utilizando o PowerCenter 8 . Os assuntos abordados
incluem Técnicas avançadas para o desenvolvimento de mapas, Técnicas avançadas para
desenvolvimento e controle de workflows; Controle de Transações; Recuperação de Workflow;
Error Handling; Performance Tuning; Stored Procedures e Custom Transformations; Repository
Reporting; Memory Allocation e Pipeline Partitioning.

Duração: 4 dias ( 32 horas )

Formato: Aulas ministradas pelo instrutor
Audience: PowerCenter developers com mais de 6 meses de experiência no uso
efetivo da solução
Pré-requisitos: Windows GUI, conceitos de RDBMS.

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Module 1: Overview da arquitetura e Alta Disponibilidade

• Architectural overview
• Domains, nodes, and services
• Configuring services
• High Availability

Module 2: Especificação de Mapas e Parâmetros

• Velocity mapping specifications

• Mapping parameters and variables
• Parameter files
• Normalizer Transformation

Module 3: Cache e Agregação

• Dynamic lookup cache

• Data driven aggregation
• Incremental aggregation

Module 4 Custom & User-Defined Functions

• User-defined functions
• Custom functions
• Custom transformations

Module 5: Controle de execução de Workflows

• Timer and Email Tasks

• Control Tasks
• Restart Junctions
• Alerts
• Pseudo-Looping

Module 6: Agendamento Dinâmico

• Business Case
• Workflow Variables
• Assignment Task

Module 7: Workflow Recovery

• Task recovery strategy

• Session recovery strategy
• Command task recovery strategy
• Options in HA
• States of operation
• Repeatable data
• pmcmd

Module 8: Transaction Control

• Database Transactions
• Transaction Control Transformation
• Transformation Scope

Module 9: Error Handling

• Row error categories

• Error log options
• Error handling strategies
• Transaction control example

Module 10: Finding, Migrating, Comparing Repository Objects

• Object queries
• Folder migration
• Session migration
• Deployment groups
• Managing folder status
• Rollback
• Comparing objects

Module 11: Repository Metadata

• Repository Reports
• Data Lineage
• Metadata Exchange

Module 12: Memory Optimization

• Data Transformation Manager memory

• Lookup transformation cache
• Aggregator cache
• Sorter cache
• Joiner cache
• Automatic memory attributes

Module 13: Performance Tuning

• Production environment
• Bottlenecks and benchmarks
• Identifying bottlenecks
• Optimization
o Target
o Source
o Mapping
o Mapping/Session
• Lookup example
• Cached values and sequence generation
• Performance counters

Module 14: Pipeline Partitioning

• Pipelines
• Threads, partition points, and stages
• Adding partitions
• Partition types
• Pipeline partitioning example
• Dynamic partitioning
Informatica PowerCenter 8.5+ - Level I Administrator

Este é um curso introdutório aos conceitos de Administração do PowerCenter 8.5 ou superior.

Duração: 4 dias ( 32 horas )

Localização: Informatica Training Center
Audiência: Administradores PowerCenter
Pré-requisitos: Windows GUI, conceitos de RDBMS.

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Module 1: Primary Elements of PC8.x

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Discuss the essentials of the PowerCenter 8.5 Architecture

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Provides the student include a high-level understanding of the PowerCenter 8.5


Module 2: Best Pratices

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Configure a PowerCenter 8.5 environment using recognized Best Practices

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Educate the student to use all the knowledge and technology at one's disposal to ensure

Module 3: Implementing a PC8.x Environment

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Prepare for and Install PowerCenter 8.5

Why you need to know:

• This module will enable the Administrator to smoothly implement PowerCenter 8.5

Module 4: Configuring PC8.x Services

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Configure a PowerCenter 8.5 application services using Best Practice standards

Why you need to know:

• This module will enable the Administrator to properly create and configure PowerCenter 8.5

Module 5: Unified Security

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Differentiate between the following PowerCenter Security Elements of Users, Groups, Roles,
Privileges and OS Profiles

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Benefits to the student include improving compliance with internal security by using
PowerCenter 8.5 Security Model

Module 6: Repository Management

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Describe the architecture of the PowerCenter repository

• Administer the PowerCenter repository

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Enable the student to understand and execute the tasks required to properly administer a
PowerCenter repository

Module 7: Deployments
After completing this module you will be able to:

• Deploy Powercenter metadata from development to test andcthen production environments

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Smoothly migrate Powercenter metadata between phases of a project

Module 8: Command Line Programs

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Use PowerCenter command line programs to administer the domain

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Many administrator tasks can be automated through the use of PowerCenter’s command-
line programs

Module 9: Subject Area Implementation

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Define a Subject Area

• Implement a Subject Area into the PowerCenter architecture.
Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• Quickly and efficiently create a subject area for a new project within Powercenter that is
totally encapsulated by security.

Module 10: Metadata Reporting

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Use Metadata Exchange (MX) views to report PowerCenter operational information.

• Create and configure a PowerCenter Reporting Service.
• Understand the purpose of the Data Analyzer tool.

Why you need these skills/Why you need to know:

• To Understand the benefits of the PowerCenter Metadata Reporting Architecture.

Module 11: Domain Management

After completing this module you will be able to:

• Perform several tasks pertaining to Domain Management

Informatica Metadata Manager 8.6

Este treinamento se destina a usuários que executarão relatórios de metadados e profissionais que
administrarão produto e executarão as cargas de metadados.

Duração: 3 dias ( 24 horas )

Localização: Centro de Treinamento Informatica
Audiência: Administradores do Metadata Manager
Pré-requisitos: Conhecimentos de PowerCenter

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• Configure Metadata Manager security

o Create users who can login to Metadata Manager
o Control what privileges each user has
o Control which parts of the metadata catalog each user can access
o Explain the different privileges & permissions available in Metadata Manager

• Browse the metadata catalog

o Search for objects in the metadata catalog
o Share shortcuts & saved searched with other users
o Examine the properties of metadata objects
o Examine the relationships among metadata objects
o Annotate metadata objects

• Run lineage reports

o Drill down on objects in lineage reports
o Zoom & pan a lineage report
o Highlight specific objects & paths in a lineage report
o Generate a new lineage report focused on an object in an existing lineage report

Run where-used reports

• Customize your metadata
o Extend an existing metamodel
o Create a new metamodel
o Populate a custom metamodel or metamodel extension with metadata

• Load metadata from different types of sources

o Schedule metadata loads
o Monitor metadata loads
o Load data profiles
o Display data profile reports
o Resolve database connections for lineage
Informatica PowerExchange8 Basics

Este treinamento se destina a profissionais de Mainframe ou AS/400 com experiência em

Duração: 1 dia ( 8 horas )

Localização: Centro de Treinamento Informatica
Pré-requisitos: Conhecimentos básicos de Mainframe e PowerCenter

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This course is based on COBOL or PL/1 metadata from copybooks and is intended for users with
Mainframe or AS/400 experience. It is recommended that students have some PowerCenter
experience. The course exposes students to the basics of the PowerExchange Client for PowerCenter
through lecture and labs. Topics covered include: PowerExchange Navigator, Data Maps, SQL
Syntax, Processing Complex Flat Files, and PowerExchange/PowerCenter Integration.

Informatica Data Quality 8.6 Level I


Introdução aos conceitos básicos do Informatica Data Quality Workbench 8 através de teoria e
exercícios práticos. Os tópicos abordados englobam: profiling plans, matching plans,
standardization routines to cleanse and validate data , Data Quality Scorecards & Data Quality

Duração: 4 dias ( 32 horas )

Localização: Centro de Treinamento Informatica
Audiência: Novos usuários de Informatica Data Quality Workbench, incluindo Analistas
de Negócios e Dados, Especialistas em Data Quality e Consumidores de
Pré-requisitos: Familiaridade com interface gráfica Windows e conceitos de RDBMS

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• Introduction to Data Quality

• Reporting-Scorecarding and Grading
• Data Quality Plans
• Data Analysis
• Version Control and History Viewer
• Data Standardization
• Match Pre-processing and Grouping
• Data Matching
Informatica Data Explorer - Level I


Este treinamento fde 2 dias prove a introdução ao Informatica Data Explorer através de teoria e exercícios
práticos. The course se destina a usuários iniciantes ao Informatica Data Explorer. Ao findar o treinamento os
alunos terão habilidade para executar as seguintes tarefas: definer estruturas complexas de dados, exeutar
análise estrutural 3 dimenional dos dados, verificar inconsistências na qualidade dos dados, utilizar os Tags do
Data Explorer

Duração: 2 dias ( 16 horas )

Localização: Centro de Treinamento Informatica

Audiência: Novos usuários de Informatica Data Explorer, incluindo

Analistas de Dados, Administradores de Bancos de Dados e
Modeladores de Dados
Pré-requisites: Conceitos de RDBMS, conceitos básicos de diagramas E/R,
Interface gráfica Windows

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• Definir conteúdo, estrutura e qualidade de estrutura de dados de alta complexidade através

da utilização do Informatica Data Explorer.
• Executar análise estrutural 3-dimensional de dados (Profiling de colunas em estruturas
single e cross-table) provendo análise precisa dos dados através de processos
• Expor problemas de qualidade de dados ocultos, inconsistências e incompatibilidades entre
data sources e aplicações target.
• Aplicar Tags do Informatica Data Explorer para documentar anomalias ou regras de negócio
identificadas em profiles de colunas, tabelas e cross-table.
• Derivar processos de limpeza de dados atráves da utilização das saídas de profile do
Informatica Data Explorer.
• Descrever o propósito, processo e valor destes componentes drill down, data rules, foreign
key validation normalization.
• Passagem de informação para outros produtos de gestão de dados utilizando o Repository
• Trabalhar sobre um caso completo envolvendo sources múltiplos e complexos e configurar
documentação de resultados.
Informatica PowerCenter 8.5 New Features


Este treinamento se destina a Desenvolvedores e Administradores de PowerCenter 7 e 8 que

necessitam adquirir conhecimento nas novas funcionalidades da versão 8.5

Duração: 1 dia
Localização: Centro de Treinamento Informatica
Audiência: Desenvolvedores e Administradores PowerCenter versões 7 e 8
Pré-requisitos: Conhecimento em PowerCenter nas versões 7 e 8

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The class discusses PC 85 architecture, new security features, enhancements to transformations,

sessions and workflows, date processing enhancements, as well as numerous discussions of other
new features.
Covers the new features introduced in PowerCenter 8.5. The course is designed for existing
PowerCenter 7 or 8 administrators and developers with more than six months experience who need
to come up to speed quickly in PowerCenter 8.5. The class discusses PC 85 architecture, new
security features, enhancements to transformations, sessions and workflows, date processing
enhancements, as well as numerous discussions of other new features.

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